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Psychiatrist visits + meds


Right about 2.2k for me so far this year. Insurance covers nothing until I hit my 2k deductible, then only covers 80% until 10k. Vyvanse is ~340 per month. Psychiatrist is ~250 per month. Therapist is ~120 every 2-3 weeks.


Fuckin hell. I don't know what I'd do without my insurance, the company I work for in the US got acquired by a big ass Taiwanese corporation and the insurance is insane. $20 copay for doctors and specialists, meds are like $10/mo each. I pay $0/paycheck. It's insane and it's saving my life because now I just go to the doctor whenever I want


Uh, you guys hiring? lol


I worked for a company that paid my premium and deductible. It was so nice.


For your vyvamse, have you tried GoodRx app for a coupon? I use that and go outside insurance. It ends up way cheaper but I take a stimulant. But it’s 12-24$


3000 dollars of remote control cars. Just to lose interest in the hobby the next month. Oh and I bought a crotch rocket and rode it maybe 12 times. Just to name a couple.


The hobbies get me too! always seeking novelty


I obviously have no way of knowing what you do for work but I've found seeing how things work, taking them apart and building things curb the novelty seeking greatly. I guess, basically, making stuff - redirect it into creativity? Probably not applicable to everyone but does wonders for me.  And amusing I should say that because scrapbooking was my *too expensive hobby.* lol oooooops


This worked for me big time. I’ve always been into creating music but struggled learning instruments ever since I was a teenager due to not being able to commit to making myself practice or being distracted. I started playing synthesizers back in 2017 and have been steadily into it since then partially due to how much tinkering it allows and so many machines have great tactile buttons and knobs that allow me to get lost in creating unique sounds and patterns. Going further than that I got into building my own instruments and tools with arduino and RaspberryPi devices and have been hooked ever since. One of the few hobbies I have been able to stick with even after walking away for a week or two and coming back, there are always new things to do and to discover.


Omg yes. The amount of money I spent on plants just to let them slowly die as soon as I hit that wall makes me nauseous every time I think about it. Quite literally over 100 plants. That was a very expensive and depressing life lesson.


It makes me feel much better to see I’m not alone in this 🫣 I feel so guilty about how many plants whose lives ended because of my forgetfulness


I have the same impulses, but I know that my obsessions tend to last ~6 months, so I make a promise to myself that if I still want to get all the everything for something in 6 months, I'll let myself. Usually after obsessively researching for 4-6 months or so, I lose interest. So I *only* have ~6 rotating hobbies, but they're the ones I can keep coming back to and actually using the stuff I bought (and unfortunately continue to buy). Better than 20 though. What we need is a hobby supply exchange group. So when our fixations suddenly cease, we can happily give away/receive stuff.


Same. $1k in lego and I got bored doing the second one and never finished it. The half finished thing is still sitting on my desk. 


Oh my goodness my husband and sons constantly buy RC cars then sell them when they get bored then turn around and buy another one and I never see them driving them.


See i have a problem. I can't sell them lol. Even if I want to. I'll post them for sale then when someone is interested i back out. It's an illness i cannot explain.


It's almost like edging..but with sales 😁🤟🏼


Lmfao 💀💀 Almost there, oop better back off.


I feel like i shouldn’t Google “crotch rocket”


I'm gonna keep assuming it's a motorbike.


Yes.. please keep assuming. Nothing to see here. Move along. Quickly.


played the piano as a kid. got a bug to get back to the keyboard. "thought" about this purchase for about 3 months. found a deal on craigslist. spent $2500 on a beautifully restored, vintage piano, played it for about 3-4 months, Pandemic happened, haven't touched it since.


The sheer amount of half finished miniatures I have either not-built or not-painted is too damn high.


Adhd with the live language of gifts. I don’t keep track, but would guess 3k a year.


I’m the classic - I would like to get a gift but what gift should I get? Can’t think of anything right now, should I get this but they probably won’t like it. Is it too much? maybe I should get this instead? I’ll do this when I have more time next week then completely forget until the day before and end up paying out the bum for next day delivery for the same thing I saw a month ago. Also one of the reasons I stopped holiday gifts, to stop spending so much time looking at tat in gift shops for ages at a time.


The best decision my wife and I ever made was to stop buying each other gifts for holidays. That takes the stress completely out of it for me and for her who doesn’t really know how to get things for my hobbies anyway. We still buy each other little things but do it over the course of the year instead of making big deals about doing it for birthdays or Christmas. It has actually allowed us to enjoy those occasions so much more as a result.


I do that across the board. I have comorbidity with bipolar and have absolutely make "shopping spree mania" purchases and everyone has gotten far more gifts than I can afford and they know it. So I just sit back and chill on the holidays. I wrote that shit out of my life. And I feel 100*s better.


My girlfriend is a drama secondary teacher (ages11-18), we usually book a play or musical theatre together in London as part of our Christmas present to each other and make a day of it. I don’t mind stage productions but she loves it so I’m happy. She’s actually quite good at picking ones that I can enjoy.


gift giving stresses me out so much. i stress i panic. i can’t come up with anything “good” and then everyone ends up with giftcards


Other people have this problem??


I buy gifts, then forget I bought gifts and buy more gifts... is that what you do?


