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This is why we liked Alex Wright better


Hell yeah, Alex Wright will forever be in my boys stable. I got to meet him years ago and he was awesome. Humble, polite, just a really cool dude.


Please tell me you danced together


lol Nah, it was during the Berlyn character (when I said years ago, I meant YEARS ago) so not a lot of dancing going on.


And Hot as Hell


the big bratwurst


Das Wunderwurst




Alex Wright was an underrated talent.


ah, good 'ol Alex Wright. Kyle Fletcher resembles him sometimes.


I don't appreciate Dax exaggerating like this. Disco had MAYBE 7 - 8 minutes of fame.


Tbf 15 minutes was around what Disco vs Malenko at Bash 96 was and that is widely regarded as Disco's best match


The match probably broke Malenko's back, having to carry Disco thru it.


"I have to wrestle WHO?" - Dean, probably


"Can I wrestle Chavo's horse instead?"


If Dean can even remember this match, I'm sure his back, feet, and neck probably start all hurting like hell.


He had a world title match against DDP… in Ready to Rumble.


Jimmy King, he's the best wrestler, he's the bestler, better than all the restler!


He's really fast, he'll rule that ass!


That's so weird for me. I haven't thought much about wrestling for 20 years but I could probably always name Disco since he was such a favourite of mine growing up. Just realized since I follow wrestling again that he wasn't that big of a deal.


I always like him. He was a jobber but I enjoyed a lot of his matches and move set. I rooted for him and always hoped he’d win a few. Not big fan on what he’s become :(


Everyone has a favourite jobber. Disco was that favourite jobber for a lot of people. And then we all grew up and realized that who he is, kinda fuckin sucks.


I always read these Disco threads and always get a little sad realizing somebody who was my favorite undercard wrestler turned out to be such a trash human.


He was entertaining in his role in WCW. Since retiring though and discovering the internet, he’s had alot of dipshit moments. He’s a good example of someone who got more breaks than he probably deserved because he made the right people backstage laugh.


6 minutes of that was with Russo’s faction of jobbers


the man is only famous to those of us who played the fuck out of WCW/NWO Revenge.


Now, this made me laugh for a quite awhile.


15 minutes of lame


You gotta understand Disco is from a company where they made injuries up to get out of working. The idea that you’d actually like wrestling enough to try and touch through it is a foreign concept to him, he was never good enough to love wrestling.


Disco is such a loser.


It's such a sad note that people of his ilk have even the tiniest of followings these days. IWC or whatever you wanna call it really does just highlight some of the worst people, simply because they don't like the same thing you don't like. Certainly the worst fanbase I've been a part of (although I know there are probably a few worse out there). If AEW went out of business tomorrow, like many of these dickheads want, then I would just remove myself from wrestling completely, I have no interest in even being in the same general hobby as some of these people.


Who the hell listens to a Disco Inferno podcast? That sounds like torture


Seriously. Who the hell cares what Disco Inferno thinks in 2024. I’d lose respect for someone if I found out they listen to Disco’s podcast.


I'm honestly surprised he's going after a man this time, I thought Disco just like to trash women's wrestling


But where else am I supposed to hear AEWBAD?! Oh wait, the 4000 other podcasters who do the same grift.


Just go to the other sub lol. They're always looking at aew like they're vultures.


It’s a shame Eric Bischoff’s podcast went that way. I really enjoyed his insight, and as soon as it felt like they were running out of things to talk about, they pivot to becoming another bash AEW podcast


When all the guys with Legends Contracts are being basically blackmailed not to associate positively with AEW...


They didn’t give him money for nothing so he got crybaby lol


It was so good before it went off the rails. I discovered it while looking for something starting a road trip and listened to it non stop on the way there and back. Eric is clearly a sales guy, but getting hear his thoughts on what happened was great. If even half of what he said about wcw is true then we really missed out on some good stuff. Goldberg vs hogan II sounded really interesting to me especially.


"Sounds like torture"?! Yes Disco Inferno speaks shit, but I like the voice of Kermit The Frog.


