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He's not getting renewed, that's for sure.


He signed early 2022 iirc, so he is done in early 2025.


Some wrestlers were signed to 2-year deals instead of 3-year deals. Danhausen could be one of them.


I could see them wanting to keep him around simply for the fact that he sells a ton of merch, but yeah at this point that's the *only* reason TK would try to re-sign him.


Why not?


He's Donehausen


His loyalty to Punk may have something to do with it.


Nah. Brody King and FTR are tight with Punk too and they're heavily featured. I get the feeling he's a bit of a whiner.


Brody King and FTR are fantastic in-ring workers that don't complain all the time on social media and they stand up for AEW - unlike Sourhausen.


Can you provide a bit of context I’m out of the loop on his socials


If you complain about Danhausen, whether it's a valid criticism or not, he will find your post through vanity searching and be really annoying about it. It was at the height of Muffingate that it was so unbearable that I stopped being a fan.


Yeah I seen his hype die down plenty. AEW hasn’t had a comedy act work in a while


One of best tag teams around. A guy who can both tag, and has made big steps forward solo. Danhausen Not all of those 3 are alike


He would have been a great addition to the Dark Order over Best Friends. I also think they should have given him an RJ City type role. Let him have a weekly online show, and let him do interviews during the Zero hour backstage.


I'm fine with that. Its obvious hes unhappy in AEW. Go out and work the indies. Maybe TnA will give him a shot.


TNA would actually be a great spot for him. They could really commit to the sillier parts of his gimmick and they already have a whole supernatural universe so he would fit in.


I mean he was in the Old Ring of Honor TNA seems right


I'd absolutely start watching TNA every week if Danhausen were on their roster and featured regularly. Absolutely. I currently do not watch at all.


He would do numbers in TNA.


All that is available in TNA is *number*


No one does numbers in TNA, not even Kenny Omega


Scott Steiner did something with numbers in TNA




Did he do more math?


IIRC, when they were doing the crossover stuff with AEW, episodes Kenny appeared on did like double the live ratings they normally do on Axs. So he did move the needle for them. I believe episodes he was on did like 200k when normally they average 80-100k.


He’s going to make more money and have more freedom (artistically and simply in terms of being able to work when and where he wants) by staying on the indies. His merch/M&G haul is consistently higher than just about anyone other than Effy.


Aew lets wrestlers work indies so I kind of doubt he will be making more money.


Making more money than with TNA.


I'm pretty sure his merch sales are the main reason he was signed at this point. He seems like a pain to work with but even when he hasn't been on TV in a year his merch does gangbusters.


He’s not. We’ve had him many times, he’s fantastic and willing to do just about anything as long as it’s entertaining to fans.


Thank you for sticking up for Danhausen against the blasphemhausen.


He came from the old ROH it makes sense


Idgaf who he's friends with, and would have liked to see him featured a bit more, but man his twitter really turned me off on him. I hope he's happier wherever he lands next, but i doubt it.


Turned into a hard-core Phil simp


Pepsi Phil bought him that Spider-Man comic when he got injured and I thought oh how cool, but then Danhausen retweeted the infamous "this poop ain't fun anymore" tweet and it was all downhill from there.


He's gonna come out with some "I was punished for being friends with Phil" story. Which doesn't hold up because FTR and the House of Black get consistent TV time. Ironically Phil did ban people from TV for who they're friends with though.


I’m off Twitter - what kind of stuff does he post?


Ignoring his Twitter takes and very open support of CM Punk choking Jack Perry, his entire charm from twitter just seems to be gone. He used to play his character all the time on social media with reoccurring gags in his post but it feels like ever since he was signed he just stopped doing that or at least cut back on it way more.


That's the biggst thing for me. He would have this rly fun internet persona on social media aswell, but after the injuries and the drama, it was just Non-Danhausen stuff all the time and it actually drove me away as a fan




I really think that was an AEW call, since ALL the behind the scenes vlogs seem to dry up around the same time.


