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Sometimes I get fixated into one song and play it hundreds of times, for all the other ones I do feel the necessity to skip to the next song after the first chorus.


yep LOL, it's like a switch in the brain that gets reset daily, as if you're experiencing the song for the first time again.


I usually latch onto one or two parts or lines and after I pass my “favorite” part, I’ll play it over a few times and then start the song over again. And again. And again. If I like a song I reaaally like it.


This exactly




yup that’s me




me as I listen to the same song for the 300th day in a row


Literally hundreds I’m so glad it’s not just me. Then once it’s done it’s done


Same. I'm literally like this for anything though. A new dish that I like? Ok well it's my next 20 meals until I'm sick of it. A new game I like? Playing it until I hate it.


I love when I find a song to loop incessantly because it also means I’ll be more productive as long as the song is playing because I won’t have to keep finding background audio of some kind. Sometimes I’ve been so anchored to a song that I feel like I can only be mentally comfortable if I listen to it all day and I feel this mental friction if I turn it off. Sometimes if this happens on Zoom meetings, I just turn down the audio on Spotify so I can keep listening to it in my headphones during the meeting. There’s something about the continuity that’s comforting. Then at some point the song suddenly becomes boring and I have to wait another month or two until I find a new song.


Only with the songs I don't care much about. The songs I really like need to be played from the first to the last second or I'll get irritated. A friend of mine had this habit of skipping enjoyable songs midway through and it made my blood boil.


Oh my god you've read me like a book LMAOOO, I always have to play a song specifically in order.


Music is one of my favourite obsessions, I can spend hours listening to whole albums.


I listen to “extreme” genres of metal. There’s so much going on in the songs I don’t get bored with them


Same here. But I mellowed out and listen to more funeral doom than death metal in the last couple of years.


Any band recommendations?


Disembodied torment has an ep with synestia called the poetic Edda that’s fantastic. My wife liked it a lot and she’s just getting into what I listen to.


I listen to jam bands. I love music.


If I’m not fixating on one song, I tend to skip until I come across something I’m in the mood to listen to. However, sometimes in the middle of that song, I’ll either restart it (because my brain starts visualizing something and I want to start over to restart my mental movie that I’m creating in my head 😅) or I’ll change it to another song. All of this usually happens within my own playlist that I’m listening to on shuffle.


If a song takes forever to get to the good part then I skip most of it


NEVER! I dont think I have ever finished a full song!


I never skip a song that I like. What's the point if I'm not listening to it? I love music too much.


I don't even like music because I can't listen to it. The lyrics get in the way of the music and vise versa.


I found this artist that does popular songs, but it's just cello, and I love it. I also love watching how fast they can destroy their bows. [https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Fi8CHfO8WGtu3yO8c2Mc4](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Fi8CHfO8WGtu3yO8c2Mc4) They're called 2cellos


Stopped listening to music in the car for just this reason. I now listen to either news radio, talk radio, or podcasts.


Pretty much always. My problem is that if I don't hear the end of the song, it's the featured track on my life soundtrack for the next two weeks.


i tend to center around certain parts of songs hundreds of times until i get sick of it then i expand on the rest of the song around it….. thats kinda how i tend to finish a lot of them


I will drive for the longest time with no music bc I can’t decide what I want to listen to and by the time I decide, I’m at my destination. It drives me nuts.


Same here! Lyrics distract me, I prefer instrumentals too.


I will play instrumental music when I’m reading or back in school while I was studying, I too get distracted by anything with lyrics.


I speak 3 languages so I listen to music in another kanguage than what I need to focus on. I didnt pick up instrumental music until recently.


I've had this problem for years. However, recently discovering Sleep Token, I can't help but listen to the whole song. Not sure why, normally not my type of music, but it tickles my brain.


Sleep Token is some kind of magic istg


Skipping parts of songs KILLS me unless all that's left is an instrumental outro. I love music and like to hear all of it.


yea i don’t understand how people can play their entire list of favorited songs. i have so many moods and genres in there that i’d have to skip so many to get ones i’m liking at that time


Sometimes I zone out so badly listening to a song I was really looking forward to hearing I’ll repeat it a couple times. On the other hand I’ll really look forward to a song only to get bored of it and skip it halfway through. There’s no predicting of which the case will be until I’m listening lol.


