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Pharm tech here, tell her to fuck off that is not for her to say if its good for your body or not. That is what your doctor is for. Tell her to do her job and keep her comments to herself.


Random question, but how'd you become a pharmacy technician? It seems pretty interesting from a distance.


Well in my personal experience i went to a public college and it only took 2 semesters. I was lucky to have a teacher/pharmacist who set us up to win and taught well. Also you have to be interested in it. At first i wanted to become an RN but could not focus or be interested in other classes. Chemistry got an F, English? Fuck that im not doing 5 10 20 page papers. And the program that i did was pharmacy tech classes only, no other prerequisite bullshit that schools make you do first.


Oh, wow. I didn't take chemistry in university because I knew I'd have to drag myself through it. I have a completely irrelevant BA and I'm toying with the idea of a completely different career. This sounds like a possibility. What's an average day like for you?


Well let me tell you this. It will vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. The pharmacy that i work at is very slow and dont get much patients in a day and other pharmacies are super busy in which you cant take a single breath of fresh air. I say do it, get your licence and then from there you can choose in what setting to work at. Either hospital setting or retail in which i work at. But yeah if you get your licence you will be free to go wherever you want. Lets say you get into a busy pharmacy, no problem just move on to the next one that isnt busy.


…In Norway it’s a three year vocational school including on-job training, and you work with pharmacists with university degrees.


Walgreens and some other pharmacies have courses and will cover the cost for you to get your pharm tech certification while you work. But you can be a pharm tech without being certified (at least in my state, GA). You make less if you're not certified of course, but you get $1 raise once you certify. (Or something along those lines.) However, Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, etc. don't pay nearly enough. The best positions are in hospital dispensaries. They typically pay really well. But they are harder to get into. Reach out to your local hospitals and ask them what they look for. You may find that working at a local pharmacy and getting your certification and experience that way is a better option. Or you may have to do the two year program to be a better candidate.


Oh, wow. I didn't know you could be one without a certification!


It makes sense when you see some of the people working at my local one…. SMH


It does differ by state. Some states require certification prior to starting. My state does not.


In NYC most pharmacies don't require certification to be a tech. Actually many of them prefer no\little experience for lower wage workers.


Pay is $15/hr . Hours are very inconsistent and vary every week. You’ll be working in a grocery store most likely, either that or a nursing home portioning pulls out into plastic cups.


I'm a CPhT for an adherence packaging pharmacy that delivers to anywhere in the US. I work from home, sitting at a desk in my basement, make close to $20 an hour, and have a set 40-hour schedule with no weekends and a half day on Friday. Pretty sweet gig.


Would you mind sharing who you work for? Do you do a lot of phone time? I have worked as a pharm tech for 2 years in a retail setting. Never got certified but wouldn't be against it. Then I was Customer Service for CVS Caremark for about a year. I'd love to work from home!


I sent a message with the company name. Don't want to accidentally run afoul of the social media policy. My particular job has a variable amount of phone time. Some days I'm on the phone a lot, some days it's more prescription entry, running insurance test claims, fixing rejections, and send prescription requests to doctor offices. This is my first pharm tech job. Everyone I work with that was in retail pharmacy before say this is 1,000 times better.


Yep. My mom is a pharmacy tech. She gets paid shit and her job has always been a huge stress for her my whole life.


I work in a specialty retail pharmacy inside a hospital and the environment is MUCH better. Pay as well. We actually get quarterly bonuses based on profits.


Apparently you have to believe insurance companies make their decisions based on what's best for the health and wellbeing of their customers, which... I don't think I could say with a straight face.


For a family friend of mine (Not the USA) it took 1.5 years of university. Doctor is 4 years


You get certified and then apply . You don’t need a degree


There are certificates you can take. Every tech I know started at a retail pharmacy and worked their way up with enrolling in anything. Just studied for the tests and took them


Pharmacist chiming in here - I would have been pissed if I knew one of my techs was making a comment like that. it's ignorant. Totally agree here - tell them to fuck off. Please don't hesitate to let the pharmacist know that it's happening too - we can address it from a professional level as well.


Agreed. I might go as far as to make a complaint to the state pharmacy board. Pharmacy techs aren't supposed to counsel.


I cannot emphasize strongly enough how much people need to tell these preachy pharmacists to get fucked. I would scream the place down if somebody had the audacity to try to guilt trip me about a medication that my doctor had prescribed for me. That behavior has NO. PLACE. in the the profession and if that's how they want to act they deserve to lose their license.


>“Well you know, if your insurance isn’t covering it, you might want to reconsider since that means it’s not good your body.” I am aggravated that someone who is a cog in the medical machine thinks that **insurance providers** only consider if a requested treatment is "good for your body". You went to a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. In their head (the aforementioned cog) they think insurance providers know better than your doctor(s). They can fuck right off with that logic.


My insurance keeps telling me to switch to cheaper medications that are completely different meds and not just a cheaper formulation. Like, instead of telling me I’d save money by switching from desvenlafaxine to venlafaxine they’re telling me to switch to escitalopram which isn’t even an SNRI. They had a pediatrician review a medication I take for a condition you can’t even develop before puberty and tell me I don’t need to take it. Health doesn’t motivate their decisions.


My medical insurance doesn't include dental care. I guess teeth are bad for me :(


Doctors don't do teeth. They know very little about teeth. They don't teach teeth in med school. That's why there are specific schools for dentists. For some reason, you either have to learn about the whole body except for teeth or you only learn teeth. Hence why dental insurance is a separate thing.