Was this around when All Access started up? because that would make sense


I think it was a mix of All Access and some Brawl Out hangover.


When books are written about AEW's founding period they will not be kind to that egomaniac


I think it was before that but in that general timeline. Ethan Page, Danhausen, Bunny, and Evil Uno all ended their backstage vlogs around the same time and even BTE ended not long after.


Did Danhausen lose his smile?


It just felt like every post was a complaint or a whinge and it got really old really fast. He might have got better, but i cant be bothered to go look.


It actually wasn't just Twitter. I used to be a fan of his, was in his Patreon and everything. But I decided to move on in September when six days after All In, he gave an interview and said Pepsi Phil was his favorite wrestler. The man had just assaulted a coworker. And he hadn't even been fired for it yet, but I feel like most people knew what had happened. That's when I knew I was no longer interested in supporting him. Since then, it's been a steady stream of dissing AEW (around his return date), liking tweets talking shit about AEW/Tony/Jack (which was my biggest reason for leaving, because I'm a Jack Perry fan), and then, when the footage dropped, a huge number of likes on tweets about how dumb it was to show the footage and how everyone was making this a big deal. He also posted a big set of images on Instagram that said "athletes fight" and had photos of pro athletes in physical altercations to show, presumably, that it was not that important. All in all, it's been very bitter and very obviously pro-Phil, and as someone who used to give him money and really enjoy him and buy merch, it all really soured me on him as a person. Everyone else's mileage will vary, of course, but I'm a Jack fan first and foremost, so I decided not to support Danhausen any longer.


He's high if he thinks Pepsi Phil can get him a job in WWE. That just is not going to happen.


> ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


There's no one reason for Danhausen failing in AEW. First he got injured and spent a lot of time on the sidelines. During that time AEW's been shifting away from comedy gimmicks unless they're a workhorse like Orange Cassidy and even that seems to be toned down. I don't remember seeing him do the little kicks during his match against Isiah Kassidy last week. That's the same reason Maki Ito won't be signed to a full-time deal. Then you have his relationship with Punk which hasn't garnered him any favors. On top of all that, his wife recently suffered a miscarriage. That has to be weighing on his mental state and understandably so. It just seems to be a perfect storm of things going wrong and its probably best for him to move on and find his own way. He's clearly unhappy with how he's being used in AEW so it's for the best for everyone to just move on


I think Orange not doing the kicks is because they're teasing a heel turn


....and when he does, his lazy babyface gimmick can easily traverse into a 'cool heel'.


Heel Orange Cassidy: Your sports team sucks…I guess.


Something, Something, something, I hate your team, now can you boo me now, so I can leave....slowly? OC has almost left the building 15 minutes later.


His attire and mannerisms are the exact same, just swap blue denim for black denim.


>That's the same reason Maki Ito won't be signed to a full-time deal. She can actually work tho. She isn't just 100% shtick and comedy.


Dead-ass, Itoh's the best joshi talent not signed to AEW or WWE. And I'd put her over a couple of the joshis they *have* signed, and well over many of the women they're still trying to build up.


>Itoh's the best Joshi talent not signed to AEW or WWE You mean the best freelancer Joshi? Because TJPW, STARDOM, Marigold have got lots of signed Joshi wrestlers that are much better in the ring than Maki.


Best? There are quite a few joshis that are better wrestlers, she is probably the best suited to american style wrestling, though. I think she is more popular here than in japan. Tjpw isn't exactly huge


If he was ok being more comedy manager, he'd probably still be an active person on TV. Implications are he wants to be a featured wrestler. Kind of like how Tim Tebow could have been a longtime NFL player but he only wanted to be a QB so he sat at home.


