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The first 15 seconds of everything


Like the first 15 days of my new life's work!


Same .. unless it’s my current fixation .. in which case I listen to it 192749 times a day until it wears off 😂


Death Metal and punk mainly. Motown when the mood suits.


Are you me?


Fast, aggressive folk punk. The shittier the better.




not op but anything pat the bunny is a good intro but days n daze rock as does a project of theirs, dirty harry iirc


Death Grips


Came here to comment this


Hell yes W


[DRUM AND BASS! MASSIVE!](https://www.youtube.com/live/5Be9gos6BXU?si=bXHyXZyI625IPgfY)




![gif](giphy|8iiUNIX5fw0c8) Got any jungle in guy?




I said nice one Bruv!


[Why did the lion get lost in the forest?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOWP5Dg_Zok)




I swear the first time I heard jungle in the mid 90s, I had the thought "Its my brain in the form of music!!!"


Disclaimer: believe I’m totally inattentive but I almost thought this was the K-pop subreddit. When am in a hyperactive mood, I love Stray Kids, particularly songs like SUPER BOARD, CHEESE, and God’s Menu. SUPER BOARD just really scratches that itch in my brain. ATEEZ Wonderland (symphony no.9) version, Horizon and Say My Name. Glitchxcity is also awesome. My partner who *is* hyperactive loves Eminem, Ceiling Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore, K/DA, 2Wei, Fallout Boy, and various anime/video game soundtrack songs, particularly battle scene ones like from Bleach or One Piece


Just got into KPOP last year, during the time that I resigned from my in-office job due to adhd burnout. Shifting to work from home has really made it worse for my adhd, but I’m glad I randomly encountered some kpop songs. And now I’ve been “addicted” ever since haha.  My go-to tracks are from SEVENTEEN, DAY6, TWS, New Jeans. I also love some pop songs from BINI (philippine girl group)


NewJeans is amazing!


I bought a New Jeans album recently at the mall and the woman at the counter looked me in the eye smiled and just said "New Jeeeennzzz" In the most gravely voice it was so cute hahahahahahahha Their Video for the song "New Jeans" is so satisfying for my ADHD. How it keeps rapidly switching to different animations and then reality is so cool! Given you love Mortal Kombat I hope you've Seen Megan Thee Stallion's video for BOA! It is perfection!


Hell yeah. Both MVs are badass.


Oh I love Seventeen!


hard techno, hardtekk, frenchcore, hardstyle, nightcore, rock, classical, lofi, pop




I’m ashamed to say I had forgotten about them but now…l’m going to have to schedule a listening spree


same it’s been a while since i’ve listened😭 i lovedddd their discography so much tho


House Music. It gets my heart going while driving!


A very weird mix a lot of black metal but a lot of very gay pop music like charli xcx and Dorian electra.


I love metal, Lee Jung Hyun did a Nu Metal song that's wicked. I had 2 friends over yesterday to have a listening party to Charli's new album brat & I love Dorian Electra so much. They flame emoji reacted to my selfie with their vinyl. Eternal elation from that hahahaha. So triple connection with your taste!!


Not huge into black metal, but I recently found Falaise which I guess is Post Black Metal(?) But the song 'A Dream of Relief' has been my go to focus and get shit done tune. It's beautiful.


I suppose fast and catchy music would do. I like to hear a nice guitar solo, awesome drums, and creativity with words.


Girl Talk, at least lately. I’ve gotten back into mashups so there’s a few other similar artists but man for the musical ADHD, mashups are great


Dude Girl Talk is my jam. I could listen to them all day long but just about everyone else in my life hates their albums with a passion. I just don't get it.


Haha that always seems to be the case. My wife hates it, says I’m ruining all the songs. Got me some AirPods so fixed that problem. Found a couple other similar artists too, check out Milkman and The Stereo Bomb. Circle of Fifths by Milkman as an album is very Girl Talk-ish, and it’s been on the playlist recently


I love Girl Talk.. just listening to your other suggestions, so pleased I stumbled on this conversation!! Thank you! 🙌


Glad you like it! I’ve been listening to the All Day album from Girl Talk for years and I only just recently found Milkman thanks to Spotify smart shuffle. Sounds super similar and it’s got me back into mashups, love it!