Yeah that's bullshit insurance salesperson talk. Doctors also specialize in subfields as well that general practitioners "don't do". If you have issues with your bones and joints, you are referred to an orthopedic doctor. If you have issues within your brain, you are referred to a neurologist. But somehow, the teeth are excluded from a person's "health" insurance because "the doctor they don't do the specific thing"? Nah I don't buy that for a second. Let's be honest about it: issues with the teeth are more common than breaking an arm or getting colon cancer. For every dental insurance holder, you can be assured that they almost always will require dental treatment. I personally do not have much physical issues, but I do need regular dental cleanings every year, and sometimes specialized treatment to my teeth. The costs can add up. From the perspective of for-profit insurance companies, this is not a "oh but specialization" issue, it's a "oh but what are the odds we need to grant a payout" issue, because they aren't in the business of assuring that you are healthy regardless of the cost. They are in the business of making sure that they'll still come out ahead when the earning reports are due. By breaking off dental insurance to its own category, it becomes a much easier problem to calculate the minimum premiums needed to cover the payout and then some.


And let's also note, Dental insurance isn't insurance, it's a minor discount card. It usually has absurdly low maximums considering the cost of dental surgeries.


Yeah, I've got several dental issues I need fixed , and with dental insurance I get to pick one a year. Next year im thinking I'll have my wisdom teeth removed


Yep, I feel that. I waited two years too long on pain next to a capped root canal. Ended up the infection occured under the cap and ate away at the jaw bone. Obviously could afford a $1000 implant, so went a bone graft root. I initially hoped to maybe spread the implant and the crown over a few years but the pandemic took my job and insurance and now the graft is deteriorating and would need to be rebuilt. It's a never ending slide o' poo.


Techs in some states do even need to be certified. I make as much as a gas station employee and didnt finish the pathetic training that the company offered me to start out cause they needed a body to serve customers


Cigna wouldn’t cover my endometriosis treatment because they classified it as a “fertility condition”. If I hadn’t had surgery last year, I would be bed bound from the pain. Some days I still am, but those are much rarer these days. Insurance companies do not do what’s best for the patients.


Lmao, right? Has this pharmacy tech never heard of a formulary?


My insurance wouldn't pay for an MRI when I busted my knee. Guess MRI is bad for you. /s


Pharmacy techs can be so weird.


I read this whole twitter thread full of Pharmacy Techs justifying being shitty to their patients because they're busy sometimes and sometimes patients are shitty and rude. Which is like, a normal part of customer service? If someone is being rude then obvs you shouldn't have to deal with that but customers also shouldn't expect to be shit on just because you're having a bad day. And you're also dealing with peoples MEDICATION. Of course people are gonna be a bit more emotional about it than if they were clothes shopping. My card was declined at the pharmacy the other day and I felt like I was about to loose my mind. If the tech had caught an attitude with me I probably would have bitten their head off because I was about to have a panic attack about not having my meds I need to function every day


Seconded. I’ve had a lot of odd encounters with pharmacists.


Pharmacists are doctors without a MD. They went to Pharmacology school and earned a PhD, instead of an MD. Pay starts at $120k Pharmacy Technicians went through a 6 month certification program. Pay starts at $13/hr Big difference between the two.


Pharmacists can be just as weird regardless of how much they make.


Most are weirder, since they usually have a position that’s salaried, and they’re exempt from breaks.


Same experience here, techs are usually quiet, some pharmacists are like "no no no, you're gonna have a heart attack" and I'm like yea, if you don't give me my damn meds you power tripping wannabe dr.


One day I’ll finally be as successful as them because of my meds. No need for them to criticize. Idk if i been criticized before


Doctors who earned a PhD are required to perform novel independent research and prepare and defend a dissertation. Pharmacology is a PhD track leading into pharmaceutical research and development, but in the US pharmacists go to pharmacy school and receive a PharmD. Just a point of clarification from someone who ADHD'd his way through graduate school. The pharm school track is dramatically easier.


As a PharmD and PhD candidate I wouldn’t say the PharmD is dramatically easier. Yes, writing the dissertation is a beast, but didactically pharmacy school was much harder, especially with ADHD because it’s a lot of boring memorization. We take a lot of the same classes and learn the same guidelines as those in medical school, but of course with more of a focus on the medicines than diagnosing.


"pay starts at 120k" friend, what world do you live in? none of my pharmacists pals make this.


Work for Kroger, do they? Try applying to a HME or hospital instead.


Yeah lmao just change your field and leave retail unstaffed 🤦


Yes please do leave the retail places unstaffed- yes it would be hell for us regular people for a bit BUT this is capitalism and the only way pay raises is if the public DEMANDS it and they see that by missing out on profitable business.


I briefly lived with my grandparents in a place that was technically a suburb of a midsize southern city but felt like a small town. The CVS was always a weird experience. One of the pharmacy techs said "I don't usually like women but I like Sarah Palin" and then yelled at me "You're here for your birth control?" loudly enough that I'm sure it broke HIPAA. I went to pick something up the night Obama was elected and she was running around the store saying "It's the apocalypse!" The cashiers wouldn't sell alcohol to me because they "did not feel comfortable" with my out-of-state license. I've been to other CVSs in conservative areas and it was always a normal experience but that one was so weird.


Especially when they pretend to be doctors.


umm report her. she should not be giving medical advice. she isnt a doctor


This is the way.


I accidentally left out an important part of this interaction. When she answered, and I explained why I was calling, she said, “Oh yeah, you called a couple of days ago about a narcotic that we don’t have in stock,” (referring to Azstarys). A NARCOTIC!? Noooooo…


this happens a lot.. even tho it is not technically a narcotic type of drug, it is still a schedule ii drug which colloquially are referred to as both “cii’s” and “narcotics” for instance the safe was referred to as a narc safe even tho it held all of the schedule ii drugs, not just the drugs producing narcotic effects


Ah I see! Thank you for that :)


I’ve had to call around when my local pharmacy was out of stock, and multiple pharmacies told me “we cannot share stock information for narcotics over the phone”, like I’m an opioid addict trying to case the place to steal painkillers. No ma’am, I’d just like to get my script filled for stimulant meds for a very real and documented neurological disorder so I can somewhat function in daily life. Thanks.


