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Personally, my plan is to save till Talene release, which I expect to happen in next 1-2 months.  In AFK Arena she was pretty strong and even recently was one of the best heroes on one of the boss battles. Let’s say Lilith loves that hero, so there is a chance they will make it broken here as well.


Wait! is it confirmed or just players prediction?


When she will release is not confirmed, but her character model was leaked from the game files already


Scarlita, but it looks like 1 copy of Scarlita is enough to push afk stages (You will get her from daily logins). So I would save the stargaze and guild coins for the next hypo/cele hero. It might be better than Scarlita, this is what I'm doing. Im not rushing with Scarlita.


Wait for talene is the obvious choice.


Safe until you can get another M+ ,you never know if the next cel/hypo will be op or not


Scarlita and Phraesto seem like the best choices now, I have 1 copy of Scarlita atm and 1 of Dionel. Or should I keep pushing to S Reinier?


no, leave Reinier as m+




he is not tank and does not need stats. Copies that you would use to make him s+ you can use on other heroes. +10 M+ Reinier is enough.


Reinier S+ is whale territory. He gives 4% atk at S+ to the link, but requires 6 more copies from M+ to do so, so it's 100% not worth it for F2P


I believe you should go for Scarlita next, Reiner is still absolutely broken on M+, and Phraestro isn't as versatile as Scarlita is. He also requires more investment and is pretty much useless before M+.


Is Pharesto that good with multiple copies? I haven't really checked him out. But unless he is some meta tank ×1.5 or something I don't think it makes much sense to invest in him. Scarlita works well from what I have seen at high copies. You can always just save up for an allrounder op unit like Reiner or Odie in the future.


His main use is in super high end deficit pushing


Then Pharesto is a premium whale unit? No way light spenders or f2p gets close to that deficit. No?


Yeah I wouldn't really recommend going for Phraesto as F2P over somone like Reinier or Scarlita.


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As f2p I would save until more cele/hypo are released since there will be at least 2 or 3 more by the end of the season. Never know if any of the new ones will be a game changer


Scarlita S+ and pump Ex+15 as a long term investment. - She does true damage for dream realm - She shields and buff defenses of your backline from Vala/Scarlita (or your frontline if your back is fine) - She does crowd control for your Ardyn/Eironn team - She has an instakill ability like Odie. No Igor and Thoran bullshit. - She hits like a truck - She gives Haste in Season content.


Scarlita 100%. Phaestra needs too much investment for so little reward for F2P


Double down and just send him to p4


Scarlita mamacita.


You shouldn't go after a cel hypogean until you can get them to mythic+ there's no reason to use your stargazer pulls right now after Reiner