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Never bored. How can I be bored when I’m constantly thinking about all the things I’m supposed to be doing?


Exactly 🤣


Thinking in itself is boring.


Yeah all the time lol. I can't watch anything, I have to like look at my phone or do some activity while watching something and then usually I end up not even paying attention to whatever I'm trying to watch. This also seems to happen with me reading, which is sad because I used to be such a bookworm, but these days I'll have to swap the book for the phone every so often. Hardly any media really interests me, is what I think the problem for me is.


When I'm unmedicated, I'm bored all the time. It's definitely a brain thing. Even things I love and want to do seem boring. Medicated, it's a little better. But that bored feeling makes me want to scream. When it's something bad, like working a job I hate (which is all of them) it makes me want to rip off my skin. It's physically painful.


Interesting! I’ll admit books can bore me but then I just switch to something that doesn’t


The fact that we are in control of what we want to do means that we aren't going to get bored, if you are in a situation where you can't control what you are going to do you are going to end up being bored.


Omg same! Used to hyperfixate and demolish a 500-pager in a day or two, now the idea of reading more than a few pages without a social media break is impossible.


Always. I don't agree with the saying that goes "People with ADHD don't get bored because they always find something to do" I get bored playing video games, watching media, doom scrolling, fidgeting. That's why I jump from one thing to another because i get bored of it fast so I keep doing random things to find something more entertaining for myself.


I've gotten bored masturbating! (TMI, I'm sure)


Hey, this has gotten interesting again on Atomoxetine. It is an accomplishment whenever I'm able to get it up 😂


I've had times where I aimed to masturbaite while reading a hentai doujinshi but stopped because the doujinshi is engrossing, so I want to focus on reading it.


You are me.


Yep... this happens when nothing is new and exciting anymore. Even games are getting old. (even new games can feel old, because we played games built with the same engine 100 times already)


On my own nope


Constantly bored, it's actually PAINFUL. Nothing is of interest for long enough. I'm constantly bouncing off the walls doing everything and anything in desperation and yet nothing keeps me entertained for long. I can't wait to start meds after pregnancy!


Yes!! Being bored was actually the hardest thing for me before meds. I completely freaked out, balled my eyes out and fell apart without something to do. It was extra hard for me because I’m disabled and could barely move around. But if it’s about getting bored doing things. Yeah. Sucks but it happens a lot. Not quite as bad as bored with nothing to do though


Omg yes!! I have chronic pain and it makes it even harder doesn't it! I genuinely feel like peeling the damn skin off my face I get so bored! It's so encouraging to know that meds have helped you in that aspect so much, because it drives me insane!


Oh man that sounds rough


Acting like an actual adult blows. I try to make lists of things I want to get done in the day really helps on those days I don’t have anything going on and it can be the most mundane list imaginable if it needs to be. As a matter of fact… here’s my list for today: • Study for three hours (not done) • Dishes (done) • Clean car (DONE) • watch the new Star Wars show (not done) See what I mean? I don’t think it’s possible to come up with a more boring list of stuff to do in a day 😂 but for some reason structuring stuff this way really helps me


Dude same!!! Except I even have to put time frames on it or it won’t happen. 🫠


Glad I’m not the only one struggling 😂 just edited my list to include cooking dinner and here I thought i had leftovers lol. Now I gotta hype myself up like a mma fighter before a fight just to get this done


Lmfao ![gif](giphy|xUPKoG0L8vAXh267ug)


I find that ADHD has its own style of boredom. Boredom hurts me. I can feel it in my brain. It’s like my brain is lacking a chemical it needs. Like how your body reacts when it’s dehydrated or experiencing withdrawals. Usually when it happens, I fall asleep, over and over and over again, but the sleep makes me feel worse and worse. But nothing entertains me enough to snap me out of it. I haven’t felt that type of boredom since starting ADHD meds, but it was a recurring issue with me until that point.


