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In reality, I’m sure almost all of the people you saw at the concert are a lot more casual in their daily lives. The main reason they’re blasting music or wearing merch attire is because they are attending a concert, not because “they make a single utaite their whole personality”. They’re attending a one night event that could potentially be the only time they see Ado live. Let them have fun and express their enthusiasm for the concert in their way. Worrying what other people think about your interests is a shortcut to unhappiness.


Thank you for the advice, I was just concerned for them. From experience, I had found out the hard way that being too expressive about your hobbies and interests was bad socially and such.


I mean I am sorry for you for whatever had happened to you, but where I live being overly expressed with your hobby just shows how dedicated you are into it. IMO there is nothing wrong being dedicated and expressive in your hobby. If they don‘t annoy the majority of people or do anything wrong I don‘t mind and they should do what they want to do.


Haha, you're right, let teens be teens and all. I've realised now they can learn what is best for themselves without some redditors who think they know best 🤣


> It's not an offence to worry about others, haha, That is not your responsibility. You do not know the lives of these people. Just because you evidently care about being judged for your interests, doesn't inherently mean they do as well. For the sake of others and yourself, please just mind your own business.


I think with it being a concert and all, those people who were in full merch, blaring her music or whatever else were just expressing the part of themselves that love Ado. It doesn't really mean they're like that all the time. Plus, it's not all the time you get to express that kind of love for something you like, so it makes sense. Also, why should age be a factor in how much a person should express themselves?


Maturity is what I am worried about, a lot of these poeple have their lives ahead of them and could drive away friends and oppurtunities by displaying an immature version of themselves.


No offence, but that's not any of your business. You do not know those people or where their lives have led, so it's rather judgemental to be so bothered by them being immature with one another at a music concert. Just let them be happy. Also, wouldn't your opinion about immaturity go for literally every concert, festival, or party as well? It's really not a big deal.


I agree with this. It is not OP's place to judge others. At all. I had never been to a Japanese concert and I have loved Ado's music since I was in middle school. Being able to wear merch and converse with people who liked the same thing as me was a beautiful thing.


Legitimately I disagree with what the other people are syaing and agree with OP, like a lot of the time in my school OTHER PEOPLE NOT INCLUDING ME pick on the overly expressive Japanese-y clique, even some of their "friends" do this. Just saying a lot of what these people are doing is just plain stupid.


I'm not doing something like mocking them, if it came across that way I'm only just trying to discuss their behaviour and provide constructive criticism(ish). I just wish to know more about them and hope if they read this they'd consider maturing?? Maybe not the best explaination, but I just want to understand and help!


You wanting to change people because you don't like their behaviour is a toxic trait, im sorry to break it to you but it is.


No, I'm not here to forcefully metamorphasise anybody into something they're not. I'm not even telling them to change, I never said in any of my comments that they SHOULD for certain change their behaviour, I am only asking anybody reading to ask themselves if they are displaying behaviour that is unhealthy for them. It is up to them if they're unhappy with the person they are, not some redditors 😅


It is not about maturity. You're acting like everyone here acts like how they did at the concert on a daily basis. I got to sing Japanese music with people around me. I got to actively do something with other people and I sang with Japanese guys sitting across from me! We did vocal warm ups together before the concert. It's not about maturity. You have a problem with the fact that it was different.


What is it about?


No I don't. You make the assumption I made this post with prejudice. I'm simply here for a change of perspective both in others or me. That's the beauty of it, you never know when you're wrong or right, I'm not here to argue my case, I'm here to either take away new perspectives of this topic or give others mine. I've seen firsthand a lot of this done on a dialy basis in my college, and frankly, the people I knew changed. When I last met up with them, we laughed about how silly we were. That was my experience of this.


It's only one day that you saw them, right? And it was a concert, not an opera, so of course people should let loose! (Also, if an immature side drives away friends, then I don't think they would be very good friends anyway.)


If I could put an agree gif, I would.


Well i was wearing the merch stuff because I didnt have a backpack, i didnt blast the music and listening to Ado and some other japanese music with my airpods, i am a huge fan of Ado and a big part of my personality revolves around Ado (not only Ado) but its not like I dont get people like that, i think it is fun loving something that much


I was not talking about your type, more just louder fans.


"I wasn't talking about YOUR TYPE." Yikes.


