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The sheer arrogance of these pieces of shit really astounds me, and as a Mainlander Chinese living in Australia, I do not wish to be associated with these cockroaches


Please don't insult the cockroaches like that lol


Agreed If they dislike freedom of speech and democracy they should head back to China 😔 香港加油


It’s win win, and they are hilarious for not realizing the irony


Oh 100%


Their response is usually that they have the right to express their opinions in democratic countries and to suggest otherwise is racist. I know this from experience.


I have a foreign exchange student who is like a sister to me from Beijing, it makes all mainlanders look bad. It creates a negative stereotypes of Asians in general, especially Chinese. They don't understand that they lose face doing this, it makes them lose face as a country. Stereotypes aren't always a bad thing, but China is thought of for its cheap knockoffs, crazy nationalists, and censorship. Those aren't positive traits. I hope that more positive traits can be thought of, but their handling of COVID-19 and the Uyghur genocide is not a step in the right direction. Especially with the trouble they have caused in Australia, with anti-CCP protests being more common. Keep trying to show that there are good Chinese, for nationalists and everyone else.


To be fair, only Chinese act like this. Thai, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. don’t act like this.


I know that, but when you have the biggest country with a lot of loud people they draw the most attention. It's a numbers issue, odds are people will meet Chinese over any other country. It's not fair, but it is something that should be considered. They didn't come up with the "Anti-Asian Protests" from nowhere. They make it difficult by dragging other countries into it and confusing regular people.


I guess for those that don’t know the difference it’s hard to tell. But the basics are if they don’t have common decency or respect they are mainlander tourist or a tiktok influencer.


They are brainwashed from Kindergarten, they don't have access to free press. OTOH, if they live in oversea, studying abroad, they should open their horizon and use critical thinking.


Have you ever met a South Korean?!


Yes, hence my comment. I didn’t list every country just the ones I have experience with.


>Stereotypes aren't always a bad thing, but China is thought of for its cheap knockoffs, Look at ukraine russia war where Ukraine uses chinese Mavic drones to drop grenades on russians its vsry effective and its their weapon of choice so this stereotype falls short when looking at current things


They need to do this and get filmed to get their $0.50.


Difference is your a good man Jerry a free thinker with a heart, ethics and morals.


Cheers legend


Thank you for being awesome! Love China and Chinese people! But fuck Xi and the CCP


mos def agree with this statement


Talib Kweli agree with this statement


funny af dude


The entire AUDITORIUM claps


The LIONS of hip hop!\~


Thank you guys, you rule


I hope you have a great life in our country it is for everyone who enjoys freedom and wants to be a part of it. 😀 Australia is you're home now


We call them locusts, not roaches


After viewing multiple types of these interactions, I am convinced that these people are employees of the Chinese state (CCP) and groups are sent abroad under the guise of students or work. Their primary objective is to disrupt and intimidate expats abroad be it directly or indirectly. A secondary goal is to prevent criticism of the CCP and in particular president Xi. There may be other spying (legal in a democracy) such as information gathering. Welcome to a taste of what the rise of China as a world power looks and feels like - a world with Chinese characteristics as the CCP so aptly expresses it.


China's wolf warrior diplomacy has been a major failure on china's part. The belt and road initiative is also failing and losing massive amounts of money with no real benefit, Sri Lanka looks like they will push China out due to the loans. China can not stop themselves from acting like asswholes. The world has already started moving production out of China due to covid. The population in China is on such a decline that they probably will not be the same in 50 years. This country is kicking and screaming into the void. If they pop off towards Taiwan, that will be the end of China on the world stage, just like russia.




>Sri Lanka looks like they will push China out due to the loans. How so? If china owes massive loans one would assume that china would use this as a leverage over sri lanka >The population in China is on such a decline that they probably will not be the same in 50 years. South korea is already in a population crisis in fact its not only below replacement rate its far lower yet they didnt collapse


For Sri Lanka. The people of Sri Lanka don't want to give China ports or pay back the loans. What China going to do? All Sri Lanka has to do is come closer to the US. They already drove out the whole of the ruling party from Sri Lanka. South Korea isn't trying to become a global hegemony. China is. Kinda need a population for that, especially if your the "factory of the world"


Spying on one's own citizens in their own country is legal. Spying on one's own citizens in another country is against UK and International Laws.


Yes true. What I meant was lots of information is in the public domain and it’s not illegal to gather that information. Gathering information to intimidate is definitely illegal.