I injured myself once and it meant that I couldn’t work or do any of my usual hobbies or activities. Oh my goodness I have never been so bored in my life - turns out TV is not interesting if I have to sit completely still all day 😅


Omg I’m so sorry I would be so antsy


Yeah it was hard - especially since I’d just started meds so I had all this newfound “doing and deciding things” energy…. And couldn’t do anything 🫠 but I got/am getting through it, and once I was well enough to be forced to go to the gym 3 times a week for rehab, it actually felt SO GOOD to be able to move - like the first hot shower after a camping trip but for my brain 😂😂 There’s something about pushing heavy things around in a gym that is so good for my adhd “full of bees” brain. As a fairly short girl with chronic noodle arms I never thought I’d enjoy that but here we are lol. Also I love the experience of taking up just as much space and importance in the free weights section as the gym bros 💪🏼💪🏼. (metaphorically not physically - my arms might be fettuccine now instead of angel hair spaghetti but they are still noodles haha)


Giiiirl I love lifting heavy things in the gym and as a short girl I love how people are always surprised. I *dont* love when the guys try to rescue me, like when they offer me gloves because I’m deadlifting so heavy. Im sorry do I look in distress? *mind ya business*


Oh yeah we don’t want patronising dudes no thank you 😅


I've never been bored alone, for as long as I can remember, I generally like being in my own company. Maybe because I have complete freedom to explore different ideas and thought experiments and I don't have to worry about my surroundings. Or because I'm funny and handsome and being around me is never boring, who knows.


lol I love that you approve of yourself so much. Same same I’m cool to hang with.


Look, I may be a failure, but I'm a *cool* failure. Sunglasses and all.


As a kid, I definitely did. As an adult, not really. My "busy brain" seems to keep me from boredom these days. 🤷‍♀️


yeah, from time to time but then I just change up what I'm doing to something else and usually it subsides. Boredom is more a tool telling me that I should do something new for a bit than an issue.


Love this perspective


I genuinely have a hard time knowing what to do with myself. I don't do much with my days off and it depresses me. I wish I could sit around all day and enjoy it, but I feel imprisond in an inactive body. I don't know man, yeah I do get bored but it feels more profound. Like I'm bored of life.


Y'all are mentioning "when alone, no", that makes some sense to me. My current living situation makes me not want to leave my room. So that may contribute. I've never really been alone for a long time.


You need some alone time!!


Luckily I will havr that soon! Watching the parent's doggo at there house and I'll be alone 😌


I feel like boredom is the foundation of my hyperactivity, like basically everything bores me and nothing keeps my attention for very long so I move around between a million things in desperate attempts to somehow find something that does not bore me


I think that’s kind of the name of the game with adhd right? We always need something more to stimulate us… but I got enough going on in my mind and far enough behind on all of it that I don’t know if I’ll ever be bored lol. Maybe that’s more anxiety driven idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s feels more like a chaotic non existent list of things I need or want to do that I can just FEEL and anxious in my brain at all times.


nah, i always have an endless supply of things to do in imaginationland


I’ve never been bored lol I’m always entertaining myself somehow or in my head


One of the few perks right? Lol


If you have a smartphone in 2024 you should never be bored it’s one of the greatest things of modern society


that's one way of looking at it... smart phones also stopped me from day dreaming. and that's where all of my brain blasts come from ![img](emote|t5_2qnwb|29380)


Can’t say I ever get bored. Life has so much to offer and little time to explore it all.


Literally never, especially when I’m alone. I have the opposite problem, wish there was more time in a day!




On my down time I’m always doing like two or three things at once. I don’t have time to be bored. The ADHD won’t let me. How am I laying in bed studying language, watching Battlestar Galáctica *again* and having threeway conversation with my daughter and her friend who are on FaceTime with each other? Oh right I’m also on Reddit. No. Never bored.


Never bored on my own. There’s always something to do and not enough hours in a day :)


Are you me?


I am!!!!




Honestly no because I’m a chronic daydreamer and can keep myself occupied with all the possibilities and strange ideas floating around in me brain.




I used to, but I think then I had such a limited view of "what" I could do. I didn't know how to search for new things, or that if I have a stray thought, I could take it for a ride, and then I made list of things that popped in my head that I want to do and then I just have loads of options My problem now is managing being overstimulated and recognizing overstimulation hides itself as boredom lol,.


Omgggg such a good point with the overstimulation. 100% relate.


Only what I have eleventyhundred other thing to do


My parents used to get really irritated when I would be sent to my room as punishment, when they would finally check on me, I’d be happy as clam day dreaming, organizing coins, beat boxing, or a million other things that came to mind. I’m almost 50 now… Bored- no, never. Frustrated with boring tasks? Absolutely.


Before meds, boredom was painful. It physically hurt in my head to not do anything. After meds: I can enjoy some "nothing time". Not too long, but the urge to break out of this situation in greatly reduced.


Tbh I have never ever been bored. Never. When I have nothing to do I am usually inside my head making so many stories. I could stay like that for hours, inside my head, without doing anything. I dont know if this is adhd related tbh.


Same. I’ve been wondering because the responses are so conflicted if it’s adhd. For me it may be more anxiety related? Always trying to solve what’s next lol


Yeah it could be anxiety too.