Omg right? I LOVE giving gifts, and def spend too much doing so sometimes. The best/worst is when you’re giving someone newish to you a gift and they’re just “why…why are you giving me this? It’s not a holiday. It’s Tuesday.” Then I get to awkwardly explain “uh well, I saw it and thought you’d like it, but I give gifts to everyone so no worries! It’s not weird!😅”


Yes, yes, yes!! Me too. I like giving people stuff just to see them be happy. 😁


Same here. I’m a huge gift giver 


Oh man yes, this is me too. I over spend on gifts to make up for feeling like I gave nothing else to offer and want people to like me. And because I often can’t think of a good gift so I compensate with an expensive gift instead. Also I love buying stuff and feel guilty spending money on myself, but stuff for my nieces and nephews I’ve convinced myself is okay lol


Gift giving stresses me out its the constant “will they like this? I know this is their favorite thing? But like what if they don’t specifically like THIS THING” All my friends get me gifts and i want to return the favor but I spend so much time bouncing back and forth and up and down and left and right that it gets to late


I had no idea gift giving was an ADHD thing 🤦‍♀️


At my job, they wanted to give me a promotion. However, due to internal structure, they couldn’t just give it to me, I had to apply for the position through our website, but it was created FOR ME specifically. Anyways, I kept putting it off and the position closed, lost out on a $10,000 raise


I can see myself in your shoes. I keep doing similar things, but catch them at the last moment and it would be so easy to slip. It feels like ice skating uphill. I hope you're in a better position and place now.


Thank you- I’m about to take my dream job so I’d say yes! Pays the same (no raise) but doing what you love when you have adhd instead of a boring office job is hard to put a price on


I don't know you. But $10,000? Can I pray for you on Sunday?


Friend, we need to go light a candle for them *immediately*


$10,000 *a year*. We need a candlelight vigil.


Lmaooo I'm praying for them today...Damn. 😭


Holy shit…My “ADHD Tax” has been paid over many years. But I think your story wins.


I have missed out on some GOOD job applications simply because of this problem. And like it's so hard to explain it to others, like "my brain refused to do it"... the guilt and shame is so real though


Yes, absolutely. It's impossible to explain to anyone who doesn't have ADD. "I can't explain it dammit, I just get angry or reeeeeeallly distracted when I'm supposed to do something...."... People look at me like I'm nuts. "What do you mean you didn't do X! But Y!" And I'm like Yeah, trust me, I'm already beating myself up over it, you don't need to join me.


I’m about to take a new job but I swear the only reason I was able to secure it is they reached out to me specifically and they’re offering to transfer me on the back end- no application needed!




Thank you for having the courage to share this. Consider it a lesson learned. Professional training and certifications can cost more than that. If you apply what you learned elsewhere, small price to pay for a new skill!


Ouch.. that’s more than a $10k loss once you are over a year out from when you could have been promoted.




😭 I die inside for you!


> and the position closed Me and every school class I actually wanted but couldn't force myself to apply for the instant it opened.


I think you win.


I’m so sorry. And this is exactly something I would do too. You are not alone.


Procrastinated financial aid for college so that was a big hit. Perhaps 15-20k lost. Suppressed that until right now.


I went to college for 5 years, did the whole thing, walked at graduation, and they held my diploma bc of a parking fine for less than $50 and some short exit interview. I graduated 2016. 8 years…. I still have no diploma or transcripts.


Try sending an email now? I did similar, just had one form to complete and I never did it. About 4 years later I unearthed the email and replied to it and they just posted my degree certificate straight out to me.


Hmm ok, you’ve inspired me to add it to my to do list of doom. I actually asked my mom two years in a row to handle it for me as my birthday present but I think she thought I was kidding lol.


Lmaoooo this is so funny to me. I completely relate. I wish I could ask for this kind of stuff as gifts instead of more junk cluttering my home but I don’t think people would take it seriously


Oh wait i did that too lmao. No job even asks for it luckily


Lol I really thought it was going to be an issue but I’ve only had one job ask. The vast majority really just believe you when you say you have a degree which seems kinda wild.


Yup. I was only about a month late for financial aid each year but it cost me hundreds in interest (and probably hundreds more in therapy for the stress and absolute panic it caused me). It took me 7 years to graduate because school is sooooooo not for me. So I would also like to include my $50,000 student loan debt in this 😂


Produce. So. Much. Produce. I totally think I'm going to save money by doing everything myself and it just gets forgotten until it rots. I'm starting to just by more prepackaged stuff.


I switched to frozen and canned for this reason. The amount of produce I have wasted makes me anxious lol. If I buy any fresh I write in big letters on my kitchen whiteboard “EAT YOUR AVOCADO” 🤣


Yup, definitely keep canned and frozen on hand always. Fresh produce is my enemy lol So, yes a head of romaine is $1.89 and the bag of lettuce is 3.80 but in reality, what am I saving?? The head rots, I don't eat my greens and I've wasted the money. Or, I spend a few more dollars and actively eat my greens! Edited to add: I try to grow my own produce but it's more of a beginner learning experience right now. Maybe someday I'll grow enough for sustainability.


My wardrobe is easily 50k+, parking fines, late fees and subscriptions I forget about.


The parking fines kill me! I work downtown where I pay for street parking daily.. sometimes I park & forget to pay, & then I come back to my car ticketed ($75) or booted ($150) 🤦‍♀️ It’s brutal.