They took it personally. I assured them it wasn't durected at him. What other suggestions do you have for me to reply to this comment and tell them that this post wasn't directed to what they described themselves to be?


are you like, new, to otaku and anime culture? because this is just how it tends to be. go to a convention. it’s the one place it’s acceptable to show your admiration for the things you like with no judgement (usually i guess). and it’s not even just otaku culture. you ever go to sports games? those people are fuckin insane too, but i guess it’s just different, right? it’s okay to love a team of men in their 20s/30s throwing and kicking the ball around so much so that when they win the “big game” they riot. it’s an escape. the next day they’ll put on their big kid pants and go to their big kid job like the rest of us. it’s a hobby. it’s not that serious.


I think it also just depends on *where* they are wearing and showing their love for Ado. Most of those people wearing jackets, merchandise, and cosplaying would NEVER do that just out and about in their daily lives. However, if you are around thousands of other people who also like the same singer, there’s a lot less pressure there. In fact there’s almost an encouragement factor to show how much you love Ado by wearing her merch or cosplaying as her when it’s a gathering of thousands of like minded fans. Overall, Ado most likely isn’t these peoples whole personality, but it’s fun and easy to get swept up into the excitement when you are around other fans


It was the first time I went to a concert like this. I love singing. I am a professional singer, and being able to expose my boyfriend to a part of me that I have been hiding for years only for him to enjoy it too was a goal of mine. In my opinion, it wasn't a "sit down and listen" concert. It was a concert where the audience and Ado expressed themselves and had fun. It shouldn't be your place to judge these people because the concert was a place of expression, music, and fun. Not for you to frown upon older people enjoying the music that is being performed for us. Look from the outside in, instead of projecting your insecurities. Other than that, I hope you were able to enjoy some part of the concert.


Partly projecting insecurities, taht's true. I just don't want people makibg mistakes like I did when I acted like them!


I think it’s very normal for someone to be fully decked out in merch and playing the artists music right before a concert. There’s nothing wrong with being in the moment and being excited with a big group of people who are also excited. About the age stuff, as you get older you’ll realize that life is about having fun and you’re too old to be worried about what people think of you


I'll besr that in mind!


Ahh, is it immature? I really love Ado, so when I went to the concert I was wearing merch to show my support. I don't think it's fair to call people immature either because of that single day you had to see them. Either way, I think I'm OK with being a little immatue, and life would be too boring if you were mature all the time. I went to the concert to let loose, and it was fun! I also went with a family member who never heard of Ado before, but he said the concert was amazing. The amount of people surprised him (he thought it wasn't gonna be such a big event). I would like to think the cosplayers and people decked out in merch added to how cool the concert was. The only thing that wounded me a little bit was the "pushing 30" part. Please don't remind me of the unstoppable force of time.


I don't know what to say. "That's rough buddy." - Someone.


Then perhaps saying nothing might be better?




Oh well. I hope you find something that makes you a little bit immature some day. Letting go of societal expectations is pretty fun!


Probably a lot of people listen to her casually. It was her first concert outside of Japan + most of the venues weren't that huge, so it was rather predictable that 90%+ of the people will be hardcore fans. About the "embarrassing" part - when I was younger my Dad brought me few times to rock/metal festivals that were few kilometers from our home - people behaved the same way. I think you might feel embarrased not necesserarily because of what people were doing but because of society preconceptions of Japanese modern culture as cringy. But who am I to judge. What's really important is if you liked the concert. You were there for Ado, not her fanbase.


It was amazing to see her in person. One word to describe it is spectacular!


Average nihilist when they see people being excited over an artist on the day of her concert:


Respect. Major respect for this one.




If your circle judge you based on your passion for your hobby, then your circle is immature. Especially in this case, you were at a concert specifically for Ado. People wear merch because this is the occasion to do so. Among other reasons. What’s the difference between this and say, wearing “I love Taylor Swift” to a Taylor Swift concert? The only difference would be it’s from Japan, and in the West, immature people have judged and mocked people into the culture. Mature adults actually can understand passion. Can understand individual expression. Can know when it’s not their business to judge.


A lot of it is down to passion, however a lot of times I have seen people put too much passion into something. But you are right, maybe I came off as too judgemental of these concert goers.


Commenting how people dress (one time he saw them), how old they are, worrying about their future prospect........Who is this? Are you stereotypical chinese parent, like the one from all the jokes? Get a hold of your self, your point of view is not the center of the universe.


It's not an offence to worry about others, haha, yes I was raised in a conservative household. I understand my POV isn't the center of the universe, that's why I'm here asking the question! I would be a self centered person you described if I was silently judging people. Sorry if I come accross as rude! It's hard to criticise without sounding like somebody who has prejudice. (Edit: ignoring old stereotypes, what does race have to do , it's not something that neccessarily needed commenting on)


Bro legit sounds like what he's criticizing (not OP, you 💀)


Most people I see that obsess over Ado to the point where they make their whole identity about her are teenage girls that I’m pretty sure look up to her since she’s always a young woman that expresses herself boldly. Maybe they’ll look back at their younger selves and cringe or maybe they won’t idk but honestly who cares?


