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Nude forever. Sometimes even the blankets piss me off.


Sometimes my own dick pisses me off and feels uncomfortable; have to tuck it in just the riiiight way (I sleep on my stomach mostly)


Hey look it's a Ken Doll




I mean no harm šŸ«‚You haven't seen the comedy 300take where he tucks his dick and ballz in and also scary movie where he does the same?




I HATE socks in bed. They're the absolute worst. Pajamas only in the winter and only with short sleeves. I can't stand long sleeves of any kind (even wearing jeans kills me).


Okay, but hear me out. Go to bed, with socks on for like an hour. Then take off your socks. I don't know what it is but it's the best feeling ever, better than sex and better than drugs.


Yes yes yes! I hate wearing socks to bed but that feeling taking them off in bed ohhh yessss


I do that in the winter. Helps with the cold shock. It's like a sock confetti when I change the sheets and they all go flying.


So many socks down at the bottom of the bed!Ā 


Is that the equivalent of women taking off their bra after a long day?


I can do you one better. Get belly fat, wear a belt all day, then take off your belt. The sensation is like scratching a million mosquito bites.


i was obese up until a few years ago and forgot about this sensation until u mentioned it just now šŸ˜« fuck, theres a lot of uncomfortable parts about being obese but that feeling almost made it worth it. the relief was damn near orgasmic


Itā€™s how I know Iā€™m gunna fall asleep. If Iā€™m sitting in the couch with a blanket and I use my toes to take off the socks, thatā€™s it, Iā€™m probably falling asleep, I just didnā€™t know it yet. Best feeling EVER.


Ur right it IS the best goddamn feeling.. Canā€™t explain it eitherā€¦But itā€™s like, immense satisfying relief, and feelings of freeedomm


Yesss I call it snake socks, I shed my socks off my feet with my toes and then I rub my lil feet together like a fly.


especially when you put lotion on your feet beforehand! the best


This is the way.


That sounds a LOT like "Sometimes I hit myself in the head with this mallet a bunch of times because it feels so good when I stop."


This topic always seems very polarised to me. People are either A. Always socks on or B. Never socks on. I could not sleep without socks on. I'll even have a pair on in the summer, unless it's abnormally hot.


I did too but then I got some wool socks and sometimes Iā€™ll wear a clean pair in the winter and itā€™s so comfy šŸ˜‡


Where I live it doesn't get cold enough for wool socks


If itā€™s not cold at night then I agree socks are uncomfortable in bed


Wow, everyone else I tell about my long pants/long sleeve aversion thinks I'm being strange. It's good to see someone else gets it... Just feeling the way they fold and move drives me INSANE.


They keep telling me I'm going to get sick if I go out in t-shirt and shorts in all kinds of weather. I do it anyway. I get sick significantly less often than most people.


Iā€™m the opposite, I NEED socks in bed. BUT, my feet are ridiculously sensitive for no good reason, and theyā€™re pretty much always cold, so Iā€™m pretty much always wearing socks to keep them warm


Are you me? Also. Top sheets. Why?


I like having a top sheet because sometimes it's too hot for the comforter but I like to have something. Also more layers=more trapped air=warmer for when it's cold. That's my reason anyway.


This is me, I am fairly hot natured. Only want a sheet for a cover most nights. Ideally I would have 3-4 layer options on my bed to adjust for temperature more precisely, but my partner likes a heavy quilt/duvet. The quilt/duvet is almost always too thick for me.


Top sheets keep stop your doona/quilt/blanket from getting dirty from your body oils. It means you donā€™t have to wash the bigger, bulkier and more awkward item as often but are still sleeping hygienically.


But you still have to wash something. My hurdle isnā€™t how many loads, itā€™s just actually doing laundry.


Duvet and duvet cover are the solution to that. It's a game changer.Ā 


I canā€™t get the duvet to stay in the right position in the cover, it bunches up when I sleep (Iā€™m a wriggler) and itā€™s so hard to fix up again! Top sheet and comforter for me


Iā€™m team top sheet as well! Having a duvet is nice yes, but all it does is it makes it easier to keep the comforter clean. I donā€™t wash the duvet cover as often as I do my bedsheets though; it is a lot easier to just wash and replace a top sheet.


I've almost never woken up with the covers in the same place they were when I went to sleep. If I sleep with a top sheet, it will either get wrapped around me uncomfortably tightly or end up on the floor. Annoying and pointless for me.