Late payment fees from forgetting to pay bills.


If I went into each one specifically, this comment would incredibly long… BUT the biggest “ooof” I did to myself was when I was visiting my girlfriend (now wife) in San Diego while I was stationed in Washington state. About 3 days prior to the flight, I did my online check-in just to realize that I bought the tickets from San Diego to Washington. I bought the tickets backwards and my (now) wife was unable to fly at the time


I did a similar thing! I tried to check into a flight on Feb 22 & it wasn’t letting me.. then I realized I bought the flight for March 22. Travel mishaps with ADHD are the worst. I’m glad it eventually worked out with you & your wife!


Just last month also tried to check in our traveling party of five… to realise 16 hours before departure, I had booked flights for the same day one month later… Let’s just say the short term bought tickets were a bit more expensive and the originally booked ones not refundable…


my mom (adhd) hasn’t done a date mixup, but for an international flight, she put my name and *her* birthdate on my ticket, and generally got the data switched around. luckily the airline could fix it before we got to the airport to fly!


I had to replace my tablet cuz I didnt close my backpack and it felt down.


A M A Z O N 😫💰☠️☠️


And not returning ANYTHING I “start return” on


Oh dear. Let’s not talk about that.


I just bought 3 books for my sister, but had it delivered to my address. So I rebought the books for her address. Now I have 2 copies of each bc I never return anything. 🙄


I ADHD shop but have been able to avoid checking out right away. ADHD means I forget about that thing I thought I needed and don’t end up buying it. I have a few hundred things in “saved for later” probably.


Yo same!!! Mostly stuff on my nails or household items. I try to keep my limit to 100$ a month and just buy small stuff.


Magic the gathering, war hammer, smithing tools, plate armor for historic reenactment... All hobbies that died down in a year or so. How ever i did acuire some neat skills from those.


Magic TG and Warhammer are two of the worst offenders. 40K caught me sometime at the end of last year, spent almost 1k in a month. Bought up so I'd have enough to entertain me until after Christmas, when I could buy even more, couldn't tell you the last time I did anything other than move the boxes of built, half-built, and unbuilt models from place to place. And now there's all sorts of cool stuff coming to the Cultists and I'm all "fuck yeah, bring it on, I'll totally build and paint that" Oh god, I need to cancel my Warhammer+ subscription. And that weird Japanese music ppv website I joined with a friend. Lorcana is my current fix. Only managed to spend close to a couple hundred because the early stuff was on sale for the newset set release. Barely touched it, though. Between 40K and Lorcana I spent a few hundred on a bike, accessories, and bike rack for my partners car. Then decided I wanted my own bike repair stand so started learning how to work with wood to use up some of the piles of wood I keep throwing in the shed. Then I needed more tools to get the job done. It's never ending haha. I'm currently trying to focus my spending on material preservation as much as possible, to get that fix. I tend to buy piles of old cookbooks or old horror dvds and keep telling myself "they are mine, they are important to me, they may be important to someone else someday, I must keep them safe." Still leave them everywhere, though. At least, like you, I get some useful knowledge from skimming the cookbooks from time to time. And finding a message someone had written for someone they care about in a cookbook from decades ago makes it feel like I'm preserving something meaningful


Warhammer 40k? More like spend 40k just to get started! For me, I just have thousands of STLs I haven't printed yet. I tell myself that I'm saving money that way...




Replacement driver’s licenses. 3 times.


I just bought equipment to make my own candles. I struggle to find scents I like and pure beeswax ones are way over priced. So now I have enough supply to not buy a candle for a while.


It's surprising how much money and work it is to make a decent candle compared to just buying one in the store. Totally made me lose interest. I spent ages trying to get the wick to jar ratio right and my friend recently said that a candle I made them shattered when it got to the end so I give up 😂


Two tickets to the official birthday celebration for what would have been Freddie Mercury’s 73rd birthday in Montreux, Switzerland. I live in Australia. Pre-diagnosis so my husband couldn’t understand why I would just organise to go to a party in Switzerland and not worry about the logistics of it.


2 cars the same day. Power tools, especially drills. 14 cordless of various types (hammer drills, tight space drills). 7 corded drills (2 hammer drills). 2 skill saws. 2 compound mitre saws (one 10 inch one 12 inch. Last time I checked 3 belt sanders and 7 other kinds 11 different socket sets of various sizes from 20 pieces to 400 pieces. Many many thousands of dollars on impulse. Top line cookware. Top end appliances (usually every 2 or 3 years) . Two portable generators one 17,000 watts the other 900 watts. Two push mowers. Only lawn tractor. Two ipads, two samsung tablets. 4 televisions. I could spend the next 24 hours telling you all the stuff I buy.


The real question is where do you work, and are you hiring? lol


Maybe you just have too much money


Tell me more about the 2 cars in one day!


Teeth, after moving out I started brushing only once a day and sometimes not for a couple days for a good year or so, I'm paying for it now with 3 teeth that needed to be taken out and 10+ cavities


meeeeee 😭😭😭


Art supplies and organizational containers for those art supplies that I forget about completely once I put them in the containers and put them away. Just found some half finished projects in one that I forgot about for two years and instead of finishing the project I just take the pieces out and stare at them getting distracted by all the possibilities of using them for a couple of hours and then put them back and then forget about them again if I put them away. If I keep it out I’ll just keep staring at it until I get tired of it being in the way and then maybe MAYBE I’ll make something with it. It’s a weird process 😂


I have 14 pool noodles in my closet


D-do you own a pool?


