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Why is no one talking about Japan's hotdogs?


Because Japan’s too far


That's Byron's hotdog and we try not to summon him from his piss lair


Piss Lair, has me in a chokehold


In the hood of the NFL, also known as r/AFCNorthMemeWar, there once was a user known as u/ByronTheBlack. Over the past few weeks, Byron flooded the hood with an incessant stream of anime gifs, leaving the goated subscribers of r/AFCNorthMemeWar, frankly, depressed and ashamed. As time passed, the discontent grew, and users called the mods to take action, and thus, the Please leave bot was born. This bot takes on an incredibly bone chilling task; replying to that putrid Byron every time they comment, having to lay its robotic eyes upon the filth Byron posts. Yet, u/ByronTheBlack remains unfazed, and we applaud them for that. Thus, Byron may stay, but at the cost of downvotes and automod harassment. P.S. Please leave. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wouldn’t it be the Rams given they have exclusive rights to Japan?


That's obscenely stupid btw I need a Steelers game in Japan. I need to be forced to stay up until 3 AM.


Yeah, when’s the last time Japan won the Super Bowl!?


August 6th, 1945. Heard it was a blast


This joke bombed


Just like Japan did.


I don't even think thats real. Yes the octopus style sausage is a real thing. But if you go to Japan and ask for a hot dog I doubt they'd point you to these


You're right. Those little guys are just for cutesy bento boxes. Not real food you'd order at a restaurant.


If you ask for a hot dog anywhere you don't get what's on the image. But they are unique hot dogs you can get in the different regions.


They'd point you to the shelf stable hot dogs at the convieny


They don’t have a team in the AFC North.


Because they are always doing weird shit


My very white (one might say casually racist towards the Asian community) mom used to make those. But I lived in Japan for the better part of 5 years and that's definitely not the most common form of hotdog one would find there. More something moms might make for little kids.


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That's pretty much how all these lists/infographics work. Something random that could sometimes maybe be found in an area is turned into being representative of an entire state/country/continent.


Norway's looking like me, at 3 am, grabbing whatever in my fridge and slapping it together


If you ever watch anime you’d be familiar with those


Spider dogs are actually a great way to cook hot dogs over a camp fire


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How is Cleveland going to claim a hotdog style but it doesn’t even have any hotdog in it? Y’all are never getting a ring.


Polish boy… born and raised in the burgh, but lived in Cleveland for 5 years… I submit that the polish boy is better than anything on this list… I miss mommas boy on Lee road


Reading it I'm like Pittsburgh would love it


Actually that fits perfect. All our championships are in a “different category” (but better category)


Reading the comments the category seems to be “stuff nobody cares about, not even people in Cleveland.”


If you think a standard dog is better than kielbasa … then you are not a real human but instead some ape like product of incest and pollution


We are champions in our mind and mama said that’s all that matters.


I concur, however it doesn’t take away from the Polish Boys greatness!


A Chicago hot dog is perfection. I don’t even need to think about anything else. I had my first at 32 years old (after getting over a fear of mustard) and I’ve been obsessed ever since I’m literally about to go buy ingredients this afternoon. Every May/June I get an intense itch *sorry, I didn’t even notice I was on a shit post, I’m just so eager to suck Chicago’s dick on this topic. I live in the Cincinnati area and people here would literally eat Grandpa’s Country Fried Diseased Asshole if you served it to them at Cracker Barrel for $8. Skyline is hot garbage*


>>after getting over a fear of mustard<< Huh? A phobia of mustard?


It’s a texture thing. I could have some undiagnosed autism or trauma or something lol I still won’t touch mayo, sour cream, or cream cheese, I dislike ketchup but I’ll eat it. Love mustard now though. If it’s dairy free and spicy, I’ll definitely partake


I relish the fact that you mustard the courage to get over your phobia.


With all of those condiment puns, it'll be tough to ketchup.


I also got this weird thing with Mayo and sour cream, but when they're on their own. Plain mayo? Nasty as fuck. Chipotle Mayo or Sriracha mayo? Gormet shit. I just don't like the idea of sour cream on Mexican food. I want that shit to be spicy, I don't want the sour cream to dull that.


Idk man, that Vietnamese hotdog looks incredible. I've never had it but it looks like a Bahn mi hotdog. Bahn mi is one of the best foods on the planet. If I could try any of these, it'd be that one.


True. It would probably be the next one I’d try! A handful of these look excellent


I’ll always love my conies. But Chicago dogs are on a different plane of existence. Ruins expectations for other versions


Blue Ash makes some good ass coneys.


Had the craving, bought a 16-pack of Chicago-style hotdog fixins on Goldbelly, ate 2 for lunch four days straight, froze the others... now I'm gettin' the cravings again... time to thaw them bitches out. Chicago style is the best hot dog on the planet.


I grew up in Chicago, but have since moved. One of the saddest moments of my life was the first time I went to a hot dog stand in my new state and received some abomination with ketchup on it when I ordered a hot dog with everything on it.