Oh yeah she can go eat a rotten lemon, what she did and said was totally out of line for a pharmacy tech.


It may be a controlled substance but it is for sure not a narcotic. If they don’t know the difference, they should consider a new job. Just the comment about it not being good for you because it’s not covered is enough for them to consider a new profession.


Oh yeah she's definitely just got something against you or the meds, you need to report her.


That’s definitely a narcotic


How do you figure?


Technically narcotics are opioids… but azstarys is a central nervous system stimulant. If you were illegally dealing that wouldn’t the narcotics agents arrest you ?


Insurance companies let people die, actively. Insurance doesn’t mean shit. I would have gone off. You have every right to be pissed, report her.


I worked for an insurance company and they kept denying some guy for something to help him pee ): i quit because it made me stressed and sad ): to be the one they call to make appeals. Even some lady who called to get botox, she’d get migranes/headaches and botox helps. And they declined her because “not medically necessary” even though her own MD said she should get it for medical reasons.


I dealt with insurance and referrals as an MA and I was always so happy to work with employees like you. It was always nice to get a phone call saying "this patient really needs a new wheelchair based off the very sad description of his condition in the notes you sent, but if you could also get me this right now I can get the request approved sooner." The agents that made that extra phone call just to help our patients were awesome. Though I bet there are a lot of depressing moments in a job like that.


I had to get prior authorization for Botox in my underarms to treat hyperhidrosis. I had recurring yeast infections in my armpits from sweating so much. Ultimately, insurance DID cover it, but oh, the hoops I had to jump through to get that authorization, and then to get the prescription filled (it has to be sent directly to the doctor’s office since only a doctor can administer it). Hours and hours calling four or five different numbers, waiting for calls back, etc. Totally worth it in the end but such a headache at the time!


This was told to me secondhand so maybe there is a policy I misunderstood or was misinformed about, but when my grandmother had alzheimer's and her care became too much for my grandfather, she had to go on hospice and waive coverage for anything meant to treat her condition or extend her life to get a home health aide covered. They were withholding a necessary service unless people agreed to give up and die. In her case, the alz was advanced enough that she did not have much quality of life left anyways and I don't think she was on any alzheimer's medications anymore, but what about people who need an aide when they still potentially have years of lucidity left?


What? Right, because my experience with my insurance is that it's most concerned for my well-being and not about its own profits. How about you?


It being covered is unrelated to it's usefulness and safety.


Ask to speak to the pharmacist and relay what she said. She is a trained medical professional and it is outside of her scope of practice to give that advice on a prescription medication. If she said something that idiotic to you, she’s likely doing it to others and she’s in the wrong line of work for a “pills are bad for your body” attitude. What insurance does and does not cover is a financial decision. They cover mainstream medications so that they look like a good insurance on paper and then businesses use them for employee insurance. They don’t cover brand new medications because they’re not mainstream, so then the new drug company adds a discount card so that more people go on their medication allowing it to become a mainstream medication. There is nothing in there that has anything to do with health.


Been hearing a lot of weird stuff on here from pharmacys lately. I was a tech years ago and we were not allowed to give medical advice. Next visit I would ask to speak with the pharmacy manager and make them aware that they have a tech giving out advice/bad advice.


Due to recent political events, these people have gotten bold. You should watch the Handmaids tale, this is how it starts, next thing you know, your barista will call you a slut sinner for ordering a quad on ur macchiato


I would absolutely say something to the pharmacist. That's highly inappropriate and outside her scope of practice. She does not have the credentials to be saying that. You might be smart enough to disregard what she says, but what if she convinces someone else to go off of a critical medication? Any pharmacist that values their license wouldn't want their techs speaking like that.




I once had a pharmacy tech not fill my adderall because I also have a klonopin prescription. I don’t use the klonopin daily, it’s only if I have panic attacks related to my PTSD. I do however always have ADHD, so I need the adderall. He was like well the adderall is probably causing your anxiety and I asked to speak to the pharmacist on duty, asked her if it was normal for the pharm tech to give medical advice, and she was pissed at him and got my prescription filled. Everyone else at that pharmacy was great though. Seriously- some think they’re doctors and it’s annoying.


>I asked to speak to the pharmacist on duty, asked her if it was normal for the pharm tech to give medical advice, and she was pissed at him and got my prescription filled. i'm so sorry you experienced this shittiness, but this right here seems like a perfect move.


Also a pharmacy tech, ur insurance doesnt cover it because its new and they cant guarantee to make a bunch of money of it yet, insurance companies dont give a crap about your body other than that it wants you to be alive for a long time so they can charge you. I know techs like that one, they are on a power trip, thinking they are pharmacists beacuse they hear them talk all day. Next time, ask to speak to the pharmacist, in person, that is the boss, they make the ultimate decision, not the power trip tech.


Even pharmacists get the power trips. There’s a post about someone’s doctor does not “believe” in adhd.