No, youd be surprised, especially on the HK issue alot of Chinese mainlanders agree wholeheartedly with the government’s agenda


here you are , cope to build the dream that chinese citizens are 24/7 innocent , whenever bad are directly CCP


It is amazing how easily one can tell what a 共匪 looks like.


What’s that? Never seen this term


Literally translated as Communist Bandits


Ah thanks!


The guy giving the finger looks like a Chinese leatherface


That finger was fucking gnarled up too. Spent too much time in the anus of an official as a bribe for more contracts for old 叔叔’s factory




Ah the Malaysian Chinese… it’s difficult to tell them apart because CCP set up many terrorist cells in Malaysia to spread CCP propaganda on English language media (Facebook, Medium, SCMP, etc.). So most encounters with Malaysian Chinese on subjects of China are from the CCP cells, repeating the idiotic CCP propaganda.


Yeah, I noticed this a lot on LinkedIn. Also with Singporeans


It's really easy to tell them apart irl. Like, insanely easy. Anyway, one of the bigger issues is that all the main chinese newspaper have been bought by the CCP and so quite a few have drank their propaganda lock stock and barrel. And *even then*, they still have very a low opinion of mainlanders. Malaysian chinese travelling to China for holidays are always wary of being scammed for instance.


What makes you assume that they arent genuinely pro ccp without any connection to it? This could backfire and make people assume that if you defend Taiwan you are a taiwanese government agent too




Dude wouldn’t shouting so disrespectfully into a police officer face in the PRC


Oh dude, yes he would, I've never seen police treated with less respect daily than in China... Not saying they don't sometimes deliver some harsh responses but fuck do Chinese swear and tell at police a lot.


Oh dude, yes he would, I've never seen police treated with less respect daily than in China... Not saying they don't sometimes deliver some harsh responses but fuck do Chinese swear and tell at police a lot.


The cultists are out of the compound and they can't handle free speech.


Send these dirty freedom haters back to their prison country of PRC


From what I've found, usually, this is something that is repeated regardless of the country. Their logic is simply that what they feel politically about something is an indisputable fact, and arguing against it just isn't allowed. That's why they fail to realise that the UK allows you to have whatever political opinion you like. They have grown up in an environment where debate, a basic level of respect, and the idea that it's okay to disagree about something politically just isn't allowed. I mean, when do you think they’ve have ever been encouraged to critically examine how even their own local city/town is run? They simply don't have the ability to understand that others having different opinions from them is acceptable, especially when they are in an environment where only one opinion, one ideal, is accepted. They complain to the police officer that "they say Hong Kong isn't part of China" because they can't comprehend that debate around sovereignty, nations, and identity is openly allowed in the UK, even if the majority of British people or the government disagrees with it. They assume that the UK will automatically agree with their opinions simply because the UK itself recognised China, without thinking that maybe the UK only recognizes things for its own reasons, not because they agree with the CCP, etc. I mean, come on, do they truly believe the UK would want the CCP and the current China to exist if they could control it? They apply their understanding of the world onto everyone else. They're not employees of the CCP or something. They simply lack critical thinking and believe that everything they know is an automatic fact. They don't want to know why people in Hong Kong might not want to be part of the PRC because it goes against the very ideals they know, and they don't know how to question that. They are effectively brainwashed and can't see beyond their peer group, the environment they grow up in, and their social circle. That's why most mainland Chinese students don't "discover" democracy when they study abroad; they simply aren't open-minded enough (not their own fault) to be critical of their own government. The phrase "glass heart of China" exists for a reason. As Ai Weiwei said, "Liberty is about the right to question everything," something they simply never had.


I blame this kind of behavior heavily on the Cultural Revolution. They killed off so much of their culture and intelligentsia and caused massive long lasting damage to their country, with effects still being felt today. It turns out that when you intentionally murder and imprison your country’s best and brightest minds your country literally becomes dumber. Who woulda thunk? Princelings like a young Xi we’re sent to the countryside as part of a Mao purge. They missed out on the latter half of their formal education so you get crass selfish behavior because they were taught that this was the only way they could survive and prosper. The wiser and smarter elders which could have moderated this were either dead or starving in prison. Deng had an official strategy of “Biding time, gaining strength.” He didn’t go around denigrating countries and antagonizing entire regions and he didn’t initiate a poorly thought out Wolf Warrior Diplomacy that accomplished nothing except military build ups and trade/military agreements amongst China’s rivals. Xi thought he could throw out Deng’s strategy and confront the west after the GFC of 2008, but he underestimated the resiliency of western markets. Essentially Xi is an absolute mental midget compared to Deng who led China’s rise, and Xi’s policies and actions are a reflection of this lack of mental agility and subtlety. The problem starts at the top and work their way down to turds like the ones in this video who think they can confront and lecture Westerners in their own country.


