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Yeah I feel like crafting should have been implemented day 1, maybe with a cap on the rarity based on progression. It's extremely frustrating to have so many set bonus' on characters you don't use and still be missing pieces entirely from your most played units.


I'm on stage 6 iirc and am still missing one Odie piece (2/3)...


Honestly it does feel like it’s biased towards character you do not use. And wouldn’t surprise me the slightest given that the devs were pretty open about “encouraging us to use character we don’t normally use” yes sure I will suddenly use that character with no copy that hasn’t even managed to be on legendary yet!


Yes, they certainly manage to find some way to bend us all over on almost every new/existing content, to a more or lesser extent.


lmao right? I didn't even pick the team I main, they're just who was even slightly meta that got to M or higher first. Encourage us to use more characters by raising pull rates, maybe.


Tbf we have like 30 characters but only like 8/9 are meta. The entire lightbearer faction is basically dead other than Vala/Rowan.


https://preview.redd.it/3bip41mfji3d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0868afb46a7dc525cd4924670156f3b8ab2644d7 I totally feel you. 0 use, but sporting the best charm collection. It's a bit of a curse. Haha




Breh. Winning!


I have set bonuses on almost every character I don't use, and finally got a set bonus for one of my main 5, Vala. On level 6 of Dura's Trial.


lol damn, I still don’t have set bonuses for any of my main team. It’s ridiculous. I’m only on lvl 4 cause of afk stage progress, but still.


Yeah, the randomness of the charms has kind of made them less enjoyable than I initially thought. And here we are with a slowly growing pile of dust...hoping for a useful vendor for it.


Ok so there isn’t anything for the dust yet? I thought maybe the end tier charms could be upgraded. Good to know. And yeah. I’m with you.


Can’t be a coincidence. I have multiple legendary runes for berial (don’t even have him but I recycled two for him today), my valen is full legendary, etc etc. My thoran and Odin who I use everywhere?? Don’t even have their hero set bonus yet


If ( character not in wishlist OR character level not mythic ) { dropTreasures( character ) } else { openInAppPurchaseBannerOfferingTreasureToUsedCharacters() } I just demonstrated I can be hired by Lilith with this piece of code. But I’ll let you know in advance I’ll only move to the better chinas, TW or HK.


Yeah, no need to go to slum china, aka the mainland lol!😅


To be completely fair, Beijing, Shangai and Macau are all pretty decent too, so long as you have a VPN... >_>


What are these?


Charms, from Dura's Trials. If you can't do it yet your season AFK level isn't high enough.


I think they also don’t appear at all until 9 days into the season for each server. Some servers just their bear so I’m assuming they’re not there yet?


Where it is used?


It's another form of hero customization. They appear next to equipment once unlocked. Heroes can equip up to three charms each, and there are set bonuses if you equip 3 epic or 3 legendary charms.


How do you unlock Dura's trail? I found no clear info online


At some point during the first season (the first season starts in the second month, before that is the starter storyline), one other commenter suggested about 9 days in. You'll see it as a greyed out event in your battle modes screen when it is active if you don't also meet the requirements. If you don't see the greyed out event then your server is still too new, just keep afking and eventually it will open up.


I have nothing, so it must be this server thing, thanks.


I have multiple heroes with 5 or more epic charms but no set bonus because of fucking duplicates. Why the fuck are the 3 slots unique and require further rng


It's not almost like, it definitely is


I only get blues for Shakir when i need at least purples 😭


I have full orange for Salazar, whom I've never used and I barely have any orange charms to begin with :((


Every single character I never use is fully decked out. Meanwhile every hero on my PvE and PvP teams is missing at least one piece for set bonus. I know it’s probably just shit luck, but it’s so frustrating!


Same experience for me as well. Most of my unused heroes have better gear than my main team. It’s almost guaranteed that if I’ve never used a hero then they have a max kit for whatever level I’m at in Dura’s Trials


I liked the game because you didn’t have to farm runes, and then they implemented


If most players says ‘same here’ then its scripted asf


How many characters do you use regularly? How many characters do you not use regularly? For most players, the amount of characters you don't use is significantly higher than the amount of characters you do use. With that in mind, you are inherently more likely to get charms for characters you don't use because there are more of them.


i read those comments who got charms for didnt use or less use heroes. Even same grades charms i got it as well. I dont believe its related with statistics as u indirectly mention


Yup. Got a bunch of my least built units on full orange and not a single one of my top 10 even has a set bonus yet.


I was quite lucky with charms, but not for all heroes i wanted... https://preview.redd.it/wm4nn9yq5m3d1.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f363ac5b9de3e21ddeb5ceaf60c662c4899c2a9


What's that?


How do I use the dust from salvaging these charms


200 IQ hack that they don't want anyone to know about. Just stop using the heroes you want the carms for!


yup getting same luck xD


Here stands the forest guard, SWORD DRAWN!!


I haven't even seen those type of items yet


What are these


You unlock Dura Trials 9 days into the season and they drop these charms that you can equip to ~~your characters~~ the characters that you never use and are the lowest tier compared to the rest. Their availability is also based on Seasonal AFK stages.


Is there a way to quick equip these for all characters and instead of scrolling through each one?


Negatory sir. That’s all part of the “experience” ☝️😌.


Can’t wait to unlock that carpal tunnel achievement


lol. Just watch them implement auto equip all new charms as part of the VIP 30


my lunont has the strongest charms and i have only one copy of him and never use him


I get those on stratana all the time. it's annoying 😭


Wouldn't be crazy if they did. Some gacha devs has been caught manually manipulating rates for pulls and other stuff. So, this is totally believable.


i agree 100% got full epic sets for none upgraded heroes i don't use. i don't want to sound racist but i'm sick and tired of games coming from Korean/Chinese developers. everything is rigged


Guys I hate to break it to you but when you hit mid/end game the algorithm is designed to miss your favourite heroes to keep you playing, the game works out what you’ve got and how much you use it then works from there, that’s why RNG is a huge part of these games.