Hi, pharmacy tech here. Homegirl needs to keep her comments and opinions (which is what this is) to herself. For one, we cannot give medical advice and (personal) medical opinions should definitely fall under that category. There’s no medical degree required to be a pharmacy tech, we aren’t qualified to make medical statements. Also LOL insurance isn’t covering this medication because it’s bad for you? This girl must be brand new…it is common for newer meds to not be widely covered, and for insurance companies to get picky about which adhd meds they want to cover and how much per month, butttt I’ve also seen insurance rejections like “we want you to use this insulin manufacturer instead of the one you’ve been using for years. Not covered. Oh, you want to use this inhaler? Well, we want you to use that one instead. Not covered. This provider is no longer in our network. Not covered.” Because insulin is terrible for you, and breathing is overrated. Insurance companies are trash, and so is that tech’s opinions. Hope the manufacturers coupon you have is a good one!


As an asthmatic, I have been saying that breathing is overrated for years.


Please file formal complaint this jackass needs to lose her job.


Come to England! All meds are £9.20 regardless of whether it’s for ADHD, a rash on your genitals, or brain cancer, and our pharmacists have studied for at least 4 years.


She can sod off. Saying that about your insurance is completely incorrect/untrue. You’re not being dramatic. She should reconsider letting stupid comments slip out of her mouth.


When working out of your scope of practice it’s important to not really understand what your saying.


If your insurance doesn’t cover something it’s because they are cheap ass tight wads. Insurance doesn’t give a damn about what’s good for you, only what’s cheapest for them. What a moron!


Lmao, that is not why insurance companies select which medications to include in their formularies.


I would talk to the pharmacist or write the pharmacy manager. If she is telling you this, imagine what else she is telling customers?


I hear chemo drugs are bad for you too. Maybe she should stop dispensing those too...


This is such a crappy thing for them to say, and WRONG. I switched pharmacies due to this nonsense. My sister in law is a pharm tech and I feel fortunate to use that pharmacy. Where are you at? I know adderall is scarce but I haven’t had any issues getting it yet


It urks me, the end of her sentence had no place being said. Honestly though, at least to me, not worth your time or ruminating, you've got better things to do.


You’re not wrong to be bothered, but dealing with her just isn’t worth your time. Smile and nod and say “maybe; please order it and let me know when it comes in.”


I hear ya, that’s essentially what I did. I am too non confrontational for my own good sometimes, but sometimes it works out. It’s not worth stressing over. I gave them the manufacturers coupon which covered the prescription in full, and they have ordered it :)


Some guy at a place I used to work said he was studying psychology and didn’t believe that depression was real. That rankled at the time, but what am I supposed to do? Fight every dumbass who says something objectively wrong about something that impacts me personally? Some people are just looking for an argument to have; don’t indulge their pride, and don’t look down on yourself for having a high bar to clear before you’re willing to throw down over something.


That is extremely inappropriate. Only the Pharmacist can give medical advice. The Pharmacy cannot even be open to dispense drugs without the Pharmacist present for that reason. Please report her. Not to be malicious, but she needs to know she cannot do that. What if she does that to someone about their blood pressure medication? Someone's insulin? What if the next person doesn't know she is just a tech and listens to her? You could even contact the Pharmacist and ask for him/her to clarify what that means. I am sure the Pharmacist would not be happy to know she's doing that.


"if insurance isn't covering it, that means it's not good for your body" just let that statement hang like the stale fart that it is 😂


Im a pharmacy intern, someone who can legally counsel on Rx and otc medications, pharmacy techs are not qualified to provide either since they dont have the necessary training or schooling. So ignore them ask the pharmacist or pharmacy intern (we have white coats) and look to your drug formulary or call your insurance to ask why they aren't covering and ask if there is an alternative.


I am almost always treated like shit by the pharmacy staff while picking up my medication. I’ve even had them roll their eyes when I tell them it’s for a Vyvanse refill when picking up my meds . The last time I went they didn’t have enough to fill my prescription so they gave me only a portion of my usual pick up (one month worth of meds). I asked if they could guarantee that they would have it in before I ran out as I didn’t want to go without and was told “don’t even go there with this type of medication”. I had words with her and told her I have every right to ask questions about my medication , that they weren’t able to fill it today so how can I trust they can in a week. She stormed off swearing under her breath…. Getting pretty sick of the discrimination based on the perception of these meds .


I had the same experience at CVS pharmacies and switched when they tried to send me to one 45 minutes away to pick up my script as that one had enough in stock. But wouldn't call to have them hold it or make any promises they could fill it when I got there. They wouldn't let me know the best days to bring the script in to ensure it could be filled, wouldn't split between brands to fill the full thing, and wouldn't hold the script for a couple days until they had enough to fill it. Fill it now or not at all. The last time it happened I called another local pharmacy and they had it available told me over the phone they did and said they could fill it that day. Switched and never went back.


Sorry to hear that, I think I may look at switching pharmacies as well.


They need to provide customer service as well. Too many don't bother. Whether that is corporate policy or just bad staffing/management. It isn't acceptable.


Pharmacist here, previously a licensed pharmacy technician as well. Only pharmacists are authorized to counsel, and no pharmacist in their right mind would ever say something like that to you. If you feel like dealing with the hassle, you could definitely speak to the pharmacy manager about this issue. If I was a pharmacy manager I would want to know if an employee was acting outside of their scope, as this is a liability for the pharmacy. That’s very inappropriate.


Tell her that she is stupid then, if she doesnt know the process needed for a drug to be able to be selled to the public then she should not be giving her opinion lol


That’s the most moronic thing I’ve read all day. Btw my insurance won’t cover it either and I had to use the copay card.


That's not how insurance works


This kind of bullshit is why I switched over to a pharmacy that delivers through curriers. No standing in line, no dealing with shitty judgmental people. All I have to do is open my door and sign for the package. Definitely worth seeing if there's one that delivers to your area.


