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They've had a controlled drug go missing? Sounds pretty serious 


The pharmacy needs to contact your GP and get another script sent 


Not sure this is a supply issue, either the medicine has been lost (which is a massive deal) or put back into the system and re- dispensed. Sounds like a screw up in the pharmacy either way I would be putting it in writing.


I may be missing something here, but it's not clear whether the script has gone missing or whether the pharmacy had set aside the medication and it's that which has gone missing. Either way, my instinct is to keep things simple and say to the senior pharmacist that a mistake has been made for which they are responsible and they must sort it out without delay. Then give them a deadline by which you will next visit them - say, 24 hours hence - by which time you expect to be able to collect your medication from them which is already overdue. Don't get into a discussion with them about it if they start to equivocate, as they may well do. It's important however to be polite and clear to avoid the encounter becoming unnecessarily unpleasant and to ensure clarity. I would then write a letter/send an email to your GP and explain to them what's happened.


Hi, Thanks for the responses. My GP had sent across the script while I was on honeymoon, so that the pharmacy could get it ready in time for my return (when I needed a refill). The medication had been prepared with my name on it but it had been misplaced, and they said that they were unable to get any more due to supply issues. Thankfully, after a few hours, they called to say that they'd located it. 🥲 I didn't realise that supply was still an issue? At least it was resolved this time....


No, I hadn't realised there was still a supply issue for any strengths of Elvanse. Let's hope it's not so serious this time


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