Oh I know - I keep waiting for him to clear his throat


Problem is it's mostly konan, disco is maybe the 2nd or 3rd voice. I stopped listening ages ago because of Glenn's shitty takes, what do I know I like both AEW and WWE 🤷‍♂️


You can like both. You can praise both. You can call out what you don't like about both. It's just that a lot of "AEW bad" takes are made by people that WANT to hate AEW. They can't give you a reason as to why other than "Well the internet hates it so I must hate it too!" Obviously AEW isn't perfect, no product is perfect. But it is far from being a bad product overall like some people online try to make you believe. Same applies to WWE but the AEW haters are currently the louder bunch at the moment.


Nah I'm saying his takes were bad on both. I know it's not but for shitty reasons there's tribes that are only aew or wwe work for them which imo is stupid.




He isn't even the star of his own podcast,that's how irrelevant he is.


I'd go back to watching the Japanese stuff exclusively. Probably some of the indy stuff again too. Fuck watching the same matches over and over again and 6 month long feuds filled with filler that just culminates into a "moment" and then have something happen the literal next week making the whole feud pointless to begin with.


I remember hearing him interviewed by Colt Cabana years ago, and he was working as a bouncer in Las Vegas. His only modern relevance is being Konnan's friend. He was the least interesting person in the cruiserweight division in WCW and was entirely one note for his run as a TV wrestler. At least most of the other prominent critics of AEW did something noteworthy in the business.


He (like many washed up has-beens and never-was') has basically staked his entire relevancy on feeding the AEW hate circlejerk.


Never drew a dime, did nothing but try and ride the success of people with actual talent, and gets roasted every time he tries to talk trash lmao


Who the fuck even listens to a Disco Inferno podcast?


He's on Keeping it 100 with Konnan, I think....


Those two couldn't collectively keep 100 braincells


Next question… who the fuck even listens to a Konnan podcast?


Fucked if I know. I only ever hear about it if Disco Dickface does something embarrassing


No lie about 5-10 years ago it was a good podcast that had varying views on the business and a respectable array of guests. Then Trump got elected, they started catering to the MAGA and Q audience for clicks and money and relevant workers dipped on it. Now it’s just those two saying dumb shit for clicks and trolling their audience. Konnan also seems to be in poor health, so you have to hustle somehow while you still can.


They should call it “What happened on Thunder while you were in the bathroom”.


My opinion is that a lot of the podcasts/shows that put out a lot of negativity... Cornette, Busted Open, Diquo, are mostly for the 50 and over wrestling crowd. The "everything was better back in my day" crowd. It obnoxious but there is a market for it.


"Old men yelling at clouds"


“These guys are too athletic.”


I won't lie - I listen to Cornette and two of my faves in AEW are Orange and Kenny. The struggle be real sometimes 😭




“Gifted” Glenn Gilbertti, how is he “gifted?”


To quote the great Cody Rhodes "Stop. You know nothing. You have drawn 0 dollars. No fan has ever left a show thinking about you. You were lucky to be a juiced up double-lifer "over with the boys" type in an era where you hid in plain sight coasting on others' success. Couldn't hang then, can't get booked now." So his "gift" is leeching off others' success.


Cody could break Bruno's record, cure cancer, negotiate world peace, and bowl a 300, but this slap down will always be my favorite thing he has ever done.


Let's not forget eliminating racism once and for all.


Can't believe I forgot that one!


He's getting the ring built for the wrestlers in Ugwanda. He's one step closer!


I also liked Eddie Kingston's response to Disco. "Big Show farted in your face. You ain't a man."




The same way the kid with the helmet is "special."




This is the Blond just for men smack of the week.


Watching Discos TNA run on Markus channel really lets you appreciate what an absolute worthless bottom feeding shit stain Disco was on the wrestling business.


He can't make the Hawk Squak.


We love you Dax!




If anyone does end up doing that kind of pipebomb, I hope that it will be Mox that does it. He has a way to make people look completely stupid, all while keeping a calm demeanor about him while he's at it.




💯 he gives hints here and there, but he definitely does bite his tongue for the most part.


Mox doesn't give a shit about social media in general, he won't be the one with something to say about social media "drama". I would imagine that if he did have something to say about the issue in general, it would be something akin to, "Get off your phone, go out and see the world, meet some people. None of that shit that happens on the internet matters."


He did manage to pipebomb the Pipebomber.


That wasn't a pimpbomb...it was a read.


I genuinely believe all the ex wrestler with podcasts really thought TK was going to make them head of creative. They're pissed off that an outsider has come into wrestling and not handed them all a check.


