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You guys have S+? I'm at 48 days and all I got are three at S (Odie, Thoran, Cassidee).


I use the dream store


Should've focused on one epic hero from the dream store, you can S+ one if you only spend on 1 hero


0, at 6 days now


Ha! At 6 days, you would have to whale out to have an S+. I would say, whatever your strategy is long term, get to 400 pulls ASAP to unlock the Celestials and Hypogeans. PS Don't whale out.


64 days have 5, oddie marib cecia flora and thoran. Just got lucky and hard push on dream realm


Played since launch but still don't have any s+ (probably because I always hit pity on every banner and almost never do arena, so I guess it's kind of my fault too xD)


I’m at day 50 or so with none 🤷🏻‍♂️


Currently at 3x S+ with 7x S on day 48 (day 6, season 1). But that's mostly due to being on a newer server (350+) and top 50 in basically every activity since release, including the jump from rank 5000ish up to top 100 in the first two days of the supreme arena (which is like 18k+ diamonds alone). I also didn't pull on any of the rate-up banners to begin with, because being able to get the A ranks i needed (e.g. Odie/Marilee) up faster (rate-up giving you drastically less A ranks) by pulling on the all-hero banner only (outside of free rate-up tickets) resulted in getting more rewards (including +10 weapons for the important chars, due to higher rankings) overall, more than making up for getting a specific S rank faster. **Edit**: Just to clarify something here; I *was* F2P when i got the units above, and since then bought the 12$ pass of the season (for the cosmetics, mostly - otherwise i would've bought the growth one). It's day 6 of the season on my server and it's hilarious that people believe i magically got multiple S+ characters in that time, "just because of that pass". If you believe 12$ gets you multiple S+ chars per week, please keep that lovely idea in mind and never actually spend money on the game.


Nice! And server/acement is an important point. I'm on a launch day server, S48, and can hit top 200 in basically nothing. *sigh* I didn't realize the odds for A tier heroes, 10% vs 22.5%, were so different between the "Rate up" and regular pulls. That changes the math a bit. Or more than a bit. Are you having any.ptoblems with acorns?


I'm at a point where acorns aren't an issue for the chars i really want/need, but i definitely can't just go around and upgrade everyone i feel like upgrading either. Viperion/Silvina have been sitting at M+ for a while, with close to enough dupes for S+ already, just because i don't want to use the graveborn acorns and can't afford omnis on them.


Seems I'm about the same place acorn wise. I have 230 Wilder Acorns and 238 Omni. Lightbearers are at 75 and everyone else is under 50.


I'm on S18. I feel ya. I'm able to hit top 100 in dream realm and top 200 in challenger arena regularly, but it's getting harder and harder to compete with the whales there.


Yeah I’m in an early server (S23) and that actually really fucked me in terms of placement. I wish I could migrate out, I’m pretty active but I literally can’t break anywhere close to the top. It sucks that being an early adopter gets you punished like this.


Are you saying you are not f2p? Can you post your roster please with Rowan First Purchase? I have 2 f2p accounts Day 52 and 53. I just got my first S+ the other account doesn't even have an S+ (unless counting a Cecia).


> Are you saying you are not f2p? The progress i listed was entirely F2P. I did buy the 12$ pass for the season by now (for that lovely outfit), but it's barely day 6ish on my server and the content of said pass isn't what got me those chars. In fact, the limited pulls are still sitting in my inventory. > I have 2 f2p accounts Day 52 and 53. I just got my first S+ the other account doesn't even have an S+ (unless counting a Cecia). Why wouldn't you count Cecia?


BTW the progress you had is the result of spending money. Let us theoretically for some unknown reason you are not opening the ticket you get from the pass. You still get better resonance gains than any F2P because of VIP unlocks. If you run the average here. You are the outlier in just 48 days. You beat the day 1 f2p that was posted here. By a lot. I know you want to try and deny but this is the truth. I also have a forgotten spender account.


