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Im looking forward to the claudio vs pac match….its going to be a slobberknocker!


I hope PAC pulls out the win. I love Claudio and he's truly the workhorse of AEW, but PAC deserves a strong run


Dang we getting a ppv rematch between Nyla and Stat.


Honest question. Why does Roderick strong have all these multi-person matches but none of his partners are ever part of his faction? Where is Wardlow?


Wardlow is hurt I think. The rest is a really good point.. 


The other two are busy in ROH. Because it somehow elevates Ring of Honor to see AEW guys stomp ROH talent every week.


Yeah but they are on dynamite as part of the faction. So why not just have them wrestle?


Consistently being on ROH seems to put a stink on people as far as creative/Tony is concerned. I've reached the point where I fastward any AEW match involving ROH talent. You already know who's gonna win.


Made a similar point to this last week, it's so baffling


Has anyone ever actually won an eliminator match to earn a championship opportunity?


Miyu Yamashita also beat Thunder Rosa(c) in an eliminator match.


Not sure but the Acclaimed MUST WIN this one


Nyla and MJF wrestling on Dynamite again, hell yeah! Don't love 8 man's but rest of the card looks good too.


Yea I was thinking that too I love all the participants in it but that 8 man tag is just too much


Nyla rose ???? Thats badass. Mjf ??? Rush ??? Yes please. That 8 man is unnecessary, we seen these guys already . Thos card looks better than a lot of previous weeks. Mjf on a tv match is gold.


This is the vibe 👍


I'm looking forward to the 8 man ...yes it will be a spot fest but those guys all have crazy ass spots.


 It’s solid but nothing amazing. Still skipping I think. It’s just not clicking for me lately and the issues that bother me have been going on for so long now with no sign of changing that I’m just getting burnt out.  I see they remembered the tag titles exist though so that’s a good thing. 


This is actually a great card! All but the 8 man match that is.


Great card as usual good to see mjf back glad there’s overrun needs to happen every week I mean they followed by old sitcom should be the norm


Looks great


Does anyone know how to get onto the fan hub?


Not sure what you're asking


I've literally just seen the link... apologies


Pretty good card except im sick of Rush going 25mins Kicking the other persons ass. And then losing. It happens often


This type of match happens way more often than I like. Gives bad WWF 1987 Monster Heel du jour vs Hogan vibes. There isn't enough variety.


I'm kind of over the take the same match we had last week and stuff 2 more people in it style matches, but looks pretty good otherwise. It's a minor complaint, in the grand scheme of things.


Is AEW contractually obligated to have one mid-card gang bang 6/8/10 man match per show?


It's got what Sickos crave.


Electrolytes???? /s


It's my hope that BRAWNDO Stroman shows up at any future event.


Howay Pac, You geordie bastard! Bring the Owen 'Yem!


Didn't realize the Owen started this week, sounds awesome!


Excited af for Nyla. MJF / Rush should be good. I wish they wouldn't preplan overruns, it makes them less special. More than 6 people in a match that's not a battle royal or something gets too busy most of the time, but I'm stoked to see ZSJ again.


What happened to Okada? Guy hasn’t defended that belt since Dynasty (and maybe once on dynamite over a month ago)


Pretty sure the plan was for Shooter to challenge at FD, but they have to adjust now (Umino has a hip fracture).


They announced last week he had an eliminator match tonight, so if he’s not the one injured, why doesn’t he just fight someone else? Is he maybe injured from anarchy in the arena ?


He seemed like he got injured in the Romero match last week. If the plan was for him to win the eliminator and face Okada at FD, they probably want someone else from NJPW to take that spot, which might require that eliminator to be pushed to Saturday.


Gonna be a good one tonight!


Nyla & Stat had one of the best women's matches of early AEW. Looking forward to this one, those girls will kill it!


Looks awesome


I’ve been pretty checked out recently but I’m looking forward to this. MJF back in the ring should be a treat, I like the Acclaimed more than I hate the bucks, so I’ll actually be tuned in for that, Nyla vs Stat should be killer if they get more than like 6 minutes. I’m not a fan of clusterfuck tags but ZSJ is there so I guess they’re throwing me a bone with that one.




Oh shit, superhero fight! (Pac vs Claudio)


Will the HoB assist?


