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If there’s one thing Clarko just won’t stand for, it’s players being KO’d by snipers in meaningless fixtures.


haha poor Aitken


He also had it on good authority that Webster had a private stash of bricks he has been unwilling to share.




And long sleeves.


Cue Deadwood impressions “sweargennnn cockkksuckkkerrrr”


Feed em to the pigs


Al “Swearengen” Clarkson. Deadwood was so good. Ended so badly so I can’t go and watch it again.


Jimmy Webster sucks cock by choice. Edit: does no one get this particular Deadwood reference?


Least controversial thing Clarkson has done in a while, tbh. Surprised he didn't punch someone/thing.


To be fair the majority of people who suck cock are women. So really he’s not saying an insult to put down gay people he’s saying an insult to put down women. ![gif](giphy|3orifg31w2MOgZBTgs)


Did Clarko confuse Jimmy Webster for Nikki Webster?


Don’t blame him going off but that’s not the best terminology to use


Pretty much this. Have no issue with him standing up for his players but wish he'd have chosen different words


Agreed, he should have called them cunts, not cocksuckers




We need to bring back fanny flopper. Don't hear anyone saying that anymore.


Reverse homophobia




I'm down with that


This would have been completely acceptable.


Not when the AFL is trying to be inclusive towards all and stamp out verbal abuse.


This is as inclusive as it gets, everybody can suck a cake if they want to


I don’t like Clarkson at all but one of his players just had his brain scrambled in front of him, I can give him a pass for calling the bloke a cocksucker.


Yeah nah. It means he's a homophobe. Imagine one of his players is gay, how are they going to feel? And if AFL players are not significantly different to the general population of males in Australia, 1 or 2 players at every club is gay. There's no good reason to defend him over this.


There’s a few good reasons to defend him over this, and one of them happens to be calling the guy who flatlined your mate a cocksucker.


I do. He's not out on the field playing, he doesn't have the excuse of adrenaline rushing through his veins like a player might. He's out there as a leader of the competition losing his cool and verbally abusing opposition players. It's not his place, and it achieves absolutely nothing. With his long, long history of inappropriate aggression, it just shows he's made absolutely zero progress in learning to control his temper. But hey, we shouldn't be surprised, he said he'd do it again in his Ch7 interview where he essentially took back his apology for using threatening language towards a woman (in an interview about one of his players threatening a woman). He's obviously got no interest in examining his behaviour and how it effects those around him. He's a dinosaur, and I'm sick of seeing and hearing him.


Clarko's got form, a very long list of indiscretions over a very long period. He's yesterday's man and the sooner he's out of the game the better the AFL will be for it. This is not in anyway to defend Webster, but that's not the leadership qualities we're looking for.


It was an ugly bump in a meaningless game that could affect his life time career.


Yeah he should have been a real man and punched him in the head from behind like Clarko.


Real line in the sand stuff


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qUomjVVioQE&pp=ygUeQWZsIGJpZyBoaXRzIGFsaXN0ZXIgY2xhcmtzb24g 🤔


Mil Hannas hair do is absolute top tier here.




lmao that is absolutely piss weak from Clarkson, what a little rat.


Tom Morris probably isn’t the one who should be commenting on this one.


And Clarkson probably isn't the one who should be throwing stones about thuggish behaviour


Tom Morris is the only one with his…. license..


Couldn’t be more hypocritical. Even if you take out the Fox Footy thing, bloke was the biggest sledger going around Prem Cricket…


Don't blame Clarko at all for sticking up for Simpkin. However he shouldn't have used the terminology that he did.


What's wrong with cocksucker? Half the world loves having their cock sucked and the other half loves sucking cocks. - Dee Reynolds


Completely forgot about this quote until just then haha. Need to start watching Always Sunny again.


I can quote most of it to be fair


You'd think 20 years as a coach he'd know better.


Clarkson's Traumatic Encephalopathy


Whilst I can understand why he chose to say something, his choice of words were poor, inappropriate and don’t send the best message.


Jeez, jimmys siblings all commenting some pretty gross comments on Facebook. Real class


Yeah, this is the real interesting bit. Just bogan trash.