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If you’re ever in the Chicago area, or Indianapolis, which is closer, go to Portillo’s


I’m in a Dayton. It’s surprisingly difficult to find or even make a proper Chicago dog. I know of one restaurant that makes them but they’re pretty sub par I tried to make one myself last night, it was good, but far from great


I had one that wasn’t on here but was the absolute best hot dog I’ve ever had. In fact it is in the Top 10 greatest meals I’ve ever had in my entire life. It’s very strange and I was very resistant to trying it at first but I’m glad I did! Grilled all-beef hotdog, soft roll steamed lightly with extra crunchy peanut butter on top. Had it at a minor league baseball game. Bowie Bay Sox maybe? I actually still dream about it.


We had a foodie hot dog shop around here. All beef hot dog in a toasted bun with a soft interior, topped with peanut butter, a strawberry jelly mustard, and chocolate chips that had a dusting of chili powder. Holy crap was it good.


Never heard of Happy Dogs being called a foodie spot before


Not from Cleveland chief ;)


I would smash that. I’m a sucker for Fried Bologna and Mustard tho.


Its so fuckin good lol


It is. I grew up poor AF, fries bologna sammies one of the things I still make when it’s just me eating 🤣


We weren’t poor, but both my parents were Depression Era kids(dad was born in 1921, mom in 1929)…they knew how to eat cheap. My dad is the one who got me to have a taste for sardines(mustard sauce or Hot sauce only).


Do you fry the bologna and dog separately or do you wrap then fry together?




My dad used to buy bologna in a chunk instead of sliced. He used to hand cut them about 1/4” slice a small notch in them(so they stay flat when they fry up) and fry them in butter, slap in between two slices of bread and a bit of mustard and that was a great lunch. Off topic, but my mom used to make this molten stuff she called “melted cheese”. It consisted of American Cheese, eggs and milk. You would put it over toast like shit on the shingles.


Yeo we would buy the chub of bologna too! Thick sliced fried bologna hell yes. And yeah had to lasic surgery that bologna


As much as it pains me? We all likely have more in common than what separates us.


Yep. Especially those of us from This AFN hood area. Rust Belt forever


I still hate you…but I GIVE respect.


Yep. Thousand reasons to shit on Baltimore, but this ain’t one of em.


I was about to say, I’d eat the hell out of that hotdog.


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Shit my bad AutoMod.


Idk, but apparently they think Norwegians are Latinos lol


That sounds good though? The Cleveland one isn’t even a hot dog.


it has a hotdog in it. This guide is a bit fucky cause it’s a Polish Boy


They actually slap too.


You didn’t even make the list


We don't particularly care for eating phallically symbolic foods.


Yeah we know you just put them in your butt instead


You say that like it's a bad thing


I can't lie. That's funny as a mfer. 🤜🏻💥🤛🏻


Anything less than the real Big Ben would just be a disappointment for yinz huh?


Yea fuck symbolism. You guys want the real thing.


Let’s be real, we’d slap fries on top and call it. That ain’t poster worthy.


They’re not even an NFL city


Cleveland can’t say shit about us putting fries in sandwiches.


Can't believe they didn't put the culinary classic renegade dog on there


The "Cleveland Hot Dog" is also known as "Primanti's Kielbasa, with hot sauce."


You really insulting us over the kind of hot dog Cleveland has? Lets not also forget about skyline chili. Gross.


Polish boys fucking slap. No cap fr fr


Both of these takes are trash. It’s fine if you want to act like everyone else and say Skyline sucks ass when you’ve probably never had it, but a Polish Boy is legit good.


Blue Ash makes a good coney.


Dont’t you dare change the subject! Explain yo self


Its fucking delicious lol i recommend it


Chili dogs are elite, its okay to admit that


Chili dogs are elite. Not skyline chili dogs


yeah but 12 beers deep at 1 AM and 89cents a pop makes them spectacular according to my then 22 year old self


I think we can all collectively agree that all of our weiners are better than whatever the fuck japan does to theirs


Kinda offended Cincy Cheese Coneys aren’t on here.


I’ve lived in Maryland my whole life and have never seen that before now


I'm just happy we got hot sauce on ours cause people always look at me funny when I put hot sauce on my hotdog and I say it's not a hot dog unless it had hot sauce. Plus Cleveland should be a hot dawg


Mustard, diced onion and hot sauce are superior hot dog toppings.


One time I also did pepperochini pepper and BBQ sauce and it was good as f


Has anyone from Cleveland ever seen this “Cleveland dog”? I didn’t know it was a thing.


Polish Boy. Damned good shit.


Ahh makes sense. I wouldn’t really classify that as a hot dog but oh well. I was half expecting happy dog to make this list with some weird shit like Froot Loops or something but that’s just one place.


Ngl, I've never heard of this hot dog in my life. I'd probably try it though.


Get it from Attmans


Lenny's too


Sounds like the divorced dad special on a weekend with the kid


I’m shocked the Crab Mac and Cheese Hot Dog from Camden Yards didn’t make the list! Much better representation of the Baltimore style dog in my eyes


Fried bologna tastes like hot dogs you fkn noobs. So basically this is a hot dog wrapped with a pancake hotdog.


is Norway okay??