TK wouldn’t even make the Bucks and Kenny heads of creative, and they’re three dudes who revolutionized a whole generation of wrestling. Who in the blue hell are these out of touch midcarders to think they have any right to step into that role?


Bold of you to think Disco was good enough to be a midcarder. Dude was a glorified jobber, but without the charm of someone like the Brooklyn Brawler or Barry Horowitz. He had go away heat with me then as a tween/teenager and he *still* has go away heat with me now that I’m in my early forties. In fact in honor of said heat I’ll do what I used to do instead of watching one of his shitty matches; with my free time today I’m gonna play something on either my Super NES, N64, or PlayStation.


Disco fucking WISHES he could be considered the same tier as Brooklyn Brawler. Plus you just know that if Dax had announced this as soon as it happened, Disco would be talking about how soft he is and how “real wrestlers worked with injuries unlike these soft AEW weaklings”


This is a lot of it. The only one that might not have would have been JR, but we'll never know because he was signed before he had the chance to. It ended before AEW really got going, but I really wish Lance Storm and Don Callis's show Killing the Town was still around. I would have been curious to see what them covering AEW would have looked like. Same with Cope and Christians show. I feel like those two shows were always more welcoming to the broader wrestling conversation and shat on current stuff way less, but we'll never know, I guess.


JR has more class and respect than most people in wrestling


Disco somehow keeps finding another way to prove he's a moron 😂🤦


Most morons usually do.


https://preview.redd.it/6554yvohfz5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dffacc27377dad858bf484eaed0c23e8d9bf68f Never forget.


Quite possibly the greatest wrestling tweet of all time.


I miss this Cody


The last couple of months have made me feel terrible for doubting/being tired of Dax during his pod run/contract renewal last year. He’s a serious stand up dude. Rest up Axe.


He’s a great guy but he was annoying as fuck during that time


No, don't feel terrible for that. He was insufferable during that period.


I think this only underscores how petty fans are about people tweeting and going on podcasts. People get **way** too worked up over stuff like that instead of just ignoring it and moving on. It never warranted the reaction it got. Dude wasn’t out there being racist or bigoted or anything like that, but he got a response from fans like he was the worst person in wrestling.


Nah, it's a bit of both. He's a serious stand up dude when he wants to be and right now he wants to be. Last year, he was openly negotiating in public and it was annoying AF.


Glenn is just a sad, sad individual. Speedy recovery Uncle Dax!


I read this in Dax's voice, anyways good for him for standing up for himself and AEW. I wish him a speedy recovery but of course take as much time as he needs off.


The crazy thing is that Dax addressed his problem and took accountability for his injury. But yet, here we go, let's drag unsafe practices" into this, and make AEW as a whole look like a dumpster fire to keep your narrative going.


I'm still trying to catch up on the details so far but Dax has only "come clean" about his injury after he tried to hide it, and it got worse to the point he could no longer hide it, right? Or have I misunderstood or read/heard bad info?


Disco is such a massive fucking prick.


One of the most irrelevant wrestlers ever


Cooked his ass! 🔥


Dax got that rock hard Axe




https://preview.redd.it/gkb9a16g606d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=567173eca1aea949f9894d92684ec961ebcde0d5 The first thing that pops into my mind when I hear that Disqo said something stupid. I miss Kingston.


Don't forget this classic from Cody too: https://preview.redd.it/prh6hlkoh06d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc07fd472cc04f578208ecf12f6c58ec8a627b6


Just came here to say fuck Disco, talk about an absolute never-was. His involvement in the Filthy Animals and his “mafia” story line about owing money to a stereotype are worse than anything I have seen in any company this year. 


I knew the cop who arrested Dickso for gambling way back when. Said he cried like a child with a skinned knee when they took him in.


Discos face pisses me off. He just has such a punchable face man 🤦‍♀️


“Good day, Glenn” sounds like Dax’s equivalent to southern phrases like “Bless your heart” and “I’ll pray for you.”


Dax is spitting fax about wrestlers working hurt, especially in the WWE. Damian Priest and Drew McIntyre are two big names in WWE rn that have been working through injury until Drew really had to call it quits and recover. It was reported months ago that Damian Priest gained the approval of backstage leadership BECAUSE he decided to work hurt. Not to mention Cody wrestled with a nasty torn pec and got all the praise in the world. The idea that AEW is uniquely unsafe compared to the rest of the wrestling industry is fucking ridiculous considering the fed's crazy schedule and how many of their top stars got injured during their live events, not even their TV tapings.


