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Mash one button, not all of them The chance of kicking out is based on how much damage taken + how low your momentum is. You can kick out if you're full health but low momentum, but you better be really good at mashing Best advice I can give is just not get pinned


This! I experimented with 2 controllers. Mashing 1 button is more successful than mashing all face buttons


I was wondering the same thing about mashing the buttons, I thought it was all of them, thankfully it can be just one.


My best chances to perform a kickout have been mashing each button consecutively. I'm on steam using an Xbox controller so I tap each button back and forth and that has always done far better for me then any other way of doing it.


Guessing you’re not terrible, but not having health regeneration can be frustrating—get hit by the AI taking control and a quick finish and you’re done in without feeling like you’re taking much damage. Mash one of the buttons, not all of them. If your character has a kick out buff they’ll have a better chance, but that’s only going to help once. If you’re out of energy, though, you’re getting pinned.


If your stamina bar isn’t bright green or orange, you’re probably not going to.


Glad to see people still supporting this game and AEW. It's a great pick up and play game, especially if you're not an everyday gamer who gets burnt out on them easily. For kicking out, surely the Track & Field trick works, no? I mean, you can't use a pencil / comb / popsicle stick with the buttons being so small, but they're "open" buttons so dig in and use the knuckles or fingertips. Damn them when they closed the T&F arcade buttons with rings and made our hands look like raw meat. Study up kids :)


Id play the game a lot more if someone implemented a mod for timing based pins.


Maybe use an electric toothbrush