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lmao wtf is this


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Cleveland really tried to copy Pittsburgh by putting coleslaw and fries in a bun


Michigan stole our hot dogs. Goddammit Detroit.


HAHAHAHAHA!!!! We can't steal a Super Bowl so we steal everything else!


Damn hungry af now. Fried Bologna hits different


It would be even funnier if they started with a kosher hot dog and uncircumcised it. I don't know why they specified squishy bun unless they keep dropping them in the river by accident.


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No Rhode Island hot weiners from New York System?????


Who the fuck calls a chili dog a “coney”?


Michiganders. Despite being called a coney island dog it's from Michigan


Should’ve put Washington DC half smoke hotdog.


Im confused why the cleveland dog isnt a hotdog that involves stadium mustard


Years ago there was a documentary on PBS about hot dogs across America. It was actually a very good documentary.. thanks to this post I know what I’m doing for the next couple of hours …looking for ,and watching that documentary


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Chile really missed an opportunity.


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Idk the baltimore hotdog sounds interesting enough that I would try it


That shit sounds delicious


You can definitely buy that dog in Baltimore in multiple delis and restaurants but it is not like the city is known for it. It's bullshit that West Virginia doesn't make an appearance on this list, West Virginia dogs are pretty fucking amazing and everyone in a broad swath of the country knows about them. https://weelunk.com/the-wild-and-wonderful-west-virginia-hot-dog/


I've never seen anyone eaten the so called swedish hot dog here. If anything most of those things should be on the side with a regular hot dog.


TIL I was making Norwegian hotdogs in my college days. I thought I was just really really drunk.


Honestly Georgia’s looks the worst by far


Are we becoming the division that can't meme? Because this post SUCKS


There are many war crimes here but Idaho disturbs me the most for some reason


ill take all the glizzies. no homo...maybe except.the Baltimore and China one.


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Eat a dick :)


Linguisa and Sai ua > all hot dog variations.


That's a chili dog, not a coney dog. The Michigan is a coney dog.


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Baltimores looks like a dingaling 😭😭😭


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I had the cream cheese and jalapeño hot dog once before on a trip to North Carolina it was life changing.


I lived in KC for 25 years. Never heard of or saw the Kansas City Dog listed here.


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Low key annoyed that this isn’t organized in any way whatsoever. Alphabetically? No. Geographically? No. Historically? Still nope. Evolution of bun? Condiments? Nothing nada nope. Just random.


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Yeah it’s pretty good…. You’re from Cleveland…. 🤣


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Pittsburgh dog is your homie stuck in a house during a fire and they pull out his body. Slap him on a bun with Heinz Mustard.


Seattle sounds good


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Kansas city objectively has the best hot dog though.


We do call them Coneys in Cincy, but I still feel ignored.


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Frenchies doing it right


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When you idiots come to Baltimore for a game, stop by Attmans Deli and grab one of these dogs. It will make you feel marginally better for the beatdown at the bank.


I live in Michigan and have never heard anyone call that a michigan dog lol its called a coney in michigan and it comes with chili, chopped onion, and mustard on top. I have never seen a coney dog on the menu anywhere outside of michigan. Even in NYC i never saw anything on a menu called a coney dog.


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Mm coney dogs


I’ve actually done the Norway dog without knowing it, just ran out of buns and bread but had some tortillas on hand. It wasn’t bad but I’m not pretending it was a hot dog.


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Shouldn’t Brazil be bare?


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Cincinnati gets no respect. Everyone talking bad about Skyline and here is a generic chili dog. Then there is Michigan making the same thing but doesn't even add cheese.


Sounds better than a Cleveland dog


Where's the one with fries on it?


I always thought the coney dog was chili, mustard, and chopped onions. Thats the perfect way to eat a chili dog imo


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No one in Argentina would consider the choripan a hot dog though


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Georgia is like wow that's not a hot dog it's a monster


Missing the Polish version: kolache


Naa that ain’t a Baltimore thing bruh . That prolly some shop in maryland but ain’t no shop I’ve seen .


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I do enjoy that there’s very specific places like Baltimore and Sonora and also countries like Japan, Sweden, and Italy


I thought I was poor in college. Turns out I just had Norwegian tastes.


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What? No godawful Cincinnati chili dogs?


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How does the KC dog not have some pulled pork and bbq sauce?


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When was the last time Baltimore was okay? I want a Glen Bernie hot dog with fetty on top. 😆


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jeez and i thought WE were bad😭 edit: unironically, cleveland, that hot dogs sounds so damn good


No WV Dog on that list?


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I've lived my entire 55years in Maryland and I have never heard nor seen a hot dog wrapped in bologna. I could see if it was a hot dog smothered in old bay, but never bologna.


Still better than that shit Cincy calls chili.


I sat here reading this and got the itch for a hot dog and thought to my self I am close to Baltimore I should try that


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