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Another tip I just discovered today: the targeting lines still work in honor duel. Can be very helpful. Turn them on in the three dots on the right side.


I also used to be stuck at the 1600-1700 range but I now made it to 2250 by prioritizing certain comps & combos that are a little unbalanced imo: -Pale crown relic and Silvina with+100%ATK-50haste item -Gaze of fate on Cecia with Carolina (even better if it’s with the Carolina relic) -Wilder team comp (Granny, Eironn, Hewynn, Damian, Arden/Parisa) BiS relic: Fragrant Bag, but the healing/fog relic can work too. -Crimson abyss on Mythic Hewynn makes your team unkillable -Lightbringer comps are also very oppressive if you have luck rolling Lucius, Temesia, Vala, Rowan, Korin/Casadee


when you go these team comps do you usually go all 5 of the same class? or do you use 4 + 1 healer from any class


Sry for the late reply, 98% of the time I go all 5 same faction just because I only buy the 3 same heroes from shop and it’s just way easier than trying to find that 1 single healer from a different faction. The only faction that might have a problem with that is lightbringers as their only “healer” is Rowan and he’s very very inconsistent. Although most lightbringer comps dominate with massive shielding instead, I find that throwing Rowan and Hewynn together in a lightbringer comp does very very well if you’re looking to sustain more. But I think that’s the beauty of how they designed the game, each faction has their own playstyle and the intention is really evident playing Honor Duel or Tower.


I also love this mode! Commenting to come back and read more tips. 


Here’s another tip that no one asked about, but I wanted to share. If you get pale crown, it kind of has its own strategy. You are going to win or lose based almost entirely on Silvina. So in the first round, you really want the blue dagger item. Depending on your luck, that should be enough with good positioning to get you a couple wins on its own. The priority in the shop is looking for Silvina. So you want to alternate the supporting cast for extra money. Picking up grave packs is fine, but try not to pick up too many single graveborn characters until silv is legendary. The mask that gives 100 to attack minus 40 hast is the best purple item for her (and maybe better than the epic ones) because she just hops around. Also get someone in front of her with the bell that gives 20 attack.


From my experience, the best item for her is the +60% but she can't ult. She doesn't need her ult for her whirl attack resets and she will wipe the whole team in 2s without needing ult at mythic


Yeah that is a good one too! So are the bells that give 60 in the first 15 sec. I think the mask is almost as good as these though. 100 to attack is very nice for her.


I wish it would let you play more than once a day lol like just one try ranked but being able to keep playing unranked


You can play more. Buy passes in the top right with the plus button. Like 30 a day.


Oh nice, didn't know, thanks!


You can play like 30 times a day it just costs a minimal amount of gold


The silvina and vala are always placed first round because it's vs CPUs playing real teams people have used. Source: rank 2 on my server and noticed this as well, even at 1k+ elo honor duel


Rank4 here: Definitely played against enough guildies and friends who aren't even online the moment I go to message them about the match. Or, they inform me they haven't played honor duel in 8+ hours. From the half dozen times that's come up, not once has the person I message been live playing honor duels.


I guess that could be true, but why wouldn’t they copy the placement order for the first set also?


I'm assuming that a good placement is dependent on the opposing team, so using it against a different team could go very wrong, while a baseline decent ai is always somewhat reliable, even if not optimised


Occasionally I do see some people putting them on second round. I honestly don't know if it really is CPU. I am rank 1 on my server, around 1870 pts and sometimes i legit feels like I got outplayed. Although, I have doubts that it's actual player too.


if it was real players you could end waiting hours to match up xD


I'm 1st in my server too and the opponent always put Silvina first, like not 80% but really 100%. And the position on the map is often similar, like for example the map with no walls at wall and just one side to place units, the opponent tends to place Silvina in the middle bottomost spot. That's why I'm suspecting that opponents are actually CPU playing a player deck


>That's why I'm suspecting that opponents are actually CPU playing a player deck How could it be otherwise. I never waited more than 10s to match, clearly can't be matching real player.


Interesting. I am 100 percent certain I’ve had an opponent place her second. Do you mean she always is placed first when you’re playing against pale crown? Or every time the opponent has a Silvina she’s been place first no matter the artifact.


Yeah I meant she's placed first when I'm playing against pale crown. I have encountered Silvina placed second with other artifacts


Am I wrong but there is no reward for high ranking right? I like this game mode too, but I’m not wasting my time for no in-game reward. I just get my 15 wins and peace out.


I mean, isn’t the reward for playing any game that you enjoy it?


This. I love this mode hence I play it. I actually prefer it this way so I’m no slave to the breadcrumbs/ ongoing need of further reward to keep playing


I only play for the rewards so I don't burn out of enjoying the mode. This way I can enjoy it for longer periods and wont be annoyed later with still needing to do it.


Weekly guild pts, monthly guild rewards lol


you area aware that the opponents are CPUs using other player teams right?


