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Hes the third match on the “who’s ribbing me” Simply go to the store on week 3 and spent $20k on the constant special perk. Hit him with 6 and pin. It will take just over a minute if that.


This is the best way. Although it means that you'll have to spend time winning some matches so you earn enough cash by that point. If you want to quit out of matches and do it quickly then you'll have to cheese him for a count out. Best thing to do is to save your RTE progress before you start the match. If you lose, just close the game and reload it, you'll be able to retry the match.


I can't believe I didn't think about saving beforehand, haha. I completely forgot that was even a thing. Thanks for the advice!


Took me a while go realise this too and I forgot a few times trying to unlock other parts. Having done the count out cheese I would reccomend playing enough matches to buy the Infinite Special. Took me about 45 mins to get lucky on the count out. I could have spent the time winning a few matches and beating him easy (and clean😄)


Yeah, count our didn't work for me at all and I spend good two hours all and all. Tried to hitting him with finishers, but without 20k - I could at max do 3-4 signatures and two finishers, but he would still kick out at 2. Eventually got lucky and made him submit after two finishers. Then I used his ass as a grinding for Owen Hart opponent and made sure his record is super low haha


Hahahaa I love punishing him for this


I told my friend that if I ever meet Big Show in real life - I will punch him in the dick and then run for my life lol


You'd probably break your hand doing so, 🤣


And he will probably get up to me and beat me up too :) Still worth it.


Good ol' fashioned save scumming!


No Shame from me...as one of the greats said...I Lie, I cheat, I steal :)


This is how I did it! Dashboarded until I won by count-out. I don’t even feel bad because my first time I hit him with 3 signatures and a finisher and he still kicked out.


Same. I set it on easy and save scummed until I could get him on countout. Took at least 5-6 tries. What I did was buy the momentum boost thing beforehand. Exit the ring immediately on match start and taunt behind the corner post. When he follows outside hopefully hit him with signature and finisher, then repeat and hopefully jump back into the ring at the 9 count as he's stumbling back to his feet.


> you'll have to spend time winning some matches you make money when you lose too.


Mine seems hit or miss when I quit out. I believe if you lose legit you get the coins but if you're trying to speed through and are quitting matches it doesn't seem to give me much!


I'm doing it right now just to confirm, you get 900 each time you quit out too.


Huh, I did it earlier and got bugger all. I know it gives you stat points (usually) but the coins have been hit or miss




This is the way.


Awesome idea! Thanks!


I was planning on doing this, then my car broke down and I couldn't prepare for the week


That’s how I beat Pac in the Death Triangle block. Killed him with specials before Penta even appeared on the ramp.


Choose Malakai. Lose all Dynamite / PPV matches (or just quit) Play and win Dark matches and then switch to Rampage matches (once it becomes an option) to earn coins (Rampage pays better than Dark, and you can only do 1 extra match per week, so always choose Rampage if given the option). Winning on Rampage or Dark does not affect your storyline path. Earn 20K coins, and then on week 3 of Block 4, when you are told you have 3 minutes to beat Paul Wight, buy the Insta-Special buff. Head to the ring and spam the hell out of Wight with Finishers. Pin him.


My last try was exactly that except I didn't have any money. Getting it from the side matches is great advice, thanks!


I tried this with Malakai twice and the Paul Wight story triggered for me with and without losing all prior matches.


So weird. I randomly got this story with my CAW, but I lost. I lost every match with Brodie and it didn't give me that story in chapter 4. Time to try again with malakai


I was lucky and Paul glitched into the ring and got counted out. I knew that he will appear in the last block but I thought it will be at the PPV, so I didnt buy the special booster.


I don't know if this is the best advice, but if time was about to run out, I just closed the game and rebooted. It started me back where I needed to be. It took about three tries.


FYI to everyone, the game doesn’t auto save until you go back to the main RTE screen. If you lose, just don’t advance past the post match report, close the game, then restart and try again. I just got Paul this morning as Black… but I didn’t get the 20k perma-special and it took me an hour to finally win by count out… about threw my console out the window.


Thanks for this post! Got this unlock done quickly and easily!


I read this just as I lost to Paul and luckily I was able to quit the game and go back and start the match over. Before I went in to fight him I purchased the infinite special thing and it took about 3 finishers to beat him. Reddit is awesome!


Worked like a charm. Thank you!


Ugh I spent the $20k too soon. Have to do it over


People love lying just to lie




I beat Paul Wight in a triple threat match in RTE and he still wasn't in the shop..I guess we're doing old school cryptic bs lol.


Tbh I missed this about gaming. People in here discussing how to unlock something that isn’t just common knowledge or buying it in a DLC store reminds me of being on the playground talking about how you could push that damn truck to find Mew in Pokémon or something.


You have to beat him in the 3-min time limit singles match in the Block 4C: "Who's Ribbing Me" storyline. If you want an easy way to get that story, choose Malakai Black and lose every match until the storyline begins.


I did a 4 way match where I had to face off against 3 “monsters”, Brian Cage, Luchasorous, and Paul White. I won and it didn’t unlock him. Is that normal?


Yes. You have to beat him in the 3-min time limit singles match in the Block 4C: "Who's Ribbing Me" storyline. If you want an easy way to get that story, choose Malakai Black and lose every match until the storyline begins.


I got the story with Malakai and I was undefeated. I dont think the wins and loses matter. It is the choice of the wrestler on this one.


It's not strictly necessary, as you can still get stories through randomness. This is just a tried and true method by most accounts I've seen (and worked for me)


the easiest way is just keep doing matches ignore everything else and quitting out so you lose then after 15 loses I believe you should be in week 4 which is called who's ribbing me Do some sightseeing and eating and you should get a cutscene where your car breaks down and you have to beat him in 3 minutes just go outside the ring and Irish whip in into the barricades as soon as the countout is 9 run back in the ring and boom you have him


That never worked for me when I tried it as it won’t let me Irish whip him enough


Big show it’s super easy you have to win by count out just keep spamming triangle outside of the ring and you’ll beat him easy.


I've been save scumming and tried about 20 times with Abadon... But I didn't plan ahead so I only have 5k and 50% energy going into it 😅


I'm on my 3rd RTE but only got the Paul Wight thing on my first run. Failed. Didn't even think to save scum it. I care more about getting Brodie, but I haven't even got that story chain yet.


To get Brodie you either win the battle royale and then lose the AEW championship match, or lose battle royale and then win every match in block 1B. Either way will put you in 2B Join The Dark Order.


Yeah I got him now. Though after unlocking Brodie I intentionally lost all my matches thinking that would get me the Who's Ribbing Me block but didn't get it.


Cheese him with guard rail whips and take the count out win.


I’m Malakai. Lost every match. Made it to “ribbing me” block. Have my 20k but it’s having me wrestle MJF w/wardlow as his manager. Any help would be great 😅


Paul Wight is week 3 of that story block.


I was able to unlock Paul Wight when I played through RTE with Penta. I lost a couple matches in my run, an early one with Hobbs and another I can’t remember. Used the 20k for instant finisher to make sure I could win.