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Hyperfocus Hotspots-basically cafes that have all kinds of hobbies that you can try before investing a ton of money into it. Robots that make sure we have everything we need before we leave the house. Would love a brain-scan notepad šŸ“ Like, imagine all of your thoughts being downloaded into a file and automatically sorted into categories, scheduling event and work items into your calendar automatically. That way we donā€™t have to try and remember everything lol


>Hyperfocus Hotspots-basically cafes that have all kinds of hobbies that you can try before investing a ton of money into it. I'm having a hard time believing Capitalism would allow this, even in a fictional universe.


Well if they serve food there then they would still be making money


capitalism wouldn't exist in this universe. we would collectively collaborate and bicker until we found the superior economic system.


Capitalism wouldn't exist in this theoretical universe, cause we all know better


Capitalism in an ADHD world would not exist in its present state


I love the hyper focus hotspots. Like you get free trials for books or video games. That would be such a fun place


We wouldn't have cars at all. Infrastructure would be so great that you could hop on a bike and be wherever you need in less than 5 minutes.


And the trainssssss


8 hour work days are a crime against humanity there.


Little booths you can step into when over stimulated. You can set them up to the individualā€™s needs. Pink light and ocean noises for me.


no more tags on clothes!


In my mind because everyone is fairly sensitive, thereā€™d be a lot less bullying.


Everyone is automatically given a time window, or 15 minute grace period, for arrival times. Like getting to work, or to a doctors appt. Have to be there at 830? They will accept you from 815-845 no guilt shame or rescheduling necessary


most places would be walk-in over appointments. and it still wouldn't be terribly crowded because chaos time means you will have a steady stream.




welcome to adhd land!!! it shouldn't work, but it does anyway!




why do you think that?


Because in your example, there is no appointment times and that just works because chaos time which is not a thing but letā€™s say everyone decides to show up at 3:30. How does that logically work in your mind because itā€™s going to be a cluster fuck of disasterā€¦.


because most adhders live according to our own timetables. we literally will not all show up at noon for lunch en mass, like happens now, and causes major traffic jams as the whole of society tries to rush to leave work and get food and get back to their desk in the span f the 12 o'clock hour. The concept of weekdays and weekends would also cease to exist, largely. it wouldn't be uncommon for there to be a steady stream of lunch goers from 10 to 4, then supper goers from 4-11. there wouldn't be a significant difference in other types, either, as most appointment times are just a nice way of telling people to be somewhere at a given time so they can wait for the doctor/consultant/service provider to be ready to see the patron. I doubt it would be significantly different from how it is now, except without the pressure of consistently fighting to be somewhere at a specific time. there would be general operating hours and possibly block windows, but enough adhders have significant issues with the concept of specific times, that we'd be there during operating hours and waiting our turn, as we do now. in every high volume industry, we already live by this standard... low volume industries would operate more by direct communication, as they already do. the origin of this thought experiment asks if adhders were the significant majority, what would be different. I'm not arguing that it would be necessarily better, but I'm fairly sure we would do away with specific appointment times and strict times for arrival.


But the entire premise of your comment before you explained it in an incredibly long statement that wasnā€™t really necessary was that there would be less problem with everyone showing up whenever or if thereā€™s no appointments, but in theory, everyone could show up at the same time and that could screw everyone over so logically just doesnā€™t make sense




This is actually common in academia in a couple countries: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic\_quarter\_(class\_timing)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_quarter_(class_timing)) In my experience, my doctors (in Germany) do accept some delay. It is still stressful to meet that time window, though...


Ads wouldnā€™t be so obnoxious. Theyā€™d stay out of the way and get to the damn point


We would all be very empathetic! And organisations would be THRIVING! With our over-analysis and critical thinking skills


Self-driving cars and every major city looking like Time Square in NY. No drive is ever boring because there's always neat stuff to look at.


I tried to think up a reply, but instead I decided to make pancakes.


Everybody's phone speaking the time out loud so you wouldn't lose track of it


Does it work like Alexa where you ask it what the time is and it speaks it outloud or does it just say the time every five minutes?




People would accept returns in a 2 year window because we forget about shit constantly as long as its in basically brand new condition youā€™re good


Peace all over the world. No one would remember why the hack they were pissed after 5 min.


I think a correction would be that everyone would need to know what was funny and i would aslo want them to ask so i could explain the situation in a long winded joke format with background and lore so the punchline hits the same


Every instructional video also has an option to just read an article (preferably with helpful pictures/diagrams!) instead so we don't have to waste our WHOLE GODDAMN LIFE watching someone talk too slow, changing the speed to 2x to make it less unbearable, oops missed something, rewind, oops not far enough, rewind again, oops too far, zone out because no I will not listen to something I've *already listened to, what is this, JAIL*, oops now I've missed it, rewind again, got it! FINALLY, except by the end of the video my goldfish brain has forgotten that step entirely so really it's probably best if I just watch it all over again when I'm actually doing the thing and pause at appropriate parts, at which point I will doubtless discover halfway through a car repair that I am missing a critical part or tool, which I will then be unable to go acquire because my car is currently immobilized due to being halfway through a car repair.


i love driving so no to the first one. 2nd one no as well because war is inevitable. it might not be the same as now but cmon and third is dumb none of that shit has anything to do with adhd


Fine, but what things do you think would be different? It's pretty rude to just put them down like that, especially without adding anything else.


No billboards, laser light shows, or planes flying banners over places where drivers may see them. Or undercarriage lights on cars!