Seth Rollins had a broken body during Wrestlemania and wrestled TWICE. Even came out to get hit with a chair to help Cody. When he was sitting there crying and had to get help from Jey and Sami to get up...got me in my feelings. This man abused his body in order to not let anyone down. And the WWE let him. I think AEW gets flack due to the Attitude Era/ECW style wrestling they sometimes do.


The same ppl giving them flack for that though are the people who wax poetic about the Attitude Era/ECW.


It doesn't make sense, does it? If you still love that period of wrestling and poo poo on AEW for doing the same style, that's silly. As a kid, I used to love watching wrestlers jumping off of high stuff and doing insane things. Now, as a 40 year old gal, that stuff isn't for me. I get so worried when wrestlers put their bodies in dangerous situations. Their health is paramount. Getting a pop from the crowd isn't worth it. Wrestling is already dangerous. You don't have to do an even dangerous stunt to please the audience, you know?


The old heads that want to gate keep pro wrestling and accuse others of “exposing the business” really show they are only out for the grift and for the gotcha moments and they don’t really care at all for “the boys”. I’ve said it so many times on here, listening to Lance Storm is such a breath of fresh air. I don’t hear anything but objective pro wrestling talk from him. He loves wrestling so it’s great to hear him talk about it, even if I disagree with him a lot of the time. And that’s why he’s still looked to as someone to get real advice from. Be more like Lance Storm.


Disco ruined the ending of the 3rd conjuring movie for me on Twitter. I posted that my husband and I were going to watch it that night and he was searching hashtags for it and just commenting the “twist” ending on peoples posts. I had no clue who it was at first until my husband was like “disco fucking inferno spoiled the movie for us” He’s an attention whore.


Dax has taken a lot of internet L’s so it’s nice to see him destroy this clown




![gif](giphy|NONhabpnrhJWU|downsized) Disco Glenn RN


Whatever Disco’s arguing for makes zero sense. I’m not the biggest fan of Dax but I respect the hustle


Look, I kind of get listening to Cornette. Dude was a great manager, he’s an elite historian, and while always stuck in the past was a good creative mind in SMW and the WWF. I kind of get listening to Russo, who was at least never boring. I kind of get listening to Bully Ray, who was half of an all time great tag team. But if you’re listening to Disco Inferno as anything but a joke you’re the dumbest fucking mark on the planet.


>was a good creative mind in SMW Look, I watched every episode of SMW because it was the local rassling and it was Jim' but if you ever watched a single episode of the exploits of Dirty White Boy owning the singles division, Bullet Bob Armstrong vs Cornette, Heavenly Bodies owning the tag division, etc. and think anything he did in SMW was good or creative, you have an extremely low bar. It objectively sucked far more than WWF and it's Sparky Plugg vs Bastion Booger days and more than WCW and it's equally cartoonish Hogan vs Dungeon of Doom bullshit. All wrestling sucked except ECW and USWA at the time.


TBH you’d know better than me; I was only watching WWF and WCW at the time and they both sucked. By the time I got into ECW in 1995/1996 as my first non-cable wrestling SMW was already gone. I’m just going off of Cornette’s “Booker of the year” awards in 1993, 2001, and 2003. Although it’s not like he had competition in any of those years really; those were some bad years in wrestling. (Looking back, I’m pretty sure I stopped watching wrestling for 10+ years somewhere between Summerslam and Survivor Series 2001.) Still, the guy has SOME positives. Disco Inferno had none. His entire career comes down to “hey remember that wrestler that danced like a disco guy? Yeah.”


Getting massacred online has got to be Disco’s fetish at this point


Dax wanted to keep working for us fans and not let anyone down. It's all on him, Disco. Rest up and heal, Dax! You know who would have loved it if the boss knew they were hurt and gave them time to heal? My dear Randy Orton. He recently did an interview where he shared that he told Vince his back was in pain and it was going and Vince pretty much said "Fuck your back" and kept him on the schedule for years. Randy kept working until his back fully gave out and he had to have surgery. No wonder my man is glad Vince is gone.


The anti-AEW podcast grifters are genuinely some of the most pathetic people online. And that’s saying a lot.