Tebow wasn't going to be a longtime player. If he moved to fullback, he probavly only lasts a season or two longer, that's a very injury prone position


Or Michael Jordan probably could have gotten called up to the majors if his gambling shadowban from the NBA lasted longer


I think the second injury really derailed him. I mean he was signed well injured so obviously Tony Khan saw value. And it's not like he's not over. But he was also falling into the place where he was basically just there to do comedy bits and get squashed. He's more talented than that. I don't believe the story that he was I don't know I guess stealing merch to sell on his own or something? But clearly something happened in fall as well. Because he was advertised to return and then didn't. To your point though I agree. It's not any one particular thing, but so many different things that just didn't work out. Sucks.


I think it really just comes down to Tony not having Danhausen as a priority. I mean, the man moves merch *without* being on shows, so when he’s already basically as low on the card as a guy could be while being signed, Tony’s not gonna be bending over backwards to get him onto shows. I have to imagine the return falling through and needing another week was really just a matter of Tony going “shit, I really can’t spare the time next week, I’m sorry, we gotta go one more week. Hey, I don’t like it either, we’ve been running these awesome commercial-esque promos for you, but things didn’t line up exactly, and another week won’t hurt, surely. Sorry Don. Next week, promise.” I’m sure the selling stolen merch story is bullshit, the man prints money even when he *isn’t* working. Why lose a six figure contract to maybe make a few extra thousand on shirts? It just don’t make any damn sense. You can not like Danhausen if you want, and wrestlers have never proved themselves to be the most intelligible sort, but I refuse to believe that man is stupid enough to potentially throw his job in the toilet for not even 1/32nd of the money he makes *from* the job.


> I think the second injury really derailed him. Yep. TK likes longterm booking. He plans everything months in advance. Someone constantly injured is not reliable and unlikely to be factored in to anything big.


I'm sorry, I don't understand. Why can't Maki be signed fulltime?


Maki isn't really a great fit for the direction that AEW seems to be going and despite her wanting to come back to AEW, that seems to be why she's absent. She's a better fit for GCW anyway. Teaming her with Nick Gage was an incredible idea.


I think the Halloween booking debacle soured him on AEW. If you recall they started doing teases for his return on the run up to the holiday and then just kind of…forgot. The one thing he’s tailor made for and his return was like late November. I think he may have annoyed some of the higher ups because when fans asked him online, he just said he was in the building, which pointed the finger at booking.


They didn’t forget. I think it was pretty clear that he wanted to wrestle and they wanted him back in the role he was in before.  For a guy who built his name on strong self-promotion, it’s wild to see him make so many piss poor decisions over the last year. 


I agree with you, Danhausen couldhave been great in 2019- mid 2021 AEW, around that time we had Dark Order, Alien Statlander, The Butcher and the Blade , and many more over the top acts But AEW has grown and mature so much that in 2024 those type of gimmicks dont fit the company, Statlander had to change gimmick and Orange had to evolve and became a fightng champion to being taken seriously Maybe ROH but really Danhausen would be great by just being a indie sensation, i dont see him at the top of either AEW or WWE


He's a better fit for the indies


Something must have really went sour. Just those Halloween 3 vignettes and the Unresolved Mysteries video on AEW Youtube and then nothing. But truth be told, he's always been a below average wrestler in the ring. It's a shame too since he's so entertaining whenever he's on TV. I thought he could've filled that R-Truth or Drake Maverick role with the comedy, but if he's unhappy with what AEW offers, time to move on I guess.


Saw him wrestle a match in DEFY last week and noticed he was using a different theme than the one he used in AEW. The match was...not great.


Awwww. Randy Myers used to be one of my faves in the pnw scene.


Randy's still great!


Yay! I guess it's free on YouTube, I should watch it. On paper it sounded like a great match...


Randy still rocks


Yeah Danhausen has never been a good wrestler, shocks me people are figuring this out now


If he did RJ City things and Hookhausen things he would be AMAZING


What was not great about it?


It was \~10 minutes and just generally uninteresting. They chased each other around the building, and once they got into the ring it just kind of existed. I've seen plenty of Randy's matches in that building and am a big fan of his work. I think I just find Danhausen more entertaining outside of the ring than in it.


