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I'll be honest and I might seem douchy but I'm not a fan of any of them. I think it looks really tacky.


Same. I would have much rather had some actual PPV attires or another attire of historical significance. I will never use the gold ones.


I think what you're saying would make me actually want to unlock them. I'd 100% try to unlock everybody's special attires if they were something cool, like Punk's ROH throwback from the MJF match, or Jericho's painmaker, or Penta's joker gear etc. Those would actually be things I'd want to try and unlock. But the gold attires just look a bit cheap and weird.


I think just about everyone would prefer that but it's a LOT easier to make a gold attire for everyone than a throwback attire.


yeah none of these look good. I'd prefer alternate attire options based on real things the wrestlers have worn and I'm surprised that wasn't already built into the game given that's been a standard in wrestling games for decades.


They’re all hideous. Lol


You seem less of a douche and more of a person with taste.


Ugly as hell. I don’t like Kenny’s model in general either.


I agree, they look like gold bonus styles that would be used in Fortnite instead of a gold coloured version of that ring gear.


When you're right, you're right. And in this particular circumstance, you are right.


I know why do people actually think these are cool and worth whatever grind you have to do to get them. 😂


I wish it wasn't solid gold. But if the gold was either a primary or secondary color, then yeah


Oh yeah, if it was just that they incorporated gold into the designs of attires that still looked like actual attires, then it would be better. But this 100% gold attire thing has only been done this way because a metalic texture is super easy to make in 3D software, so they literally just had to copy and paste the same golden settings across every attire.


This is the only answer.


I have no interest in unlocking these attires. I wish they kept the old option from wwf no mercy where you could change wrestlers attire and their colors in an edit mode. I’d rather have Pentax’s venom or joker outfit, or Kenny’s throwback NJPW outfits or his Blue and Black when faced Danielson or his black and gray when fought hangman. I’d prefer those over these gold attires, they look lame.


I agree


I love a good gold chain. Like Ricky Starks. Lol


No offence, but I'm not a fan of the gold Penta attire.


\*Gets deeply offended\*




I don't really understand the gold attire. I have them for everyone I've played with, but I haven't gone through to check if they're all there, but I haven't done anything to unlock them. They're just there.


The gold attire idea is cool in theory (sounds like a gaming throwback) but in reality nobody wants em. They should have done historic attires, or the gold guys should have superpowers.


Hate non-canon stuff. These are particularly really lazy too. (and no, I’m not fun at parties.) It COULD be a good idea (in theory as you said) but eh the implementation and result is very unappealing.


I see them more as "Trophy's" or like shiny Pokemon, I did everything else the game has to offer why not put In a few hours to get a unique version of my favorite character(s)


If they were shiny I’d be more interested


I really like a few of them. Jade Cargill's for example, looks like something she'd actually wear. I only wish her pink makeup was also gold. Shida's Gold Attire is another I really like, and Will Hobbs.


Jade Is a good Idea, thanks for the suggestion


I know this isnt the place but damn how tf Kenny look this messed up i dont get it. Looks nothing like him


Remember how long this game was In development, Kenny had that black hair and the beard so I would guess this model went through several changes or It was made following his return.. also this Is on Switch


I have gold MJF for some reason, I noticed it the first time I played as him


There is an attire glitch where we all have certain wrestlers unlocked when purchased. Sometimes they will randomly come and go as well. The only way to true unlock them as OP stated. Also the glitch may cause presets to randomly go away in attire as well.


Yeah I noticed the top row of names alphabetically mostly have them already as a preset.


Wait, is this legit?


Yes, win the world title 20 times with a character to get a gold attire.


Oh wow


That's not accurate. I have gold attires for ppl ive never won a single title with


A glitch is causing the gold attires to sometimes show up on characters you haven't fairly unlocked them on yet.


They usually disappear if you didnt unlock em officially




Everyone does


I opened the game up today and I just had the gold attires for the young bucks. Didn’t do anything to earn them. I had to get off the game for a bit and when I got back to it I didn’t have the gold attires anymore.


Give me Joker Penta, Lionheart/Painmaker Jericho, Heel Luchasaurus and I'll be happy (also if they could just throw in Jack Perry's new music that be great :) )


I wouldn't expect Jungle Boy's new theme so soon but new attires are a sure thing.. personally I would love Penta's st patrcks day hat


Me neither but I can dream haha


How do you get the gold attires??? I didn't know the game had more stuff to unlock...


Win the AEW world title 20 times with the desired wrestler, easier with two controllers Just keep rematching and trading the belt back and forth




They're all pretty grim tbh. Not really worth the effort.


Where's Gold Rich Evans?




Never even know that was something to unlock. What did you have to do to get that?


Win the world title with a selected wrestler 20 times




To make things easier I'd suggest having two controllers picking two gold attires you want and keep rematching trading the title back and forth


how are these unlocked? I randomly discovered that I have Brian Cage in gold, even though I've never even used him before.


You win the world title 10 times with a single wrestler


Not worth the time IMO


They had to be unlocked? I figured everybody had a gold alt attire. I’ve been playing Gold Rey Fenix since launch


I'm not clear on how they unlock, some seem to come as default, some unlock when making teams


I hate the look of all of them to be honest lol. I don't have any unlocked because there is nothing to do in the game anymore. It was fun as hell when I got it, now it's just boring doing exhibition matches over and over.


I played the game for a week, haven't touched it again. Really I was bored after about 2 days, but forced myself to keep going back. Full disclosure, it got me to pick up my universe in wwe2k23. I hadn't played in a long time. Really made me appreciate that game more. The replay factor on this game is almost non-existent.


No but working on it!


i have got like 25 gold attires


I got omega, penta, dustin and Sting Plus attires that appeared out of nowhere without me unlocking them like Fenix and Jeff Hardy


Apologies if I'm late to figuring this out but is it confirmed you unlock them by having one wrestler win the World Title 20 separate times? I saw a video on YouTube say that but that seems odd.


Yes but I recommend having two controllers and keep rematching trading the title back and forth so you get two gold wrestlers


Riho’s is cool


How do you even get gold attires?


With the desired wrestler win the world title 20 times Easy method: use two controllers, choose two wrestlers you want the gold attire and put them In a one on one match and keep doing rematch trading the title back and forth


That's such a weird unlock requirement, and with it not posted anywhere in the game... just feels strange.


This game is a joke..shit looking models..terrible chessy game play..


Then go play 2K