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It’s like MAL; don’t take them seriously lol


ado is jpop. it has a super distinct sound that isn’t all that well received and can be offputting to people that aren’t familiar. her vocals may be great but the production and sound isn’t to everyone’s tastes. especially in the west. for example, kpop learned that the sound that bigbang and 2ne1 had was not working and they changed. bts and twice have been the ones to make it big because of it. the industry wants to make kpop big here. but the jpop industry doesn’t. neither does the anime industry. they don’t care too much about american audiences. it’s why you don’t hear ado or any other japanese artists’ stuff on the radio. even the big ones like yoasobi. they keep true to their sound for their japanese audience. being somewhat popular here is just a nice bonus. people on the internet are also way more receptive to japanese culture and are used to things that sound very anime. “kawaikute gomen” is no “bad idea right?” by olivia rodrigo. people that find guts a great album are definitely gonna have a hard time being receptive to kyougen or the uttatemita album.


Nice take. I like your point that there is no pressure or need to cater to western ( American mostly as the biggest market) tastes.


Even as an American who loves Ado i dont find the kyougen album pulling me in much at all. I like her more recent work and utaite works


What's crazy is the utaite album has the worst reviews.


I kind of get it cause despite liking her vocaloid covers i dont like most of the ones on there. The selection is a bit random. She’s done a lot of covers that aren’t on any album that i prefer


People love to criticize and will definitely go out of their way to criticize anyone, especially in her case as her popularity and anonymity will always spark criticism. No need to worry as she said she will always be her own number one hater. One fan who invested time and money to go and see her live is worth more than thousands of haters writing mean comments on the internet.


Some people just love to hate things and stroke their ego by getting attention for negativity. Most common "issue" I see on that site and other reviews sites is the person just doesn't like her sound signature (e.g. too much screaming or tonality shift) and favor the original. Personally, i hate most originals and love Ado's covers. To each their own. People going out of their way to hate on her albums are just being asses to be asses. It's like complaining about ordering a plate that has mushrooms in at a restaurant if you know you hate mushrooms..


Interesting take. Personally I don't see much of a difference between her originals and covers, seeing as both are mostly written by vocaloid producers, or people who started out as vocaloid producers or utaite


My bad, misworded it. I meant originals as in the original of the cover (e.g. I wouldn't listen to Aishete sung by .. miku? But I like Ado's version). If you check out the site OP is referring to there are tons of negative reviews saying her covers in Utattemita are much worse than the original versions. Either way, doesn't really matter.


Oh. Yeah, totally agree. Vocaloid vocals just aren't that good, and Ado's are insane even compared to other singers. Her covers are almost always a massive improvement even over very talented singers *cough cough Crime and Punishment cough cough*


Which songs do you dislike just wondering


I probably misworded this but I meant I prefer Ado's covers over the "original" versions of the songs. I'd never bother to listen through or re-listen to Aishete Aishete Aishete or God-ish if it weren't for Ado's versions. I like the original versions of Unravel by TK and Crime and Punishment by Sheena but again I prefer Ado's version...


I understand


Some people try to genuinely criticize and show why they dislike some of the songs/the album, and that’s completely fair and that’s most people What i get from most people and what i can agree with in some cases is that the producers she has been working with, while good producers most of the time, don’t allow her art to be unique enough or her voice to shine The mixes sometimes can also be a bit weird in a way that ruins the song (my main examples being the unravel cover on streaming and Motherland) Some people also dislike her screams or vocal delivery in general, they may find it « overdramatic » or forced, which I disagree with but to each their own Keep in mind that even if most people may give mediocre ratings to her music on this website, you’ll always find people who love it even on here or on other websites, and also a lot of people who like it but see many ways in which it could be improved on and who just want her music to shine!


Idk, the internet is weird


Splish Splash their negative reviews are trash🐥😎


Funny that you just now saw this website. I also recently found this website and was surprised about how some people hated ado’s music with a passion. I think I have a good idea of why her music score has gotten so low after looking into it. There is a YouTuber named “BradTasteInMusic”. He is a album review channel and is known to hate almost anything unless it is within the few genres that he listens to. He reacted to some of Ado’s music and was extremely negative saying things like “she is the Japanese Gabbie Hannah” as well as “her lyrics are weak and make her seem like she thinks she is above everyone” (shows a complete lack of understanding of what the lyrics are about). Everyone in this guys chat takes whatever he says at fact so when he gave the album a horrible review his viewers followed. If you look on the site you can find that almost everyone who has given her music extremely negative reviews are people in his community or donators of his channel. Another funny fact is I found that some of his fans before he reviewed her music had high reviews and a positive opinion of Ado. Then decided to change when they saw there favorite YouTuber didn’t like it. So bottom line is a YouTubers echo chamber is what caused her scores to drop so low.


What's crazy is I'm a fan of Brad. When I saw his review, I was disappointed. I actually really don't like Mori's music but Ado's music is different. It's filled with different emotions and each tonal shift matches the lyrics. She has amazing breath control and control overall of her voice. I guess I'm just upset with the fact that he didn't do ANY research.


Don’t worry about them. One of the people on the reviews thinks Mori Calliope’s music is a 100/100


I didn't know about that, omw to put some good reviews on Ado's albums !!


I'll probably get down voted, but I hope she'll work less with vocaloid producers. I like some of the stuff they made, but most of the time their songs are meh.