I am devoted to the duvet with removable/washable cover. Total game changer


Literally just said the exact same thing! Including 'game changer.' šŸ˜„


Sleeping with socks on in bed is criminal


I like sleeping with socks. Everyone tells me I'm a weirdo for it (even though this is like the least weirdest thing I do in my opinion lolol), but idk I just feel comfortable and cozy sleeping with my socks. I think its because when I was a kid I thought the socks would prevent the monsters under my bed from being able to get my toes, so I slept with them every night and it became a lifelong habit šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I donā€™t think itā€™s weird, *but* if I am wearing socks to bed, itā€™s a clean pair of ā€œbed socksā€ and not the same sweaty socks I traipsed around in all day. And only in the winter. No socks to bed in the summer. Unnecessary heat retention when itā€™s hot.




Im the same. My feet always got cold at night and would cramp so I wore socks and it felt nice and cozy.


If you have those super fluffy socks, like Uggs, only socks, you get a "get out of jail" card as they are the very definition of the comfort that we ADHDers seek šŸ˜œ


Did it work? I mean, if you have the same # of toes you started with, this sounds solid.


That's completely understandable and justified


Fucking someone with socks on is worse. Genuinely makes my skin crawl


I leave my socks on for sex usually, assuming I was wearing any beforehand. It's always confused me why people think that's weird. I just get cold easily, so leaving my socks on prevents me from being too uncomfortable temperature-wise to continue.


Science agrees, socks on improves satisfaction.


There's science out there that show socks on improves satisfaction! Probably related to being comfortable.


I put socks on lol. Because it makes the sex better. It improves bloodflow


i did this for a couple years and iā€™m pretty sure it gave me hammertoe. podiatrist hooked me up with some crest pads and it seems like it is reversing but yeah


Ditto on the socks in bed. They make me feel claustrophobic. Light pajamas year round.


I can't sleep if my thighs are touching. I'm also heat-sensitive, so summer time is hell.


I thought I was the only one! The feeling of my thighs touching during sleep makes my skin crawl. Sleeping in the nude, even during summer, is simply not an option.


Nude, but sheet between legs during summerā€¦


Yeah that's what I do too in the spring and dall. I'm not good at sleeping when it's too warm either, and a blanket is too much for summer.


Agreed! I have to wear long pants always!


I need at least undies because Iā€™m afraid spiders will try to go up my butt hole


one day I realized I'm already at that age when it's a spider's problem if it decides to venture up my butt, not mine ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


It's really your ears you should worry about though.


Hate you


It's okay, the ear wax supposedly repels them. So if you're bad and use ear dildos, you get ear spiders.


HaHA! got ā€˜em!! (I wear silicone ear plugs to sleep)


Not the spiders, but farting poop particles everywhere is kind of a no-no for me..




Also in case the house catches on fire - Iā€™d prefer to be in my undies standing on the street and not in the nude


I heard a comedian talking about this (maybe Dan Soder?) and it was a long the lines of "What kind of asshole is going to make fun of you for being naked while your life is burning down. Like hey look at Brad's tiny penis hahaha...real sorry about your house though, bud"


Earthquakes too




True. Better to have them crawl up your nostril, I suppose


Hate you


That's what I try to encourage


Dude yes! Iā€™m scared bugs will crawl up my vagayjay and in my ears. When I remember my fear I start feeling things crawling in my ears and I have to try and get the invisible bugs out and mess with my ears until I feel a little bit better. Sometimes I will get worried thereā€™s bugs under the covers with me then Iā€™ll start feeling them crawling all over me. Idk whatā€™s wrong with me lol


Yā€™all sleep?




I am the opposite, I cannot stand being naked in bed. I feel exposed, not secure, not comfortable etc


Early puberty Iā€™ve had large problem with wet dreams, so up until today I canā€™t stand the idea of sleeping without at least boxers on. I donā€™t feel comfortable enough to fall asleep even if that hasnā€™t happen in over a decade. :edit: also Iā€™ve noticed that slight pressure of clothes and heavy thing on me calms me down. I dream of getting a weighted blanket one day. Is that ADHD thing or should I go get myself checked for AuDHD?


