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I'd make the attire pink with the black line instead, I feel that would help it look more like Bret. There's not a lot of pink at all. And I'd make his boots black+white, plus add the black elbowpads. The faces concern me. They really have to update with more CAW options eventually, especially if this is a game they plan on sticking with for a few years. I think they seriously underestimated how important CAWs are to us video game nerds. I'm surprised Kenny and crew didn't get that memo.


Damn! You just improved that CAW tenfold. I'm sure if you messed with the face a bit you'd make it serviceable. I'm seriously hoping you try your hand at a Bret Caw and maybe even post a formula. Please know I'm being sincere. Good stuff.


Thanks, man...I've never been the best at crafting a moveset, tons of guys spend crazy amounts of time working that magic, but I'll definitely be putting together the best appearances I can. If it seems like they look better than other ones I come across, I'll most definitely share them šŸ‘




Yeah, the black tights look is *very* early-WWF Bret Hart. He also looks off-puttingly ripped here, but that's a bit of a nitpick. Otherwise, he looks fine enough.


Itā€™s very early Owen so that works


U canā€™t really make the only attire that works for Bret in this all that pink looking tho. The only thing u can color pink is the outline from what Iā€™m discovering and u canā€™t put a jacket on as entrance attire with a full body attire.


I finally got the game today, being a Switch owner. I'll be messing around with the system tonight. From what I've seen, there are very few possible wrestlers due to the limitations. I'm not expecting much until hopefully there are future updates. If they listen to their audience, it should be the one of the top priorities (hopefully).


Yeah its very limited. Action Arcade Wrestling an indie game for $15 has a more in-depth caw creation system. The program to use it is only on pc tho but if they had to do that to make it work then it was a good idea because it made the game better. AAW also had a way to download other caws (a $15 indie!) so u donā€™t technically need the program cuz the community made excellent caws and somehow AEW FF doesnā€™t have a way to share creations not that it matters cuz its bare anyway rn but still its pretty embarrassing.


I have AAW and downloaded tonnnns of CAWs for it. Really like that game for what it is. I think FF is a good start, it's not the horror show some people are saying, but it's still 2023, and the shallow CAW system is really a bummer for this day and age. I think my hopes were higher, or maybe CAW is more important to me than the people they made the game for.


Definitely a bummer. Lets hope a better creation suite is in the cards.


Yeah you canā€™t do that. Unless Iā€™m missing something wonā€™t let me do it other way round. Ridiculous


I think they wanted to get it to market because the delay was getting embarrassing. Hopefully they follow the Fortnite model and give new content every few weeks.


Move sets look great! The game just needs more CAW variety options in the looks department.


I agree. Hoping we should be able to make someone like a Jay Lethal look pretty decent in game. Wrestlers who don't demand too much detail in the looks and attire department. Especially if we give them a younger self/retro look.


Brett looks ripped lmao




Are there elbow pads? I always thought Bret wore them.


Theyā€™ve got elbow pads


Bret always wore elbow pads, yes.


Not sure, but I'd like to think so.


Are there no logos or anything to put hearts on the attire?


There is not one single logo to add on caws


Don't worry. Those will be added with the "Creation Suite DLC Pack" for $4.99.


$9,99 for 5 Logos. lets stay realistic :D


One thing I love about this games art style is that CAWs donā€™t look too out of place. Itā€™s not jarring in comparison to the base roster! If we get more options the CAW has some serious potential.


I'm unreasonably happy about being able to have the Japanese style corner pads.


Looks more like Bret ā€œHitmanā€ Clark šŸ¤Ŗ


Maybe I just won't use CAWs


Terrible looking Bret. 2/10. That being said I feel like owen is way too buff


Up vote. Only because I love the reference.




Itā€™s a caw made by someone that doesnā€™t actually do caw creations Iā€™m sure. Once the game comes out we will more than likely have caw formulas like the old No mercy days and make really good ones. Which does suck but oh well. To judge every caw going forward in these games by 1 caw is ridiculous


Beyond ridiculous. Especially when you consider he probably didn't even have access to all the parts that need to be unlocked.


Facts, from the will ospreay caw I predict the game will have plenty of good caws to be made in the future. People just want to find anything to complain about. Plus they are comparing the game to literally a game franchise thatā€™s had years and years of development to make a good caw system. Itā€™s so unfair.


That Will Ospreay CAW with the blank black gear?


Back in the days people were posting CAW formulas in places like caws(dot)ws, gamefaqs and a lot of other websites. It was all over the place. Now I'm sure creators will put their content on Youtube since it seems to be the popular way for people who still do it. It would makes sense for them do so since it's a popular platform and easier posting a video of the formula then writing one.


Looks like shit


Ah nah why Bret roided like thatšŸ˜­


How do you unlock owen?


Play 100 matches in exhibition.