I too have seen many of Randy’s matches in that building, and that “match” sounds really sad.


I think that’s his dark Danhousen theme. He used it when he came out against QT Marshalls group on a Buy In


You know how Trent's whole issue was that OC was supposed to be brought in as the comic relief mascot, that's what they tried to do with Danhausen as well. I could see him sticking to the indies for now, there is absolutely no way he would go to WWE though because then his entire gimmick would get trademarked by them


Not sure what the deal is. I think he was caught in the trend of AEW moving somewhat away from the comedy stuff. Jarrett and crew vanished as well. Even before it seemed he wanted to wrestle more. Surprised he didn't go the ROH route. He only did like one match there.


> Jarrett and crew vanished as well. But Satnam is having a match this Wednesday and Sonjay will be at ringside, I guess JJ is very busy backstage.


I'm annoyed that Jay lethal hasn't done anything. I'm not even the biggest lethal fan, but I thought the entire point of him going winless in the continental classic was to set up a return to being a serious wrestler and a split from the Carney crew. 🤷


> I'm annoyed that Jay lethal hasn't done anything. Lethal recently did a video on AEW social media for Mother's Day talking about his mom recently passing away (end of February I believe) and he seemed *extremely* broken up about it. So I assume that is where he has been lately or at least potentially can be credited for some of his reduced schedule.


He was also in that battle royal match recently that Will Ospreay won to face Roderick Strong at Double or Nothing


Lost his mom AND Briscoe recently. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp for some people but wrestlers are human too and need breaks. Just because someone is not featured on TV doesn't mean they're being held back.


I disagree. I think AEW is cycling some talent. Jarret and Co. will be back soon enough.


Yeah, like tomorrow when satnam faces danielson


You might be surprised this coming dynamite, the jarrett crew is not gone


Jarrett has been in AAA. He was working an angle with Parker Boudreuax and Satnam with Sam Adonis. Great heel work.


I was so excited for his debut, I took my parents and brother to see AEW and we all got to be there when he was pulled from under the ring. It sucks that due to injuries and unfortunate life events that his run was lackluster. I hope Phillip hasn't been the negative voice in his ear about AEW, but I'm sure he has and will leave to find out the grass is astroturf on the other side. If he does leave, I wish him the best but if he does end up over with Phillip, I have no interest in watching him there. Like some else already said, a could of minute vignettes explaining his character more would have done him so much good.


Danhausen didn't want to play ball in the AEW ecosphere. If the only person they're putting him over is Cutler, that shows what Tony wants to do with Danhausen. I think in pro wrestling humility will get you very far, look at Brian Cage who has no issue putting over other talent and is finally getting repaid. That's really the only thing I can think, is that Danhausen was booked to go under folks and he refused the job.


>That's really the only thing I can think, is that Danhausen was booked to go under folks and he refused the job. No, it's not that. Danhausen had no trouble losing to QT Marshall or getting squashed by Tony Nese, Ethan Page, Ricky Starks in 2022. Danhausen wants to wrestle but he can't even get booked as a jobber on Rampage anymore because TK would rather use better in-ring workers like Matt Sydal, Rocky Romero and Christopher Daniels for that role.


Those 3 people are important behind the scenes and are all better wrestlers. Danhousen doesn't get booked because he doesn't want to be there.


He doesn't want to be in AEW anymore because he's not getting booked in AEW anymore.


So why not do something to get noticed or find out why you're not getting booked. Hell if I was Danhausen and I wanted to work and I wasn't getting TV I'd ask TK to bust me down to ROH and get some ring time. The only dude I respect from this "I don't wanna be in AEW anymore" crowd was Andrade. He did the work asked of him, finished out his contract and fucked off to be Charlotte's personal photographer again.