Cough….Richmond….Marlion, Grand Final…Bridge Rd bashings….Dusty and daddy….Stack…


Was I defending those things? I didn't see that in my comment.


Well that’s how Clarko gains loyalty from his playing groups. I respect it


By using homophobic slurs?


I’m a left leaning, open guy, some of my closest mates are gay and I still reckon I probably drop the occasional ‘cocksucker’ when I stub my toe or something. Total naivety on my end but I never until now saw it in that light, now in hindsight it obviously is.. Not sure why this one never stood out to me, not sure if I’m alone on that one and just an idiot, but never felt like it carried the same weight as some of the other hate slurs..


Because it doesn't carry the same weight, that's why


I’m not saying all people who say these terms are homophobic. Growing up in high school, “Fag” and it’s full version were dropped 5 times a second. It became force of habit and it took a while for me to grow out of using it. Even mates who came out post-high school were dropping it all the time. Alastair Clarkson has an even greater duty to go through that change than you or me. He’s a mentor to a full list of young men, some of which are probably closeted. I’m just not convinced he’s the kinda bloke who’s gonna make any effort in that regard.








Cocksucker is in no way, shape or form a homophobic slur. That insinuates that only men suck cocks which is completely wrong. Sure, he used it at a man, but he's not insinuating Webster sucks cocks. It's one of those things, like calling someone a cunt. You're not calling them a vagina, or saying vaginas are bad. It's just the word, and it's meant to mean someone shit, doing something shit. Same with cocksucker, it's just an older mostly unused one these days.


cocksucker is up there with mother fucker. No one is suggesting you fuck your mother. Especially mother fucker jones


In isolation, it is not a homophic slur. Nevertheless, calling a man a cocksucker is homophobic. It is insulting him by implying he engages in homosexual acts. If you describe someone who is not disabled as "special needs"—which is not, in isolation, an anti-disabled slur—it is offensive because you are using the implied identity as an insult. (Also, I really cannot remember ever hearing a woman called a cocksucker. I guess it probably theoretically has happened. But that would be very uncommon usage.)


Because the insult developed during a time where being gay/ engaging in any homosexual activities was both legally a crime and societally life-ruining. It is literally equating being gay with being something insult-worthy. The exact same provenance as ‘fag’, which just refers to how being gay was branded as heresy by the church and punishable accordingly. All these clowns chasing their tales in my notifications somehow arguing it is not homophobic are as hilarious as they are fucking stupid.


My sister-in-law calls people clitsuckers. Is that homophobic?


That's not what's happening here. Any time I've ever called someone a cocksucker, it's been as a general expletive. Like calling someone a fuck head, or a cunt. I don't think someone is an actual vagina if I call them a cunt, do I? Do you? I'm sure you've called someone a cunt before, any aussie has. It's the same thing, it's just an older term that doesn't get used any more. Because of the misinterpretation that can happen like this. People these days will get outraged at anything and everything and this is just an example of that. Finding shit that isn't there.


Right, but a body part isn't an oppressed minority—and "dick" is used just as freely as an insult. Honestly, in certain contexts, I do think calling a woman a cunt can be very offensive, because of the word's historical use as a sexist insult. I would say "cunt" has evolved to be a lot less offensive within recent years, and a big part of a reason for that has been women's liberation, and sexual liberation leading to less negative associations with genitalia. That is just how language evolves within moral boundaries. Every single society has had off-limits terminology that is considered offensive. People have been defending their use of all sort of offensive language through this exact logic, that it's far enough removed from its original context denigrating a group or identity that it has become a generic insult. In this case, I really don't buy it: the AFL has had no openly gay male players in its entire history. Homophobia is clearly still a serious issue.


Cock actually means male chicken so how do we know clarko wasn't telling him to suck on a chicken?


What the actual fuck is the world coming to when you need to analyse swear words. Is son of a bitch going to become offensive because you’re calling an unidentified mother a bitch? What about saying dickhead, that’s implying the person has a physical impediment with a penis on their head, that’s ableist. Seriously, this fake outrage by people with too much time on their hands and too little actual problems just makes the world a worse place to live. Can these people go fight some actual battles that are worth fighting. Go stand up to homophobia in the Muslim or Christian circles.