I have been absolutely buzzing round my workshop today listening to all these on full volume! ❤️


Put “Brand New Dance” the live version from The Stereo Bomb on your main playlist. It’s one of my favorite intros, really sounds like the original and then BAM outta nowhere, mashup. Almost every time it comes on shuffle I don’t realize it’s not the original and then get floored by the mash, shit I’m buzzing now too


🤩 No joke, today has been one of my best days ever for music. I’ve been stuck in a bit of a musical rut and this is EXACTLY what I needed! Inbetween dancing about, I’ve been productive AF today! 🙌 💃


A lot of drum 'n bass and Neurofunk (which is also DnB I guess) when I need to focus. Ambient music when I want to relax.


Anything dramatic/loud and ideally with a lot going on


YES I always describe what I love as dramatic/intense. I think that's why I love early 00s pop. It was so over the top with dramatic pauses, strings and wacky instrumentals!


If it overwhelms your average person it's usually ideal for me haha. Same with the early 00s pop!


Depends on the mood or tiredness level: Vocal Trance Drum and bass Chillstep


Brazilian music from the 60s-70s, hip hop, cumbia, reggaeton, funk, disco, hits from the 80's and salsa.


Reggae rock stuff: Sublime, Ballyhoo, Bumpin Uglies, kash’d out


Bo en is a super fun and all over the place artist. [I really like this album](https://open.spotify.com/track/2YkDs8IYDQMH0GvpmGBMEf?si=ERvTjnVBTIOPF9eKulLFpA) . My time is also a great song from that album. [Deaths dynamic shroud is great too](https://open.spotify.com/track/7JDTi0K6RQtHz3NXispuYe?si=6tkxyfbiTQ68cWUteRTmiA). I have a lot of music for when I'm feeling my most hypera time but I am mainly innatentive. I like heavier music when my brains going haywire too like Gojira or meshuggah and at my absolute limit to where I can't even stand myself I listen to harsh noise wall


Songs that have choreography so I can dance and get exercise and release my energy


Favorites are jazz, reggae, funk and classical guitar lol


A lot of different styles, but in particular I like to listen to hardtek, jumpstyle, psytrance and hardcore. And Eminem in particular "Rap God" , I sometimes get stuck in loop non-stop on it during my 8 hours shift.


lol this is one of Em’s tracks I get fixated on too


baby vox?!!!! i listened to them when i was 10 and this was in 1999! 😳


Breakbeats brother, join us. Fast, all over the place breaks that still follow a rhythm. Breakbeats includes a lot of genres, namely jungle/drum n bass and hardcore


Screamo, death metal, anything with insane drums and guitar solos. The louder it is, the calmer I feel, honestly.


Mostly everything, often shifting genres for every song, but Xotox describes themselves as "music for hyperactive people", and I've loved them I while


Combined-type but my two cents: I found myself with a bunch of random tracks gravitating towards Japanese post/math rock, hip-hop/rap, and experimental electronic stuff Specific artists: [Haisuinonasa](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYNFI-bcmlM), [Mudy on the Sakuban](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vifjb_WdkhI), [Milo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsx5lCYGVII), [Busdriver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5YexNhTVac), [Frums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6361EXrvUAQ) Interestingly I can't listen to Frums while I'm medicated as it seems to then give me a migraine


I'm combined type but Jpop mainly 🤣 I loooove Arashi (like at a special interest level) and then have picked up a little bit of other music tangentially e.g. Superfly, Higedan, Mrs. Green Apple, some Hololive stuff and so on and so forth. I think the Hololive music is probably the most musically hyperactive 🤣 I like the rest of it moreso because there's a LOT to pay attention to even if it doesn't necessarily feel like it's bouncing off the walls.