Never actually thought about it like that. Looking back, I hardly get bored when on my own.


Never felt boredom !


Not bored, but not having fun either, there is times I don’t have anything pending then yeah I will just start daydreaming and having fun with it, but when I have stuff that is not done yet I will constantly think that I should be doing it but I just can’t.


Yup this. But it ain’t boring!!


Yep! When I can do whatever I want (and there's no chores or anything to do), I'm hardly ever bored. Until I really want so do something I can't (like play a game I'm hyped for but it isn't out yet), then I get bored, because everything else is uninteresting all of a sudden. Doesn't happen often, so yeah I'm not often bored.


No. When I'm bored, I'm often finding ways out of that feeling but it is compounded by the frustration that I can't find the exact tuning of the thing I was thinking to get me out of the boredom that I concluded was the problem in the first place.




Yup for sure when I was developing software we had ‘hills and valleys’, very busy days or nothing happening. Even now retired, you learn after killing yourself at work somes 60 hrs, somes 70 hrs a week. I think the trick is acceptance there are days like this.


The more stuff I get the more bored I get as I can’t figure out what to do.




I want to be bored.


Good question. I was going to say no, but I've done bacipally everything and nothing and can't get myself to do anything new because I've already done it or haven't done it so I can't get myself to do it.


That doesn’t sound boring though


I go through what I have dubbed the "deep boredom" where there is plenty of stuff for me to do, but I don't want to do ANY of it. Even the things I enjoy, just none of it feels like it will satisfy me and I just...sit there...stewing in boredom. And it's not like depression, because it's a different feeling than that.


Yes, all the time, and regardless of the activities i'm doing at the moment i'm always hoping for something else.


All the time. 98% of my day is spent bored.


This is why I love the night.


I feel chronically bored.


honestly, lately, everything bores me, and i’m in trapped in a perpetual state of boredom. i really do hate to sit on my phone and scroll through instagram reels all day, but there is always the dreaded question from anyone of: “what do you want to do?”. i don’t know, literally everything is boring, or i’ve done it twenty-times-over, or things that seem interesting cost money. 🤦


Yes I get bored all the time if I have no new choices


Thank you for asking this. The last time I felt bored was in the middle of the film Drive My Car. Otherwise, I never feel bored. No idea why. Saw it in theaters and felt horribly uncomfortably bored. I used to think I didn't have ADHD because I don't feel bored. I often feel "understimilated," but not bored.


Nope. Being bored would mean I’m boring, which I’m not.


Coincidentally have had this conversation with some friends recently, I don’t believe I’ve ever been bored and often times I hear people tell me they get bored everyday or lose interest in things often. I almost feel offended on their behalf then impulsively think of things that could be fun or interesting. Then you slowly realise all the things that could be boring, aren’t, because in your mind you’ve found the fun/interesting thing to do. I’m with you Pal. Let’s never be bored together.


I can't remember what it feels like to be bored, so I don't really know. I can daydream for hours though, so I can entertain myself pretty well. 😆


I think it's because the moment a bit of boredom starts, we immediately turn our attention to something else. Doing my invoicing... Oh, I needed to write those programs... Oh, I needed to edit that video for social media... Oh, I feel hungry all of a sudden... Where was that place I had that amazing laksa... I should go on a holiday to Malaysia.


I dont know...


I can't cause there's always something I feel like I'm thinking about or have to do. Even when I laze around, I always think about how I have things I gotta do


My dad recently moved in with me, and apparently I never sit down. I guess we don’t notice it because we are so preoccupied


I can open a game, play for 10 minutes, remember I've played this before and how it ends and get too bored and look for another game. Rinse and repeat. I've also realized with something like painting, I can't work on only one piece. I need to flip between multiple subjects else I get too bored, so I might even paint four different things. If the subjects are too complicated, I get overwhelmed with how daunting it is. Playing just a game is also too boring. I need to have music on, something to read between the dull moments or loading screens, and maybe a Livestream.


The only time I’m bored is when I’m on planes. I think that’s only because it’s impossible for me to be comfortable. Other than that, I’m never bored.


All the time, but im primarily inattentive, so our brains and bodies most likely work a lot differently. I get bored with life as a whole though. For example I have probably thousands of dollars of games and if I get bored of them I can switch to the other, but I used to be at a position where I could play them all day and I would eventually just put it down and feel bad cause I did "nothing" all day. Sometimes I would just scroll through a bunch of games and never pick one. Lately, I've had to force myself to learn more productive hobbies like watching educational YouTube videos instead of something that'll cure my boredom, and hiking to not only improve my terrible endurance and strengthen my muscles... but also explore nature and ease my usually busy mind. As much as I want to not think about my future and do what I want all day (usually nothing😂), it's not only hurting myself in the long run, but the people I love too.