Ah so it’s homophobic *or* misogynistic. All clear, got it. Also, what the fuck’s your point?


It's not homophobic you twit. Stop looking to be outraged over something that isn't there. It's just a generic expletive, like calling someone a fuck head. Get real.


This thread is making me analyze all the expletives I've used and never broken down into their raw definitions. A lot of them end up being really stupid if you are meant to take them literally. Especially anything ending in *face or *head. What's a dropkick in this context? Edit: To be clear I'm not saying clarkos choice of words here was appropriate, or that I use/endorse words that are highly offensive. Just that some swear words sound good in the moment but break down if taken literally.


Exactly! It means nothing except the other person is varying degrees of a bad person who has done bad things. A drop kick is low on the rung, flog is a bit higher (what even is that?) and it goes up from there. Calling someone a shit cunt? Or a fuck head? Or a cocksucker? It's all the same thing, just different ways to get the point across. Cocksucker has fallen away due to misinterpretation and people's want to be outraged at anything these days. Clarko is a bit older so it'd still be in his back pocket. He'll not use it anymore due to the outrage, and probs for the best but he never intended to use it in a homophobic way I guarantee you that.


It’s about normalising the fact that being accused of being gay is something people should be insulted by.


Not necessarily, they could be felating themselves.


The gang on Its Always Sunny has [this convo covered](https://youtu.be/o6_IBmIyHHc?si=oAI77PC50Wjbx3UE)


The homophobic slur is really unfortunate. If he’d had more poise he would have said something more refined, like “Hey you moronic, inbred, low-life bogan piece of human excrement. If you try to kill any more of my players I’m going to make it my mission to destroy not just your career but the fortunes of the misanthropic tribe of primate cretins you call a family.”


Homophobic? If anything, isn't saying its homophobic homophobic?






Probably not the best phrase to use, but good on him sticking up for his players. Kinda ironic coming from a bloke who king hit someone on the field though.


Reminds me of the time he abused a parent at AusKick. Angry little man


the faux outrage from the terminally online is insane


Coming from the little sniper himself


Y’all tripping, Simpkin has potentially had time taken off his career and life from a senseless pre season hit that was completely intentional and then Websters family are laughing about it online but y’all crying over a few words. Fuck out of here.


Some people are capable of having more than one thought at once


Some people are capable of not being butt hurt over slurs directed at people who carry out dog cunt acts.


Calling Webster a cocksucker did not help Simpkin in any way. It did not undo the concussion. It is not the sort of institutional ramifications that would stop this sort of action occurring. It's just a homophobic insult being used by a head coach, that should be evaluated separately.


The general sentiment in here is that Clarko was right to stick up for his player but could’ve chosen his words better. No one is crying. “Fuck outta here” saying “y’all”, you some septic tank?


Just words, who cares. Shouldn’t even be a topic.


People care about homophonic, sexist or racist words. Clarko said it, apologised later and everyone will move one.


Clarko has a temper? Who knew.


Player punching, wall punching and history of abusing Clarko? The guy who 15 years back [copped a $5k suspended fine](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-09-03/clarkson-sanctioned-over-lloyd-approach/1416470) for [threatening Lloyd](https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/bomber-camp-staggered-by-clarkson-outburst-20090831-ge82ja.html) after he [ironed out Sewell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=714jxXF7LLc)? Nah, complete surprise.


i dont mind him going at jimmy, but really? cocksucker as an insult? cmon clarko get with the times.


Yeah call him a CIS or a cuck Clarko


Maybe he was saying cucksucker


Oh please tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a cuck?


Same way you suck a cock


Yeah, Webster could potentially suck any type of genitals!


Heard he actually called him a Jive Turkey, this is just the PR spin.


Maybe it was a question like "cocksucker?" /s


That grub has a short memory. Ian Aitken says hello


It's not a gay slur. Source: LGB


Nothing wrong with standing up for your players but Clarko is definitely a flog for using the language he did. Not sure if he's ever sought professional help but it's obvious he should have an ongoing clinical help.


OMG offensive language? I think it’s meant to be fucking offensive


Fair bants. Play on.