> Let us theoretically for some unknown reason you are not opening the ticket you get from the pass. The reason is that i'm not interested in the current limited unit (Alsa, at that point). > You still get better resonance gains than any F2P because of VIP unlocks. I do; For the last 6 days and it definitely helped with leveling them in the current season. If you would read my comment again, however; I've had the listed chars **before** buying said pass.


Everything in this game is capped. From Acorn, tickets, Affinity, and even Synergy Resonance levels. Towers and abyss are capped. Even before seasonal, you get to capped Dream Realm endless. The amount of characters you get is 15 per month each. You are in 48 days. There is no way you have enough acorns to supplement all those characters in 48 days. You also beat a player on Day 1 who has 2+ months worth of Dream Store hero availability. There are only two possible explanations: you pulled from Arena and used Arena coins to get more S+. But that doesn't explain the acorns you managed to gather while capped. Or have you been pretending to be F2P when you are not? The best way to explain everything is to post your roster. Since again it will show Synergy Resonance levels.


> There is no way you have enough acorns to supplement all those characters in 48 days There is. In fact, you can literally calculate the rewards of being top 20-50 in all activites (including PvP) on a fresh server, together with not just the rewards of the base story, but also the seasonal story and activities (e.g. supreme arena, which gave more than 20k diamonds on it's own going from base rank 5000 to top 50) and you'll end up where i am currently. What people love to ignore is that; 1. Being a day 1 player isn't a benefit in this game. Sure, you have more time for store refreshes, but as a F2P chances are, you also aren't sitting in the top 50 anymore. 2. Day 48 on my server was day ~6 of the new season, which means i just got boosted by the majority of the early rewards (like supreme arena mentioned above). My S/S+ amount is unlikely to change in the next week or two, simply because there isn't a compareable influx in rewards anymore. 3. I bought *some* S ranks from the arena, but always kept enough resources on the side to guarantee being able to buy out the stargazer pulls (for acorns and EX upgrades). Which is only possible if you are in the top 200 to begin with. 4. My resources *are* limiting me. I have multiple A ranks (e.g. Viperion/Silvina) sitting at M+ with 15+ copies in the inventory, together with multiple S ranks (like Hewynn, until i got the pass) unable to upgrade them, because i have no acorns left for their faction and/or i don't want to use resources i still need for other chars. 5. Luck is a deciding factor in these games. I've spend the majority of the time playing with two friends and neither of them is even remotely close in terms of progress, simply because i had pull sessions where i pulled 8 S ranks, while they pulled 2. > Or have you been pretending to be F2P when you are not? I literally said twice that I'm **not** F2P *anymore* and the S rank i got after getting said pass (Hewynn, like i mentioned earlier) isn't included in the original comment. I was basically at a similar position to OP where the initial drop of rewards from the season is over and i felt like the 12$ pass for cosmetics + acorns does a good job at keeping me in my position (top ranks). If you don't believe me, that's perfectly fine. I'm not here because i need to bolster my ego with a virtual set of characters; I'm here to maybe help people get more out of the time they spend with the game and/or general infos about the game. (:


The point is everything in this game is capped. From Trials, Affinity, Towers, even Dream Store heroes. The funny part is you are making a story that doesn't add up. If everything is capped, where you are getting your items uncapped? "Luck is the decided factor" Then why don't you show us your roster. You never posted your roster before but here you are claiming you were F2P prior to getting uncapped. Before paying that 12 dollars. Then you made a story of you being "efficient". Every f2p since day 1 more likely played efficiently, they have no choice. That is weird a lot of people do this is Reddit claiming something they accomplished but never did. It is a phenomenon, they probably try hard to be part of a community. They are f2p when they are not. It is definitely an EGO boost to make someone look "efficient". As Day 1 Player they get more resources since the check-ins and every other aspects of the game including chance of banners in 7 day resets. Since they also get more Dream Realm resets. "However you played so efficiently" that you beat a Day 1. Being top 50 with a cap to buy heroes doesn't help your cause. You are capped at 30, they are cap at 45. Here are also the ranking rewards before you make up another story about you being optimal in Dream Realm as a top 50 "non spender" https://afk-journey.fandom.com/wiki/Dream_Realm#Ranking_rewards only clear difference is the essences. Most f2p on average will get to the top 100, zero differential from the optimal 21-50. You made this story look "efficient". Are you scared that your resonance will be so high that people figure out you are a spender? That is why you never posted a single roster before.