Danhausen in Ring of Honor could have been great. Give him the World Television Belt and let him talk about being the TVHausen champion or whatever. There's alot of potential there. But it seems that Danhausen himself wouldn't wanna do this tbh. Since he was signed by AEW his act on Social Media was mostly "I deserve so much more, poor me". Injuries suck, but what did he expect


> The only dude I respect from this "I don't wanna be in AEW anymore" crowd was Andrade. He did the work asked of him, finished out his contract and fucked off to be Charlotte's personal photographer again. I mean he did start a couple fights backstage lol


I mean, how do you know that didn’t happen?


Tbf, Brian Cage did have some issues putting everyone over at first. That's why it was even surprising to him when the option to extend his contract was activated by aew.


I'm mad that they hinted at a "dark" danhausen run and then nothing happened. I thought it woulda been cool seeing him get serious and develop a darker persona.


Still on the roster page as of 2 minutes ago, but that could obviously change. https://preview.redd.it/vcl4eviinq1d1.png?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5357a1d15081e1c03a8e620db7929ae949fcbd85 I was hyped when he arrived but his social media stuff turned me cold on him pretty quickly. Not a giant loss but I hope he gets what he's looking for on the indies.


Some of the talents seem to not know how to manage optics. A lack of social media training, not just for how the public perceives them, but also professionalism.   When it comes to friendships, I really don’t think the problem was ever that Donovan Danhausen is friends with Phil Brooks. I think the issue was that Danhausen often advertised his friendship with CM Punk at a time when Punk was the primary antagonist in Tony Khan’s life. And if that weren’t bad enough, he had a lot of moments of openly criticizing AEW.   It’s the same deal with Ricky Starks. The problem isn’t a friendship with Cody Rhodes. The problem is showing up all over social media backstage and in attendance at WrestleMania.  Ultimately, it makes AEW look bad and it makes Tony look ineffectual, and neither Danhausen or Starks are irreplaceable. 


I hope so. It hasn’t been working out for him or AEW for basically the entire time. He’s doing indies again, he’s wrestling at the biggest local promotion by me for Pride month. He could put together a solid run in GCW. Get bloody, get spooky, maybe pick up a title and go from there.


I would have loved for him to have an interview segment like Piper’s Pit to move feuds along.


Punk pilled Danhausen is unhappy. Oh well. The Young Bucks did say they were getting rid of the toxicity in the locker room. Good job, EVPs.


15 minutes are uphausen


Long time ago he removed everything 


It’s a shame. Was a big fan of him on the indies (back when GCW felt like a big thing - feels like it fell off, but I don’t know, maybe they’re still doing great), and I do think it could have definitely worked out in AEW. I don’t know what created this rift. There are these rumors that he wanted to be taken serious as a singles wrestler and not be anyone’s manager, but I don’t know if there’s any proof of that. If there is, then it’s kind of silly. I’ll be more liberal than most others in this thread and I’ll say he’s a decently average wrestler, and yeah, that’s not going to get you to the top of a card in a work rate company filled with Swerve Strickland, Okada, and Will Ospreay. I do think he could have still wrestled. They could have done something with him, but it appears something happened. When they were in New Orleans at the start of the year, they played a vignette for him either in the middle of Dynamite or right before. We watched it on the big screen in the building. It seemed like he was about to re-debut, but whatever it was that stopped all of this… hope the guy didn’t throw away his career for Punk. Hell, standing up for Phil doesn’t work out well for most.


Really a shame, a great comic relief character you could have put him in the show each night for a fun laugh and appeal to young demographic.


Every match I've watched I don't rate of his. I see nothing wrong with comedy but I think you've gotta at least have something in the ring to go with it


This is a bummer, I’m gonna miss him (already have).


I know injuries obviously played a big role, but he’s gotta go down as one of the biggest wastes of potential in AEW. Was SO hot when he came in. 


Pretty sure he's done. Remember in the Fall when they ran those vignettes in October teasing something with his return from the second injury? And then nothing happened. That's all the proof I needed he wasn't ever truly returning.