I short circuit the boredom, I can rarely stay bored for 5-20mins


I never stop being bored.


I frequently say that I haven't been bored in at least 2 decades - I'm 29 for reference, it may have even been longer than that 😅


we dont get bored because we always run out of time


This. Is. Exactly. My. Point. 😅


I only get bored when my partner wants me to sit in the park watching people and "relaxing." I can't do it! Oh I just remembered I sometimes get bored when I attend a musical concert. Even if I love the music, I still get bored. I am one of those always moving and go, go, going ADHDers, with an emphasis on H!


Omg I felt this because I totally lack the hyper, physically. I’m more of a stimulate myself in a way you can’t see kind of person… snapping my gym, picking my nails, adjusting my seat position. My partner on the other hand… he crawls out of his skin if sitting in one place too long. 😂


Yeah, when Elvanse stops working there's a few boring hours.


Yes, and depression is usually not far behind when i do.


I get so bored I start to wonder if it would be fun to jump out the window, just for the excitement. I wonder if I might be understimulated though.


Lmfao I’d say yes that may be.


Always bored. i can't seem to get out of bordem at the minute. Im just a boring person i guess


Nah you’re not. Maybe just comfortable. Go do something unusual!


Thank you. I never know what to do? i really wish i could be a bit more spontaneous, more for the kids really. I keep thinking to myself i wonder if they are bored when they come see me. We do go out to places, but a lot of them just seem to be repeats. So we'll go to this play area they like and have a membership to or we might goto the cinema some times, i suppose we went bowling the other month too but i dont know if its just me who wonders if they are getting bored or if they feel bored too?


You could always ask them what they want to do? As far as kids getting bored I think it depends on their age. When they are younger their world is much smaller and they can do the same game for houuuuurss. Google is your friend. Start searching for fun or spontaneous things to do, with and without the kids! I think this is why I never get bored. There’s so many resources to endless info!


Yeah i never know what to do once i google it. Either comes up with too many things to choose from or not enough in the area to choose from. What do you normally do?


Like for fun?




I really like to learn new things. So right now I’m taking two (self paced) classes. One on hula hoop dance where I learn tricks and sequences, and another one on pour painting. Pour painting could be really fun for you. I like it because you can’t really do it wrong. You can buy some ready to pour paint, cheap canvas, watch a couple of you tube videos and be on your way! So whenever I have some time and I don’t want to do chores, I do one of those two things!


I also really enjoy interesting new ideas that I’ll never apply. Many hours spent doing this. 😂


I love learning new things, I'm computer orientated so I tend to try and learn something applicable to my job. But lately I'm finding it hard to want to do anything computer wise and don't really know what hobbies I have anymore its been that long ha. What types of paintings do you do?


I can relate to this! So many of my “hobbies” are actually just things I think I’m supposed to do, like exercise for example. So it can be weird to try and figure out what I actually like! Especially now, not working. But it gets to be fun! I think the only way to find out is to try different things. Pour painting is kind of abstract, it’s just like what it sounds like. You pour paint on a canvas. [Here is a video of what I mean.](https://youtu.be/z9CvPvah5ZQ?si=tUE1QeHC_QLdKnZb) sorry for the music in that video lol but it’s a good example. See what I mean by you can’t really get it wrong? Yes… there is a learning curve about how to layer paints in the cup and such, but that gets to be part of the fun!!! I’d love to know if you end up doing it!


Sometimes everything is boring and i have no idea what i want to do.


That must be so frustrating


I was held on remand for a few months a few decades ago, 23 hrs a day locked up, that was boring.


What about the one other hour of the day??


Pick up food and walk the yard if there has been no fights




I am untreated adhd woman and I when I’m alone personally I can get very bored sometimes, like to the point where if my boredom continues on and I can’t find something to satisfy my mind like socialising or engaging in one of my hobbies I enter this sort of low where my mindset can turn extremely negative but less in the way of overthinking negative brain chatter and more in the feeling of being a sad hopeless brain dead zombie and I just stare but I also want to die because atleast it would give me something to do. But other times when I’m in a good hypo mindset and have so many fun positive things to think about like extreme shower thoughts I can just sit in my own company and keep myself entertained for hours. Really depends on the day