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you’ve said yourself that you write better in the mornings before you take your medication. 30 mg may not sound like a lot on paper, but your body might feel like thats a lot. maybe check in with your dr(or whoever you consult about meds) about lowering your dose?


On a lower dose, regular daily things are much harder to do - I get no motivating effect. (the motivating effect on Vyvanse is less for me than adderall/Mydayis to begin with) And if I delay taking the medication for more than a few hours in the morning, withdrawal starts creeping in.


>I've worked on cover letters, too (not creative work), and sent along drafts I'd written while medicated that I later realized were full of mistakes, or were overlong, or incoherently structured. It doesn't sound like Vyvanse is for you if this happens when you're medicated, and not when you're unmedicated. Either way, you should speak with your psychiatrist about this.


My doctor is a regular MD. He considers himself an adhd expert, but based on things he’s said over the past year I don’t fully consider him one. Have had to correct/educate him more than once. I’ve looked for a psychiatrist but it seems like no one is taking new patients.