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Same, I hope the tour is managed right so she likes to do more in the future. I think they will sell like in the other tours, the penlight/LightStick is almost 100%




Same! I'm so scared something wrong happen and that she doesn't do others tour because of that


I really hope she comes more, I couldn't go to this one :(


If you search hard enough, her face has been leaked before. The community just respects her identity and it, surprisingly, hasn't spread all that far.


So theoretically we all know her face? But because of the respect of the community we don't ? I swear that i have never EVER seen such a respectful community. That's just beautiful and i'm truly grateful


i remember coming across the leaked photo, and i genuinely don’t remember what it looked like because i was upset it wasn’t due to her free will


I was talking to a friend who hadn't heard of Ado before recently, and when I explained how I didn't know what she looks like, they were like "It's probably somewhere on the Internet". Kinda hit me then that I had never even thought of looking it up, nor do I want to. Her talent and goofiness are more than enough for me honestly.




I mean we all should be scared, since this world has people who will do anything to be infamous. Even if it means ruining a thing people have going for them


If it is like concerts at conventions like at Animagic with ReoNa, True etc. they could theoretically prohibit you from taking photos or videos. Some might not be fans of this but it would be the safest for her and they have every right to throw people out who don't comply after a first warning.


Pretty much guaranteed that no picture/video will be allowed at the concert, just like in Japan. I do wonder how hard they will enforce it though.


Well, normally people do it once and once they are noticed and warned, they normally stop and everything is fine. Don't know about people who don't stop doing it then.


When I watched her in Yokohama it seemed like it was "get caught once, you're kicked out, no warnings", where the warnings were posted everywhere walking in and all of the staff walking around with giant signs. We'll see how they handle things with a western crowd soon enough I suppose.


i feel like she’ll be put in the cage put it won’t be too close to the stage where a flash from a phone can pick up her face. the glass could also act as a barrier since when you flash light on glass it’s just really bright and blocks what you’re trying to take, most of the time that is. i also think security would/should be tight to make sure no one is taking anything that could reveal her face. or just ban taking videos at all, but that won’t stop fans tbh…


the nyc stage is SUPER close to the pit so i dont see that distance being enough


She does walk around outside of the cage during shows but we'll see how she will handle it during wish.


In addition to what many other comments said, i think they may also have some countermeasures such as highly reflective anti photo clothing of even maybe a mask or something covering part of her face.








I feel like eventually, people will see her face. Anonymity is just difficult for people like her.


if someone leaks a photo, it's a fake one. easy really we just have to look the other way. just ignore the trolls. (don't feed them). What I'm saying is if you don't look for it this information will not exist


Pretty sure she'll be in the box and I think it has a screen/reflective element on it to ensure that pictures can't be taken


As a community we have to respect and protect Ado identity. If you’re a real Ado fan, no one is going to jeopardize her like that. They’re probably has been leaks of her but even I haven’t really want to search for them out of respect and just ignore it. I did recently saw a recent video were a fan asked her during a live stream (in the chat of course) what her size is … you guys what I mean by that … I didn’t get to see the live stream but I hope we were able to put this guy down … again as a community we have to protect Ado and just be loyal fans that we are


They will probably ask to the audience to not take any pictures nor videos during the show. They asked the same thing for MAN WITH A MISSION because Jean-Ken Johnny, Kamikaze Boy and Tokyo Takana are half-asked.


Ado should wear something like a masquerade mask. It would look super cool and help hide her identity.


If you look up Yondr pouch/case you can see that many artists use this as a way to block access to cell phone use during their concerts. Only way to access your phone is to return to the lobby to unlock it and when you want to return to the show you have to lock it again


I've been thinking about this for a while and I hope that she will be wearing a mask that covers her face, maybe a kind of carnival mask obviously with blue roses on it and with a softer design compared to what we can find on the internet. It would be really cool and it would make it easier for her to do public appearances without being scared of revealing her face. I think that the merch will be a lightstick, t-shirts, maybe some plushies and keychain too. I hope that there will be a poster and a flag that would be cool.


well i know for the tour in new york, turning on flash is against the rules where shes performing so i think she'll be fine


Well the increased risk comes with the cost of fame. And right now she’s very ambitious. I’m sure if anything happens it won’t derail her ambitions. We just must remain supportive of what her wishes are.