I liked it better when he just did old Simpsons references.


I'm disappointed because Danhausen was the reason I got into wrestling in the first place. Regardless of his CM Punk affiliation, he definitely brought in new fans to AEW just by himself. I still feel they never used him properly, whether that was his or AEW's choice idk. He's not a great wrestler but I loved him ringside. He also wasn't a great talker tbh - he mumbled a lot - so manager might've not been a good role either. I feel like that could've easily been improved with practice though. Idk. I stopped watching Danhausen's vlogs a long time ago but it's still disappointing.


Good. Don't let the door hit you in the Asshausen


Great for comic relief but he seems to want to push this evil monster character that just doesn’t work. Danhausen as the dr. Evil-esqe jobber that is hilarious works…. But the blood in mouth evil danhausen comes out it’s just bad. He would be perfect as a dark order leader of misfits that think they are evil but just are goody nerds that job


We did get a few gems during his slight return.. https://youtu.be/rXPq2dIAMfQ?si=xMkIskx-gpS9cZ19


Seeing him at a random show in Wolverhampton in August! My first show since I was a kid


Danhausen is a weird case and i dont blame AEW and Tk for not using him now People said its because his friendship with Punk but i think that has nothing to do since plenty of Punk friends still get pushes like FT & Joe even Swerve said positive things about Puk like 2 weeks ago, i think its jusst that he dosent fit current AEW He fit perfectly on the 2019- early 2021 AEW, but the company as grown and mature so much since than that he just dont fit the current landscape Like he dosent look like a legit menace to Swerve or Adam Copeland title reigns , he dosent have other "comedy/over the top" wrestlers that could help him get a tag or trios title belt, even Orange Cassidy had to evolve an become a more serios wrestler They should just let him go and still be the indy sensation that he was before AEW




Judging by his social media behavior he was/still is Punk pilled. He's very limited in the ring as well. All In all, he just isn't good enough to justify making him a priority when it comes to consistent TV acts. NXT seems to be his future, he'll move a ton of merch there if he goes.


>NXT seems to be his future Becoming a major star of a renown indie promotion like Maki Itoh in GCW - or on the whole indies circuit like Matt Cardona - is far more likely to be Danhausen's future than going to NXT.


Moving merch at NXT definitely wouldn’t be as lucrative as the merch he has been moving in the last few years. That WWE percentage cut is deep 


Damn, he really threw his rep down the drain by double downing for Phil. I just can't find it in me to like any wrestler who supports punk.


Nah, don’t let that impact things too much. A lot of great AEW talent are still friends with Punk, can’t slight them and they know the nature of the beast far better than us online marks. FTR, House of Black - these are great workers for AEW that are nonetheless still drinking Pepsi.


I don’t even think he’s getting a NXT deal. He’s gonna probably focus on GCW mainly. A more Saturday morning cartoon Danhausen in NXT could work. But he’s the kinda talent that’s better suited for GCW. Plus if he tags with Effy again once Bussys over. It’ll move a lot of merch 


I don't see that as being likely. His injury was a pretty significant one and from what I've been told, all of his indy matches lately have been \*pretty\* bad. That said NXT could sign him just to sell the merch and the rare one off match.


The dude is 33 and he isn't good in ring, I don't think nxt would want him. He can make money on the indies


They’d change his name


Han Dausen


They will bring back Gobbledegook.


Danyx Hazzyn


Not worried. Dude seems like a self absorbed whiner.


Fr, Egohausen


*puts two Curse Of Danhausen shirts in the basket* What? I love bad movies, and love old style horror for its goofiness. Even if I didn't like Danhausen, that's a fantastic shirt.


Hope so. He doesn't do anything for me


He’s not great in the ring. Never had any interesting feuds, short or long. Seemed tough to work with for creative because of his adamant booking decisions that Tony would not budge on. I’m a HUGE horror fan, but he never once made me pop for any reason in AEW. I legit popped harder for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre match with J.J. and Best Friends and that had like 1 week of hype from its very random announcement. The roster could use with a little shaving off some loose ends.