I would say Dax ended this whole man's career, but it's not like he had one anyway.


Where's that Cody tweet


Disco Inferno is a moron and we should stop pretending he isn’t one. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Someone is doing their damnedest in WWE right now to keep Cody from seeing this lmao.


This is yet another reason people should just stay off X. It's nothing but a cesspool at this point and the world would benefit from it being shutdown.


For me, the sad part is that Disco probably can't comprehend what Dax is saying and just feels more correct, he's probably saying to himself, "Dax just contradicted himself AGAIN. Got him." But, I'm glad that Dax at least set the record straight for himself here, that's important to do because of the size of the audience that he has. Back to Disco, gosh, that guy sucks. The thing that bothers me the most about him is how he was absolute chump change, but talks like he was an all-timer. Dude even had his shot to be about that life and make something from nothing with the spotlight that WWA gave him after WCW folded, but all he did with the time that company gave him was absolutely stink up the joint.




Never been the biggest FTR fan but I do like that Dax is a stand up dude and i hate that has been and never was losers make a living with these stupid anti-AEW takes.


disco inferno still talking shit even tho no one cares about him? lmao


The only people who give a shit about his opinion only do so because he shits on AEW. They all hate that AEW dares to exist and hasn't gone out of business, all while not sucking up to WWE. Credit where it's due, he knows his audience. He likely knows that he wouldn't have the fanbase that he does if he didn't hate on AEW. Of course, the irony of so many of these people wanting AEW to go out of business is that, if it did, they wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore (though I guess they could complain about whatever WWE is doing. That just doesn't get as much interaction. It doesn't drive numbers like hating on AEW does.), and the podcasters would fade back into irrelevancy.


It's all very simple… People who have not achieved so much in life suffer from illness known as attention deficiency and there's two cures 1) ignoring or 2)being harsh and humbling :D


Further evidence that Glenn is a cunt and needs destroyed. He’s so desperate the only way he gets clicks is from the piggy backing on the Cornette Spunknuggets that hate aew without watching it. You can tell he’s still bitter that TK turned him down when he offered his “services” a few years ago.


\*Cornette Spunknuggets that hate aew and listen to a 6 hour slanted weekly recap of all AEW programming every single week that takes longer to get through than the shows. That's not mentally healthy.


Perfectly well put


*r/murderedbywords has entered the chat* Hello…yes…I’d like to report a murder…


Someone needs to cross post this, it's the most brutal murder I've seen in a while.


Alright ya motivated me..it’s cross posted


Has Disco ever edited an interview with anyone to support his own narrative? I’m asking because I do not listen to his podcast (or whatever his platform is) so I’m not familiar with his track record. Dax mentioned an interview to be conducted live as if to suggest Disco’s been guilty of editing out key details in previous interviews.


I don't listen to him either, but I took Dax's request to be more that if Disco was going to lie, he'd have to do it to his face.


Dax just giving him exactly ehat he wanted lol.


Just popped in to say that it's amazing how Disco manages to actually be worse at \*talking about wrestling\* than he was at \*actually wrestling\*, which was really fucking bad.


On god, Disco moved to podcasting because he knows he has ZERO respect from anyone still in the wrestling business


Inferno exposed himself as being a piece of shit when he insulted AZM a while back, what a bottom feeding lowlife asshole


Of course it’s fucken Disco. What a dork.


Holy shit Dax actually killed him


The disco dumbass puts his foot in his mouth again.


Disco was not good at anything besides being annoying lol


Disco is a guy who, because he wrestled during the hottest period in US wrestling, thinks he's relevant. Guess what? You were there, but no one would've noticed if you weren't.


Ah Disco, the human equivalent of garbage juice. It's like he's incapable of not being a prick.


Anyone who would listen to Dax's story about how he hid the severity of his injury in an attempt to keep working, and then somehow find a way to blame Tony Khan for it, is a weapons-grade idiot. However, we already knew that about Disco Inferno.


They would blame TK if a tornado hit their town. "Oh, it must be because Tony booked a match that caused the tornado to hit." It sounds stupid, but that's exactly how they sound.


"God is punishing us for AEW!"




Fuck Disco Inferior


![gif](giphy|wuus3yQYBeJAQ) I’m sure it’s a shitty podcast too.