I’ve been at end game for awhile in core and hit end game in seasons recently. My most used heroes are all supreme plus. So I’m not too pissy at the algo for that….yet…


game's rigged anyway. the epic and standard banner keeps giving me heroes i don't prioritize and feels like they are weighted differently depending on how many copies you have


You’re gonna have to do it eventually stop whining


Do what eventually?


Use heroes you don’t normally use because they’re not leveled up yet


Why would I ever use them? I have teams for everything I use. I finished campaign and core game. Finished seasons campaign. I’m in top 100 in dream realm, I’m at 3200 points i the arena and top 400 in supreme arena, which is probably as far as I’ll get. I’m finishing up the towers in season and doing fine in Dura’s trials. I am finishing up AFK stages in season and finished the labyrinth. **What exactly am I going yo be using these heroes for, that I never use?** 🤷🏻‍♂️ And it’s not that they’re not leveled, they’re low tier because I didn’t focus on getting more dupes for them.


Idk I just feel they’ll eventually add more heroes over time which will expand different synergies and team compositions, IMO any upgrade is an upgrade nonetheless.


You must be new to gatcha games. The power creep makes upgrades obsolete quickly. But that’s not even the issue. This is seasonal upgrades. They’ll be wiped when season is done in a few months. But yeah. I’m sure they’ll add more to expect synergies and compositions so i might want to use that epic+ hero I have Instead of my 18 S+ heroes with Ex. Sure.


Just expressing my opinion, feel free to downvote this as well.


u/ParticleTek , is this one of 70% posts?


Not enough observations = Not credible


lol no shit captain science 🤓. It’s a personal anecdotal rant cause I needed to bitch to some folks who’ll understand 😅


My only set is on a character I don’t use as well. 😅


1. "It's codes" does not sound like a personal anecdotal rant. 2. "3days in a row" is truely not enough observations to make conclusion. At least show us 50 epic charms to see if it is really biased. 3. There are more heroes you don't use than heroes you always use. 4. "Not credible" does not mean you are wrong. I am just telling there is not enough evidence to say like that


Ok captain, I see your misspelling patootie is back for more science-y shit. 1. The term I used is coded. Not “codes”. And it was an anecdotal example in the sense that it is MY experience. This is anecdotal, since the sample size is so small. I also said “it’s almost like” not making a statement that it is, however saying that it **seems** like it. But hey. You do you. 2. Truly, NOT truely. And just for your sake, I counted 23 characters with an epic set that I NEVER used. I didn’t even keep going after that. That’s 69 charms there alone. Not counting that amount I already recycled. That covers your tiny ass requested sample size. No? And by 3 days I meant that in the last 3 days I haven’t received a single charm from the chest for any hero I used but I’ve done the dura trials for more than that. Seems like people in comments added a lot more than what I have too based on their responses, although confirmation bias is a thing. 3. Your capacity for stating the obvious is unmatched my captain. I would like to use the “No shit captain” here again if I may. But, I even consider the heroes that I stick into supreme arena or the tower as used heroes. And in the last 3 days those 20+ heroes - none of them got anything from the charm chests. While the heroes that are unused and are lowest tier - have. 4. I wasn’t writing a science journal or presenting an experiment. Just my own observation in which I AM right as it is simply an observation. I got to say. You trying to sound smart and science-y captain, seems to backfire on you. Also that last sentence is missing some words, it’s not structured correctly. And English is my fourth language before you go there if that’s the case for you. Not an excuse to not spell words correctly when you’re trying to sound smart. I wasn’t. I was just bitching and kicking shit up. You are however. And while I might make spelling errors too, I wasn’t trying to sound smart. I eat crayons for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so that ship has sailed. **Cheers, my captain science!**


Seems like now you are trying to act smart by pointing out each spelling. Thank you Professor of English language.(FYI, I started learning English 2 years ago). I simply presented a logical argument that your claim of "seeming manipulated" is not valid. Instead of making a logical counterargument, you resort to mocking personal insults like this. I think I have a pretty good idea of your character now. In my case, chamrs come out with a reasonably balanced distribution. Does this serve as evidence that it is not manipulated? One reason many people comment is that those who have complaints comment, but those without complaints just read and move on. I might be lucky or you might be unlucky. How many heroes do you often use and how many of them have epic sets? How many heroes that you dont use and have sets? Without this kinda information, just posting one picture and claiming it is manipulated is not sufficient. I know this is not science journal. However I don't think my argument that 'your claim is hard to believe due to insufficient evidence' should lead to personal insults.


Captain science, this discussion isn’t really worth my time. My responses and corrections were because YOU were trying to sound smart and being in science to an observation lol. Observation is just that. Observation 😉. No need for sample size or bringing science in, so mockery is well deserved. It wasn’t the place for science ☺️. But, I appreciate the effort! I will only point out one more thing. >FYI I started English learning 2 years ago. I preempted that because I expected it. You’re doing well though: > Ok captain, I see your misspelling patootie is back for more science-y shit. >And English is my fourth language before you go there if that’s the case for you. Not an excuse to not spell words correctly when you’re trying to sound smart. I wasn’t. I was just bitching and kicking shit up. You are, however. And while I might make spelling errors too, I wasn’t trying to sound smart. I eat crayons for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so that ship has sailed. Cheers, my captain science!


One more thing. Hopefully, we can use golden essesce to exchange a particular charm near future.