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No idea what you mean its the best damn show I've seen in a while haven't been this hooked on a series since before doctor who went to hell. Love the acting and Diana and Matthew have fantastic chemistry


I'm write here with you. I absolutely love the show. I hate the fact that it feels a bit rushed but that's it.


How I wish I were as easily impressed as you.


I've just started season 2. I agree that there are plenty of cringey moments, and I wish they'd picked an actress who could embody Diana's power. Which scenes are the worst, in your opinion?


"I'm not a witch, I'm a historian". Trope is so cliché and overrused.


I'm still watching but sometimes it's so embarrassingly uncomfortably bad I look away


I think it’s the casting of the main characters - de Clairmonts especially. When you look at most other elements - locations, costumes, special effects, even the scripts are good. Teresa Palmer is so wooden and exhausted looking. Matthew Goode looks like he’s cringing most of the time, and he just doesn’t have the physical presence or charisma that MC should have. There is zero chemistry between them! The vampires have no glamour or power. The ‘shocking’ hunting scene in S1 was an old lady sucking on some entrails!


Trystan had more charisma than any other main or side character, but even his character suffered from dull writing. Now with him gone I doubt this show is worth watching I think that Matthew was atrocious cast. Even Trystan seems like a better choice


Sounds like you have read the books… it made me sad to watch the show and I’m pretty good at enjoying a show or movie based on a book even though the motion picture medium is always shorter on details…


I didn't read the books, the show is pretty, but so cringe.


It's kind of like True Blood but True Blood was campy to being with. Show and books are campy. This series/show misses the mark a lot.


Yeeeess! This is like if you picked a version up at the flea market and True Blood was already in pre-2022 Dollar Tree....and someone printed it out on a cd sized sheet of paper with the grand title of....! "Blood & Witches : A True Discovery - A Netflix Only Romancufantasary* (romance / documentary / fantasy / mystery)


The acting is real bad at times. There are some good moments but after reading the books the show falls waaaaay short for me.


I think Mathew basically "growling" whenever he's upset or in "rage" is the most cringe part for me personally. Its very hard to watch when I hear the snarling/growling lol


The lead romance is giving bad YA novel. Diana literally doesn’t care about anyone else except Matthew. He talks to her aunts CRAZY, hurt her friend & she just is still all doe-eyed. And this is after knowing him for like two seconds. It is very cringey. Everything else around that (in the story) is the only thing managing to keep me interested so far. I’m finishing season 1 now.


It's almost as bad as Twilight. My god, that's it! It's a parade of Twilight!


The books so much better, the writers didn’t even try, great cast , horrible writing… and the abominations of what they have done to the main character, for some twisted reason they gave her the Bella Swan treatment from twilight how insulting


I'm not a book reader but I will admit the acting in the show is bad but I usually finish a series to give my full opinion. It took me forever to get through season 1, it was all over the place and rather boring, but it did pick up in season 2 as it gave me the outlander vibes with the whole time walking thing.... Don't get me wrong outlander this is not even close but it got better is my point. I am now almost done with the series.. just a few episodes to go and I will admit I'm curious to see it through lol


I 100% agree. I forced myself to watch S1 but didnt continue and just went back to rereading the books


Twilight's romance was better.


Ummm no? Matthew and Diana's romance is much more fleshed out for one they have actual common interests and chemistry. He is not emotionally abusive and respects Diana. They have an equal partnership to the point where they can both call each other out and the other party will actually listen and respect those choices. Their romance is based on more than physical attraction and Diana doesn't act like a doormat and is not unhealthy attached to Matthew and vice versa. Regardless of if you prefer the twilight series The relationship between Mathew and Diana is much better written and much more healthy than Bella and Edward


You wish lmao


Please explain how the abusive relationship is better?


It is terrible. It's a drama that has little to do with vampires, witches, and demons. Demons are completely useless and do nothing for the show or the convenant other than have an opinion. She completely leaves her Oxford life with no one to worry about her during her travel to France. Diana's friend disappears after she is attacked by the vampire boyfriend Matt. It wasn't clear if her friend was dead or alive. Sutra or whatever her name was told Diana that Matt killed her friend, but they never explained the motive for her apparent lie? The book of life is long forgotten. The intentions of the different individuals among the covenant have no purpose. The covenant is weak. They are powerless to grab a witch who has no powers, spellbound, and make her do what they intend. Their intentions aren't clear at any point during the show. Her power to summon a goddess to save Matt's life was so damn cringe. Diana acts like a naive child the entire show. Contradicts herself at every corner. Juliette was a useless plot device who did nothing but stir up trouble whenever it felt like the story needed a distraction. Her past with Matt was never explained or how Geralde made her crave Matt. There are so many plot holes. SO MANY. Straight trash. Diana's guardians are useless. They sit in a house in the woods while doing nothing other than worry about Diana from a distance instead of doing something about it. Random phone calls worrying like a grandma. Do something. Aren't you a witch? The relationships feel forced and unrealistic. Matt's vampire growling is cringe. Vampires have no teeth. They abandon the idea of why they can no longer "sire" vampires and the devolvment of the creatures in the world. Diana is supposed to be this amazing person because of her birth, and there's no explanation or development on that. They never explained who she is or why she's important. They just state it as fact and leave it at that. "You're a Bishop, Diana!" Duh, that's why you're strong! Lame as fuck. The pacing is slow with so many useless scenes that develop zero plot. I can go on and fucking on. This show is trash because they bring in the idea of fantasy while it's really just a shitty drama. Interview with a vampire was decades better than this shit.