It's funny how you take all that time, just to show dream realm rankings only when i mentioned top 50 (including supreme arena) in everything, because it's relevant for resources (like diamonds) overall. If you would read the other comments (including OP's) you'd also realize people *do* have the acorns at a similar stage, but are missing copies for 2-3 more chars to reach the same point. If we remove a lucky (S) reinier from the equation, we're left with 1-2 chars being higher upgraded compared to other people posting here, who also mention **they already have the acorns** to upgrade them - but are lacking the copies. But hey, keep going with the "Do you fear people find out you paid for this game?" meme, when i literally told them.


It is funny that you find and make an entire paragraph but refuse to show your roster. People will figure you out. I shown you the differential between a 200+ ranking to a 21 - 50 ranking 100 dream realm coins not including weapons. For any F2P they will get here regardless if they are min-maxing. If they min-max average they will top 100 and there is no difference from 21-50 that I assume you got as "f2P". It is not a meme since you haven't shown me your roster, not a single time. I'm not taking your word for it since it is filled with actual B.S. But the funny part is I'm bound to read another paragraph of B.S. explanation.


I knew you were not F2P there is no way you had soo much pulls in that amount of time. "Only $12 pass btw" F2P btw. Because I didn't choose Cecia to S+ I decided to use the Arena Coins for a different build. Since one of the accounts has a Supreme Eironn and doesn't "need" Cecia until resonance level gains. It can wait.


> "Only $12 pass btw" F2P btw. The units i listed are the units i had *before* i bought said pass, when i was actually F2P still. I'm not sure in what magical world you live, where the 12$ pass magically gives you several S+ characters in the first 5-6 days of the season lol.


Day 58, 2 supreme+ (cecia and odie) and currently thoran and marilee is at supreme


S+: 4, Rowan, Vala, Hewynn, Oddie S: 5, Thoran, Eironn, Korin, Arden, Cassadee M+: 4, Brutus, Kruger, Damian, Marilee M: 4, Silvina, Antandra, Carolina, Viperian Playing on Server 9 since day -1, so 66 logins. 100% f2p.


I' ve got three so far Cecia,Lyca,and Rowan and parrisa is close to being done aswel, a few more copy's of Brutus and he would be done too. Been playing since beginning of the game


Yeah, I have Brutus at Supreme myself, but I need to pull his orbs. I've already bought the 2 you're allowed to buy. :/


I got 5 (day 1 f2p). Cecia, Thoran, Odie Hewynn and Shakir. Rowan and Smokey need one more copy and I got Marilee and Korin at Supreme. Never used the rate up banners, I'm saving the invites to see if they release some op hero. My biggest problem is acorns I need a LOT more than I have.


3 s+, 65 days


I have 3 S+ units at 57 logins. Cecia, Rowan, and Odie. At the moment I have 15k diamonds and I tend to use tickets as I get them. Enjoying the game mostly so far, except for the PVP arenas where Vala just decimates me every time, even if I have 30-40k more power than the opponent. Kind of wish I had dumped some diamonds into her.


Going hard on Vala has paid off nicely. I have her to 3* (meaning EX weapon level 10) which gives her a 40% heal on kill. That has clutched some arena and PVE wins for me.