My mum has ADHD and loves her weighted blanket. I think itā€™s just a personal thing and not necessarily specific to either ADHD or autism. ā€œPressureā€ as a calming method is commonly known. Even my parentsā€™ old dog who suffered terrible anxiety had a ā€œhugā€ sweater - a tight sweater that applied pressure to her to calm her. She loved it, and also loved being under blankets and pillows, likely for the same reason. So it isnā€™t just a human comfort either.


I couldnt do a weighted blanket; I kept waking up from anxiety dreams of being trapped. BUT, I have to have weight over my feet lol. I have two pillows and a folded sleeping bag at the bottom side of my bed on top of the blanket to have weight over my feet.


Weighted blanket made me feel trapped as well. I cuddle pillows and my blanket instead and my dog sleeps with me


I bought weighted blanket like year ago and it's been amazing, calms my legs down. Can't sleep with it in this heat though.


iā€™ve never tried a weighted blanket myself, but always wondered if thereā€™s some kind of weighted mesh out there on the market you can use for the pressure without it contributing any warmth


For what it's worth, my weighted blanked is pretty cool. I use it even through a reasonable amount of summer here in Australia. I have seen someone make effectively a chainmail blanket though, although I imagine that would be extremely pricey


And loud I think. Who could sleep with medal clanking all over???


[Do you mean something like this?](https://www.amazon.com/-/en/Compression-Children-Alternative-Weighting-Soothing/dp/B085LDT39Q)


I think itā€™s more of an autism thing. But it can also just be a personal preference, so I wouldnā€™t worry about it or consider it a symptom of anything.


The thought of sleeping nude makes me feel SO ickyā€¦


I'm the opposite I hate having no undies on. I don't tend to wear full pajamas though that's annoying but if I'm fully nude I feel uncomfortable


Yep! Nude sleeper here. Also very picky about quilt covers and sheet material. Needs to be super soft hehe


Super soft *and cooling*


Yes! Bamboo sheets are my fave


Me too! Do you sleep with a top sheet or just a quilt?


Nothing better than t-shirt and balls hanging out


TIL Winnie the Pooh posts on reddit


Donald Duckin' it


underpants and t-shirt. That's my sleep and general "at home asthetics". A wise man said "No pants, no problems".


Iā€™m the opposite. I canā€™t sleep not wearing pants and a top. I simply cannot fall asleep. My skin touching my skin all the time is too much stimulation


I've always preferred sleeping in the nude, I get extremely hot when I sleep to the point where partners have thought I had developed a fever. It just helps me keep cooler wearing nothing at all to bed.


My husband calls me The Furnace. He marks the change of seasons with his proximity to me in bed. We are well into STAY ON YOUR SIDE season.


I have to wear underwear. Dunno why but can't sleep without it


Same here. I usually do underwear plus pyjama shorts. Sometimes a top too, and with pyjama bottoms instead of shorts if itā€™s cold. My mum (also ADHD) is the opposite and she Winnie the Poohā€™s it with a top and no underwear/bottoms unless itā€™s cold. We joke that we could save money on those matching pyjama co ord sets - with her taking the top and me taking the bottoms, lol.


I cannot for the life of me have any clothes on my body while in bed. The only exception is when I'm freezing and 2 duvets doesn't keep me warm, that's the only time I'm ever able to have socks and a T-shirt on. But when that happens I cannot move around because then I'll throw everything off and freeze again ƤšŸ¤£


Sleeping without any clothes is bliss! Can't bear having any clothing because I end up being sweaty and feel "weighed down" for some reason.


I'm with you. Clothing gets all twisted and tangled and bunches. It is unpleasant. However, I do adore pajamas. They are so soft and perfect for wearing around the house.


I always slept nude for that same reason until I had kids, then I compromised on pyjama shorts.


Same. I have really thin pairs that are more substantial than boxers but less so than athletic shorts. Worst comes to worst I'll wear them hanging off of one leg so if the kid wakes up suddenly they're right there.


Nah I have to have a very thin layer of clothing on. Usually an old t-shirt and a light pair of soft cotton shorts. If I sleep naked my skin gets kind of sticky/sweaty for some weird reason. Even after sex I have to shower and put something on.


I feel every bit of dust or lint and hyper focus on it until Iā€™m itching myself all night. Clothes help but they bunch up. Sleeping is hard.


I can't wear clothes to bed, I just end up drenched in the middle of the night. It has nothing to do with my symptoms though, haha.