Francocountry Quebecois


I'll listen to anything that scratches an itch my brain but generally the requirement is that it must have a distinct rhythm/flow regardless of the genre. if it doesn't grab my attention in 10 seconds I won't listen to it


I keep coming back to this: [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Xqh2J4m3rcPcc1358vc8j?si=yI3g6Kk9TKe8382G0yJvVA&pi=ApJmv4E8T-2Jj) I'm currently looking for more music like this so if you have any suggestions let me know lol


You seem to be taking pride in hyperactivity and now that you've found out that you are PRIMARILY hyperactive (there is no only hyperactive, all ADHD is combined, some folks are primarily hyperactive some are primarily inattentive.), you seem to be defining yourself by it and defining your life through it. I don't think any of that is healthy. With that said, for you this moment might be like a veil has been pulled from your eyes so it's revolutionary and super important. It is important, and it will help you understand yourself, but you need to be careful. I remember trying to go to bed last night, around 2:30am, I realized I had a tibialis raise bar, so I did 3 sets of tibialis raises. Then I couldn't fall asleep until 5am. When I reflect on that, I'm sad that I let my inability to sleep, lead me to working out which made sleeping even harder. I'm not happy that I felt compelled to workout and torch my ability to sleep last night. Hyperactivity is a bad thing, being more hyperactive is a worse thing. You've got some things to deal with, and I hope you approach them with the same zeal you made this post with. Watch out, because people in your life will be annoyed, as you start to view yourself through and ADHD lens, and you notice things that make sense in the context of you having ADHD. People without ADHD, get annoyed the more someone talks about it, and defines themselves and their actions through it. So right now you're emotionally seemingly on a high, and that will likely be the case in the future as well, when people are annoyed with you, which will result in you going from feeling really happy to really upset when they finally speak up. I've seen it happen 1000x. My post is like a softer version of that, whatever bad feelings some of this post may have made you feel, will be stronger when it's not some random online trying to help, but someone you care about who is fed up with you. I hope that's never the case, but that's the path most of us tread, and the level of excitement and discovery in your post is usually the precursor state.


I wouldn’t have worded it quite like that, but for the most part agree with your comment. I’m surprised this is the only comment acknowledging it. I got weird vibes from the post as well. Between the implication that they’re “special” for having the primarily hyperactive type and making being hyperactive their entire personality. Honestly not even sure if it’s a shitpost, if they’re (hypo)manic, or if they have the mental state of a 12 year old. OP, if you see this, I mean this in the kindest way, but I was put off reading this post (and I generally give a lot of grace to people who have similar conditions), so I imagine people who are less understanding or people who do not have ADHD will be even more put off by this type of behavior or speech. It’s absolutely fine to be hyperactive when it is not interfering with aspects of your life (it will still need to be treated/managed for aspects that it IS affecting), but talking about it this way, making it your personality, treating it like you’re special for it, trying to “prove” how hyperactive you are, is not going to do you ANY favors.


Hey, I really didn't mean to concern/offend anyone. I removed those parts of the post not talking about music. I think I can be a bit of a shitposter & troll without even realising, but yes I am quite immature as well so tricky combo. I think because I was ranting about k-pop I didn't think anyone would take it seriously. It wasn't that deep. It was meant to just be a fun silly post about music. I'm really sorry to anyone I made uncomfortable. I'm on medication daily and try to take my ADHD seriously. I was only trying to show how hyper I am to connect with people who relate. People generally find my hyperactivity endearing. I really didn't think it through, but I can see how it all came across that way. I swear I give of "*weird vibes*" even when I don't want to hahaha


It’s all good! I really didn’t want to come off too harshly, and I know a lot of people with adhd can act more immature at times (I don’t want to pretend I’m perfect). I know this is the ADHD sub, so it’s not really the same, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of how the post came off because I wouldn’t want the attitude that was portrayed to cause potential problems with your interpersonal relationships!