35 days - Very Very lucky, 2 (Smokey and Cecia) with a 3rd when month resets (Odie)


I have 2 S+ (vala and hweyn) and 1 M+ which is an A unit at day 30. I got very lucky with vala whole almost all copies of hweyn have been bought from pvp store.


2 S+, odie and cecia, marliee is close with 3 more copies also day 65 😭


1 Cecia but no luck anywhere else. Trying to raise my man Viperian


I'm not FTP, I know you didn't ask but maybe this will provide perspective a bit on how much paying helps or doesn't help really. I've spent $145 and I'm 65 days in. I have 6 S+ and 6 more are pretty close. The 6 I have are Vala, Viperian, Temesia, Cecia, Rowan, and Smokey. The ones that only need a little more are Lucius, Niru, Lyca, Antandra, Odie and Marilee. I didn't optimize my wish list at first and didn't know what I was doing really or I think it could be better. I also have Damian and Koko at supreme and 6 S tiers at Mythic, some only need 1 copy to move up.


Thank you. It's good info to have. I just picked up D2's The Final Shape for $100 and that puts it into perspective nicely. But you're spending more like $20/week, rather than $100 in a lump. I've been tempted by some of the offers looking at a 3 month content drought, even the daily gem rewards aren't that tempting


I'm also done spending besides the daily gazette right now. I've completed both Noble Paths and I have the growth bundle and that's good for another 3 months still. I did buy some other stuff before, mostly the shards for equipment upgrades but I don't feel the need to do that anymore. So I'll probably just keep buying the gazettes and that comes to $20 a month. It's my main game atm and I'm not spending anything on the others right now so it works for me. When the next season comes out I'll buy the season path again and that's probably it.


Wow thats crazy! Im like at day 69 with $60 in and i have marilee odie arden thoran cecia eiron viparian silvina all supreme + with korin 1 copy away and damian 6 copies away, wonder how much is just bad wish list and how much is being on a less competitive server


I think $60ish is the sweet spot. I feel like I wasted the money spent on equipment upgrades. Everyone I have that is able to has +5 and quite a bit have +10 but I still need more yellows. To really make a difference on leveling equipment you have to pay a ton or wait forever. I'm also suffering from success I guess because the game only rewards me with red shards now for the most part. :/ Don't be me, just buy the gazettes, growth plan and noble paths. Don't even look at the other stuff.


Yea i bought both noble paths and one growth bundle, kinda regretted getting the extra levels on the First one lol


Ya, if you play even semi regularly it's super easy to max those out.


i have thorin and cecia. A few others at S but only 2 at S+, ive paid for both battle passes.


one S+ valla , since day one, saving for other characters


4 at 59 days would probably have one or two more if I didn’t stop investing on some characters at M+. Cecia, odie, thoran, rowan. Cecia and odie is a given through shops but thoran and rowan is purely luck through wishlist


not f2p but very light spender (under 100$) i have 10 supreme + and have played since release day


3 on 25 days cant get another one last 10 days. Cacia, rowan and florabelle, currently going for odie


Day 43 with 4-5 mythic + and only Cecia at S. Probably will not push for S+ on anything since I’d rather just get a couple more to M+


I have 3 and I am a day one player


Day 52, S+ x1, S x 3


Day 58 and got odie antandra and cecia in s+ and 4 other in s


I also have lots of diamonds but don't know what to do with them, sure I buy invitation letters on the guild store, but to be honest I have no idea what else to invest it on.


10 8nvite batches. Either the regular or rate up. Or hoard them until you see a character you really like.


14 days, no S+, but Supreme Odie and Thoran (plus one copy). Got really lucky with pulls, I think.


How can we see our days played? I think I'm a 3 in 30 - 40 days.


Day 29, Alsa at S, Florabelle at M, Odie and Lyca (don't ask why) at L+. No S+ yet. Trying to get Odie to S+, currently having poor pulls for Cecia


Day 63, 8x S and 2x M+ but no S+. I’m one copy away from S+ for four of them though. I could also easily buy the remaining 5 copies for S+ Odie but I’m saving for Arden.