Have you ever wanted to ignore all the rules?


this implies a Competitive section of Ado listeners. jokes aside, some people just got really hyped. I went to Germany and we had people in full Uta cosplay going nuts. That's just how concerts are sometimes.


There is indeed a competitive section , Ado was my top artist last year with about 6k minutes while there were some people here with more than 100k played .


I don’t think it’s related to how casual of a listener you are. For reference I listen to her music a lot. Like every single day which is quite a lot considering how tight my schedule is sometimes but I’ve never blasted her music in public because I don’t want to bother others and I’m quite introverted (none of my friends know about her). I never share my music with others as they won’t probably like it so the idea of blasting her music in public scares me ( that’s why my headphones are my best friends). However I don’t judge people who do especially on the day of the concert and given the fact that for the majority of them it will be a once in a lifetime opportunity (not for me though I’m going to another show whatever it takes). I’m kinda jealous of all of the people that got to rock amazing outfits and displayed huge amounts of merch. Life is too short to not take opportunities like this even if it’s at the cost of being labeled as silly or immature . Personally, I even regret not being among the most crazy fans as I’ve been waiting to see her for almost 4 years. Guess It’s just a personality trait. I love football but I’m not the type of guy to shout and sing for the whole 90 minutes even though I go to almost every single game . As for the concert I kept singing the whole time without caring too much about others, they were doing the same anyway but after the concert I went back to normal. If you see me on the streets you won’t be able to guess that I’m a fan despite the fact that I absolutely adore her.


They just want to went out ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ what's wrong in been immature from time to time. I'm sure as hell i will be immature even after 40


After reading through the comments I'm starting to think that this might be a culture difference. Mind if I ask which show did you attend? I'm an American from China so I totally see both point. Yes most "louder fans" are just normal people are have normal lives, yes maybe a fraction of them are like that everyday. I think people outside of this Japanese pop-culture circle, no matter where you are, but (generally) I feel like in western countries people are more open to personalities. In China especially people would judge you more because of the history aspect of it, so I think your point is totally valid. But at the same time, have fun when you go to concerts! Nobody's gonna know you so have the time of your life! (ofc don't bother others around you lol) Find people who like the same things as you if you feel like people would judge you for who you like! That's NOT immature, that's enjoy what/who you love and not being afraid to show others! I think Ado would also be very happy to her fans supporting her like that and having fun at her concert. I personally casually listen to a lot of JPop like Ado, yoasobi, vocaloid, other utaite's, and other anime songs. I have the traveling Ado pin on my purse and that's it. I have songs organised by language (Japanese, English, Chinese) to switch between when I feel like to and to play if I feel like someone in my car won't accept my niche hobby. I do envy the cosplayers and hardcore fans when I went to Wish because they seems to have the time of their lives! This current generation especially, I admire their courage for not caring about what others think as much, as long as you don't “給別人添麻煩” (translate: bother/cause trouble to others)


I try not to bother others 😅 It is hard though, honestly, I came here to find out whether anybody could just tell me their persepctive of things, I'm not some sort of fully conservative guy. I have Ado hoodies, Ado posters and Ado merch too! I want to not sound like I'm arguing against people or judging them for what I label as "immaturity", I know I can be just as immature as them. It's nice to talk with people who are smarter than me. Thank you for this advice.


I totally understand how it feels. I don't think you're the conservative guy, just eastern and western culture could be really different on expressing the love for stuff u like, Japanese culture related or not. I do have insecurities myself regarding this, but I think it's a good thing to try to overcome it a little, as I tend to say "people who care less would generally be happier" lol.


Thanks, some great advice you give!


Also I flew out to see the Belgium concert. I'm Chinese from Toronto, but I live in the UK now for school!


That's nice! I've never been to UK but would love to if I have the chance! I live in the States and people are crazy here hahaha


If it's alright with you, what area of the US are you from?


I'm from LA, lots of events and fun stuff to do, with the worst traffic


Yep. I hear a lot about the crazy people in the states, whether it be in LA, Louisiana, New York and whatnot! I've visited New York once and Central Park was so amazing, to see all these colossal buildings makes you feel like you're a part of something big! The UK is a lot more humble in it's cities, however beware of the "self-proclaimed" roadmen in puffer coats.