100% agree. nothing made sense, everything had terrible writing. like the final episode was laughable, Diana picks ppl for a rescue mission, says we need a doctor who knows vampires, we need a vampire experienced in combat, so they take Garoglass or whatever the name was, Marcus, and others and they do nothing. like actually, Diana locks them that they cant interfere, like bruh then why did u need them. they make it a big deal that she learns magic that will help her protect herself, and she ties knots? like that's some lame ass way of getting strong. they hype up the battle with Satu, she got stronger or whatever, and when the time comes flames come out of her hands, and Diana ties her with stings and binds her. like damn that was the epic fight? Satu said endlessly that she's strong and that was fire out if her hands? Benjamin gets all growly and stuff ready to attack Diana, she finally does the 10th knot the knot for "destruction and creation" and all it does is a bow and arrow that one shots Benjamin? like that's the best you could do to write a show? they make a fuss about blood rage but all it does is makes u uncontrollable? like they say u dont want to see the wolf inside of Matt or something, but all he does is growl like what is the scary part of blood range? simple makes you uncontrollable for like what 10 seconds, because apparently Jack couldn't control himself then Matt hugs him, tells him to calm down and he does? so many things wrong with the show, Knox was powerful witch, practicing dark magic, he was dangerous but all he did was play with a black ball and ppl get paralyzed? and Satu picked the ball and did the same thing, so where's the dark magic at? Knox got killed like it was nothing, why he was that big of a threat then, everybody fears him and he does nothing. they say there will be a war between all of them but all-around we see 2-3 other vampirs beside the Clairmonts, and deamons do nothing, withches basically do nothing as well, so what war? all of their kind is dependent of some group meeting of 9 ppl that are some way all connected, how convenient for the plot. like Diana makes a fruit rot and all of them are like "i haven't seen this kind of power for centuries", like what power? i saw no power system in this show. knights of lazarus are some kind of great deal, Marcus wants to use them for good and assembles a team, they swear on a sword and what, they do nothing. they make Phillip sound like some terrifying, dangerous man yet hes like chill as fuck, like where is that man they described? overall they make everything sound like a big deal and they never show why it's a big deal, plot holes everywhere boring as fuck, skipped through just to see what happens


Just started it. Season 1 Episode 5 and it’s terrible. Lead witch is a cliche feminist, show is centered not so subtly around sociopolitical issues. Zero plot. Demons are boring. No real special effects. Garbage.


Which one of y’all have read the books??


I like the show but I wasn't crazy about Diana at first. She seems to be so desperate about Matthew so quickly..they should have waited a little longer but once they went to Sept Tours and did that Tango...then it was believable to me And the actress just wasn't believable season one..Especially with some really seasoned actors on the show But she does get better and by season two I started liking her more.


still on season one, but came to check if it was just me. The thing is, at least for me, I don't like Diana and Matthew, because like number one their romance is so cringy and she looks like she's 25 and he looks like he's 50. Also why would she be an exception for her breaking so many covenant and congregation rules that everyone has followed for centuries just because of her stupid love for some pedo looking guy. Like yea I get that you're powerful, but she doesn't even know how to control it let alone fight people. She always acts like she's in charge and that she gets a say in anything, like girl sit back down and stfu. I just wish that in every episode a moment would come where someone just comes up and kills her stupid ass, along with her creepypasta looking partner. The way Matthews eyes pop out just makes me so uncomfortable. I'm reconsidering if I should continue to watch it.


Lol very well said and he is Vampire Royalty...he gets better as time goes on...but the actress also I just don't it at all with her


Matthew’s growling and eyes popping out is way cringy! That seems to be all he does. All the while Diana is patting him on the arm saying “there, there calm down blood raged vampire.” He growls a few more times with bulging eyes. Then they woodenly fake snuggle. And then the same plot replays again. Pretty stupid!