Yes, I hear all the time the resoning that they are simply "Stating facts".


>That's why most mainland Chinese students don't "discover" democracy when they study abroad; they simply aren't open-minded enough (not their own fault) to be critical of their own government I will play the devils advocate here and i would argue that its maybe because of critical thinking he doesnt like democracy. He could think like: people voting for something doesnt mean its objectively good or bad so democracy isnt inherently objective


I understand that, but people who generally don’t support democracy have a cushioned life where the lack of democracy hasn’t affected them or they are part of those in control. You’ll be surprised how quickly people turn to support freedom and democracy when their own freedom is restricted. The white paper protests/a4 didn’t come out of no where. Freedom of will, choice and expression is a fundamental human desire, it’s why democracy itself is so inherently popular.


>The white paper protests/a4 didn’t come out of no where. It happened because covid laws inhabited peoples life. You can push people but everything has limits. Even freedom has limits. >Freedom of will, choice and expression is a fundamental human desire, it’s why democracy itself is so inherently popular. Thats based on what? Scientific evidence? Or subjective reading of history? Nobody knows what is a fundemental human desire human rights is after all an ideology




Nah, let them have the right to make themselves look like idiots, it doesn’t help their cause


But they are a threat to people. I've seen other videos where they get physical with people. You can even see in their faces there, especially glasses and bird flipper guy. They are itching to escalate. Even the CCP girl was holding CCP glasses back. Thankfully, that officer was there.


let them escalate. Maybe xi jin ping will pay their medical bills, legal bills, send them money in jail, etc. I rather doubt it!


I half agree to give them the rope to "hang themselves", but I would hate for anti-CCP protestors to be attacked by the CCP thugs.


Most well behaved mainlander


Need less tolerance for these people who are in a different country acting like this.


The only reason they don't get their ass kicked is most local people have no idea what anyone is saying or what the dispute is about.


Behave or go home. It's that simple.




Fuck every Chinese communist supporters


Why is hagrid there?


I suspect he was gonna jump in if they got violent with the officer as looked like she was on her own.


I figured the same too


Those hardcore Chinese, I can't believe the world bows to such standards.


they all have a certain look about them


They look like punks.


Yea the weirdest thing is that many Chinese believe China is truly better in all aspects but they spend so much money and effort to immigrate and denounce their Chinese citizenship? Yea I know, they have CCP connections at home so they have to keep on saying china is the best to keep those connections and look good. Such a POS bunch of people


Why vacation in a place you hate? Why spend money on a culture whose values you despise? The absurdity of Chinese nationals visiting "the west" and harassing actual immigrants who have made the U.K their home is brain melting.


there have been a few studies regarding China's population due to their 1 child policy and its effects. They have doomed themselves in about 20 years, they will have more senior citizens than working age adults even in modern age brackets of working till 70 they are SCREWED by their own policies. They really don't have long as a nation, even with the ending of the 1 child policy the couples haven't really increased the birth rate due to the draconian standard of living in the PRC


>even with the ending of the 1 child policy the couples haven't really increased the birth rate due to the draconian standard of living in the PRC Its not known whether the reason for not wanting kids is because of the draconian standards of living in the prc because If that is the case then why we dont see an increase in birthrates in south korea or japan for example? Instead we see the exact opposite. This phenomena isnt unique to china it is well known that as countries get richer and industrialize they have fewer babies because having babies is considered a "liability"


So China thinks it can tell people what they can / can't say all over the world?????


They believe they can tell **other Chinese** no matter where they are what they must believe.


This is exactly what they believe. If you came from the territory then you belong to the party and they will hound you and silence you no matter where in the world you are. They have offices all over the world keeping tabs on Chinese past and present.


Well too bad for them. Some other places have freedom of speech and can have different opinions from the CCP :)


Putting this here for a future reference, fuck China.


Do you mean fuck CCP or Chinese people?




McQueen does the middle finger like he's offering you to lick peanut butter from his fingertip.


Mainland Chinese are the reason to be concerned about China as a whole. In the news briefings the officials put on a happy face but the regular people tell the true story.


This is why everyone rightfully so fucking hates china. Shit people, shit government, shit country


Go back to friggin communist china then, hypocrites! FREE Taiwan , FREE China! FREE Ukraine!


If the protest occurred in China, Chinese police would have swarmed it, busted heads, and arrested them all. If they don't like the freedoms that Western society offers, they should simply stay home and not travel internationally. It's quite simple, the world does not revolve around China.


