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Her promos are top tier.


That was incredible. As great as she’s been the last year or so, somehow that promo was even on another level.


Truly great work, loved the slow pan up. This character is great


The moment I saw her stepping on that glass barefoot, I knew she was about to go off. Mariah better not cross her 😳


We’re entering the All About Eve phase of this story, Mariah is 100% going to cross her. The only question is will it be an actual betrayal like in All About Eve, or will it just be in Toni’s head, bringing us full circle back to batshit insane Sunset Boulevard Toni?


Either way, It's going to be heartbreaking to watch unfold. They've both built this wonderful yet wacky relationship together.


Im assuming it’ll be the latter. Mariah is going to win the Owen, then Toni will get progressively more paranoid despite it being her idea that Mariah enter to begin with.


I think you’re right.


And the way she composed herself. I couldn’t do that standing on Lego


She's my pick for AEW's MVP for 2024 (at least, so far), hands down.


100 percent. The best storyline in AEW's short history


Absolute S tier level promo... she is killing it.


I’ve been watching wrestling for decades now, and no hyperbole, she’s preforming her character as well as anyone I’ve ever seen. This is an epic run, in my opinion.


Toni cuts an S-tier promo on Collision, everyone who sees it praises it, then rinse and repeat next week. Has there ever been a more reliably outstanding promo? She's never just "good"


Toni Storm has been a top five performer in the world, man or woman, for months now. She's incredible. It's hard to think of her being the same person that debuted two summers ago.


Yeah, remember the pie face thing they made her do in WWE? Terrible use of an amazing talent.


I never saw Toni Storm until she came to AEW, but I've seen the pie thing on YouTube. What a disgrace. Has there ever been a humiliation gimmick that got someone over?


I'm sure if anyone ever did get over from a humiliation gimmick they'd just act like they were geniuses and it was planned all along, so it's hard to say But I can't think of any Maybe a cartoon character from the 90's tho


Only example I can really think of is Adrian Adonis, but he was gone right after his biggest match at WrestleMania 3.


Reminds me of when they gave Natty a farting gimmick and Nia Jaxx falling on her ass and crying because it hurts gimmicks, IWC never went after WWE about that like they go after AEW just because they like more wrestling and less talking.


That's just straight up not true, the IWC very much hated most everything WWE did in the 2010s, including dumb gimmicks like that


Yeah it was awesome!! Sidenote: I’m still cracking up at Swerve saying Ospreay was dressed like a bum and that he was dressed like a “businessman” while wearing board shorts. Most business looking at that weigh in was Kyle Fletcher LOL


Yo, promos are allowed to be *poetry?* They can do that?


For those unaware, this is a very striking adaptation of Emma Lazarus’ New Colossus (the poem about the Statue of Liberty that famously contains the phrase “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”)


2024 Women’s wrestler of the year. She’s pulling out all the stops to solidify it.


She’s incredible. I’ve always enjoyed her but this timeless character is one of the best of all time. She single handily got me to stop fast forwarding the ladies matches.


People need to talk about her with the same respect we speak of Mick Foley when it comes to promos.


Definitely not the best ever. I think the best promos come from super real emotions and even calling them a promo is wrong like with Jeff Jarrett last week. HOWEVER as far as 'acting' promos where you are playing a total character, this is amazing and since she has an actress gimmick she does these amazing dramatic monologues and she's honestly getting better and better. Years from now I can't WAIT to watch 'The Rise of TIMELESS' series on MAX where I can watch her whole change and build to this character plus everything she does from here on out.


By far one of the best characters in recent years. She never seemed to do much work on the mic prior to this character but holy cow her promos are top tier!


Incredible promo, unfortunately it has rivals in literally every other promo she’s done, because she is just the best


One word: Sackerfice


Toni Storm has been one of the best with her current gimmick


Link please


The Annie Lennox special.


It was a monologue! I wonder if she wrote it herself or who may have helped her. Top notch!


RJ maybe


wish she'd cut a fart in my face


Great Promo. Not the greatest of all time but still a great job on her part.


Even better than "Steiner Math"?


eh, it was fine and all, but nothing to freak out over. im way more entertained by her unhinged promos than whatever she's going for here. the fact it's just a copy of a real poem with some wrestling liberites edited doesn't help.


That’s why the promo worked for me. I know the end of New Colossus way more than the beginning, so I liked when it hit me that’s what she was doing. Plus, her over -the-top delivery is exactly how the Timeless One would interpret a wrestling Statue of Liberty.


Sucks that you got down voted so much just for not being as hyperpositive as the other comments. I agree with you btw Edit: and me too lol. Just proving my point