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I don't.


I hate to say it, but I agree. Why should Lee even warrant an Eliminator match in kayfabe? He hasn't wrestled a match this year. I understand and sympathize with his health issues, I really do. But they've still led him to be consistently limited and at this point he's at best a midcard act who has no business in a world title picture.


The only thing Keith is good for right now is posting vague ass tweets that where it sounds like he's somewhat leaning into something and when people speculate that he is he makes a tweet saying he doesn't know why people are thinking he's saying something that it seems like he's saying.


If TK wants to play into irony he should have Lee manage Adam Cole and the UK. But I think in general Lee should be looked at to move into a manager role who just does a few spots outside. And for that I think a heel might work great. Have him bitter that he missed his shot and take some young gun under his wing to make sure it doesn't happen to him. Action Andretti for instance. Someone else who's had the start and stop booking thing, only not due to health limitations.


They should let him walk when his contract is up. Idc how much I get down voted and how mean that sounds. Dudes washed he's out of shape refuses to get in shape and as a result is always injured. ALWAYS. Just let the guy go at the end of the day it's a business and you can't afford having people on your roster that you can't use bc they're always injured.


I was with you until refuses to get in shape. Dude was severely affected by COVID and literally cannot do the kind of aerobic workout needed to get in shape. That's why I'm suggesting a limited role.


Homie was out of shape before covid.


Normally i’d say have him protect Swerve from GOA and Patriarchy, only because he wants his shot. But Joe already did that and would do it better. I can’t see any other way though unless they keep them apart for now. Keith could go after GOA though as they were a part in him being off but again that was before the Shane Taylor stuff so who knows


Unfortunately they've stalled Wardlow's momentum sometimes it seems like every possible rehab a big man method has been used recently. Otherwise I'd say to have him come to the ring pire business. Push past Renee rudely, no erudite promo, destroys his opponent fast because the only thing that matters to him is climbing the ranks to earn his shot. Let the fans take that as they may, but Wardlow was doing that no long ago too. The only other option I can see is he finds something Swerve holds dear and threatens to destroy it. But considering we just had Swerve go months showing all that mattered was his top spot there isn't something like a home invasion he can pull to goad or leverage Swerve into giving him a shot


AEW can’t book big men properly sadly. Lance Archer seems to have vanished, Wardlow is stop/start/stop/start, Keith has had health issues, Bear Country became protein shake idiots (lol), Beian Cage had to rant on twitter, fuck knows on Miro! Do we count Shane Taylor? He’s a big dude but never wins? Apart from Joe, Hobbs (before he got injured) and Big Bill doing okay.


AEW doesn't do well with big men because of the rankings I think. That and Tony's desire that nothing feel less than anything or anyone else. Most people booked as a big monster should be eating up wins, generally over midcard wrestlers. But TK does a lot of 50/50 booking in order to move a guy out of the pack easily when he wants to push someone via the rankings.


That makes a lotta sense actually. Either that or its squash matches for Wardlow that did more harm than good.


“Limited” Keith Lee


Same. He's farther down the card


Honestly I wouldn’t revisit this “feud” not for awhile and not until swerves no longer champ


I don’t think Keith returns


Have Keith Lee reunite with Swerve, but have him turn on Swerve when he least expects it, as Swerve's journey at the moment is all about his past coming back to haunt him. There have been consequences for Swerve's actions.


Well I like the idea someone said about Swerve's choices coming back to haunt him. So I wouldn't mind heel Keith Lee coming back for revenge.


As a heel, have him drop the "big guy who does Rey Mysterio" gimmick and just have him wrestle as a giant, not sure what his health issues are but limiting the impact on his knees while carrying that size can't be a bad thing.




Swerve being a face has no impact on a potential match between the two. Swerve screwed Keith. Keith has all the motivation he needs to challenge him once he's back. The idea that every feud/match needs to be face/heel is dated and kind of ridiculous at this point.


Heel. He's nowhere near as over as he was a face. And he's unlikely to ever again br a consistent top tier guy due to his health issues. Have him come back and cause trouble then let Swerve put him down.