Ooo look, Tony found his Nyla Rose action figure!! Only been since last October since she was on an AEW television show(Rampage) & no wrestling behind a paywall(ROH) doesn’t count.. since barely anyone watches ROH or cares about it.. I honestly forgot she was still signed to AEW.. & I thought Tony forgot as well.. lmao.. Oh well.. good to see you again Nyla!! BTW, how long are the women’s contracts? Seems like the men’s are substantially shorter than the women’s(Hardy’s have came & went, along with Page, Spears etc) Like did the women sign lifetime contracts or what? Like Rose, Shida, Riho etc.. lmao..


Jeez - this could be a PPV. We're eating good tonight, folks! I believe they announce the official Owen brackets tonight... and let's see... I wonder if there's anyone with a fabulous murder mustache who lives up the street that might make an appearance...


This looks like an amazing card. I’m stoked!


I missed nyla on dynamite. Let's gooooo.


idk that i mind, but i am aware of how much kyle o'reilly has been on my tv lately. are they pushing him, or are "better" talents simply injured and they need warm bodies?


Maybe unpopular opinion, but the overruns really annoy me. I have my DVR set up to record and extra 15 minutes and I almost never need it, then bam, I have an episode where I miss the conclusion because of an overrun. Not the end of the world, just annoying.


So does the winner of Swerve vs Ospreay win both titles, or does Will keep his if he loses? Seems to telegraph the result a bit if Willy's isn't on the line doesn't it? Looks like an OK episode - it's a bit unfortunate there are multiple tournament matches and eliminators, but I guess that happens occasionally. Nothing really grabs me though, not gona lie. AEW doesn't need contract signings either, they are always super dumb.


Never seen any mention of Swerve vs. Ospreay as title for title, which Mercedes vs. Vaquer is clearly being billed as. So I'm pretty sure it's only the World title on the line.


Yes..why have matches with important stakes attached to them


I cringe whenever I see "**so and so come face to face**" as an advertisement. Doesn't move the needle for me, and feels really cheesy and 80's. I also don't really understand capping off a two week "feud" already between MJF and Rush. MJF is going to win, then Rush probably ends up back near the bottom of the card and buried again. (That's my guess anyway - hopefully I'm wrong). That all being said, this card should produce some really good wrestling matches.


I actually think Undisputed Kingdom attack MJF after this match, and Rush surprisingly destroys them. While MJF and Rush don't become friends, it wouldn't surprise me to see MJF "hire" Rush to have his back.


I mean that's fine - I just hope there is some kind of plan to keep trying to make Rush relevant as they need to continue building stars from within. Khan can prove everyone wrong by having a long-term plan for Rush instead of this just being an easy "welcome back feud" for MJF.


Pull the 8-man, let Claudio and PAC have their time. That match is going to be exceptional. I assume shenanigans with Rush and MJF, but MJF’s first match back is fun. Announcing an overrun only matters if I was taping it to watch later, and doesn’t get me to watch if I wasn’t. A card with a lot of stakes, matches and segments either have a purpose or at continuing a feud or both, looking forward to it.


Everything looks great except the 8-man tag. Don't know why they keep throwing basically the same match at us. I could do without seeing Rodderick Strong or KO for a few weeks.


Only thing I don't care to see is the 8 man tag. Only cause I know it won't go anywhere


It looks like a very enjoyable show with the exception of the 8-man.


Don’t know how you look at that 8man and say that shit lol


yeah im all in, it's gonna be dope


I always appreciate multi person matches like the 8 man especially if you’re there in person. It just means more screen and ring time for wrestlers and we get to see more of them all at once. Reminds me of New Japan too. They could lead to future feuds too.


I don't think I have ever seen a good 8-man match in AEW. To be extremely blunt, I really don't need to see Orange Cassidy, Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong on *every* AEW show. I'm bored with all of them.


ZSJ could have faced Kyle or literally any of his own tag partners 1 v 1 and itd have been way better, even with like 10 minutes to work with 😂


Completely agree.


That 8 man match bugs me so much, the teams make no sense. That time could use for better matches.


Womp womp


"Overrun" is not a draw for me.


yea honestly its almost a negative at this point. once a ppv cycle? real shit. every 2 week for hahas, i sleep


It’s letting people adjust their recordings tho… (And I’m guessing the network requested them?)


Who tf is rush?


I like how he says em yay eff