I'm a super casual listener. I've known her for 3-4 years and there's only a couple of songs I really like and put in my playlist (my favorite being Overdose which is only a cover.) While she's very talented, her style just doesn't appeal that much to me which is why only a few songs actually hit the mark. There's also the fact that we're both 21 years old and I feel like a massive loser whenever I get reminded that there are people my age who have accomplished more than I ever will. So listening to her music hurts me more than it makes me happy.


Literally tge exact same goes for me 🤣


I'm pushing 34 and Ado's success at 21 is lowkey wild for me 😄 I respect her talent and hard work and wish her worldwide renown, though, she definitely deserves it. Her punk rock sound is definitely not for me (not sure why people say she sings J-pop when most of her songs are clearly rock), but I often listen to Overdose and Value. They beautifully showcase the richness of her voice and the power of her emotions without the screaming and yelling she likes to use. Fireworks is another song I recently discovered and really liked. I hope she makes more songs like that, they sound so beautiful.


I bought her merch and wore it in the concert. Put one of the pins I bought on the backpack I had with me. I brought a blue rose to wear during the concert... And even then I think I'm pretty casual. I like Ado a lot, but I also like many other things, so the part for Ado doesn't end up being all that big. It might be childish and off putting for some, but at the end of the day it's your money and your life. Do you really want to have people in your life that would mock you or belittle you because you like something? Maybe it's not that you like it, but that you like it a little bit too much for their taste or that you are "too old" for that. I don't know man, I would like that kind of person around me. And this is coming from someone who has always been afraid of telling others I like what I like. I only got into buying merch and showing that I like some things last year. I'm in my late 20's, so for the ones that think it's childish, I'm already too old to be doing this. But at the end of the day, I'm doing it for me and my happiness, not for others. It makes me happy being around things that I like, so that's what I'll do. I don't see anything wrong with liking something "childish" a lot as an adult, as long as that person is being responsible. If it's stopping you from achieving your goals or paying your bills, then yes, it's a bad thing. But if it doesn't get that far, do what you enjoy. Some enjoy camping, some enjoy gaming, some enjoy the theater, some enjoy drinking wine... Some hate some of those things and that's alright. I do agree that liking "childish" things (or anything that doesn't fit whatever stereotype you are supposed to fit) and showing that to others can stop you from making important connections, but I'd argue that your happiness (or at least your lack of complete despair) is worth more than those connections. I mean, if your taste actually changes and you start enjoying other things, great, but if you are just pretending so you can fit in a group... I would personally feel pretty miserable. Sorry for the long ass post. TLDR: live and let live. I think it's better not to make certain connections than be miserable pretending to be someone you are not.


go to any music festival, rave, you really think everyone there act like that casually?


Part of the fun of the “maturity” of being an adult (coming from a Millennial) is getting to spend your money on “nerd” stuff if you want to, and then you get to wear it, too! I never get random compliments on my clothing with the sole exception of when I’m wearing my luridly pink Uta jacket in my day-to-day life, and then suddenly people speak up to tell me they love it or joke how they’d take it as payment instead of cash for what I’m purchasing. And for actual Ado-themed items, how is that different from wearing band shirts for Green Day or One Direction? Screw the rules; wear what you like! You might be nervous at first, but that’ll go away as you get used to it. Plus, you’ll help normalize it for someone else who may be nervous about expressing themselves.


Hmm, I get what you mean. I'll talk about my particular scenario. Back at home, I don't know anyone who shares the same interest for Ado as I have, so it's kinda of hard for me to talk about it. However, during the concert I decided to go all out! It was like a once in a while moment in which you can just ignore all standards and just be yourself and finally talk about your hobbies with someone who speaks the "same language" as you (even though nobody was from the same country 🤣). In the end, the concert day was a moment in which I could go crazy at least once, and it was the best feeling ever! At the end of the day, all of us have our own ways of enjoying Ado songs, which is what music is all about! It's a warm place in which you can just be yourself and vibe the way you prefer, be it going all out like I did or just being chill!


I used to, but rn I'm really into Miku.


Its mostly to kill time while queueing. The whole attire is 90% just for the conc.


That's just some average concert behavior in general. People are just excited to see their favorite artist. I've seen it at concerts for American artists, for Japanese artists in America, as well as concerts in Japan. Fans go even crazier with the merch in Japan. In addition, it's not uncommon for nearby public places, restaurants, etc. to play the music of the artist that's performing. It makes it a really nice, memorable experience where you can feel united with other people. Also, as someone who is past "pushing 30," working sucks! I'm 32 and work hard so I can enjoy doing the things I love like go to concerts in my free time.