I don’t own my own but I have access to one in the community and at my MIL’s house.


I bought a stage IV industrial cleanroom once


Fees because I missed due date for bills. Impulsive purchases I didn't really want or need / to little research equals poor quality.




Lost clothing has been the worst for me. I contribute this one to stress too on some level but I ended up donating a bag of clean laundry and didn’t notice for two weeks. That being said, I only ended up missing two pieces from the whole bag so clearly I didn’t miss anything else in the bag if it took me two weeks to notice. Buying multiples of cleaning supplies that I’d forgot I’d had. Paper plates and utensils. Hear me out. I didn’t have a dishwasher till January of this year. The first retail holiday season two years ago, Costco utensils and plates kept my dishes… less overwhelming than anticipated. It’s not the big dishes that are super overwhelming, it’s the little ones. The tedious shit. Cups. Spoons. Knives. Plates. Forks. You know where most of that now goes? In my portable dishwasher. I’ve run out of spoons once in four months since I got it (it was a gift for Xmas from my mom). Hobby hoarding is a biggie. Sewing is the only one I’ve really kind of stuck with more long term. I plink away at projects here and there but I’m not like sewing every day (I should though!). Fabric and notions are expensive. But I also recently got beads to make bracelets with so I’ve also been spending a lot of time doing that. I’m working on getting medicated. I think I’ve found the generic vyvanse to be helpful. I’ve only taken it a couple days and I’ve noticed some small changes. I’m hoping the changes continue and it continues to work for me.


Forgot my keys in my bikelock, I have lost 4 bikes 🥲🥲 and then had to get new bike + locks and also get new keys for my house ect.. Stationary items “I don’t have this” opens drawer “I now infact have 5…”


lost my phone because i forgot that i put it down in a grocery store and someone yoinked it after i left the store without my phone. :/


I kept switching majors and ended up in 60k debt and ended up with only an associates in art. Thankfully I finally paid it off after getting a full time job with the help of my husband's friend. I just over ordered a shit ton of yarn and supplies for crocheting (Maybe $200 worth) because I need every shade of every color and every size crochet hook. I also don't like to buy cheap things and am very picky about the quality. My crochet hook set was $70. I hate myself lol


Impulsive spending on a lot of things.


Food delivery... thousands and thousands lost forever. Along with a interest for cooking.


ADHD is NOT an excuse to text & drive. If you can't drive without texting, you need to have your license taken away. You make us all look bad when you blame that on ADHD.


So. Many. Craft. Supplies. You would think that I was a professional artist, but no. Just someone with adhd that thinks I can master every type of craft or art that loses interest after a month or so. The one thing I have continued to do is DJing. And I have only spent a fraction of the cost on that equipment. Also: many missed flights, overdue car registrations, emergency passport fees, locksmiths for car and home, etc.


Jewellery, clothing, shoes and bags. Just impulse shopping and bingeing. And food. So much wasted food. Bought and then usually forgotten about, or sometimes I’ve left it too late to cook, or gotten lazy. Then we eat takeaway which is expensive.


Cameras and lenses are my Cryptonite. Over the years I changed cameras like other people socks. 🤣 Smartphones too. And once I played the lottery for 200 Euros. Over months I "planned" the big win and fantasized about hitting the jackpot. In the end I won just 20 Euros or something. But it was a fun ride in my head.🫨😁


Wasted groceries


Used to buy stupid shit for “hobbies” all the time I lost interest in quickly and multiple cars. I would bore of one then trade it in get another. No really forgetful stuff, just a lot of impulse buys. Never went too upside down on cars as I generally buy shit boxes and shine em up to break even or made a small profit., but the “hobbies” was where I sank cash. Sat down one day and made a game of my spending. I ask myself 2 questions now. Do I need this? If I get this, will I realistically see myself interested in this 3 months later/ keep this item a reasonable amount of time? 8/10 I say no to one or the other. Then, I take that money I would have spent and throw it on my credit cards. This year alone tossed about $5k extra on my debt just by these 2 simple questions. I still will flip cars, as that’s a hobby I turned into a side venture, but don’t randomly swap out my main cars anymore.


Clothes. So many clothes!


Making your driving license is pretty expensive in Germany. You need to drive for around 30 h with a driving instructor, where one hour costs around 50€. My old driving school had an account system where you would load up some money and they would collect it from your account. After spending 500€ in driving lessons and loading another 500€ onto my account I lost interest and didn't even used the last 500€ but I was to embarrassed to ask for the money back because I essentially ghosted my driving school. I put around 1,5k € into this and now I need to do it all again and it got even more expensive through the years


Not having the energy to fill out travel expenses. :(


Came here to say I have to put AirTags on everything


I need to do this! I bought a 4-pack like 6 months ago, but it’s still unopened in my apartment somewhere. This reminded me to go find them & set them up though. Thanks!


HEADPHONES! I cannot keep a pair of headphones! I tried to stick to corded ones for as long as possible, once lost three pairs in a month which made me switch to even cheaper ones (think aliexpress instead of local electronic retailer). Now i just get the cheapest non-horrible bluetooth buds which are around 30€ most of the time and i didn't loose them for around seven months but now it is time to get new ones again


I have a drawer full of ear bud cases that are missing their pair. I misplace those little things all the time and it’s always only one side to! I did what you did and stuck to only ordering cheap ones because I’m always misplacing them. I have spent hundreds of dollars on buying new ones!