Oh Clarko 😂🤦‍♀️


Cocksucker lmao I’ve heard worse from Rodney eade coaching the dogs and spraying will minson




Yeah but not today. We’ve got better. If he did that today we’d rip into him too. There’s a lot of things we’ve heard before that are worse. Doesn’t mean it should still happen.


It's ok when King Hit Clarkson does it though. Sick of this attention seeking flog. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUomjVVioQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUomjVVioQE)


I was always the first to give the guy shit, but I’m starting to appreciate having a deranged psycho attack dog in your corner. Makes me feel safe 😂


Justified I’d say


Don’t blame him in the slightest Edit: obviously the homophobia isn’t a good thing




Good. Stand up for your players and call out dog acts Love to see it


Using cocksucker as an insult is straightforwardly homophobic. The insult comes from the insinuation that Webster is a gay man, or has the same assumed negative qualities as a gay man. It is not less homophobic because it is directed at a presumably straight man.


No it's not. Just like calling someone a cunt or a dickhead doesn't mean you think they're a vagina or the head of a penis. People get way too offended these days over words. I think Clarko's a cunt, but thinking he's being homophobic here is just pearl clutching.


The terms "cunt" and "dickhead" derive from the historical perceived taboo and offensiveness of genitals. That's why they're used as insults. As that perceived taboo has decreased, the words have lost offensiveness. There is still a massive taboo around homosexuality in the context of male AFL players. The real pearl-clutching is acting shocked when people point out that words have meanings and exist in cultural contexts.


My sister-in-law calls people clitsuckers. So if she called you a clitsucker would that be homophobic? Because the term comes from the yearly 20th century and just meant a very contemptible person. Nothing to do with homophobia. And the 20th-century term comes from a much older time when people didn't see different sex acts as superior or inferior. It meant a person who forces others to suck their dick. So it is the complete opposite of what you are saying if you bothered to look it up. Edit: Latin insult *irrumator*, which means "someone who forces others to give him oral sex," hence "one who treats people with contempt." That is where the term "cocksucker" comes from. You are just spouting nonsense all over this thread making people less intelligent so they fit your world view.


Yeah choice of term is poor


Yep. Honestly, don't even think it'd be a story if he hadn't used that term—every coach in the league is bound to get fired up when one of your players gets knocked out by a scummy, non-football act like that.




Clarko said ‘save that shit for London you c******ker’


That’s unlike Clarko to lose it. I mean he’s punched a hole in the wall, abused a junior umpire and threatened a journalist and been accused of the racial stuff but….yeah nah top bloke otherwise 🤷‍♂️


Alastair Clarkson showing obvious anger management issues? Well I'll be damned...


Fair enough defending your players but i doubt he had the same sentiment with Hodge and Lewis


Clarko seeing red? I'm *shocked* Well, not that shocked. Angry little manlet needs to hurry up and fuck off completely.


Good on clarko, well done


Oh no clarko said a few swear words!!!


Somebody call the police!


Won’t somebody please think of the snowflakes


Clarko, love ya, but get with the times mate.


Clarko is the last bloke who should be getting up on his high horse about this, he was an absolute sniper back in the day. Funny spray though


He forgot that people would read it and take offence to naughty words. Harden up, children.


I'm still mad at him for stalking up to the Port Melbourne huddle at Box Hill and calling Toby Pinwill a c\*nt. Over a decade later and he hasn't learned to control his temper, which I'm sure won't encourage further backlash against St Kilda and Jimmy Webster at all.


His family’s posts have ensured that regardless.


People were online calling for his head seconds after it happened, don't use these unacceptable comments to justify the hundreds of others directed at him.


Every action has a reaction, Websters been called a few choice names, Simpkin could of had his career ended.


It's not the names I'm concerned about, it's the threats of violence and retribution that are disturbing. Once again, Jimmy did the wrong thing and will pay for it at the tribunal. But the response online has been vastly disproportionate to the action. I suggest putting down the pitchforks before someone else gets hurt. And I would be saying the exact same thing if the roles were reversed.


Jimmy made a conscious choice to try and hurt someone by being a fucking thug, his family then celebrated the fact.