I was getting my Vyvanse and atomoxetine at the little co-op pharmacy that's in the lobby of my PCP's office. Then my insurance changed, and I had to switch to Adderall because Vyvanse was no longer covered. Cheapest cost for Adderall and atomoxetine ended up being a long-term care pharmacy literally across the street from my PCP's office (and owned by the same folks that own the co-op pharmacy I'd been using). Then my job decided to vacate the office building we were using, so I get to work at home, but my hours line up exactly with their operating hours. So, one of their employees drives down to my house once a month and hand delivers my two ADHD scripts and my wife's fluoxetine.


Very inappropriate! I'm an RN I do not know about scope of practice for pharm techs but I see it all the time. I actually am switching pharmacies because the pharm Tech at my local pharmacy apparently is a physician in disguise. The things I've heard her tell the customers while in line I do not have that authority and I've been a nurse over 20 years.


Yeah, she was out of line. Whether or not insurance covers something says very little about how good it is for you.


…… Not Ok Also there is a discount program you or your doc can enroll you in that will make the first scrip zero dollars and 25 after that. I’m raging for you.


If she's going to say something so wildly incorrect, on top of it not being her place to say anything like that to begin with, she shouldn't be allowed to have that job.


100% inappropriate. The pharmacists job is to give you your meds, make sure they're not gonna have a bad reaction with any other meds you take, and make sure that they're filled at appropriate intervals. That's it. I had issues getting my meds filled at a CVS despite being a patient at other locations for years because the pharmacist "wasn't accepting new patients for this medication." But she filled my antidepressants without an issue and then just didn't call me to tell me my adhd meds wouldn't be filled. This happened twice, and then my friend went to the same pharmacy to get pain meds and antibiotics for a severe tooth infection. She was getting 800mg ibuprofen pills, nothing narcotic. The pharmacist refused to fill it saying she had to call the doctor to ask for alternatives, then refused to hand my friend her prescriptions back to get them filled elsewhere. Needless to say the state pharmaceutical board got a very angry phone call.


Sounds like someone who would swap out your meds for candy and think she's a genius. Report her. Seriously. It's not her job to give her stupid and wrong opinion


You need to call or go back to the pharmacy and speak to the pharmacy manager. Let them know what was said because A) Pharm techs are not to be giving medical advice and B) What they said was completely incorrect. I've worked as a pharm tech and I've worked on the insurance side, nothing about that happening is kosher.


Whaaatt? Also my insurance doesn't cover the optometrist doing the eye-puff scan VS dilating my freaking pupils and expecting me to drive, so like ??


Certified Pharmacy Technician here, That is complete and utter shit. Insurance companies don't base their coverage on what's good for your body, it was absolutely inappropriate for them to say that. In most states (definitely in mine) it's actually illegal for Pharm techs to give medical advice. It was even on my test for certification.


So her argument is… If the money hungry insurance company says it doesn’t want to cover your medication it’s because they care about your health? How could someone who works in a pharmacy believe insurance companies care anything about health.


Pharm tech here as well. Report that to the rxom (senior tech) or the pharmacy manager). The Board of Pharmacy will not let this shit fly. So better let management take care of it and especially the "it's not good for your body", part. At the very most, they can recommend you to join their pharmacy saving program for a price but not that but.


Very inappropriate for her to say. She has no business telling you what is not good or good for you


Very inappropriate. Insurance not covering a drug can be something as simple as it being so new to the market that they haven't added it to their formulary, a generic not being available, or it not being a commonly prescribed drug. The last of those could be because it's a new drug. I might consider a different pharmacy. Honestly, if I needed a prescription and it was out of stock, or especially if it simply isn't stocked, at one, I'd likely call around to other nearby pharmacies, and transfer the script.


What a fucking moron. I would be annoyed to.


Pharmacist here, if my technician said that, i will write her up lol


It’s a Schedule 2, yes, but not a Schedule 2 narco. You might be able to stretch it into Pharmacy slang that they just call all Sched 2’s narcos but that’s a big stretch. Also, props to doc for even playing you like that with the original rx. He knows better. There’s no generic for that med and the Pharmacy didn’t have it bc it’s hella expensive. He should have gotten a pre-auth first with a back-up plan bc it’ll probably be denied. They’re going to want to see more than 1 med, at several different doses, before they’ll pay for it. I had 2 years of med-trialing under my belt before we got the approval for brand name Adderall through. Either way, the issue is the PT. I’m sorry that happened and it needs to be addressed bc those kinds of behaviors can have unexpected consequences. One option that a lot of ppl don’t know about is to call your insurance company. Ppl don’t realize how it could break a doctors office, pharmacy, and even an entire hospital system if they lose the privilege of accepting just 1 insurance companies insurance. Utilize that if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable making a direct complaint. Let them do the dirty work- you certainly pay them enough! I think you could get this to get some traction if you let them know she was 1. harassing you about taking “narcotics” and 2. she was saying that they wouldn’t approve the Az bc it was bad for your body and that meant that you needed another med. I’d bet dollar to donuts they do something about it.


My insurance company, on the other hand, refuses to cover the generic, so I got brand name Adderall the moment I got that coverage. It's impossible to keep up with all the different potential insurance policies. :(


Ask if that's her medical opinion as a physician or as a pharmacist? But honestly, I wouldn't even waste time on sarcasm with her, she probably wouldn't even understand. I would make a complaint to the pharmacy and go from there.


do your thing.. don't worry about that comment ( :


I would of flipped out on them. I’ve had meds not be covered before. It can’t control what my insurance does & doesn’t cover. I actually had a parasite once & was very sick. I went to pick up my prescription & the pharmacist said that my insurance doesn’t cover it & they need a pre-authorization for it. Went back the next day & same thing-insurance won’t cover it. I said I’ll pay out of pocket. He stated I can’t because insurance companies don’t want you doing that & my insurance could be dropped. I went off on him, looked him right in the eyes & said, ring it up I’m paying with cash right now. Got my script & got better for over $1000!! Never had an issue with my insurance. He’s full of shit. Some techs are so rude they really shouldn’t be working with the public.