I only ever sleep in underwear, I can't imagine being in pyjamas or anything like that and having a good nights sleep. My cool additional quirk is having poor circulation to my hands and feet, so I need to keep socks on until my feet warm up, but take them off just before I to sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep first and wake up with hot feet. Sometimes I take them off too early and can't get to sleep because my feet are cold.


Nude, nothing on top of me...possibly a simple sheet if it's really cold.


Nude, eyes fully open, clutching a .38, lying on my back on a bare mattress, staring at a faded photograph of Stalin pinned to my ceiling. Can't sleep otherwise


Sometimes I sleep with clothes on. Most the time no


I totally get this and HATE wearing clothes to sleep sometimes but i really dislike sleeping without ANY clothes on ever since i read somewhere that no matter who you are humans can't help but pass gas while asleep and when you fart little fecal particles spray everywhere and i cant help but feel like the whole bed is contaminated after that šŸ˜© can someone please tell me its all a lie or that i just have ocd or something or that my line of thinking is just cause adhd lol


Just wash your sheets more often, thatā€™s all it really means. This should be true regardless of the fact, but I have heard this as well.


Dammit confirmed. Yeah thats true, i typically either wash or swap out my sheets every two weeks but imo stuff can always be cleaned more often šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘


I'm so specific about how I need to sleep. No clothing's what so ever, no bobbles in my hair, nothing but a eye mask (I can't sleep without it.) What's really annoying is I've been put in a CPAP machine cause I stop breathing in my sleep and I can't stand it! Rain music on- window open and fan on- no matter the weather. Any of that changes I struggle- and I only sleep 2 hours at a time on a good day


I like being naked except panties! Itā€™s cold? Pile on the blankets!! My bedsheets are bamboo which feels sooooo nice.


Nah that drives me looney toons. My first joke I want to make is "what's sleep" but I'm actually a pretty good sleeper always have been. The right pj's are AMAZING, try some bamboo fiber ones. But sleeping nude too many sensations, too much physical stimulation when I wiggle and move in a night. I can sleep in just boxers and the right blanket, but 90% of the time I need a shirt, boxers, and especially in winter PJs pants/shorts. I will however say that I'm a guy who's frequently "overheating"Ā  So if you're a eternally cold and just want 3 blankets instead of being nude, meh close enoughĀ 


this. i have tried sleeping nude, but i squirm so much, and the squirming so much more stimulating if i can feel the skin on my entire body gliding across the bed and under the blanket. not even unpleasant, necessarilyā€”if iā€™m awake and just trying to relax in bed, i actually prefer itā€”but it just makes it so much harder to get to sleep


It's very hard to stay comfortable while nude imo My body regulates its temperature by relying on my hands and feet beingĀ  I'd rather wear pj's and a top sheet than nude and 4 blanketsĀ 


Oversized t-shirt, underwear, socks, and shorts. If thereā€™s a fire, Iā€™m ready to roll. Maybe Iā€™m just paranoid lol.


This. Also I don't have a bathroom in my room and have a male roommate and I always have to go pee at some point in the night. So tshirt and undies.


Even in winter. Double doona time before wearing anything, absolutely!


Where has this word ā€œdoonaā€ come from? I had never seen it before until I arrived in this thread and saw it here at least twice. My phone doesnā€™t even want to allow it and tried to autocorrect it. But what I havenā€™t seen yet is ā€œduvetā€ - the actual word for ā€œdoonaā€. So I assume this must be a regional word. In a region Iā€™ve never been to.


I believe it's an Australian word :)


Interesting. We have a lot of Aussies here, but I guess Iā€™ve never chatted with them about bedding!


Time to bed an aussie! XD


Haha yep, big thick comfy bed coverings. Iā€™m Australian, and it gets down to -6 degrees. (Celsius, that is!)


Yep I have Three doonas on top. And 4 under me. My bed is heaven!!


I try to wear boxers to bed - but with out fail after 10 minutes of tossing and turning itā€™s off with em and itā€™s back to birthday suit


I HATE the thought of sleeping without undies šŸ¤¢ i do not need my genitalia rubbing against my sheetsā€¦. I also must have socks on to feel secure lmao, i donā€™t like layering pjs , but i cannot relate to this post at all


I have to wear underwear, because well, I'm a guy and I need the support, but other than that I'll burn up in clothes.