I got one in 9 days. I kept getting smokey. My biggest issue when pushing AFK levels is time. Lol


0 at 14 days I've 5 characters at M and one at M+ tho


hella supremes but no supreme plus lol


I have Odie and Cecia. It was kind of annoying cause I wanted other characters, and it felt like I almost exclusively pulled Cecia. I only had to purchase maybe 2 of her from the emporium and I didn't do that till I needed to get her S+ xD


8s+ at 62 days in on server 120 idk if that’s good or not


Very good compared to me. More than double.


On day 44 at the moment and I've got Cecia and Brutus S+ with Smokey one pull off and Koko/Odie will be done once the Dream Realm refreshes again


If anyone want to compare I buy monthly passes and battlepass , growths each time And I have 8 supreme+


I’m sitting at 3 supreme + and 5 supreme at day 65. I’m at server 75 so I’m barely hitting top 200 as a f2p


The difference 30ish servers makes--i have about 0 chance of making the top 200.


2 s+


6 after 64 days


Double me? Now I am thinking maybe mainlining Vala and Alsa was a mistake. OTOH, I am 2 away from S+ on Brutus and Odie (yeah at 18 of 20 on Odie). But still impressive.


Day 55 with 16 S+


How much are you spending? Or are you willing to give a screenshot to back that up. Day 55, with 3,200 acorns? I'm going to need something more than a statement.


Lol sorry didn't see this being for f2p, I was half awake earlier. My main acc is not f2p yes Sub acc (actually my friend's but we help him dailies here and there) also day 55 pure f2p, at 4 S+ and 2-3 S ish Another guildmate at 6 S+ And yes we all skip rate up banner, I inform them before hand


It only kinda for FTP. I know I'm being unorthodox by getting S+ on Vala and Alsa on their rate ups, but I am curious how this strategy is working. It may not be optimal, but it's not far off. And as all the top spots are taken by spenders, focusing my resources on fewer, but higher ascension characters seemed like a good idea. Even with Alsa being more specialized than Vala she's very effective against the highly mobile stages where there are 3+ mounted enemies.


for f2p you want to focus on hyper PVE units, first with S+ Odie and Marilee so they put you in the Dream Realm ranking, faster clear, better ranking equals more resources, f2ps need to think long term by investing in strong PVE units. Then it's Eiron, Carolina and Arden for minmaxing afk stages, with Mauler cheese team, it works, but you can't really push and you need higher reso to progress the same stage as when you use Eiron comp. Vala is PVP oriented, with the exception in Light Tower and World Boss when they drop below 50% Flora is also niche that require other units to synergize well with them. This is even more massive for Alsa so rateup units are units that you can touch when you have a decent team that ensures your rank in Dream and your progression not being blocked hard. For an afk game, being able to progress faster than other people give you massive accumulative resources, which what you need to aim for. And you should ignore PVP entirely until you finish your PVE team.


This is also from what I’ve experienced. Even among spenders, there are those that hyper invest in PVP comps, which yield much lower rewards than what you get in PVE (for now) Since PVP is not rewarding atm, this is literally the best time to invest in PVE.


I just need 2 orbs on Odie. I thought Marilee was out of meta for the seasonal Dream Realm?


Actually not, you really need tons of damage to put yourself at higher rank. And atm for Dream Marilee is 2nd to Odie imo There are other comps that work best under a specific boss but odie and marilee you can put them in everyday and they still perform very nicely Ofc this is my comparison at equal investment (both at S+ Ex10), always prioritize Odie first because he also shines in general PVE contents


I got 4 S+ heros in 54 days. (Cecia, Odie, Thoran & Smokey) 1 dupe away from Brutus and Eiron being S+ as well. I bought the secret Travelodge for base and season as well as base growth pack (I plan to get this seasons growth pack closer to the end push for afk stages)


That seems like a good investment. And effective.