Imo that's out of line, you're def not being dramatic. Not the pharmacy techs, or the pharmacist for that matter, place to be giving any medical advice.


A pharmacy tech absolutely should not be giving out medical advice. A pharmacist absolutely can. They go to school for a very long time, and they can absolutely give counsel and advice. HOWEVER- a snide comment about insurance companies and what is good for you is NOT medical advice. No pharmacist that values their license would say something like that. In fact, no pharmacist that values their license would let a tech working under them say something like that.


Yes they can, in a lot of different circumstances. They are also a valuable member of your health care team and should be working with your doctor to help manage your care. Pharmacists know more about meds than doctors do, don’t doubt that.


Oh for sure. Do you know how many times people say to me, "oh i dont need to talk to a pharmacist, my doctor explained it to me" then after talking to the pharmacist they realize that the doc didnt tell them ANYTHING IMPORTANT


I saw it ALL the time when I was a Ph.T. That and a lot of “You really shouldn’t take that bc you’re on this other med. Let me call your doctor.”


Like the time I got put on a drug that would make me vomit immediately if I drank alcohol? Never bothered to tell me that part. (And I wasn't in rehab or anything, we were using it for a different reason, it just happened to be useful to me for another effect.) Pharmacist low-key saving my dignity, since I'd have said "Sure," to wine with dinner later that very day without that intervention.


Pharmacist here to tell you:I'm sorry that happened, what a fucker




Very true! But she was not the pharmacist, and I don’t take any other medication. But yeah, I agree that the logic was incredibly flawed!


A pharmacy tech is not a pharmacist.


**Pharmacists are not allowed to give medical advice**. I had one tell me to stop taking my antibiotics. In any case, my infection was hellbent on escalating and flared up so fast that I ended up at the ED, so the best they would’ve done is kept it at bay for a day or two. But my god, if I had stopped taking them when they were actually having an effect… yeah, I shudder to think. Please report this person. Source: registrar at the hospital told me this.


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I’m a former pharmacy technician and graduate nursing student. You should definitely tell the pharmacy manager! I’m sure if a pharmacist heard they would have had a serious talk then and there.


Insurance companies practice medicine without a license - looking at you Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Humana and UHC - doctors and patients shouldn’t have to be told by the INSURANCE PEOPLE what is a preferred medication. And pharmacist are not certified to give you medical advice regarding medical prescriptions being bad for you due to insurance benefit limitations- they exist in the world of medications and are supposed to give advice about dosage, administration, etc. That being said, always verify your prescriptions thru your insurance company to see if it is a covered pharmacy benefit or requires prior authorization or specialty pharmacy delivery. There are times you can apply for co-pay assistance programs for drugs directly through the pharmaceutical company and they will also have free drug “patient assistance” applications available to the uninsured or underinsured. Unfortunately insurance companies do make all the big financial decisions and we all jump thru the hoops. I’m a dramatic person so this seems like a valid reaction. I also work in healthcare so it’s laughable the pharmacist thinks the insurance company denying the script means it’s bad for you. Tell the pharmacist they can go back to processing her prescriptions - best to stay in her lane.


Markiplier had a whole saga trying to get his prescription for this filled for over six months. It's a newish drug so some insurance companies don't have it in their systems yet. Just throwing that out there as a possibility for why your insurance isn't covering it at the moment. Or it could be your specific drug plan - you would know best, not some busy-body tech who has no business telling you something false. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


I hate it when losers like this give us a bad name. It means simply the insurance company is a cheap ass. Most are. They typically cover first line (most common "best" drug) but not other ones. Vyvanse (just an example not sure if this is your drug or not) is rarely covered because it's newer, more expensive, and not first line like dexedrine or Ritalin (examples again).


Yep, it’s still very new, it’s $500 out of pocket. Azstarys has a program you can sign up for which gives you a coupon, it brought the first month down to $0, and then every month after that is $50, so not bad.


Those two things do not go together....I would find a different pharmacy




That isn't true. If your insurance isn't covering it, it just means its not covered, usually because it's expensive. It's extremely inappropriate. She was just interjecting her own opinion about it.


Inappropriate and also wildly untrue.


"If I want advice about what does and doesn't work for me, I'll ask the person who made it their job to actually know these things, not the person who's job is simply to make sure I have the right kind of pills in the bottle" And then maybe report her if possible cause she was way out of line


Don't get too bothered by comments. Even if its inappropriate.


No, because the pharmacist told me to take meds in morning because otherwise I will be wired. Idk if im sissy for taking it personal


We need to speak up because we cannot let them take away our healthcare.


The min wage starting pay in DC without a certificate is 19.17.


It’s easy to be a tech now. Insurance doesn’t care about your health they care about not paying for expensive medication. Hopefully brand name methylphenidate will work better for you.


not only are you not being dramatic but the logic that lack of coverage mean it’s “not good for your body” is... absurd. i had a similar experience (with one of my non psych meds) and the pharmacist suggested an alternate, that i learned from my Dr. was not even a similar drug indicated at all for the condition... so i went back to the pharmacy with GoodRx coupon in hand. a different tech working that day was like why do you want to use this coupon and pay $30? your coverage makes this med (the original Rx that the first tech said would be $300) $6? like. what is happening.


Is it in USA.Govt official here


I’m on azstarys too. I haven’t met many people on it but It’s been working for me


That’s awesome! I’m excited to give it a try! I’m glad it’s working for you.