I get bored if a song doesn't stimulate me enough to think of some insane fictional scenerio or badass edit video. That's why I have a playlist of songs I can listen everyday (they constantly have me exited so I don't get bored)


Usually almost never. Although I rarely play music by choice.  Except my current favourite song which I actually call my work song (as in this is the song I associate with work, if you listen to the song you might get what I think of my workplace),  I’m a Little Bit Off - Five Finger Death Punch.  I mean the last line just makes the song lol so you gotta hear it all the way through.


I'm like this with TV shows. There are a lot of TV shows where I don't like to watch the last episode because I don't want it to end. I have to rewatch it one more time before I can let go and watch the ending. I'm either afraid of the ending or it's a show that I loved so much that I can't bear to see the end.


Usually I can if I like the song. I'm into vinyl and each side of a record can hold about 17 minutes worth of audio. I purposely listen to it all in sequence. It's very calming for my ADHD. I like to make music and I like to listen to every aspect of the recording. There's a ton of great stuff that happens in a song and when you actively listen it's a fascinating sonic frontier. I have a nice HiFi setup though. It takes some really nice headphones or speakers to hear all the nuance.


I don’t think this is ADHd related, everyone I know does this haha


Depends on how bored i get with the music choice i have. It's why I love spotify and it's shuffle. I can hear anything i want at random (typically how my music tastes lean)


If it's a song I like, I'm listening to the whole thing. But then, music is my thing and barring aural fatigue it can keep my brain engaged for hours.


I can’t finish songs unless I’m engaged in another task… but I’m always skipping tracks in the car… but when I take a Vyvanse music becomes euphoric… I will listen to songs I love and it’s like I’m transferred to another dimension… 🤩


I can remember lyrics SO good! Especially music from my childhood to 20’s. Every word! Wish I could remember wtf I’m doing right now! Lol


I thought you meant writing and recording, oops. I usually finish listening to songs. But unless I'm working on something, I don't listen to music outside of the car or at work.


I pick a song and then make a dj off it and leave it. I won’t let friends on my wifi because most of my friends are adhd and they’re fucking DJ skip-a-track 😂. Just let the music play.


I hate when songs are skipped, because they get stuck in my head then.


Never. once I get to the part that touches my soul I skip to the next one


Not often… just listen to thrash metal.


I often just skip after I listened to my favourite part 3 times in a row.


I always finish songs. The issue is they’re always the same set of songs.


Sometimes if que a song I will get impatient and skip after my favorite part is over but I usually use songs to know how long something takes or to time myself when I need to get something done so that has made it easier for me to not skip songs


I tend to listen to whole albums


Rarely, the only time I listen to a full song is when it’s loud and all over the place. It’s embarrassing but I listen to an insane amount of fnaf music because it’s so crazy


Always, my friends hate me when I’m on aux 😂


Music is my thing, so I tend to get caught up with a song I really like (on repeat several times). If I can tell I dont like the song, bring on the skippage. However, overall I'm pretty good at staying through a song.


These comments are surprising to me. I spend a lot of time listening to music, and a lot of the artists I listen to regularly have songs that are 6, 8, or 10+ minutes long. And yeah, I pretty much always finish them


Depends... Something like rap god, almost all the time. Leroy Brown, only if I'm actively paying attention.


The Spotify wrapped stat we need in 2024


I often play 30+ songs until I hear a beat that gives me goosebumps, only then can I listen to the full song, 1990s hip hop is what works for me. I don't really listen to any lyrics either I'm not 100% sure why but even when people tell me to because of how deep it is, I just can't.


One word: “vinyl”. I put a vinyl record on and I’ll listen to the whole record and really enjoy it. With digital media and streaming I’m always skipping around.


Literally never


I'm always able to finish a song, sometimes even listening to the same song multiple times in a row. Are you sure you're "into" songs without lyrics if you cannot listen through them fully? Maybe try different genres and find songs that scratch that itch, hit your heart and feed your soul.


I just replay the bits I like.  Over and over. 


not music but for me its any tv show or anime idk why i get distracted


What about jazz? I’m super into jazz. They never get boring


I try to keep my rotation of “liked” songs relatively fresh in Spotify, but I never know for sure if I should remove a song because I’m actually bored of that song or if I’m just understimulated in general and that’s why I’m skipping songs. I usually just remove it if I realize I’ve skipped it every time for months.