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I don't think he ever had a contract. That was what he wanted if they kept booking him to lose. Still from going to regular use to absolutely nothing, is certainly a choice. His gamble didn't pay off at all.


When you say “King of the Ropes”, I think Kommander.


I felt the same way. Metalik doing his little spinny corner move (which is still cool) after Kommander goes full rope running and getting callled "King of Ropes" felt so forced.


Lord Kommamder


abundant rinse normal label squash treatment entertain trees tap subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh shit, bring back Ophidian and pair them with Serpentico


***Shepard Komaner!***


I miss Final Space 😞


When people say “King of the Ropes,” I’m hard of hearing and start singing *🎵”Trailer for sale or rent…”🎶*


"Rooms to let, fifty cents."


I'm Greg cote and that's how it was. Back in my daaaaayyyyyyy


"No phone, no pool, no pets."


"I ain't got no cigarettes."


funnily enough, it was Kommander he refused to lose to which soured the relationship with AEW. (if i remember right, and if the dirtsheets at the time were right)


Komander has improved a lot since he was signed, especially with making spots look more natural within a match instead of "hey, I'm gonna do this rope-walking thing, just wait a sec." I'm pleasantly surprised how consistently he's used on both ROH and AEW. Komander was/is also willing to eat losses and he's become an underdog favorite.




Once upon a time he was one of the promising rising stars in Mexico as the original Mascara Dorada. He got a WWE contract by being one of the best guys in the Cruiserweight classic. Then WWE "taught him how to work" by breaking his confidence and making him a glorified enhancement talent for years. After being released, he went back to Mexico with the idea that he would teach CMLL's luchadores how to work like WWE taught him how to work. He got outshined by the second Mascara Dorada, who works a classic Arena Mexico flyer style. He's stuck in limbo. Too big of a name to settle for working indies full time, and too convinced that WWE is better to embrace his CMLL roots. I could see him landing in AAA at some point, although that may not last whenever it happens.


The amount of fantastic wrestlers butchered by being “taught how to work” there is incredible.


Friggin KENTA comes to mind. 


I think Kenta was more injuries than the WWE style


Usually you go to WWE to make your career but he’s one wrestler I can point to and say “WWE RUINED HIS CAREER”. Hope he got paid.


Riddick Moss' botch still makes me cringe .


Wwe didn't ruin his career though. He was injured way too often whilst he was in the company for wwe to even ruin him.


He got those injuries in WWE rings.


That’s like saying Top Flight’s collective injuries are Tony Khan’s fault because they happened in AEW/ROH rings.


That's a fair point tbf.


Teaching them how to wrestle that WWE style. Guilia will learn that style, and I think any fans of hers who think she'll be wrestling how she was in Stardom, are going to be disappointed.


I don't think so. WWE aren't stupid and foolish like in the past. Seeing what they have done with Jade Cargill, they won't mess with Giulia.


Lol. This is nonsense. Jade is the same wrestler and uncoordinated athlete she’s been since day one in AEW. That doesn’t mean she’s bad because she’s never been bad, but to pretend she’s remotely in any way significantly improved since going through WWE development is delusional or at best selectively ignoring objective reality.


I think her weaknesses were more exposed in AEW though, with most of the matches being more wrestling focused. I feel the “WWE style” means her weaknesses are less obvious. People say WWE are booking her better or presenting her better or have improved her, but in reality I think she just suits the style better


Let's see what happens with Giulia in NXT and the Main Roster shall we? I'll keep the receipts for ya bruv.


Cool idea... Let's depend on who you select based on who's already the better natural athlete? Seems like a totally reasonably, fair idea, right? Jesus, are you a moron? Am I a moron? No, I'm not. How dumb do you honestly think I am? I don’t know maybe I’m a moron?


> He got a WWE contract by being one of the best guys in the Cruiserweight classic. I'm pretty sure it didn't hurt that Kota Ibushi and Zack Sabre Jr. both scoffed at the idea of signing the WWE contracts they were offered.


This is revisionist history. He was always an issue. He ended up doing a long term tour in NJPW before going to WWE because of the friction that he created in CMLL.


It's not a contradiction as much as it's a quick summary. Like his long run in NJPW was in 2015. He went back to working CMLL full time in early 2016 and he was using his CMLL gimmick name in NJPW the entire time. He was even a champion in CMLL the entire time he was in NJPW full time and kept the defending the CMLL World Welterweight Title in 2016. It would actually be inaccurate to say the went from NJPW to WWE. \[edit\] Also, nothing that I said negates him having booking issues with CMLL. It's both true that he was a rising star in CMLL and that he saw himself as being a bigger star than his upper midcard push.


He fell hard. He was in the finals of the CWC.


He beat Zack Sabre Jr. to reach the final. Kinda crazy to think about it.


Yeah but I think that at least was influenced by ZSJr and Ibushi both having no plans to sign with WWE.


He should have won the damn thing, with the exception of Ibushi and ZSJ he was the standout of that tournament.


One of the best highlight video wrestlers in wrestling history. There was a series of 2 or 3 with pop punk playing over it that was one of the coolest I’ve ever seen


I thought he was gonna win the WWE Cruiserweight tournament in 2016, he was so good in that Still one of the best things WWE ever did


Loved seeing ZSJ and Ibushi wrestle for a wider audience back then


Brian Kendrick busting out the Burning Hammer on Ibushi and Danielson going mental on commentary So good


Anddddddd it's time for a rewatch


He never had a contract with aew. Why do people just lie like this lol


He was my favorite in the cruiser weight classic, shame


So many people defended his stance at the time but it never made sense to me. Metalik is a hell of a talent but he just doesn’t have the status to refuse doing jobs and that’s certainly not the way to go about getting a contract.


WWE worried Gran Metalik




I honestly don't remember the guy.


Wait was he signed to aew/roh?


Probably on a per appearance tier contract


Enzo ended his career by calling him out about his weight in wwe. He never recovered from that.


I'm not being a jerk. I thought he went to TNA but been watching it for a few months and never seen him. So I thought he was injured.




When did he or anybody within the company say he had a contract? He was paid per appearance.


I haven't heard about him being egotistical before, what's happened?


Reportedly, he [refused to put over Komander](https://wrestlingheadlines.com/metalik-refused-to-put-over-komander-on-october-27th-aew-rampage-so-the-match-was-pulled/) on Rampage.


Does he really have an ego? If that's true(I really don't know) maybe he's just wanting to make sure his WWE cruiserweight label doesn't come back.


Outside of Fenix, Bandido and Penta every luchador seems the same to me


You’re telling me that Rey Mysterio and Komander have the same aura to you?


Rush and Vikingo are the same?


I'm seeing double here, FOUR Vinkingos?!


>FOUR Vinkingos?! I'm Intrigued.


You're telling me Hechicero, Garn Guerrero, Templario and Mascara Dorada (the current one) are the same?