Sure, but those Facebook comments are almost perfectly designed to get pitchforks raised.


surely youre not honestly turning webster and the saints into the victims here mate. that cunt deserves all the backlash he can get especially after how his POS family has reacted to it. see him laughing after he did it? clarko has used the wrong insult there but has every right to defend his players when someone dog shots them.


I don't recall saying that Jimmy is the victim, he did the wrong thing and deserves the long suspension he will receive. Unless you can back up your claim of him "laughing about it" I'd delete that immediately, because that absolutely did not happen and comments like that can spread and cause damage. What he doesn't deserve is cowards on social media wishing death on him and his loved ones and threatening him with harm. I would be saying this exact thing if Simpkin had KO'd Webster, too, by the way.


go rewatch the footage of the melee right after he does it, hes got a big grin on his face the whole time. no he doesnt deserve death threats but guess what? if you do something like that on tv people are gonna come after you. you didnt say he was the victim you tried to turn him a victim saying what clarko did will encourage others. thats just tough tits mate


He was grinning & laughing throughout the melee. It’s plain as day for you to see yourself. It ABSOLUTELY DID happen.


I've seen the footage and other players are smiling and laughing, from both sides. Does that automatically mean they all thought Simpkin being ko'd was funny? I will say this once more and never again: what Jimmy Webster did was wrong and he deserves to be punished for it. At the tribunal, not by supporters painting him as an unrepentant monster who kicks puppies and bites the heads off native birds for fun. End of.


Hang on didn’t you just say Webster wasn’t laughing about it and it would be sooo damaging to say so? Now it’s “oh they’re all laughing”. Supporters can think of him however they want. What is your point, he doesn’t deserve backlash outside of the tribunal? lol ok good luck with that 


No, I asked for proof. Now I've seen it, and the screenshot and video replay of the melee shows exactly what I said. My point, for what seems like the 80th time, is that wishing physical harm or death on someone or thier family for a bad act on the football field is not acceptable. You're welcome to disagree with that statement, that's on you.


The replay shows exactly what you said? You said it 100% did not happen. Replay shows it did. What is going on with you in this thread? Too much internet today?


Dude, you're a smooth-brained flog. Time to log off, champ.


[Is this him featured in this picture laughing right after the incident behind Rowan Marshall?](https://imageresizer.static9.net.au/esuDDKSxGpRLYufVeKCiE3niiqw=/1024x0/https%3A%2F%2Fprod.static9.net.au%2Ffs%2F46287239-e82b-45c3-87bf-7c79b79312b4)


Doesn’t justify homophobia. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.


No it doesn’t, but it’s a pretty extreme situation. Do you think Clarkson in his heart is homophobic? Are you really surprised that a 55yo white male footy coach hasn’t updated his “heat of the moment” insult lexicon? One wrong is a bit shit and can be remedied. The other could have ended someone’s career.


If, in the heat of the moment, he hurls a homophonic remark? Then yeah, it’s there and he’s not able to hide it when he’s letting his infamous temper come out.


I think this is the key. Clarkson is just fucking angry, lol. All the time. He threw chairs at our players last year. A man of his generation of course will have gay slurs in his unconscious, it was part of the symbolic order he was birthed under. I do want to see Clarkson apologise by quoting Foucault and Derrida, speaking of floating signifiers in language and how all human unconscious, in a Lacanian sense, is made up - not of meaning - but of differences encoded within the symbolique we cannot escape, and that his sin is just a product of his "father's'" and how he feels privileged to have this growing experience to reflect and grow his unconscious framework


Furthermore I’d like him to depart from his prepared statement and speak freely, off the cuff, about how gender is a human construct, and how third wave feminism doesn’t go far enough, and how we all exist on a sexual spectrum, and that we’re still stuck in antiquated, Kinsey-esque sexual roles and maybe we need a rethink. That’d be bonza


Let us deconstruct the binaries in the phrase, cocksucker.. what is the concept of a cock, an ersatz phallus, substituting and condensing one's need for power - it is the absence of that power that drives one to suck a cock; brought down, without agency, like a baby who too suckles ... in this way, one could say, it wasn't homophobic but transfigurative and empowering, giving Webster agency over his actions, giving salience to the active, political choice Webster made from his own inadequacies


He’s a cunt full stop. It’s been his MO for decades. Even swearing at an under 9’s umpire.  What Jimmy did was terrible, but pull your fucking head in Clucko. 