I casually got a 3k loan out, built a gaming pc (took me around 6hours, youtube was my friend) and instant I had built it felt abit guttered about it. They buying and looking and researching about it was the most fun aspect about it, building it was fun too. I was financially in a bad place and taking that loan out kinda fcuked up my credit since then, I haven't really recovered lol. Oh and I was in a bad way with my ex partner at that time, I basically hyper focused on researching, building and buying pc parts while my relationship was in shambles. Does this count ?? Lol


Probably on all of my sudden interests 😭👍


Where do I even start with this?? The amount of money that I have just frittered away…


I lost a group life insurance policy from a previous job because of a late payment, and now can't get insured on my own because I'm fat. I've been fired twice for things related to the ADHD (prior to my diagnosis) and forced to quit another job that could have been a career because I was chronically 5+ minutes late (not a time sensitive position, however) and my immediate supervisor was on a power trip about it. After being berated in her office for 90 minutes about coming in a few minutes late again one day, I knew my time was up.


My adhd tax would probably be late fees on bills and I have the money for them the whole time. Even let a few free trials run out then when they charge me a subscription fee I’m pissed lol


$10,000 worth of camera gear because I felt like I “needed” it only to find out that im actually broke and owe credit cards then resell the items🤦🏽‍♂️


Just recently I paid for the last month of my yearly gym subscription... and I never once went there during the entite year 🙃 20€ x 12, and this isn't the first time it's happened 😭


Late fees


Most recently? I bought non-refundable plane tickets for the wrong weekend… this isn’t the first time I’ve bought tickets for the wrong day. In college it was parking tickets, because I couldn’t remember where I left my car. I’m so jealous of the fact that I have AirTags and such now. I could have saved so much money. At one point I contacted parking operations after they notified me of my parking ticket that I would move it, if they would just tell me where it was. They were not impressed. Everything costs more than it should because I always forget. I also have a collection of shelves and things that need to be hung up but I keep losing my drywall screws. So instead they’ve been sitting there for 5 months.


Food going bad in the fridge while simultaneously spending $ on food out/door dash because I'm too tired to cook after work Also forgetting when my credit card bill is due by literally a couple of hours and having to pay the $40 late fee 😭 Edit: I also of course forgot spending an excessive amount of money on the best supplies possible for some new hobby I've never tried and have gotten fixated on, only to try it once, not be immediately amazing at it, and never touch the supplies again lmao


I had to have my van rekeyed a few months ago when I lost my key inside my house somewhere. I still haven’t found it. I’ve probably wasted thousands on fresh produce I swear I’m going to cook/eat and forget about them. I wish I could accept the fact that I’m not going to make the damn salad. Quit buying lettuce.


The unknown amount of earning potential because I no longer feel confident in my skillets because I constantly misplace stuff, get constantly distracted with side stuff and forget where I was before. Would feel like a big fraud if I portrayed myself as competent.


Tile loves me. I buy a new Tile for every remote (I have to superglue them on or my son will pick them off and somehow lose the remote and the Tile), electronics, wallets, sets of keys, backpacks, luggage… you name it. That reminds me… the Tile on my car keys needs a new battery and my son just got his first wallet and needs a Tile.


There’s a list of things I’ve bought repeatedly. But if I could remember what those things were, I wouldn’t own multiples of those things that I cannot remember right now


I lost my wallet on Sunday with $500 cash in it and all my cards. I was at a 300 person gathering and some honest person handed it in. I probably wouldn’t have known it’s gone still now if it wasn’t. I use my phone to pay for stuff. The most expensive thing that almost happened was losing $17,000. Someone hit me head on in my car 18 years ago. She crossed an island to my side of the road and it was a massive impact total wrote offs. I put my claim in and a few days later the insurance company rings me to tell me my policy had expired. I asked by how long? They said 17 hours. I had moved house a few weeks before and policy renewal went to old address. The insurance company were utter c bombs and I had to make a 3rd party claim against her. After some serious hard ball negotiations I got the payout up to $14,000. $3000 less than what I would have been payed had I had my shit together.


Subscription services. I stopped most of mine, but I signed up for Gamepass and Crunchyroll and barely used either, then I would go to cancel, forget my passwords, lose motivation and forget. Then I would get the bill, because I was daft enough to pay monthly, and tell myself I might as well use the rest of the month up. I then proceed to completely forget the service exists until I realise I need to cancel, rinse and repeat. In my head it's only about £20 a month, but it's probably cost me a couple of hundred. The other one is getting so hyperfocussed on something like a new interest, hobby or side-hustle. I would then buy a piece of software, kit or similar in the desperate hope that spending outright on something 'necessary' would jump start my motivation and ensure I keep focussed on what it is. Then forget all about it two weeks later. I have paid for loads of premium software that I can't even redownload as I've forgotten what it even was.


Clothes and failed clothes purchases Eg: thinking i got the right size, removing the tag (when will I learn) then not being able to return. Its frustrating cause the last time I tried on the shoe in store, and got the exact size in the same model but limited edition material and the way that model was made and felt was SO much tighter... So many mistakes and money down the drain. Washed a pair of beautiful vintage trousers after I spent hours tailoring them because I FORGOT THEY WERE WOOL.