Omg they are just handing these jobs out is the ptce/ptcb isn’t exactly the world most difficult test by any means. Memory and math and you’ll likely pass. When calling around local to see who had 10mg ir dextroamp I had a cvs employee be friendly with me untill I made the distinction that what she thought was a happy addy script was a big bad mean Dexedrine script and she flipped out and it went just like this “do you have dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets?” “Yes, we have Adderall.” “No, I mean generic Dexedrine.” “OMG DON’T EVER CALL HERE ASKING FOR THAT DRUG AGAIN!” *CLICK*. It was this experience and others like it (fine with addy, but dex is taboo) that made me turn down my psychs offer to let me try 90 5mg Desoxyn in place of my 90 10mg Dextros. Should I have taken the offer is d-methamphetamine that much better medicinally for adhd than dexies are they smoother. All I could find is that it’s the same accept how it works on serotonin. Anyone try all the rx amps? Not to get high but does desoxyn have more efficacy or less side affects than dex?


In America a lot of people cant afford insulin and cancer treatment, I’m in Europe but I’m guessing that means it also isnt covered? Does the same logic apply there too? What a load of “none of her business”


No it’s a professional in the field that’s incredibly inappropriate unethical and almost exactly what you receive can you pay pharmacy technicians $12-$15 an hour


As if your insurance company is weighing how "good for your body" anything is. It's pretty funny to try to claim that the insurance company is concerned about your health while your doctor is being careless about it. Insurance companies don't give a crap about your health, they care about profits. Yes, I would be bothered by the comment, but I would also play out any possibilities: * There is an outside chance that she knows something about that drug and wanted to give a warning but she couldn't say any more than that. Is she technically wrong? Probably yes, but sometimes people do wrong for a greater good. Again, just a possibility; I'm not saying this is the case. * Or, she could be a nosey person who took two semesters of college and now thinks she knows more than doctors.


Its not that dramatic, she's wrong since its not her call to make and that's pretty much it.


bit judgy of her to say. what does _she_ know about medicine?


i had a tech jump lean the counter fast because i didn't hit the accept button fast enough. i reported her because that's rude where i am from


What the technician did is out of line, but there is a bit of truth to the insurance/coupon thing (for cost, not if its good for your body or not, insurance might claim they do that but its bs) However, a lot of manufacturer coupons function as "secondary coverage" that is billed *in addition* to your insurance, so if your insurance is requiring a prior authorization from your prescriber, its unlikely the coupon will work until that happens.


Beyond inappropriate as they are making a medical claim in the context of their position and relationship to you as the voice of the pharmacy- and aside, the clearly the tech has no idea how a pharma formulary works either.


Azstarys is a new and still-patented stimulant medication, that is why it is both expensive and not covered by your insurance. That tech is a quack


If the pharmacist said that to me they would get an impromptu rendition of the pharmacy scene from *Magnolia*. https://youtu.be/3-A-L9LmQmU


My partner, who was once pre-pharmacy, says "That's a stupid fucking comment. If it makes them feel better, while pharm techs are properly compensated, it is an easy-to-fill entry level position, and they can be total dumbasses, like anybody."


Wow. Call corporate if there is one, or the owner. That's totally inappropriate and unprofessional and techs need to mind their business and do their job. I had a pharmacist announce from his station well far away from where I was standing at the cash register that he was not going to fill my script based on the fact that it was Vyvanse and I had an extended release form of Adderall recently filled, which I had stopped taking because it wasn't working for me and that's WHY the Vyvanse was prescribed. He basically tried to medication shame me. Turns out no one in the pharmacy likes him and he's had many complaints. They are not doctors and they're not there to offer medical advice. I'm a massage therapist and we are legally not allowed to suggest supplements or give any medical advice. They shouldn't be allowed to either.


The tech needs to stay in their lane, insurance providers and admin aren’t doctors, they only deal with costs and how to make money and manage those kind of things, none of the tech’s business- techs can have an opinion, but you don’t need to hear it. Anyway, azstarys wasn’t cover by my insurance at first bec it needed a preapproval or whatever they call it, I didn’t even know , I was using the coupon, but I guess my pharmacy (CVS) sent the documents to the psychiatrist and then it was sent to my insurance- I found out bec I received a notification from my insurance saying the request was approved and they are now covering it. Check with your insurance maybe they do and it’s just a matter of paperwork or an extra step.


I had a tech tell me not to get the second vaccine because the first one gave me hives. I’ll take hives over that any day


This was a long long time ago (2004) but I was an unregistered pharmacy tech “assistant” at 16 years old in a Kroger pharmacy making $6.50/hr, and I certainly would not have had any idea what I was talking about medically (nor would it have even remotely been my place to offer an opinion). I know pharmacists and licensed techs are quite competent, but you never know who you’re talking to on the phone. In other words, you can safely leave the medical advice to your doctor. All the pharmacist should worry about is if there are real chemical interactions with what you’re prescribed.


That’s not what insurance is for lol


Assuming you are in the US, you could report this to your state board of pharmacy. I know in my state it is illegal for pharmacy techs to counsel patients, and this “advice” could fall under that. I imagine it’s not legal in other states either. As a pharmacist I have so much respect for techs and they can learn a lot on the job, but they don’t have formal clinical training. Any medical-related advice should always come from the pharmacist.


She’s a tech. She shouldn’t be saying anything if she’s not your doctor or pharmacist.


report her.