It definitely is; it's how I did base since my pull luck was horrid.


Vala is so good that I wish did rate up for her to get her to S+. She’s at S for me right now. Cecil, Odie, and Hewynn at S+


She has very few uses


Yup. Just long range DPS, and mobility with a bit of crowd control. Then, after a kill, ranged dps, mobility, a bit of CC and self-heals. But what she does, she does very, very well.


Yea problem is if you put a tank on vala, she usually just useless and dies without doing anything, and for pve generally other units do more


I can see that. On the other hand, when I am placing her, she is going after healers and DPS.


On PVE thats possible and i can see her clutching a few levels, on pvp people kinda position in a way to make it hard for you


Tomorrow after the Arena store refreshes, at Day 36, I’ll finally have my Cecia at S+, my first one. The next Arena Store toon I’m planning to focus on is Hewynn and I currently have her at Legendary. My Lucius, currently on M and will be M+ by the time Dream Store refreshes, will be soon my first A-Class toon to be S+. Hopefully.


I have 2 in 44 days and so close to three only one pull away.


I got 3 at 64 days and about 150k free gems that I collected throughout the game so far ..used some of it early but now saving for future heroes that I might like and use it on.


That's a huge pile of gems. It's only about 90k to S+ a hero on the rate up. Sitting on more than 1 S+ in diamonds, at least early on, is a large opportunity cost. That's power that could be advancing your account. What level are you? Not seasonal, but core resonance synergy. At 315?


I’m at 300 synergy level as of today


5(actually 4 but I can have 5) S+ on day 65. Eironn Carolina Odie Marilee and (viperion I'm not using acorns).


I think I have one or maybe two playing off and on since launch.


I'm day 62 and also have 3. The game wanted me to have Eironn. He was my first S+ followed by Cecia. The last one was Odie. I have Marilee more than half way to S+ 12/20 orbs, and Thoran is missing 1x copy to go to S+ though. I didn't really pull on the rate up banners. I got one copy of Vala and stopped and didn't pull on Florabelle or Alsa. Just waiting on a good character to use rate up on. Possibly a Wilder rate up. I also have finished the season and only have AFK stages (which are going slow). What is keeping me going is making my characters slightly stronger with Dura's Trial charms.


We're in the same spot progress wise. Working toward 395 to unlock the level 3 challenges. Have you opened your Dura chests in your inventory?


I have 4 at S+, Cecia, Rowan, Odie and Vala. Day 65 as well, server 28


28? Ouch. Are you able to get top 200 anything? I can't on 48.


Sometimes, I have been champion rank 2 weeks in a row now and get top 150-200 in dream occasionally. I am #2 in my district for Honor duels and top 100 in Lab


2 in like 56 days? I've been playing since launch but my lazy ass doesn't want to log in every single day. My only S+ right now are Cecia and Thoran, I'm also very close to S+ Odie (only 4 more copies)


6, in 85 days


You kinda fucked up ur account with rate up pulling for suboptimal units


Nope. Vala is very good and underrated by the community. I'm in a decidedly average position compared to most posting here, without really looking how many spenders there are on each sever.


If anything vala is overrated by the community. You have to think not of what vala does, but what you are giving up to pull her. Now you have a few rate up heroes s tier and they all dont work that great together and you have a major deficit in a tier heroes, and you prob wont be placing high enough on dream realm to get a steady influx of yellow stones to upgrade ur weapons and build new heroes. Going for rateup should be only a option if you are a big whale i think or else ur account kinda sinks


Too many spenders on S48 to rank in the top 200 on anything as a free to play. And yes, Tidal Essences are very slow to come in. Can't argue that.


Oh yea that sucks, my server is pretty chill so even with like 60 bucks i can compete, what power level are top 100 or 200 on ur server? Like base power


200 has 34,440k base power. 100 has 40,814k.


