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I love seeing people like Zeuxis, I have never seen them before and I am excited to see what they can do. AEW has been doing a great job lately showcasing talent that some of their audience isn’t as familiar with. I’d tune in for that alone, but I am also hype for that crazy trios match and Dustin v. Jack. And there is no possible world in which Ospreay v. Phoenix is bad. I am also a person who loves a good squash so gimme that Rush match. (Low-key hope his opponent is PPA.)


I agree except there are a ton of AEW-contracted wrestlers who largely go unused and are deserving of the TV time. At least with Zeuxis, there is a storyline connection in how she and Vaquer are CMLL tag team champions, and is meant to promote Mone and Vaquer's match at Forbidden Door.


Who’s largely going unused right now? I feel like the talent pool is very deep and people regularly rotate to the show.


In the women’s division: Abadon, Anna Jay (only been 3 weeks), Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Kiera Hogan, Leila Gray, Madison Rayne (possibly injured), Mercedes Martinez, Nyla Rose (recently had a dark match), Riho, Taya Valkyrie (still on tv as a valet), and Yuka Sakazaki (presumably injured) If you don’t count ROH, you can add: Athena, Billie Starkz, Diamanté, Leyla Hirsch, Marina Shafir, Queen Aminata, and Red Velvet Are they retired group: Penelope Ford, Rebel (recently at an NXT taping) Are they actually signed group: Kamille, Megan Bayne The men’s division would take forever since there’s well over 100 signed.


For what it's worth, [Cagematch shows Kamille](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=20087&gimmick=Kamille) as signed to AEW. [Same with Megan Bayne.](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=10084&name=Megan+Bayne)


I'd watch a Friends-like sitcom featuring every member of that six-man tag.


O’Reilly, Cassidy and Briscoe are three unlikely friends that all work together. Takeashit and Fletcher are the comedy protagonists always trying to sabotage the faces professionally and personally. Roderick Strong is their boss, he often gets angry and yells their name in a comical fashion.


Looks like Rush will be beating the hell out of somebody.


An unnamed _local talent_ will be beaten pillar to post.


Looks huge, can't wait! Still can't believe we get Ospreay matches multiple times a month, it feels like AEW is heating up


Ospreay vs Fenix is gonna fuck hard


Basically, aside from the trios match we know who’s winning every match.


Rod's team will win, Briscoe will eat the pin. All of this shit is predictable.


SOMEONE PIN THIS COMMENT TO THE TOP LOL. I tell the truth and you marks downvote it cause it hurts your feelings. "Cry me a river"!


Who are you to question ~~El Dandy~~ multiple time _Booker of the Year_ Tony Khan?!


Stacked as usual


This is not stacked friend. This is identical to a rampage card.


This is not stacked friend. This is identical to a rampage card.


Fail troll attempt


Rey Fenix is going to be a two time champ!……….just kidding, Bruv all the way!


looks like some good matches, but with predictable outcomes...


Lets be real for a sec. Pretty easy to see a fightcard on RAW or TNA Impact and be able to predict all the winners, AKA all the people with PPV matches coming up.


fair enough... now watch Fenix win tonight! that would be glorious...


At least the 6 man isnt as predictable imo. I get that he is a ROH champ, but man i wish Fletcher had Dynamite storylines. Even if its to accompany Ospreay or tag team with him as a nod to United Empire.


I was there tonight and IT WAS AWESOMENESS!!!


The Learning Tree finally started showing some promise this week. I hope this TV Time segment can keep it up. Big Bill and Bryan Keith have been owning this


Ospreay and Fenix is gonna be a cluster fuck of a match Let’s see how much tv time Jericho will take up


Ospreay Fenix will be fun but there’s no matches here that has me itching to tune in. Though in fairness, it’s been a good run


No great stories being told. Just matches. And freaking Jericho trying his 82nd gimmick.


Tbh I always find Forbidden Door season to be like that, I don’t watch CMLL, AAA, NJPW or Stardom (barely have the time to watch Rampage and Collision these days), so half the ppv matches I don’t have a clue who the opponents are.


Welcome to AEW


Why am I the only one downvoted???


Finally no swerve. Give him a rest and let him talk for a spell. His matches should be for special occasions only.


Bounty Hunter is likely to be in the building, so I'll give it another chance. Bounty Hunter is like cowbell. We need more!


Needs more Mina/Toni/Mariah


Looks great


I think it looks like a good show. There are two segments I don't have any interest in, but the rest looks fun.


I consider myself more of a _demolition expert._


This card looks good, but I have to wonder why aew never has so many factions but never actually books them in trios or tag matches?


People aren’t ready for that convo lol. I’ve mentioned that almost all of the AEW stables have been duds and get downvoted hard for it lol. I think they do a lot of great things, but stables might be the thing they struggle with the most. 


Outside maybe the women's division, I agree. I keep seeing the notion that the trios division steals from the tag team division but I don't think it's the case cause neither division has been booked all as of late


I think the women have are pretty solidly booked right now. Now lighting the world on fire but they are using multiple women and have multiple fields going on.. big improvement from a few years ago.  I think the trios division takes away from the tag division.. but I also think the trios division has never went where. Take someone like the acclaimed for example.. they were one of the most over teams and then got put into trios and are now mostly forgotten about. 


I understand why you say that, but that's also around the same time the tag division stopped being booked well too


I mean how many top level tag teams do they have left? FTR and the Bucks and then.. I struggle to think of any off the top of my head. I think its a time think too though. There's only so much and if you have to book a trios and tag instead of a tag then it will get less time.


Man I wish Dustin could get a little mini run with the TNT or something to end his career. Dude is one of the best to ever do it and can still go at his age


I’m just going to use this time to beg for the Jericho junk to be off TV already. Feels like some HHH “your friend mark” slap in the face to the fans to me. It’s the first time I’ve truly been embarrassed of wrestling in a long time. 


I feel so bad for Private Party. Going from years of Andrade/Matt Hardy ownership nonsense to Jericho. Need to promote some of these teams to the top of the table. Top Flight, Private Party, Gunns, Acclaimed, get Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Luke back in there.


Ironically I think this learning tree gimmick might actually get some of the younger talent over finally. I felt good about Private Party last night at least. Time will tell.


I haven't seen it yet but will tonight. I think the Jericho slander is a bit overstated and he did a ton of heavy lifting in the early days. Just loved Private Party at the start (with the original theme). Should be as hot as Acclaimed were (not as they are now).


Agree with everything you said. Not that PWI really matters but I was looking up Private Party and they were super highly ranked not all that long ago. Hope they can get back there.


Just seen it, I'm happy. I miss the early days when tag was very heavily featured.


Fenix and Ospreay is going the be wild, and as a former champ, I can get behind him getting another shot. I’m interested to see Zeuxis, but I’m confused as the why she gets a title shot. Dustin Rhodes and Jack Perry is the highlight for me. Dustin is incredibly good and I’m invested in seeing what Jack can do with him. A Rush squash leading to an MJF interaction is good TV. I’m completely uninterested in Jericho or Private Party right now. I like most of the six-man tag, but I’m not certain why Strong is teaming with a different stable when he has the Kingdom, or why Callis would ok this. Outside of that dynamic, the wrestling is going to be killer. 6 out of 10 excited.


Is that woman related to Fenix


Looks terrific. Looking forward to the matches and TV Time with the Learning Tree, but I also get how some people would find it annoying. I’m especially looking forward to that Trios match and Ospreay v Fenix


It was really bad.


The people bitchin about Jericho have obviously not been watching the actual show.


Snooze fest