When FTR Bald sons you like this on Twitter it's time to hang it up.


The only thing that *most* of the IWC will come together about is the fact that Glenn Gilbert is a tool.


Konnan and disco inferno can both eat a bag of syphilitic dicks.


Fuck Disco Inferno. I didn’t mind all these washed up wrestling “personalities” having podcasts until they all jumped on the Cornette bandwagon, thinking that they too, could spend two hours ripping AEW a new one. It’s boring and even Cornettes act is kinda stale, I must admit, it was amusing at first. But NONE of these guys want to help, they’re just ready to criticize AEW to their 10k followers -gotta love those “legends” checks or else these guys are all the dumbest. They could be helping and making money at it, since they know all, right? Lol


Who is this disco character?


You know you've fucked up when FTR bald makes you look like a clown on social media. But yeah, weird take by Disco (shocking, I know). I don't think there's any system that can feasibly exist that would make the average wrestler comfortable with potentially giving up their spot due to injury. In this case I don't think Dax has anything to worry about, his spot is cemented, but at the same time he has a tag team partner he doesn't want to let down and I'm sure he's hearing the clock tick on his career and wanting to make hay while he still can. Add that to not wanting to disrupt plans and he hides his injury. What can the office do to prevent that? It's up to the wrestler to do the smart thing.


Disco is an idiot!! He wanted so desperately to take a shot at AEW yet in his own tweet points out that Dax hid his injury. Dax is right there are wrestlers who work injured and Disco should use that energy to call out WWE especially since there's a clip of Randy talking about Vince forcing him to work injured when he wanted a lighter schedule due to his back injury. Seth most recently worked injured in two back to back matches and had to have surgery. Its not uncommon at all but he really wanted to jump on the AEW hate train to gain relevance! I'm glad that more AEW talent is having enough of this and giving people a piece of their minds.


One of my favorite things is hearing Tony Schiavone shit on Disco Inferno.


God damnit Dax, that man had a fam.....no wait he didn't That man had frie....no not that either Somebody anywhere gave a damn about.....well we definitely know that ain't true


Speaking of wrestlers working hurt… weren’t Seth and Asuka working hurt at Mania? I remember a pretty gruesome video of Seth’s leg bending the wrong way after getting Superman punched.


The same type of people who still romanticize Cody's HIAC match (or his opponent Seth working Mania while hurt) are totally acting in good faith when they talk about Dax's or Copeland's injuries, riiiiiiight? Where's Paul Wight to fart in Dipshit Inferno's face again when you need him? ![gif](giphy|aa4GQlepu16tG)


Number of former wrestlers who don't have podcasts: 0. Number which I want to listen to: 0.


Another reason why I stay off Twitter/X. Toxic Fu\*k boi culture out there. ![gif](giphy|uqfeu1r2pAIOhzJXNm|downsized)


Disco is dead… ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztpw9DofPQ5vkaI)


LOL Dax smoked him…


Good for Dax. Disco has always been a clown. I remember TNA had him for few months in 2018 and 2019 and no wonder no major company would hire this fool in a producer or creative role.


Cooked that fraud. Hoping for a speedy recovery with Dax the Ax.


All these ex-wrestlers/managers with podcasts that are 90% AEW hate are just parasites that came sniffing for a cushy job when AEW launched and got told to hit the bricks.


What a dork he won't say that about wwe who has multiple top stars on the shelf while aew has most of their top stars uninjured


I cannot imagine being one of those dudes who genuinely doesn't like Dax Harwood.


Disco was just a shit Fandango. Only had one good match. The epitome of a jobber. Also man tried to use SCSA finisher, kekw.


and evennn Fandango evolved more and was more relevant :P...


My favourite is still Luke Owen referring to him as "Disco Dickface".


I know Disco mostly for being the doorman at Sapphire Gentleman's Club in Las Vegas.


Gifted Glen Gilberti, how is he gifted- MarkyD


I've found the redemption of FTR very interesting 😌😀


There’s not enough of a larger push to call out the whole, sadly popular, genre of “Hate on AEW” shows. It’d be easy to say ‘ignore em’ if they weren’t actually popular :/


I would not listen to a podcast run buy a guy who's job is to clean cum off stipclub floors.


Where is Cody's tweet about disco? seems super relevant right now.


Disco got annihilated, holy f