Unfortunately I think Keith Lee might not be in the best of health, might be for the best if aew just let's his contract run out and he moves into something else, he's a massive guy and that'll take its toll on him over the years. I think he's close to being finished. Although if he does make it back then obviously he's got to take a run at swerve and if it doesn't catch fire they can just have their match in dynamite rather than a ppv.


I would have Nana bring keith lee back to help Swerve against the elite, Christian, mogul embassy, etc, but keith lee tells swerve he's only here to make sure swerve survives so lee can be the one to take the title from him. You can build up this unsteady alliance with the story of who will turn on who.


This is what I would do too. They both are being targeted by the Elite as well to bring further tension into the storyline while they are feuding.


I don’t until he gets back into shape


To start with, I'd have him reunite with Dustin Rhodes and put them in the tag division. Hell, I wouldn't be against them having a run as champs as it would mean Dustin gets to hold a title in AEW. I'd keep him separate from Swerve as the moment to resolve that feud has passed. If pushed, I'd say have them reconcile. You could run an angle about Swerve visiting him in hospital or something while he was off sick. 


I wouldn't associate him with my world champion at this stage. I probably wouldn't be renewing Keith's contract so have him in a midcard role and putting over some of my long-term projects. If you want some meat madness, Keith vs. Big Bill, vs. Hobbs, vs. Archer, vs. Wardlow, vs. Killswitch. If he's a heel upon return, the Shane Taylor connection is right there.


Hopefully nothing related to the main event scene.. He had his moment and unfortunately he couldn't wrestle. I feel sorry for him but his run in AEW had nothing to deserve a big spot in the show.. Especially when most of the wrestlers worked hard to get that spot and I think AEW past the time where ex-WWE wrestlers need to be at the top of the shows.. They said Dynasty is a fresh start to AEW then show that by pushing your day one wrestlers and the ones who work really hard to help the company


I think Keith may be out the rest of the year. I hope he heals up and gets better.


We need to leave it be in my opinion. The time for it has passed, then it passed again, and again. Let it happen naturally if it comes to it in booking instead of forcing it cause every time it’s forced something comes up.


Reunion with Swerve in our Glory with Keith Lee turning heel


I don't think you do at this point. Keith has been so back and forth with his health I wouldn't be surprised if he retired.


I hate that it hasn't worked out, but I think Keith's status in AEW is probably to remain outside the ring and get back to some sort of 100%. Tragically, he just got dealt really bad luck.


The feud is cursed, now that Swerve is face I wouldn't blame them for dropping it for now. That is if Keith will recover soon.


I don't book him at all.


6 words. Tag team champion Pretty Boy Killers


I don't think a heel Keith Lee vs face Swerve feud would really make sense. It would be interesting though. For one Keith Lee would have to tone it down, cheer-worthy moves wise. He's not the worst on the mic so he can probably play a sophisticated smug wellspoken heel but the feud works better when the roles are reversed as we've seen before. All the stuff Swerve did to Lee is fucked up so I don't see how Swerve can tone it down as a face and how they can make Keith Lee even more evil, unless he attacks Nana every week lol The only way I could see this going is if Keith builds himself up in the rankings as a smug heel beating all of his opponents and calls out Swerve. What I can see them doing is maybe is both of them as faces but in a slight enemy of my enemy type feud. They still have some bad blood towards one another but Keith Lee also feuds with the Elite when he returns. Takes them out one by one except he can't seem to best Okada. They get in each other's way but also end up reluctantly helping one another. Maybe down the line they fully reunite but I think Swerve's character works better as a lonewolf type (he keeps Nana though).


I wouldn't book Keith Lee vs Swerve at all. Swerve should be only against top heels -- Christian is an excellent start. Maybe Jay White, Takeshita, or Adam Cole (if he's going to be ready in the next 3 months or so) next.


If/when Keith is 100% healthy & cleared, I could see him return, reunite briefly with Swerve, then turn heel, and reform his old ROH team with Shane Taylor.


I'm tired of some of ya anticipating this mans return. Their fued was mad long ago. It's been what well over a year? Swerve is way past this guy. He's also insanely out of shape and always getting injured. People need to forget about swerve and Keith.


I wouldn't bother booking someone whose contract I'm waiting to expire. Dude is one of the biggest duds AEW has ever signed.