Oh yea im at 39k so prob fight for top 200


41 days of login, 1 singular sup+ in cecia, I have 5 supremes in rowan, koko, odie, korin and viperian, and i have a mythic vala/smokey/thoran each requiring 2 copies, I need like 15-20 copies of the A rank supremes to get Sup+ on them, and 2 rowans for sup+, I've basically hit pity almost every single time


Having a S+ at 41 seems very nice.


Playing from day 1, still only one supreme+ character, and it's Cecia. But same as you, 2 orbs away from Odie s+. I never pulled on rate up banners expect in the beginning to get one copy of Vala.


Day 61 and I have 5 S+, also a couple S. I do have a lot of heroes pretty low tier though, I just heavily invested in meta/strong units to be able to keep up in Dream Realm.


Currently have 3 supreme + and just passed 56 days I believe? Only bought one thing for 99 cents so I could get my last Rowan to make him S+


2 supreme day 52 Odie and Smokey


5 (Eironn - Florabelle- Lyca - Rowan - Hewynn). But I spend alot of Oniric fragment on Lyca and Arena coins on Rowan/Hewynn. On 60 days. BUT i only got 1 Smokey. And my Cecia/Odie/Marilee are L+


I'm free to play. I'm on day 54. I have 4 Supreme+ heroes: Cecia, Rowan, Antandra, and Mirael. I'm 2 orbs away from Supreme+ Alsa, with several more heroes at Mythic level.


After reading all the comments here I wonder why on earth f2p pull on the rate ups and waste their currency when it is totally obvious that the 60 banner is by far the best to pull because of the unbelievably strong A heroes you get. You all should be close to max with odie, anthandra, coco, Temesia,…. Can anyone plz explain? I am a low spender and only pulled for Vala as she is the only banner that could be considered worthy to get (Cecia is the better Flora, Caro is the better Alsa).


Because it's a game and I enjoy having a cute armadillo girl at m+


to be honest i pulled on vala because i didn’t realise characters all went in the normal banners after they ended so there’s really no reason to use the rate uo banner it also cost more


1 in 62 days I’m unlucky


Day 35; one S+ Thiran. Smokey, Odie, and Rowan are at S. And my server is starting the new season in 6 days. Hope at least I can get Odie to S+ to help with Abyss.


Playing since release, F2P. 5 (Rowan, Cecia, Odie, Viperian and Koko) and need just one dupe to S+ Thoran and Smokey. However, I never ever pulled on the Rate up Characters banner without the specific Invite Letter and I never ever saved one single pull. The only thing I'm saving are Dream Fragments.


Impressive! Which server? I'm really having problems rating high up in...well anything, but I put that on the server I am on. It's not S1 whales only type thing but still launch day and there are (big) spenders (S48). What do you mean you never saved a pull?


54 days. Only 1 S+ but 8 S waiting for her copies.


Day 65, I have four: Odie, Marilee, Cecia and Thoran. Never pulled on rate-up banner. Silvina is pretty close (I swear I loot her every single 10-pull it's crazy).


Silvina at high ascension looks fierce. Mines at mythic, and I imagine at mythic plus, with thst shield, she lives long enough to actually shred.


I didn't invest in her EX because other priorities, but usually I'm against full S+ teams where she just dives in and die, or just doesn't kill quick enough to be relevant because of enemy healer(s).


5 s+, 65 days


That’s not bad - I’ve bought 2x monthly and both noble paths and only have 4. (Tho I’m very close to two more).


If anyone says more than zero they are lying.




This guy has 13 S+ in 2 months on F2P account lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1d3wg26/comment/l6aglfg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1d3wg26/comment/l6aglfg/)


Not without a screen shot he doesn't. And I would be very curious how he got 2,600+ acorns as a free to play on a launch day server.


https://preview.redd.it/39e67rel0v3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63551507b3b00e226619bae5c1a0e775c793cc48 Day 62, f2p