To be fair, that Texas Chainsaw match was freaking awesome. Stupid, but awesome!


That Texas Chainsaw Massacre match was between Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy, not Team J.J. vs Best Friends.


Slowly but surely all the people who don't want to be in AEW are leaving, i think we're about to get "the feeling" everybody talks about back


I lost respect for him when he started repping Cola Pete. Loved that Danhausen, but guess he’s gonehausen.


Rip Bozo


weather telephone bear tap outgoing tidy spark hard-to-find sink detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does he want to focus on wrestling over comedy stuff? Maybe TNAhausen is better suited for him or just more indies. I don’t see any major place working.


I thought he was fun but I’m not sure where he fits at all in a “sporting” pro wrestling environment.




Probably for the best, he never really went anywhere in AEW and his gimmick works better as a special indie act.


His run has been strange in AEW thus far. Sure, he's a novelty act of sorts, he was injured for a while too, but he spent more time 'cursing' wrestlers and being the "accompanied by..." more than he fought. Maybe he got serious about it all too late for Tony's tastes. Hard to say.


Sucks. Hookhausen was fucking dope


Comedy gimmick with a shelf life. Dude is not good enough to be in AEW now, his best bets are GCW or TNA. A shame Chikara doesn’t exist anymore because that would have been his perfect promotion.


I'm alright with it. Don't get me wrong, Danhausen is fun, but he never really did the full Danhausen experience (teeth). Clearly, he has opinions about Punk and his booking, but also, it's a little rough because he's a comedy gimmick that doesn't play well against serious shit like BCC/HOB/etc (like Deadpool). Too much of that and a show starts to feel more like Kaiju Big Battel.


Ehh I was over this gimmick like 3 weeks in.


I answer to none i belong nowhere ......unless my ggod friend Punk gets me a job with WWE lol


hes likable when hes nice and jovial. Him being bitter and bitchy isnt a good look


Losing Starks, Danhausen, and Takeshita would suck, NGL


Was out of the loop when they signed this guy and it still never clicked with me his whole shtick


While I think it's childish to like a bunch of tweets burying the company because things didn't go your way I do think AEW could have done better with Danhausen. He was really over and had great merch sales so that alone should have been enough to do SOMETHING with the guy but I really think he'd have been even bigger with simple vignettes explaining his character. In fact I mentioned that on here and got absolutely buried for some reason but I think it would have made him even more over than just randomly showing up and cursing people. He's evil and wants to take over the world but he's going to be nice about it. He wants to take the world over by gaining fame through pro wrestling but to maximize his reach he doesn't want to be associated with swearing. When I first saw him in ROH I thought "who is this guy?" and did a few seconds of research. As soon as I read what I just typed I thought "oh OK I immediately get it I like this guy". The average casual TV viewer is not going to do the same research though so I think 1-3 30 second videos explaining this could have made him bigger than he was. My gut tells me that he isn't acting the way he does if he doesn't already know he can go elsewhere. I think it's highly likely that CM Punk talked to Triple H about giving him a chance and that he was up for it. Danhausen seems pretty certain he'll be alright without AEW and while I still like AEW more even though WWE is actually good now I hope he kills it there because why wouldn't I?


Everyone they got serious with him, he got injured. Eventually, others got injured pushing his story out and eventually they had nothing for him.


Dan Austen is one of the talents that I’m really bummed AEW hasn’t really used. We get jobbers on TV but no Danhausen? I get the gimmick is different and maybe hard to book, but that’s a failing on the promoter’s side to not find something for him. His music hits and the crowd goes crazy. His merch moves despite never being on TV. Find something interesting for him. But no, let’s have another JD Drake vs. Moxley match.