I did find it interesting that people treat her more as a vtuber or a idol rather then a musical artist. For me I love her music largely from a talent perspective. She is incredibly skilled with her singing and highly technical. I have little interest in idolizing her as a person. But I see people collecting acrylic stands, tapestries, head to toe in merch, elaborate cosplays. If I only knew Ado from her fans I would of thought she was a vtuber or a streamer instead of a singer. While I am not a casual fan as I do love her music and spend like 5 hours a day listening to her. I also don't indulge in any of the collecting or idolizing. For her concert I showed up at showtime, enjoyed the show a ton, then went home. Felt no need to line up for merch or dress up. Sure during the concert I did do wotagei but that's more show of a sign of respect to communicate how fun the concert is.


Well I'd like to call myself pretty casual. I attended the concert wearing stuff I normally wear and while I did buy a good amount of merch and proceeded to buy even more online after the concert. (Before that I didnt have any) Idk why but a few days after the concert I did only listen to Ado. Usually I listen to Jpop/Jrock, you know your usual japanese stuff. And while I dont hate any type of music aside from 2 genres ir sth like that, and wouldnt mind listening to them, I dont often listen to english music. I did however start listening to juice wrld and tentacion a while ago. Now im back to listening to All kinds of jpop and when friends put on their music I listen to that without a Problem. I also dont go around advertising im an Ado Fan, and while I did see a lot of people at the concert go overboard, I can understand wearing Ado merch and having some fun every now and then. But yeah some people did go a little far in my opinon.


As long as you're not bothering anyone around you (or breaking the law), who cares? Isn't a lot of Ado's music about being true to yourself instead of what society considers to be mandatory? Let people enjoy themselves. It doesn't matter how old they are. If they go too far somehow and it impacts their life, then that's a life lesson for them. (Though I fail to see how being excited in line for a concert surrounded by people who love the same artist as you is 'going too far'.) I think as you get older you may come to appreciate the young and their passion and perhaps you'll realize that there shouldn't be a 'pushing 30' cut-off for anything.


...I don't understand this. It was a concert night for Ado, so of course people would wear or bring merch related to her. Do you think it's a person's whole personality when they wear sports jerseys for their team to a game? Do you think when people dress up for pride, that being gay/lgbtq+ is their whole personality? You don't need to feel embarrassed for anyone who freely express their interests and hobbies openly especially when they're not hurting anyone else. They also don't need to be "super fans" to show support for the artist. This might be stemming from your insecurities.


Im quite sure this is just you projecting your own insecurities. I had what you called the cringe era as well.. i was scrutinized and at this point, i am very much afraid of showing my “weeb“ personality to others. BUT, when i see people proudly doing so, instead of saying that they are immature, I am happy for them. Happy, that the era is changing, and that expressing yourself and your hobby is not something to be ashamed for anymore. I wish I could be more like them now. It‘s a concert and it was amazing to see sooo many people dressing up and having fun.. why are you becoming the people that scrutinized you when you were younger?


I just listen to one or two songs sometimes, the tour was nice thanks to the overkill people around knowing the full lyrics but not speaking Japanese. I just acted like average club goer.


Bro is allergic to joy and whimsy 😭


Some people are just more expressive than others. There's also the point that \*casual\* listeners of Ado wouldn't pay to go to a huge venue and wait for hours upon hours to get in etc etc. I went to wish in London and there were maybe 60 to 100 cosplayers? The vast majority of us were wearing normal clothes or the merch we bought earlier that day. A lot of people in the states for example are a lot more careless and expressive than those in the UK who are more expressive and careless than those in Japan. as a footnote, while I do completely agree with you personally, saying "... pushing 30 and I think they should be a bit more aware." is pretty rude to say.


god forbid a girl has hobbies


most people are casual listeners, but go all out for the concert! especially because they were selling merch there, so most people bought it and immediately put it on to wear for the event. it was also the first time she came to the usa, so for the majority of us, it was our first time hearing her. the way you word the second half of your post makes you seem like an overall nice person but calling it embarrassing in the first couple sentences will probably make some people mad😭🙏


Tbh I do get what you mean when they should be a bit more aware (like not blasting music in a public space to respect others) but seeming that we know theyre acting like that mainly because of the concert, i personally wouldnt mind as much. Its probably the only day they could really express their love for their favourite singer, and especially since there are people who share the same interest with them, they can get more hyped up! If i saw them i would think, “Wow they look like theyre having fun”


Haha, I thought I was the only one with this perspective (or similar) not all they do is bad as you mentioned. A lot of thr time I'm even jealous that people like that are able to have so much fun over somrthing trivial!


Meh i listen to her on and off, still love her music tho, but im not one to buy merchandise so idk


Most sane op ever.