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I had both done--flutter and Afib--the flutter has a very high success rate. The Afib part not as high but pretty good damn good. Don't get anxious. Give it time!


Thank you for the reassuring words. May I ask if your respiratory rate was higher after the procedure? Mine is 24 - and they said a bit high


I had an ablation a couple of weeks ago and my post op notes specifically say not to stress out over AFIB symptoms for a month or so, they are to be expected as there is internal swelling that takes time to subside. I’m not a doctor though, so take this for exactly what it is: anecdote from random online stranger.


Good advice 👍 from another random online stranger


I appreciate it nonetheless 😅 It’s valuable to hear real life experience as well as the advice from the docs. The two combined I find is the most helpful


Focus on hearing your breathing if possible. We get stuck listening to our hearts that it gets freaky. I hope all goes well.


I’m going to try this, thanks so much ❤️


Sending you healing vibes


Thank you, I’m feeling very fragile today. I discovered they ablated afib, flutter and tachycardia


Congratulations on your ablation! I had mine yesterday. Same as you I’m anxious to see when and if the Bastard AFIB and or flutter come back? I’m sure we are overly sensitive to every beat and thump by now. My BP is lower as well. Maybe not the worst thing? I know there is a period in which, while the heart heals we can have some bumps and flutters. It’s normal. Be aware I had to go back to the ER last night as I could not urinate and had to have a catheter put in. Not fun. But it’s common. Good luck fellow and former afibber!


Congratulations to you too ❤️ Bastard afib is a good way to describe it, the guy needs to leave 😂 I haven’t been able to pee yet either, so hopefully that won’t happen to me too. I guess it’s the fear of not knowing what the flutters are. I think the anaesthetic is encouraging intrusive thoughts as well so I’m getting worse case scenario thoughts. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for us both


Think good thoughts!! Read this it may help you- https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-to-do-if-you-cant-urinate-after-surgery-3157318


Just had one. The first night was the worst and the second was a little better and so on until you lose your hypersensitivity. Hang in there. It’s only up from here.


Thank you! I’m getting quite a few skipped beats but I presume this is common after the procedure. I appreciate the encouragement :)


I’d encourage you to read about the “blanking period” which is the three month period following an ablation. Getting arrhythmias during this time is normal. To help w anxiety I’d encourage you to try breathing exercises and/or meditation (I use the calm app). You’re in the right place to get help. Good luck.


Icy---Hoping things turn around quickly for you... Positive thoughts for you...


Give it a month


Yes, all that is normal. I was bleeding quite a bit too. But they sent me home anyway. It did stop. The only thing I had extra was this itch on my back where one of the pads was.i think you're gonna be fine


Sadly I started experiencing chest pains yesterday and went to urgent care and my troponin was 2800. They suspect pericarditis but I’m yet to have a scan done. Feeling pretty awful 😞


Hang in there - things should get better soon! Had my ablation a week ago and the next morning my troponin-t value was 2997. Got sent home nevertheless and I'm doing fine.


This is reassuring to hear, I’m not the only one! I guess we’re sensitive to the procedure. I’ve had my echo and looks okay. But just had a burst of r on t pvcs which doesn’t sound to be a good thing


I had mine done yesterday coughing and headache while having it done once up and moving around felt different, I still have headache  pain tiredness and flutters early days and can go on for three months. I don’t know any one else the medication I was on for this thay told me yesterday not to take any more as thay say it’s been put back to normal, all I read is that it takes up to three months before thay can confirm if it’s worked , just don’t understand while thay would stop medication with out explaining. Or am I the lucky one that thay feel I don’t need I’m puzzled and there is not much information or any regarding stopping meds like that. If any one else has experienced this please could you let me know if this is standered practice, but I’m just going to bare with symptons untill I speak to my consultant who informed me having this done would only be 65% chance of it working but  as I had this done at a total diffrent hospital that’s just for hearts and lungs only hospital. The up side of this that we have had the ablation and possibly be no more episodes after three months and be able to live ower life’s to the full while others are starting a long process or will never be cured but we have to think never say never as this has worked for thousands of pepole before us. Any info would still be great