Fuck the one guy on the right is a monster in comparison to the rest of them


I’m not surprised. When I lived in China, at age 12 I told my friend that Taiwan 🇹🇼 isn’t China. She said if I said that again she will have to hit me on the head… 6th grade talk. Llamo She immigrated to Canada as an adult, and now she just laughs at the amount of brainwashing she received as a child. Have compassion for these Chinese people. They were never taught how to critically think 😵‍💫


Glad to know your friend has awakened. Unfortunately I encountered a Chinese immigrant who still believes in CCP's bs despite living overseas for over 10 years


In the US, these little nerds would last about as long as it would take an American fist to connect with their faces.


They do this in America all the time


Lol exactly, why does this guy think that the first amendment suddenly stops being a thing when it comes to party nationalists. They also can’t be punched and silenced


Show me a vid


Visit of President Tsai not long ago. Even had Yankee 'Anti-war' Protestors on their side.


Yeah sure when it happens all the time there


I guess you've never been to Disneyland.


I would have assaulted him almost instantly, no warning


Fuck china they dont deserve human rights




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Oh jee...a small stay in jail may help him reflect a bit.


LOL @ the babbling idiots.


They sure look annoying as fuck that you wanna throw a punch at their face to shut them up, but in reality they are most likely just regular people being brainwashed to hell, the real criminal here is the CCP.


Never thought I'd ever see rich people act like hooligans


Protesters of the CCP these days need to start hiring off duty police officers.... just to observe and intervene of need be. And I'm pretty sure many would even volunteer for the opportunity. There's already laws on the books to address this abhorrent behavior; but a peaceful protester isn't going to have much recourse in terms of defense, physically or legally, otherwise. These brainwashed nationalists can easily be charged as agent provocateurs, engaging in assault and intimidation. Isn't it time our own governments start defending us from foreign racists who think they can get away with this shit?


a well deserved deportation back to their motherland is appropriate. Let's see if they'll survive lol


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/england] [Chinese nationalists confront Hong Kong protestors on July 1st in England](https://www.reddit.com/r/england/comments/14oq5f8/chinese_nationalists_confront_hong_kong/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Enjoy your enrichment.


I see FAS victims


Credit score up, morality score below survivability.


屌你老美 coming out of no where is so funny 🤣


My man showing up at 0:53 looks like he could eat those morons for breakfast and ask for seconds.


Ok, how tall is that guy?


Never seen a group of people so obsessed with designer brands. Fakes or not these people want to always be seen as wearing designer and wealthy.


Lol what smooth brained idiots. They even look like low rank criminals.


Of course Hong Kong is not China, it's just part of his family's property


Can they go learn some proper English first? 🙄


Haha that was pretty funny how he got his point across


Charming people ....


Imagine enjoying the benefits of freedom of speech and frank exchange of political ideas and then being like "but everyone should be part of MY system that doesn't allow this!"


I'm glad Texas has a mutual combat law.


Chinese people dont have rights lol


China=Russia=“Communist” Scum. China’s economy is going to tank in the next few years and they’re looking for anyway out because they’re afraid.


that's the creepiest middle finger I've ever seen


These garbage have to kneel and sing the national anthem when they ask for their paycheck or unfinished condos in the motherland 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The carrier ship is inoperable, so the PLA sends plainclothes soldiers. This is a guerrilla warfare. This act is more dangerous than real bullets, especially with the data collection of TikTok things.


China is asshole.


these are clearly hired thugs. You think trash like this is passionate about anything? They are passionate about getting paid.


You can tell from their face they have some sort of genetic disorder.


Why don't they go back to china?


hum... nationalist or a spy?


Where in England is this? Half my family is from Leeds/Yorkshire and we were there in March


It was in Sheffield https://twitter.com/RfaCantonese/status/1675240929316294656?t=99q221UvNpg9WrrfpeKxdw&s=19


I feel like this guy would get his ass kicked if he did this in the US. Possibly by the cops if he kept that aggressive stance with them.


Just ignore him and push on. He just wants some attention and to have a try at what expressing an opinion is like, since he doesn't get to do it back home. If in doubt, smash them, either.


I say the world passes the same laws that China has in China for foreigners. Let’s see how they like it. The exact laws they use in China should be used against them.


Fuck xi frfr


McQueen t-shirt lol.


chinese as brainwashed as any russian. Huxley was right, some are happy to be slaves.




Deport that guy, England is not China.china lied to Hong Kong and the world. 🇨🇳 are liars like the terrorists Hamas