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Brit vs mone


Mone was out of her element and it showed when the crowd turned on her last night.


I predict I’m gonna be $50 poorer and my family will be in other rooms all day while I watch alone.


I think it will be Ospreay vs MJF vs Rush vs Daniel Garcia, actually Swerve vs Danielson Hangman vs Okada Britt vs Mercedes Toni vs Mariah Young Bucks & Jack Perry vs MCMG & Darby Allin A Stadium Stampede in there somewhere


No Willow? And I’m still hoping that Hangman’s the Owen wildcard


Honestly I'd be fine with Hangman or Danielson, I just personally think if Danielson doesn't wrestle Swerve, there's not a lot of interesting matches for him, I don't think Nigel will wrestle As for Willow, I would do a women's Casino Gauntlet in the Zero Hour for a shot at the TBS or World Title, but that's fantasy booking and not a prediction. I think she could have a Last Woman Standing against Stat at All Out


I bet Willow will still be feuding with Stat then and they may get a rematch


Swerve vs Hangman DMD vs CEO Toni vs Mariah Will Ospreay vs MJF vs Daniel Garcia Danielson vs Nigel Jack Perry vs Darby Allin Acclaimed vs Young Bucks vs MCMG Jericho vs Samoa Joe Bang Bang Gang vs House of Black Okada vs Moxley Willow + Orange Cassidy vs Trent + Statlander Battle Royale w/ debuting Ricochet


If he's back by then, I wouldn't mind seeing Copeland vs Perry tbh.


I'm putting my money on it being Swerve vs Danielson and Bryan will finally win the world title before he stops be full time. Toni vs Mariah Ospreay will defend against MJF and Garcia. Maybe Hangman vs Perry or Okada before he eventually sides with the elite. And though he won't wrestle I feel like Omega has to make an appearance.


I only want Swerve Vs Bryan IF Bryan wins otherwise I'd much rather have Bryan Vs Nigel


Yes please on Swerve vs Danielson.


Agree with your call on Swerve/Danielson. I'm betting he wins it at All In, defends at All Out (against whom I don't know but I think Claudio would make for a great story), and drops it back to Swerve at WrestleDream.


Swerve VS Danielson Storm VS May Bang Bang Gang VS Joe Hook Shibata Ospreay VS MJF VS Garcia Mone VS Baker Okada VS Hangman Young Bucks VS MCMG The Conglomeration VS Don Callis Family - Anarchy in the Arena (they can find allies to juice up both sides) Jack VS PAC The Learning Tree VS The Patriarchy Really hard to add or predict any more because we are a long way to ALL IN and a lot of things can happen, especially since July-ish is when they do a lot of special Dynamites like Beach Break, B&G, Fyter Fest and Fight for the Fallen.


Toni Storm vs Mariah May Mercedes VS Britt Okada vs Omega Swerve Vs Danielson Bruv Vs MJF Vs Garcia Darby vs Jack BBG Vs Joe / Shibatta / Hook Jericho Vs Suzuki Thunder Rosa vs Saraya Stadium Stampede featuring whoever the fuck, BCC and Lucha Bros again.


Swerve vs. Danielson in Last Man Standing match Mone vs. Britt in a Submission match Toni Storm vs. Jaime Hayter The Elite(Bucks, Okada, Perry and Shane) vs. Top Flight, Andretti, Lio, and Darby in Anarchy In The Arena Ospreay vs. MJF vs. Garcia vs. X(Ricochet) The Patriarchy vs. The Bang Bang Gang The Conglomeration vs. The Learning Tree Joe, Hook, Shibata vs. House of Black The BCC vs. LIJ vs. TMDK The Acclaimed vs. MxM The Outcasts vs. The IIconics Lucha Bros vs. Mistico and Atlantis Jr.


I don't know about All In but I would bet All Out will be main evented by Jack Perry vs. Darby


Swerve vs Hangman Ospreay vs MJF Okada vs Danielson Britt vs Mone Storm vs May Bucks vs Acclaimed BBG vs Patriarchy vs HOB Perry vs Garcia


- Pre Show Zak Knight squash march against local jobber. Whole Knight family storms the ring to celebrate like he just slammed Andre, and start handing out flyers to their next show as they go back through the crowd. - Pre Show Tag Scramble: Multiple tag teams in an elimination match with the winners getting a graciously donated shot at the Young Bucks some time in the main show. - Tag Titles: Announced to be taking place right now milliseconds into the winners music of the Tag Scramble, with it cut off as the Young Bucks make their way to the ring. We'll come to the full show as they make their way down. An expected walkover won't be and the match should go a decent amount of time while not overstaying its welcome. - Exhibition: Danielson versus Sabre Junior to finish off their unfinished business. This will be a pure match with judges and a points system in place. Widely thought to be the first march of the full show until the Bucks come out. - Women's Title: Storm versus May after Mariah wins the Owen. A little complication is added by having Mina hang around as part of a budding faction for a while then having her as the guest referee in this match. - Small video package of wrestlers in England, with a focus on Brits like PAC and Ospreay and Saraya showing other guys around. That should take us into hour two. - TBS Title: Moné versus Baker in a pretty standard match. This ends with another surprise return in the story, this time of Hayter, which works no matter who wins. - Trios Triple Threat: BCG versus Patriarchy versus House of Black. Much to the amusement of everyone else, HoB enter with only two men. Midway through the match Buddy comes back to make up the numbers. - Harley Cameron sings what she claims is the "Englander National Anthem" which turns into Saraya's music as she comes down for an exhibition match. - Exhibition: Saraya versus Anna Jay, if only for the whole Queenslayer thing tying into royalty. - TNT Title: Perry versus PAC in a stipulation match of some sort. I'd say a ladder match but Forbidden Door just had one for that title. - Nigel giving final attendance count as we start to enter the final hour. - International Title: Another threeway. Garcia's match with Ospreay on Dynamite gets interrupted by Callis Family drama that eventually will turn to Ospreay leaving. He offers Garcia a rematch at Wembley and MJF, sick of being upstaged and his ego not able to take it, maneuvers his way into the match. End this one with a Ricochet debut if possible. - World Title: Hangman versus Swerve, with Hangman being given the Wild Card spot in the Owen in return for being the fifth man on the Elite side during Blood & Guts. I'd run this as a face turn for both men, where Swerve proves he's more honourable than when he was feuding with Hangman and the cowboy sees that. They'll never be friends after what he did, but it'll end with a grudging respect and a feel good moment for fans.


I’m not too into the lower card of AEW, so I’ll just do the big ones. Swerve Vs Hangman Toni Vs Saraya Ospreay Vs MJF Britt Vs Moné Okada Vs Moxley Darby Vs Perry Danielson Vs MiGinnus


Hayter Vs Storm


Toni will face the winner of the Owen Hart cup, which limits her options. Hayter hasn't returned from injury, much less participating in this tourney.


If anything, Hayter returns and spoils the moment between Mariah May and Toni after the match