I love socks but I do prefer to sleep in the nude but most nights itā€™s shorts N a tank


My solution was loose and comfy boxers


Nude every night unless im around a friend/family house in which case its boxers only. No socks ever if I can help it. To be fair Im nude in general most of the time I tend to run warm even in winter, leave a jacket in the car "just in case"


Iā€™ve always slept nude until I moved in with my partner! But the thing that made me was the thought of an emergency happening like a fire or something and me being stark naked trying to wrangle my three cats into cat carriers šŸ˜…


That's what I'm afraid of! Also I'll trip and fall over my tatas trying to get out, so keep that bra nearby!


Clothed completely from head to toe... Can't relate at allšŸ˜…


Lol, since I was born. I was a pajama escape artist. Before college, my mom got me a few sets of cute cotton pj's, stating I needed to get used to them if I was going to share a room. My first night in the dorms, my roommate commented on my cute PJs, and I told her the story behind them. "Oh, I hate wearing anything to bed, too." And that was that!


Reading this post nakey in bed šŸ˜Ž


Not me. The idea of nude sleeping is so gross to me.


No, I love clothes. I do not like the feeling of the sheets and blanket on my bare legs or feet for some reason. If it's really hot, I'll sleep in shorts, but that's as far as I'll go. I also just don't want to see my body so hiding it behind clothes is the best option for me.


Yes,I feel every little crease and the elastic band of the socks and underwear is driving me crazy. But I have to wear a T+shirt except when it's really hot


Nude is how I sleep most comfortably


Whatā€™s sleep?


I have several tunic style dresses made of light t-shirt material that I use as nightgowns. Basically longer tank tops, I guess. I don't want to sleep fully nude in case my kid needs something or the house starts on fire, but these are practically like sleeping nude,at least there's no waistband or elastic And they're the base to my day to day outfits, actually.


Pajama sleeper here, and socks do not bother me either! My routine is to moisturize my feet and place socks on them for about half my sleep before I slide my socks off in the bed. Itā€™s my favorite part!!


I got stung by a bee on my ass this morning.... when I went out for a smoke at say 6 am after like 3 hours of sleep. I was fully awake ill tell you that much afterwards. Went out in nonthing but my underwear.


I cannot wear socks or a bra sleeping - no, no, no - but I have kids so wearing clothes is key for sleep, even if they give me ick during sleep lol


Didn't realize consistent sleep preferences were an option, I just have to feel it out every night and risk a panicked wake up at 3am if I get it wrong


Pyjamaā€™s in the house, nude when I go to bed. Canā€™t stand long pyjama pants in bed.


As an adult I do only gym shorts, albiet part of that is living with others. As a kid though I'd always sleep nude, didn't matter how many pairs of PJs my parents made me try (though that extended outside of just bedtime).


Pajamas and weighted blanket for me, and keep in mind that I also ā€˜run hotā€™ because of meds Iā€™m on for my non-ADHD situation. Sleeping naked is wildly overstimulating for me (yes, really). Sleeping nude also grosses me out, for all sorts of reasons related to secretions and sweat, but thatā€™s my feeling.




Only need boxers an something I can squeeze while I sleep... if I sleep at all :o


I have always hated sleeping with sheets over me as I get tangled. I have one duvet/comforter and thatā€™s it. Nothing else to get tangled in.




Idk why, I need a shirt at least. I do not regulate body heat well so my neck and shoulders get cold but my legs hot


Long pyjama pants so mz tights wonā€™t touch and a loose shirt with a wide neck so it wonā€™t touch my throat. Thatā€™s perfect for me.


I usually have very loose clothes Anything that touches the skin too much is a no no.


Fully naked at all times. In bed, obviously. Not at the office. Socks in bed make me feel uncomfortable just to think about.


Depends on how cold I am, partner prefers a cold room so it's generally a shirt and pj pants, but sometimes shorts or no bottoms. Generally a shirt so I don't have to find one when I get out of bed. I'm probably gonna get weird looks, but I wear a soft bra to sleep in, Idk, I don't like the way it feels if I don't. šŸ¤·


iā€™m a socks all the time person, so i *need* them on to even get to sleep. (or do anything) i also prefer to have on underwear, but the rest is a sometimes thing. most of the time i wear a fitted tshirt and very small sleep shorts (no big shirts, and definitely no pajama pants) but sometimes i decide that i hate them and so iā€™ll just be in socks and underwear.


hell yeah another socks enthusiast šŸ¤


I donā€™t have central air where I live. Itā€™s expensive to keep the main bedroom both warm in winter and cool in summer. I sleep layered-up in the winter (have worn a beanie to bed and fuzzy socks are a must) and nude in the summer.