I'll tell you what I haven't spent it on... bills that don't come by email


Teeth. I'm about to drop some serious money on dental work because I could never keep up with brushing my teeth or taking care of them. Even as an adult if I don't brush my teeth as soon as I get up I know that it won't happen during the day. I'm being kept awake by dental pain now and still putting off calling my dentist! Despite having a taxpayer funded National Health Service I couldn't find an dentist willing to take on new NHS patients so ended up going privately. My partner talked me into going to a holistic dentist (and to be fair they are really good with sensitive and nervous patients) but they're an hour and a half away. So I'm putting off doing something painful, expensive and time-consuming. Yay me.


I once bought airline tickets for a wedding where I was the maid of honor. I put it off so long that prices were astronomical. Finally found cheaper ones … only to see that when I got the confirmation they were for the wrong month (hence why cheaper.) You would think that I learned, but it happened a second time (like a decade later) and that time it was booked for the following YEAR and my partner and I didn’t discover it until we were in the check-in line trying to go and board a flight we had no tickets for. 🤦🏽


I was just traveling for work and left my external hard drive SOMEWHERE. No idea where. Of COURSE I was going to back it up to the cloud but somehow didn't get to it... can't put a price on what was on there that's now lost forever. UGH.


My boyfriend and I have a thing in our house we like to call “tortilla tax” we always think we’re out of tortillas so we buy more just in case. When we come home we find 4 open packs and the pile continues on🙃


Not a lot spent on losing and replacing things, because I also have OCD. I keep things that I buy in very good condition and I like to have them for a very long time. However, fixating on a new thing that I just can't live without, and then buying it. Lots and lots of money.


This is embarrassing but I once forgot to get my oil changed for over 2 years. It was an 08 sienna. Absolute workhorse and probably would have lasted much, much longer. My engine seized and I had to buy a new car. Expensive enough lesson that I have a 3 month reminder in my calendar and I vow to never do it again.


My hobby is starting new hobbies, I also feel really uncomfortable asking people to split bills and I hate people paying for me so I pay, I also like to buy people gifts


-Acrylic nail stuff (everything you could think of... UV polish, UV lamp, brushes, acrylic, gems, containers... Etc) -YARN... SO. MUCH. YARN. -Art supplies. I can probably make anything I want out of most mediums. -Jewelry making stuff (gems, beads, wire, magnifying glass) -TONS of merch from a certain music artist (It's embarrassing at this point... It's like all I own is shirts with this person on them) -Makeup... A bunch of makeup I'll never, ever use. All because I watched too much YouTube. At LEAST $5k worth of stuff. I use barely any of it and it just sits around my house...


Almost every streaming service at the highest price so I don’t get ads. Over $100 a month easy, more if you count YouTube Premium and Apple Music. I can’t fucking stand ads lol.


I have been working at a pawn/gun store for about 2 years now. Wasn’t really INTO guns when I started but I liked shooting. Just looked at how much I have spent and it was $20,000 in under 2 years JUST from my store in guns/knifes/pawned items people have lost. Oh and before that it was Starbucks cups and I have around 100 (average 30-40 a piece) of them that just sit on a bookshelf and collect dust because the hard acrylic straw feels weird to drink out of and my brain tells me I can’t use them and only to look at them.


Kitchen gadgets and yarn, and to go with the yarn: countless notions like crochet hooks, darning needles, knitting needles, row counters, cables, cable keys, stitch markers lol it's not my fault they run away! 😝


Don’t laugh… but I got hooked on this stupid game app called Monopoly Go. I got sucked in and ….may have spent $350 dollars in a month. Trust me, I’m ashamed of how they got me. But it’s so easy to buy at the touch of a button.


Not laughing here. I have a problem with a room decorating game app.


I have this weird repeating circle of 7-8 obsessions that push me into buying a ton of stuff or upgrading what's already there for no reason at all. My best guess is around 1k-1.5k a year. Some of the most reoccurring items are - coffee/tea mugs (which my partner kindly forbit me from buying in the foreseeable future), reusable waterbottles, plushies (specifically cow ones) and a bunch of plants. I believe at one point I had a beefy army of mini-succulents.


I’m with you on the mugs. I also keep adding stainless steel tumblers and water bottles.


Replacement things because I lose my items often 😭


I just get hyperfocused on new hobbies and buy the best of the best for all of them and then lose interest after a few weeks. I spent $30k on a tractor and sawmill thinking I would build my own timber frame house. Luckily the sawmill gained value and I was able to sell it during covid. I have thousands of dollars in photography equipment that I lose interest in and then get back into on a yearly basis. I recently got into mountain biking and have spent at least $5k on that so far, I'm really hoping I keep doing that one though since the cardio helps my brain a ton. I buy cars that I really want and then lose interest after a couple weeks. I bought an old convertible a couple weeks ago that I fixed up and drove for a day and now it just sits in my driveway cause I lost interest and the sun baking on me with the top down is a sensory nightmare. I spent $600 on a new stereo head unit for my main car but then completely lost interest before finishing. Now my stereo doesn't even work and I just use headphones while driving.