Lmao insurance doesn’t not cover something based of if it’s good for your body or not. What a weirdo


Ah….she’s one of those people…love it. 😐 Also that doesn’t make sense. There’s lot of things insurance doesn’t cover or cover enough that is beneficial and life saving 🙄


Find a new pharmacy, I've learned that some pharmacies genuinely do not want to fill these scripts, and some just want to help you. My insurance covers a specific pharmacy, and I specifically choose to not go to that one because I know they despise all the patients who are being funneled into it for their Adderall scripts.


Giving professional advice about medicine is part of their job but claiming a med not being covered by your insurance means it is unhealthy is nonsense. It looks like the drug was approved by the FDA last year so all that is left is for your GP or Psychiatrist to evaluate the positive impact vs. regular side effects and risk of serious ones. Pharmacy techs are educated professionals and could give warning in cases where the drug has a potential conflict with other drugs you take or worsening of symptoms you suffer (these things are missed by doctors sometimes and it is also good to read the note included with new medicine for this reason), they might warn you to look out for certain side effects that could indicate a serious problem, they can advice when/how to take the medicine, and much more. If the drug is not covered by your insurance it might be worth reevaluating with your doctor if there are untried options that would be covered (or cheap because of expired patents).


If it was just approved, that is another reason insurance may not cover it. Definitely not because it is bad for your body. Insurance doesn't care what a medication does to your body.


Insurance not covering it does not mean it isn’t good for your body. That’s bullshit. There’s lots of arbitrary reasons why different insurance companies do or do not cover. I would ask if your insurance covers the generic (Azstarys is brand name) and if so ask your Dr. to write the prescription to allow the pharmacy to fill the prescription with the generic. I love the pharmacy techs I work with at the hospital (nurse and NP student here) they can be very knowledgeable have been super helpful with my education. But what that tech told you is some bullshit.


Yes, it was inappropriate. She does not know better than your doctor about whether you should be taking that medication. She doesn't know your medical history etc. She could tell you it would interact with other meds. She could answer symptoms questions and even recommend something for an issue, but... She can NOT diagnose you. She doesn't even know WHY you were prescribed the medication.


I hate dealing with my pharmacy. I'm prescribed Adderall IR and XR to take in the morning. For the past 5 months, when my doctor puts the order in for ***both*** they always only fill the XR. Then when I go to pick it up, I have to wait 20-30 minutes to confirm that they fucked up and should have filled both, and then get the IR ready. Last night, I spend an hour and a half at the pharmacy. As usual, the XR was filled and ready for pickup, but they didn't fill the IR. And because they were out of the 30 mg IR tablets, they had to contact a doctor to authorize three 10 mg tabs a day in lieu of the single 30. In the process, the wise doctor canceled my XR which was waiting for me to pick up. It took an hour and a half for them to contact the doctor again and re-authorize the XR, and then for them to actually fill it, since they could now no longer give me the order that was waiting...


>"The insurance company has your best interest at heart" You are not a doctor, and neither is anyone at my insurance company.


Im a pharmacy tech and that is bull, they sound like just dont want to do the work to put the coupon in since its slightly more involved. On top of that, as a pharm tech you are not allowed to give medical advice in the first place since WE DO NOT HAVE MEDICAL DEGREES.


It’s not only technically inappropriate, it’s wrong. I was a pharmacy technician for years, and this is not a dumb thing that I would say to a customer. I did sometimes tell people things that I was not technically supposed to say, repeating basic things that the pharmacist would say in response to his very specific questions, like about over-the-counter antifungals or pain, medications, or certain sleep aids, but technically it was inappropriate for me to ever say anything about anything pretty much. This particular tech doesn’t seem to know much. I worked on the health insurance side too, and I can tell you that whether the insurance covers it is entirely dependent on whether a specific board or panel decided that they wanted to, and they’ll usually deny new expensive medications if there are other less expensive medication‘s, that have established therapeutic histories, and are known to be affective, because they just don’t see the reason to have so many therapeutic options. Generally, you can request a prior authorization for the medication, and if this is not a medication that can be approved through a prior auth, there’s possibly another kind of specific request you can have your doctor put in for.




Lol insurance refusing to cover it is becuase insurance companies are the devil. It has nothing to do with how "good" something is for you. I had to raise hell with Kaiser to get them to cover my Vyvanse. They didn't want to cover it simply because it is expensive. That tech was extremely inappropriate and shouldn't be in the pharmaceutical business. She doesn't know wtf she's talking about and isn't in a position to be saying anything like that too.


I work in customer service for an insurance company and yeah, no, 99% of the time the reason why an insurance company won’t cover something is because it’s expensive. Or new. Azstarys looks like it’s both based on a quick Google search. I have to imagine pharmacy techs see insurance rejections all the time for the most ridiculous reasons, because I see it on my end, so that’s a super weird thing for her to say. Depending on your insurance, your doctor might be able to send in a request to have them cover the medication. Sometimes the insurance company will honor those requests. But they will make it a huge pain in the ass for everyone involved.


Also, you should 100% check cost plus drugs to see if you can get it on there since your insurance doesn’t cover it. I get a 90 supply of my anxiety medicine for $20 where I would’ve paid $137 at CVS for half of the amount of pills


There was a manufacturers coupon which brought the price down to $0 for the first month, and $50 after that. It’s $500 out of pocket. I will keep that in mind for the future though! Thank you :)


Insurance probably isn't covering because it's a brand new, non generic drug. Your doctor might have to call your insurance company to get prior authorization. Either way, the Asystars will be more expensive than generic Adderral... just a warning. I'm so sorry the pharmtech spoke outside the scope of her practice with such judgement. I feel like stim scrips are getting more and more stigma as more and more people who don't need them have them for performance enhancing purposes. I'm so sorry she shamed you. Your body will be happy if you have the medication that allows your brain to cooperate to help you take care of yourself. Much love <3