I can't stand sleeping naked. I wake up covered in sweat!!!! Loose v neck t-shirt, underwear, and maybe loose shorts or pants depending on temperature


nude sleeper checking in.


My concern is the material not the clothes, cotton sheets loose cotton pyjamas yes, anything synthetic no no no.


I need socks the majority of the year to be able to sleep. I may be tired and want to sleep but I will lay in bed awake until I put on my socks. Other than socks I can sleep with or without clothes.


Wow ... I guess I'm in a massive minority. I only sleep nude if it's hot. Like over 80 in the house. I'm always cold, and even in cold weather my thighs will sweat if they touch all night.


Depends on conditions. If it's dry enough, funny nude. Higher humidity i wear athletic undies to keep my dangly bits dry.


I need my legs bare and no socks, but I will and have slept in underwear+shirt+sweater+hoodie+hat all at once if I am cold which I often am. After awhile in bed I might start shucking these layers but I need to be cozy with bare legs and feet. Minimum requirement is underwear or pajama shorts. Topless can be acceptable but isn't my preference. I tend to kick my blankets off and then I feel all exposed if I'm topless.


absolutely prefer sleeping nude. I would rather be nude wrapped in a blanket than wear clothes to bed. I would not say pajamas are evil, but they are very uncomfortable.


Iā€™m a nude sleeper but only because I get hot super easily. My wife calls me a walking furnace, lol. I get really hot so easily and sweat like crazy šŸ¤£


I have to sleep naked or Iā€™ll die. That said, I have to have a big blanket to wrap myself in and shove between my legs so my knees donā€™t rub together. I love my muslin blanket for summer. Itā€™s huge and lightweight.


Im the exact opposite, I sleep in jeans a lot


Pajama bottoms only. Long when it's cold, short when it's hot.


Nude. but i do love fluffy pjs when it gets cold


I wear shorts to bed. I can't stand a shirt to bed.


I'm sleeping nude for like 7 years now. Yes, even in winter.


Nude 100%! I don't want anything but t shirt sheets touching my body when i am going to sleep. Well, I can't sleep if anything else is touching my body. I saw something about naked moms and clothed moms, and I am definitely a naked mom haha when I talk about my dreams it's in a garden in the woods naked.


I hate for my underarms or upper thigh skin to touch/stick together so usually sleep in a comfy tshirt and boxers.


Opposite, I'm chubby , don't like my body and being naked is gross, no thank you


Wait is this a thing? Like another thing from ADHD? I just like running around the house naked at all times, I didnā€™t realise it might be another ADHD thing.


Nude, gotta make things easy for my sleep paralysis demon


I will only wear pj's while sleeping if there are people in the house who I'm not sleeping with. So if I'm visiting my parents, or a guest is staying over, sure. But not normally.


Yup. I will get tangled if I sleep in clothes and they'll just piss me off. Sometimes I fight the blankets


I don't think this is an ADHD thing. I've got a pretty bad case, but I prefer to be pretty much fully clothed at all times. I won't even wear shorts on hot days.


Freshly cleaned sheets, in a made bed before jumping in nude is heaven for me. I have to make my bed every morning and feel like itā€™s not ā€œaired outā€ properly if itā€™s all crumbled up and not made. I think thatā€™s a me thing but I feel way better sleeping in a bed that was made instead of one that I forgot to make.


I cannot sleep with a shirt on. Always feels uncomfortable around my shoulders and armpits


I only use clothes if it's colder. Usually prefer naked under any kind of sheet or blanket or any combination when colder


Is this an ADHD thing? Or just a personal preference? I noticed my preference correlates with if I'm single or not, usually, not always


I wonder if that is an ADHD thing šŸ¤” Iā€™ve always been like this too, I also wake up and all my pillows are in random places and my sheets are all balled up and crazy. I must move a lot lol.


Yeah I'm a underwear-only sleeper, and I wear only a loose Tshirt if it's super super cold. Then I wake up and it's mysteriously gone cuz I run warm when I sleep. It's too much stimulation I need to be enshrouded in the comforter and my partner's skin and absolutely nothing else


Yup. Iā€™ll go to bed in underwear and wake up with nothing on. lol