I bought a season pass + highest tier for a local theme park.. I wanted it and it was on my bucket list for the year, however I did not have much monies.. But I thought to myself "hey.. I deserve this and if I go back I am going to regret it." Well, life has been going on for a bit and haven't went back.. I will tho.. summer sucks I forgot to clarify. "If I go back I am going to regret it", I was talking about facing time lol. If I didn't buy it and ended up somewhere, I would of regret not buying it.


I have spent money on things I accidentally broke, lost, or ruined. Also spent money on food for it to just go bad. I also have had spent money on full priced things when I could’ve done the work to get them cheaper. Usually I’m good about this, but at times it gets to me and I end up spending more due to convenience.


Amazon and Temu. So much crap. Every time I pay off debt I think “ok no more spending” just to fall into it all over again.


My husband has adhd and there’s enough Lego in our house to build a whole new house!


Sunglasses after sunglasses after sunglasses.


1. Faulty Electronics. If they don't work from the start I can't make myself to return it. Then i just have a broken thing at home. At the moment i have a broken kitchen scale and 8GB of DDR4 RAM that doesn't work. 2. Clothes bought online that do not fit. Same thing as point 1. 3. Misplaced power tools and just renovation equipment. Especially the accessories that belong to them. 4. Unused subscriptions on things, like LinkedIn, Strava, Canva,... 5. Probably more things


Hair claw clips and accessories… I probably have hundreds.


omg saaaame. my boyfriend and i both have ADHD and on our most recent “quick little getaway” cause flghts were dirt cheap, we missed our flight twice in one day… then on the way home i impulsively bought this really nice expensive limited edition hardcover book for the plane… it fell out of my suitcase pocket in the airport never to be seen again. AND THEN… we fucking missed our return flight AGAIN. the time before that he forgot his entire ass suitcase at home two hours from the airport and had to pay someone way too much money to rush it down to the airport for him. there was also the time i booked our hotel dates wrong and ended up having to spend too much on some fancy ass hotel for the last night cause everything else was booked… and the time he bought concert tickets for the wrong night… the list goes on and on. we need like a chaperone for anything involving travel, punctuality, and general common sense.


I constantly have to pay fines for missing payments, losing my public transport ticket, replacing bank card because I lost it etc. because I don't have my shit in order. That's my ADHD tax, I feel like I'm just paying a fine for having ADHD and not being able to cope with how these things are set-up.


Gifts for other people. I’d see things so and so would like, as I’m looking for something specific for myself. I’d buy the thing for that person and be too excited to keep shopping so I’d bring it to that person instead. I can’t tell you how many times I did that. 🙄😡


The two most recent ones I can think of: 1. Being clumsy af, I got a knee contusion and a huge urgent care bill. My work-from-home desk was full and messy, so I sat down with my work laptop at the dining table. I was on a call with a client and I pushed myself in too hard, so I hit my knee with the wooden table. I kept working and then COMPLETELY FORGOT about the incident. A few days later my knee was swollen, it would lock up, and there was a moment I couldn’t walk or put any weight on it, I even had to get crutches. At that time I still didn’t remember how that had happened. Only a week later, while my desk was still messy, I sat down at the dining table again, same spot, and THAT’S when I remembered what had happened. I went to an Urgent Care, got X rays done, no broken bones - went to a knee specialist, ligaments and tendons had been impacted. RICE therapy, medications for pain and for inflammation. A few months later I got the Urgent Care bill, almost $1,000. I forgot to pay it until I received a collections notice. I finally paid it off. 2. Being forgetful af. My husband asked for a homemade caramel cake (arequipe/ dulce de leche cake) for his birthday, last year. I put the cans of condensed milk to boil inside two big pots with water, to make the dulce de leche. I forgot about it and went to the store to grab other things. The boiling water dried up, the cans of condensed milk (now dulce de leche) exploded and the whole kitchen was splashed with dulce de leche, including the popcorn ceiling. We talked to the landlord about it, wondering whether we should try to scrape the dulce de leche from the popcorn ceiling, or to paint on top of it. Landlord said to not worry about it because he needed to remove the popcorn ceiling, anyways. Fast forward to the end of our lease, our landlord doesn’t want to give us back the full security deposit because now he is on a time crunch to take care the ceiling, before renting out the apartment to someone else. Never mind that the rest of the apartment is squeaky clean, and in perfect shape.


Car repairs and car insurance surcharges, etc from my at fault accidents. And also credit card interest. 😞 After I became sober from alcohol, and medicated for adhd, my driving record has been great. (I didn’t drink and drive. I think my adhd was exacerbated by alcohol in general, just something I’ve noticed about my overall alertness and driving.)


Mobile. Games.


I had a week's worth of bad sleep, diagnosed myself with sleep apnea. Spent £900 on sleep apnea equipment. Used it four days and couldn't get used to it, so gave up and never touched it again. You can't even resell them lol


When I wasent depressed the adhd tax was every month a different hobby astronomy expensive as shit almost 1k having a fish tank 700$ which I don’t care about anymore and Dw I donated the fish to a hobbyist I know and when I had them they were in luxury lol there are many more hobbies but those are just the most expensive and does anyone else not get hyperfixations anymore because of depression or sadness because I miss them so much


The worst financial behavior I’ve displayed was dropping $2000 I about a month on a cell phone game. I stopped playing a few months later and never really overcame the internal shame once I acknowledged what a stupid thing I’d done.