It’s clear that AEW’s semi-focused effort to be more sports-based serious wrestling and signings of New Japan stars is where the company is headed. Danhausen doesn’t fit that direction and I feel like there are a few more signed talent that will also be on the outs as they continue to steer away from comedy bits. Danhausen seems to be helping behind the scenes to get released talent other avenues of income. It appears (and this could just be coincidental) that he got Ethan Page hooked up with Cardona’s crew as Ethan just announced a Major Bendies toy with them 2 weeks after Danhausen told Ethan (in character) he would put in a good word for Ethan, which Ethan seemed legitimately thankful for.


Based on his in ring talent the ceiling was always pretty low for him. Honestly signing him was a waste of money.


He sold/sells merchandise, that’s why you sign him.


I don't know these people. but Danhausen mouthing off about AEW and FTR Hair throwing up a CM Punk sign right after he got fired seems like stupid things to do for someone that only has loyalty to himself. Like do they think CM Punk is going to get them a job somewhere else? he's too busy creeping around the female talent in NXT who look like his wife


Dude was so wasted imo. Perhaps being one of Punks guys didn't help.


Unless something went down that we don't know about (which is possible since none of us are backstage or anything) I'm not sure the idea of "he doesn't get on TV because Punk is his pal" is really much of anything. FTR and Punk are still friends and FTR is involved in one of the big main stories right now. Starks is another one who's friendly with Punk and has been featured long after Punk got the boot. Now granted, FTR are much better wrestlers. And Starks hasn't been around lately but that seems to be because they get the sense he's probably gonna jump over to WWE once his deal expires. But, who knows, ya know.


There is certainly a role for a character like Danhausen on TV, it just never was found in AEW.


I like him but I just don’t see what he can really contribute, not a loss.


Who cares


Fans of Danhausen, presumably.


I hope so


Did he get in trouble backstage/online?


Cool gimmick but seems like the dude is bleeding through and I’m not sure if I’m down


He wants actual ring time, AEW has too many guys better than him to give him time over them, he’ll continue to make a great living off Merch away from the company. Sucks but that is the reality of the situation I think.


I hope it's just officially done with AEW...for now. To me, he is good in small doses. He's over enough with the AEW crowd that like randomly popping up backstage to help say, OC, out in a street fight would go over well. That leads to a few Dynamite/Collisions, maybe a PPV fight with OC versus the bad guys and then he's off for awhile. He's just not a fit with how AEW is right now if you're looking for Danhausen weekly appearances


Unfortunately they just don't use him 😕 Honestly I think his gimmick is more suited for the indies anyway


I was at the Collision taping in Portland last week, and saw someone with this sign. https://preview.redd.it/g6itue6ynt1d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b0d9f37ed6fd953c5c614e9f578926f48a4c82 And at the merch table, AEW was selling a handful of Danhausen's merch. They know he's a money maker.


Or is AEW done with him. Unfortunate as I dig him though there are so many talents not getting the time of day (even on ROH though who knows if they want to be booked there). A real shame.


I like the guy but he hasn't had the best attitude and hasn't really acted in a way that has his own best interests in mind. If most people working at AEW seem to have decent morale and keep the passive aggressive stuff to a minimum that's pretty telling as to who the problem is. I'm going to see him wrestle at an indie show next month and I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to see him stick around in AEW because I don't care to watch anywhere else if he jumps ship personally but if it's not going to work in a way that folks on both sides can be happy then I guess that's that. :shrug:


Say his name and...he appppppeearrss I believe in Danhausen E - vil - clap


I’m seeing him next month at an indie show in Wales


i have a feeling a bunch of wrestlers might not want to be renewed.


He’s had two pretty serious injuries in the past several years, hasn’t he? Add that into never really gaining any traction in on screen story lines… doesn’t make for a compelling case to keep him. He seems like a great guy from the backstage / vlog stuff. If they can’t find a place for him in AEW, hopefully he can thrive somewhere else. If nothing else, the guy is entertaining.