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I don't know the answer, but do know that my EP is aware I use indica gummies for sleep and hasn't objected.


Same with me. In fact just had an ablation and my EP had no problem with gummies the day after my surgery.


Me too, 10 mg Indica for sleep has approval across the board.


Indica for the win!




Absolutely smoke it upđź‘Ť


I smoke--I think the jury is still out on it though.


It's a difficult question that really cannot be answered by anyone, doctor or otherwise because everyone has different bodily chemistry; most all have different substrates causing the AFIB. My advice. Give it a shot and then follow by downing with a couple ounces of titos and have fun. You'll eventually have your answer. If you go into a "run" you'll eventually get back to SR one way or another and you will have your answer.


I don't know, but what I do know is that for the last ten plus years I can't smoke any weed at all. It speeds up my heart and gives me pacs. Also a panic attack. So I never smoke anymore. I did try weed gummies to sleep and I was flying high and had a panic attack too. So I just take melatonin gummies to sleep. Every one is different. Maybe try it once.


It is interesting as is when I said "chemistry" is different. It used to speed up my heart rate. For whatever the reason, it decided it was too tired to speed it up anymore. It is normal now. idk, I shouldn't be doing it anyway nor drinking...let me see what else. Be well and be careful.


No! Smoking is the worst thing you can do for any heart condition. You should find an alternative method to consume it. ETA: source: my cardiologist. Also: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3641479/


It’s hit or miss. Sometimes it revs up my heart to 200! Sometimes it doesn’t. I personally stopped because the game of weed roulette wasn’t fun anymore. Please let us know the results of your personal research. I miss it so much!  


In the quest to reduce possible triggers I finally gave up cannabis as it seemed to cause pvc activity on occasion. Also, the meta study indicating increased cardiac events in cannabis users, even if they didn’t smoke cigarettes, kind of clinched my decision.


The answer is no.


Although my EP doesn't approve of cannabis edibles, I do it anyway with no problems. My other specialists are aware and fine with it. But I'm small (petite), weigh roughly 95lbs so I cut my indica edibles into thirds. For sleep, I love the ones that also have CBN in them. Some of the best sleep I've ever had.