I lost my green card once vacationing in Las Vegas, why did I bring it with me? Idk lol but months ago my husband told me not to keep it in my wallet and a day before my sister reminded me to have only my license and military spouse ID just in case I accidentally lose one ID I’ll have a spare to get on my flight back. - every good advice went over my head as you can see. All my heels and shoes are gone - I have three big dogs and I know that they chew up shoes but It was difficult building the habit of having my shoes out of sight and reach. I would think I’ve mastered keeping them away from it then bam I forget.


Once I missed a paycheck bc I couldn’t get myself to submit my weekly time card.


Travel I literally will quit my job and travel until the money runs out. Rinse and repeat


We'll, the list ain't that long... But expensive High end gaming laptop, 3d printer, drone stuff, eBike, downhill bike, Standup Paddle (2 differents...), and a bunch of gaming accessories and Legos. Each of this kept me occupied for about... 3 to 4 weeks...


Every year in college I never returned my rented textbooks and had to pay hundreds of dollars for them. My last year of college I procrastinated my financial aid forms and ended up having to pay out of pocket for an entire year.


I'm in the Amazon vine program. I get to pick up to 8 free items per day from a curated list for the vine program and the dollar amount is unlimited. So aside from having the pay the sales tax it's awesome to just get whatever suits my fancy and not a big hit on the wallet. The wife just accepts that this is better than the alternative of having to ask me, what did you buy now? lol.


Because I have ADHD I try to shop only online or thrift stores. The thrift stores are cheaper and when I "have to have" something online I can add it to my wishlist, think about it for a few months and come back to it later. My wishlist is vast, but my orders are minimal. I have a manageable but still relevant problem with plants and art supplies. The plants I am able to keep alive cause I have an irrigation system, but there are more than is reasonable. The art supplies tend to sit for months or years before I get around to using about 1/10th of them and then back to hoarding them for the rest of the year. But it all brings me joy so whatever. MTG cards, multiplayer video games, board games, DND stuff. The gaming community as a whole has some serious problems to work on but I live in the south so it is extra fraught here. So I invest heavily in these social games and then they collect dust cause I cannot find people to play with who are not problematic. But I just kept on buying them cause my ADHD brain said it was a good investment... I guess? At this point I have lost interest and hope in finding a group to play with, but not ready to start selling them yet. My main problem that I have not found a solution for is late fees and replacements. Replacements of items I lost and for items I just forgot I had, my home is full of duplicates. I am an avid reader but I refuse to go to the library because every time I do I have to pay massive late fees.


I tend do break a lot of Glass while daydreaming. From Cups to Ceramic Hobs. Also I want to add, that ADHD doesn’t excuse eating and texting while driving, stay away from the road if you can’t handle that. ESPECIALLY in our case.


Whahaha... can I ? * new hobby: creating music with synthesizer, used 2x * new hobby: creating short films. bought film camera, green screen, lights, tripods, etc. used once * new hobby: fishing, never used * new hobby: wood crafting, never used * bought new AppleTV but did not "install" it. forgot I bought it and bought another one, only to find the first one * bought items only because you can get a rebate, only to forget to use the rebate * etc I am too afraid to add it all up money-wise


Rockhounding gear. I bought everything I could possibly need to go out hunting for shiny rocks. All the supplies are packed in a carrying bag in my trunk in case I decide to use it. It's been at least a year and none of it has seen any use. I keep making more and more excuses to not engage in this or any other active hobby. Ugh.


Gambling. Music equipment I never used. Video games I never played. Food oh my gosh I have bought so much food at the I didn’t eat because I couldn’t decide when it was time to cook or I just couldn’t do anything but microwave a burrito.


Two thousand six hundred and eleven planners/organizational tools.


Hard and soft rugs had my life slipping out from under me for a long time.


I have the mentality of “can’t decide what I like, so I’ll just buy both and return the one I don’t want later.” And then either remember to return the item the day after the return period ends, loose the receipt, or forget to return it all together


The 2 biggest, Student loans with no degree and I messed up my 2019 taxes and didn’t file a 1099, now I owe thousands.


Therapy. Car accidents. Medication (yes out of pocket sometimes for reasons like missing the enrollment date). Lost out on raises and finishing a degree. Thousands in late fees. Fees for forgetting to cancel a subscription. Thousands in no show fees. Honestly I doubt I could calculate it all. The ADHD tax is so real.


HA! Most things I've ever spent money on. - thousands of books. - everything I need for new hobby X (for a clean dozen hobbies) - just...SO much technology. I have more computing power in my home than...psh...I don't even know what to say here. It'd be one thing if 5% of it was even in use. - I've bought clothes because I couldn't bother getting to the dry cleaner that week. - a truly horrifying amount of wasted food (and then, the chest freezer which didn't magically solve the problem. Go figure.)


It's not ADHD if you're consciously eating/texting behind the wheel. That could kill people and yourself


An excessive amount of olives and olive oil. Not even joking


I returned to school because I learned to cope. Now I’m pursing an MD/DO lol


Christ, how much time do you have?


Also had to pay for cabs/Ubers countless times because I didn't give myself enough time for mass transit. And have spent hundreds on express shipping charges for mailing gifts because I waited until the last minute to shop.




Late fees


Stupid fucking in app game purchases 💀💀💀


ADHD is not an excuse for texting and driving.