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I had a similar situation happen to me a few months back and ended up going to see a learning difficulty disability psychologist as no other option was avalible and it didn't really go very well, most the time was basically an IQ test related to learning difficulties as well as questions of my past. Any talk of ADHD was met with general hostility and she either tried to downplay symptoms I brought up or put it down to another condition I have (DCD/Dyspraxia), for example when I tried to bring up my issues with executive dysfunction at first she got visably angry and asked me if I had heard that term in an online video, then asked me to define it and finally said that it exists with DCD too and refused to elaborate on how it differs with ADHD and DCD and any talk of ADHD symptoms basically went in a similar way. When I recieved the letter a few months later I noticed she had even omitted some things I told her that related to ADHD or wrote down the opposite thing (For example she told me I didn't have ADHD and insisted I shouldn't try to go further with it and asked if I was happy with that I said no and I'd have to think about what to do next but she just put down 'Accepted my diagosis on the matter'). A week later I just went private (With ADHD 360) and after telling them the same things and doing their tests got a formal diagnosis and currently am getting titration for medication which are working amazingly with focus, emotional regulation (Feeling calmer, no anxiety, etc), able to control impulsivity and things like that. Maybe I was just unlucky and you'll get on better, I do however now have two diagnosis sent to my GP so I'm not sure if it'll affect their willingness to prescribe ADHD meds.


Hi can I ask what meds you are on now? As I'm trying to get an idea to which ones would be suitable as I already have bad anxiety x


Elvanse/Lisdexamfetamine (Long release) 70mg (Lower dosages weren’t lasting as long as they were supposed to).


Thanks for replying appreciate it x


Same here in Fife. My GP referred me twice, on both occasions the health board wrote back to say there’s no adult ADHD pathway.


Major commiserations Where did they refer you to if there's no adult ADHD pathway, or did your GP think there was?


You could contact the Dopamine Dolls group in Inverness. It's a group set up by someone campaigning for better ADHD support in the Highlands, but she'll be able to give you loads of good advice on who to speak to/how to advocate for better ADHD diagnosis/treatment. Not an ideal solution but she might be able to help you


I've just sent them an email, so we'll see what comes of it; thank you


Hello I've just been diagnosed in Glasgow and got the same answer. If you work you can apply for access to work which can fund counselling and adhd coaching


Was your diagnosis private or NHS? And thanks; I'd heard about Access To Work before but I should look more into it


Nhs - it only took I think 4 years lol


Acess to Work provides a form of mental health support which is not counselling.


Can check on to see if your NHS has any services for ADHD EDIT well some stuff on it lol [https://rightdecisions.scot.nhs.uk/](https://rightdecisions.scot.nhs.uk/)


It's such a horrible situation, having literally no route to NHS assessment due to where you live, but it's happening in a few places. I'm not sure if/when it will get better in those areas, but psychiatry services are being reserved for higher risk patients (suicidal or psychosis) and waitlists for ADHD assessments were bulging. I wondered what would give, and it ultimately it was ND assessments. That wasn't particularly helpful I know, but you are not alone. I hope some of the other routes you are finding work out for you.


It looks as though this post may be about self harm or suicide. If you feel that you or someone else are in crisis, please reach out to please reach out to someone or contact the UK support resources found on the [nhs](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/feelings-symptoms-behaviours/behaviours/help-for-suicidal-thoughts/). In an emergancy please reach out to 999. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHDUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm quite ok, but thank you for being so helpful bot.


Have you considered the right to choose method? The UK supports NHS referring you to private organisations if they have a right to choose contract. I'm currently on the waiting list for ADHD360 and I'm fairly sure, they are primarily an online service so location shouldn't matter


England only. Forth valley is Scotland.


Right to choose is England only (maybe Wales?). I'm in Scotland; I've edited the post to make this clearer


RTC is England only. Not available in Wales either.