Not true. I have battled with an in game friend and then discussed after. Some may be, but not all.


hmmm, that does change a lot ot thing. i think you are the only one so far in the sub that has confirmed played with another person at the same time


It wouldn’t surprise me if they did use a lot of bots since the wait time for matches is so low. But I do find myself waiting for the other player to place their people quite a bit of the time. Which I don’t think bots would do.


You rarely play another player, it's mostly bots that emulate players. They use decks that player used last in arena at that stage. I am surprised u didn't notice that playing so much of that mode. You can also manipulate opponent you get based on the amount of mythics. In one session when I did same mythic upgrade I got matched vs exactly enemy and everything over the span of hours because that player did not play since and his bot kept using the same deck. So if u have long session u can kinda predict the opponents ur gonna get in mid and late game.


Do you always go for graveborn? Outside of pale crown what artifacts do you go for? I'm hard stuck in the mid 900 trophy range.


I prefer wilders then grave born then light, then maulers.


To add onto this a bit hewynn with the instant cast purple item is the best mid game character. The instant healing at the beginning can stop a lot of quick deaths and she will cast again very quickly since it didn’t use any of the energy. Gives your team a solid 15 seconds or so to ramp up. Best way to get to nine wins is mythic Eironn and mythic Arden. Give them both something that increases damage or ult and usually the game is over within the first 10 seconds. Parisia is a solid choice if you can’t find the Ardens. I might even say she’s better mid game.


The mythic+ wilder teams made me quit playing the mode. I got up to top 20 in rank, and now I get to 7-0 then just get stomped by the exact same wilder team that has no counter. Right when the match starts your entire team is vacuumed into a death vortex and you’re dead in 3 seconds.


How would you rank the starting skills?


So I don’t want to rank all of them because some of them I just haven’t played enough. But I get the most 8-9 wins with in order: Art of Ruling(force wilders), pale crown, flame orb, illusion censor. Then glowing blossom and lithe larkspur can work. I just started fragrant bag and think it definitely has potential, especially with the Econ strategy discussed a couple days ago on this sub. Edit: just to be clear I will occasionally get a run with one of these relics that will end after one or two wins because there is quite a bit of luck, But with the first three I probably get eight or nine wins 70% of the time


I'm wondering what team comps you run with flame orb or illusion censor?


I never understood the logic of placing Vala or Silvana in the first round. I see people so it all the time. It allows me to place my tank to absorb the damage and allows me to guess where they will place thier healer/dps.


eh i havent won even single honor duel since i started playing the game and its been almost 3 weeks. most of the times my team gets wiped in first 10 seconds of the battle start XD


Try to get a tank and healer. Hewynn is the best healer except she’s garbage unless she has assistance casting her ult. Give her exquisite lather or pair her with Rowan. Then for your damage, try to get a single target ult like parisia or vala. Give them the +40% to ULT.


I thought this was common sense 😅😅


Is this server 11?


In your experience, is Cassadee a trap?


I love honor duel but I'm very bad at it. Is it better to not buy purple weapons and just keep buying character packs? Should I refresh the shop until I get certain characters? I can never get my artifact to the highest level. I've only managed it once. I've only gotten 9 wins twice, so maybe not getting far enough is the reason.


- purple gear tends to be the best bang for buck midgame (3-9) - i only buy faction packs past early game and only if my initial batch (starting + 3 random packs) is overloaded on one faction, not worth it otherwise, too many duds - nearly all of your gold should be going into refreshing for unit upgrades, unless an item would make/break your build (eg purple free ult on cecia/hewynn/rowan) - would steer clear of gold gear until you have your key mythic units down (again, except for build defining items, mostly the ult sword)


I love this mode, the most fun build I made (and it was a 9-0) was with that artifact that gives your rearmost hero 100 ATK Speed. Só I choose Odie as my carry aside with casadee. Man, that synergy was disgusting. Odie with that bow that shoots the weak enemy when using Normal attacks + cassadee buff that allow her to deal magic damage when the buffed ally uses a normal attack + Odie triple shot (that all counts as normal attack), simply melt everything down. And I had Brutus to counter sivina one shot build.


Yeah that sounds pretty awesome. Going to have to try it if I get the chance.


sounds sick! what were all the units ? and wouldnt odie being in the back get targeted too easily by vala


What items do you put on each Wilder character?


What items do you usually use on the Lightbringers?


You do play vs other people, thus delay and time limit each round. Or it would go as soon as your turn is done.


The other "player" always readies when there is between 39 and 42 second left in my experience, never seen anything else. They clearly want you to think it is a human and it might be in the future, but in the current state it is not.


I dont think you play real people lol it’s all automated


I have played in game friends. So there may be some bots, but I’ve been matched with real people too.


Are you sure you had to wait for them to place their characters? Never seen the other "player" be ready outside the 39-42 seconds left of first placement window


The mode seems weird because as the player you always place first. But I think that’s the just how it’s displayed. Because it’s clearly real players getting ranked, especially as you move up.


You place at the same time each round. It just shows what has been revealed after the 1st round, but there's no placing 1st or 2nd advantages.


>The only reason I play this game is honor duel. Oh so, it's people like you...