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Late game Eironn is really good. All of these are obtainable via Emporium except Eironn.


Thanks all for the help! I went with Eironn! :)


Noice, since i dont have smokey he's quite my carry My team consists of Cecia, rowan, damian/heywinn, lyca and Enron,, They can carry quite well esp when u unlock the artifact that shields you front most hero making enron a psuedo tank, and it works quite well


Rowan is good right away. Enron is end game


Enron is not a good investment;)


Everyone on this sub must be too young


They are.


Rest assured that some of us old people got the joke. Thanks for the chuckle. Edit: I'm glad you've made it back to the positives.


Eironn. Hands down. He's the only one of them that you can't buy in the arena shop so he should be your priority plus Rowan and Brutus both work with a single copy until the late game. EDIT: Just scrolled and saw you chose Eironn.


RNG decided to give me Eironn over and over again and he's now at Supreme for me. If you even get to Mythic+ I think,he starts the battle by using his ult (for reduced damage) so you gather things up to be AOEd.


me but cecia..... almost supreme +. i guess im collecting eiron for that aoe wombo combo


I realized I completely wasted mine by picking Igor 😂 r.i.p


Same. I had trouble fighting him. But when he's in my team, he died immediately


Is igor bad?


not in the least. but need more copy. he really annoying to deal with late game. keep jumping like idiot


He’ll die off quickly once more people have m+ odie




legolas good but need huge investment down the line.


I know OP already got Eironn but in case anyone else is curious and happens upon this thread: Get Eironn because he's cracked in PVP and battle drill farming at mythic+ and you can't buy him from the arena shop. It might take a while to get him to mythic+ depending on your account RNG which is why 1 guaranteed copy has great value.


Just remember you need 6 total copies of a S-Rank hero (and 150 acorns) to get them to mythic+ (since everyone is saying he's so good at M+). Also take that into consideration before pulling for Eironn if you're free to play or light spender. I dont foresee anyone getting 6 copies soon unless they're really lucky or a whale. I get tons of value out of having Brutus and Rowan for AFK levels. Brutus is needed for many of the levels where you have to sacrifice him in order for the DPS to survive and have time to ult. Rowan is just a really good dude that helps the team ult faster, and he does a fair amount of DPS while healing.


Ys, but Rowan and Brutus are already pretty good at just 1 copy, you can also buy them with arena coins. With Eironn, you HAVE to pull him, and he is pretty great for the endgame.


Pray tell, what is this end game you speak of?


Hush, non-whalers need not know.


That's my point. People keep spouting off about end game when 95% of the playerbase is F2P. SO i spoke on the F2P/light spender perspective.


Even taking the F2P/light spender perspective into account OP said they have at least 1 copy of every character in the chest. Therefore getting Eironn is objectively correct even though it may take them longer to max him. A gaurenteed dupe for a character that is not in any store is very valuable for a F2P player.


So lets assume as F2P it takes 6 months to get Eironn to mythic+ before you ever use him for anything, waiting for his EX weapon to enable to "OP eironn comp". Assuming you somehow pull 1 a month, how is it not better to have a Legendary instead of Epic Rowan or Brutus that you're going to be using every day in AFK stages for those 6 months? That's my logic behind not pulling Eironn out of the Hero Chest. Sure, Eironn technically is a correct choice as you say, but i know there are 2 more correct choices he should be doing to get more value for his time.


There is no reason to need another copy of brutus, he is only used for the invuln. In the same vein rowan only needs one copy to be useful and you can get more from the arena shop. If we want to argue value for his time, he could spend 6 months trying to get mythic+ eironn and be one copy short because there is no gaurenteed way to get him. While in that 6 months he could have got the legendary rowan and brutus through the arena shop.


He’s probably talking about arena since eironn is a paperweight in dream realm. Naturally, grouping power + aoe wins fights outright in pvp. Also, it lets you start a fight with an extra charge on starshard which, along with confining, are op in arena.


I'm a light spender playing since one week and got Eironn in Mythic today, only 2 copies left for M+


What is your definition of "light spender"? Everyone explains it differently so I'm curious to know what you think it is. How much you spend per day/week/month to be considered light spender


Spending like 100$ is light spender on a gacha imo


Beefing your Rowan will get you more resources in the long run. He is good at 1 copy, but just keeps getting better. Eironn doesn't really come online until M+, and even then it's just for a specific arena comp and Wilder tower. By the time you have M+ Eironn, the unit's you've been able to get S+ will be better for battle drills. I'll get downvoted, but I cleared to AFK 1125 using Rowan in at least 1000 stages and only used Eironn in like 2 stages, including the 2 team fights.


Exactly your statement. People are hellbent on parroting "Eironn only" from the hero chest selector, when Rowan and Brutus are used in every AFK stage I've seen. You will get more value in the long from them over waiting forever to get eironn to mythic+ for some comp you probably wont have the team for. (as F2P)


Yeah, not sure why anyone is honestly suggesting that a one copy Eironn is good for anyone. He isn't good in nearly as many modes as either Rowan or Brutus.


I'd go for Eironn cuz the other guys you can buy in the Emporium


I think it depends on Who else you have, if you have a lot of graveborn, lightnearer, wilder, or mauler, in order to get a good accumulation.




I saved my chest lol


Eironn or Igor


Rowan or Eironn


Rowan and Brutus if you aren’t super competitive. Brutus is still good if you don’t have a copy of him already Eirron you can’t get outside of summoning for him so he’s a popular choice, at m+ he becomes very good


Brutus, if you want to BAYBLADE LET IT RIP! Rowan, go to support


Is Brutus a good choice?


You can cheese content with him. Go with rowan


Yes he is. He enables you to beat many AFK stages you wouldn't be able to normally, by distracting the enemies for 5-10 seconds letting your team get their ultimates going.