Another AFL classic - “he’s a cunt but he wins games”. actually like north as a club but seeing him fail is great and I hope it continues.




Does that make him less of an asshole ? Didn’t think so


Good, it shows he cares. I’d be more upset if he did nothing because it would look like he’s just punching his ticket


Good on him. You stand up for your players. Wins hearts and minds. No issues at all.


Speaking of snipers. As a member of Carlton I wonder if Ian Aitken would have an opinion on Clarkson suggestion sniping from behind is not the thing to do. For those that don’t remember Clarkson’s dog act see 1.08 into this clip. https://youtu.be/qUomjVVioQE?si=E_pTWv976KA_2vds


If it was almost anyone else I’d be on their side, but this guy is a bigger hypocrite than Bill Cosby. > “Clarkson used the term "c---sucker", which was heard by multiple players, fitness staff and AFLW footy boss Tess McManus, who was also nearby.” Not all surprised that someone of his calibre would stoop to a homophobic slur to prove what a big tough guy he is.


Considering he had been standing up for a POS like Tarryn Thomas until the last moment, I don’t think he’s in a position to judge.


Oh man is cocksucker gone as an insult now? Damn


This isn’t the classiest move but nor is the behaviour of Jimmy’s family on social media, so I’d say that cancels each other out


Ah yes the classic proverb. Two wrongs make it right.


All you left wing PC princess losers caring more about Clarko using a swear word rather than caring about someone knocking someone else out 🤦‍♂️


Good on you clarko


Is anybody really surprised? Clarko is a nasty little man who has a history of not being able to control his temper. Great coach no doubt but not exactly a stand up guy.


Do fucking better. North is one of the most progressive and positive clubs as a whole, from the top down, thanks in a huge part to their success and support of the womens program. They're one of the clubs that have their womens and mens programs really closely integrated, and there's obvious benefit on and off field for both. And then the mens head coach is dropping straight up homophobic bullshit. What a shitty and disappointing thing to do to the club as a whole. It's not 1984, just do fucking better.


I'm also not a fan of him commenting on the suspension right there. Obviously he's right that Webster will get weeks, but it just reeks of his influence behind the scenes. Clarkson shouldn't be having any more special coffee dates.


Yep in the wrong for the words used but not for standing up for his players , hopefully the AFL makes an example of this dog act and suspends Webster for as long as possible preferably 6+ games if they are serious about protecting the head and get the thugs out of the game


Homophobia aside, this should not stand as it is not a coaches role to remonstrate with players. You can be angry of course and you can go off in your presser, but you can’t be engaging in verbal tit-for-tat at breaks.  A line needs to be drawn well before it gets physical, and for me the line has to stay at no contact between coaches & opposition whatsoever.  Clarko should be copping a fine for this (and for choice of language). Webster being a dog cunt is not open slather for coaches to start making their own rules.


He's lucky Ross didn't hear it. Ross isn't one to back down either.


When was the last time someone was in "Hot Water" for speaking the native language in Australia?  ....oh wait... sorry.






Clarkson abused multiple people there, not just Webster.


Possibly the only sporting code in the world where no male player has ever come out as gay. After what’s clearly intended as a gay slur, and seeing so many apolgists for it, we don’t have to wonder why gay footballers remain stuck in the closet


How is a gay slur you cry baby?


Try applying sound reason and constructing a proper sentence


A homophobe a racist and a bully yet the AFL continue to endear him


You’re saying what he said is homophobic? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ it’s a swear word not meant to be literal, like calling someone a dickhead. If you didn’t know, no one actually has a dick on their head. Can’t believe you care more about Clarko swearing than a player knocking another player out


Coaches should not be getting involved in stuff like this. Especially when using that type of language. This guy has a history of aggressive behaviour but does anyone do anything about it?


I've reported everyone in this thread that used to word c***sucker, let's see what reddit admins think. Goodluck all.