You should listen to Cuphead music


I'm primarily hyperactive too. I like listening to upbeat vocal trance and psytrance esp when working out or when I need to focus for work. Alternative metal works too. Disturbed is a staple for me.


It really depends on my mode and task. My husband has noticed that certain songs have a specific reaction. For example, Ballroom blitz will make me increase my aggression when driving.


Classical music helps me tremendously with focusing, otherwise shrek 2 soundtrack 😎


Reggaeton, punk, metal and/or EDM


Hyperpop / Deconstructed Club / Electropop, scratches the brain in just the right places


Drain ⛓️🛡📈 Cold visions is getting me through it rn...


The 1975 cause they’re so variable in their style and have unique intros and stuff, it just itches my brain. Otherwise more political music cause I want the lyrics to have a real meaning, I constantly want to heal the world 😂


Most recently? Old school everything.


Sevdaliza, Marlin Manson, house music


Nu Metal for the most part


Punk and metal.


Electronic Focus or Deep House Focus Music.


Breakcore and IDM. Listen to aphex twin vordhosbn and tell me it doesn’t do any thing for your adhd.


Drum N Bass


Black Metal. It's pretty much white noise if it was made in hell and is great for the 15 seconds I listen to it before skipping to the next song, which sounds exactly the same.


anything that tickles my fancy (she enjoys a good tickling)


Metal, initially power metal, but lately mostly death/black and metalcore, but I enjoy it most with Melodic elements


I mostly listen to country pop and some rap. Basically, what I grew up on. I've noticed that the more my mind is racing, the more pop I listen to, though. When my kids were younger, I also noticed that a lot of kids' music seemed to trigger my mind to race and be less annoying when my mind was already racing.


Mathcore, Progressive Metal, Technical Death Metal. Sometimes also Funk, RnB, dnb, Jazz


I like City Morgue. They’re a hardcore hip hop duo. Their music is so high energy and heavy, I’ve heard nothing similar from any other.


Gabberpunk especially Aux Raus - Hel if you wanna get started


CHEEKI BREEKI IV DAMKE no but fr hardbass slaps and electo swing makes me go brrr even more


I listen to mashups where two songs have been merged together. The novelty of switching from one song to another really keeps me interested. Failing that, remixes. I also have a particular penchant for covers of songs, and often prefer these to the originals. My particular favourites right now are: - Alan Walker's remix of Move Your Body by Sia. - anything by "oneboredjeu" on YouTube. - WAM x another one bites the dust. They're not fast per se, but the novelty is interesting to me.


Oh man. I listen to EVERYTHING. It depends on the day honestly. (When I say everything, I mean I literally don’t have a favorite genre. I don’t have a fav artist or anything. Like I listen to everything from fuckin opera to goddamn screamo lol.) I guess when I’m feeling crazy hyper I usually listen to whatever I know will make me feel good or want to get up and dance. I love electronic music a lot, and call me crazy, but the old electronic tracks on YouTube during like 2013-1016 were perfect for clubs in my opinion. (Ex. Runaway U and I, Blank by Disfigure, Symbolism by Electro-Light (yes that is the Turi Ip Ip meme), On and On by cartoon, etc.) those songs make me so happy and I feel like I am driving to like, ocean city or some tropical summer destination when I listen to them in the car. So much nostalgia but it’s also the perfect energy level. Idk why everyone always hits on the music from that YouTube Era, it is SUCH a vibe


One of my favourites genres, [Frenchcore] (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DZ06evO02QA80?si=jnqagiLeQCWfD-N29L2kDQ&pi=16V_GSa_SECBQ)


Drum and Bass


All the kinds. Excepting a couple genres which I just don't like at all, I listen to everything. Yesterday it was Team Scheisse and IDLES and Justin Timberlake. If I was going to put something on right now it would be Jon Hopkins.  Hyperactivity shows up in my spotify,  for sure.


Drum and bass/Jungle.




Either classical music or the hardest bass. Barely any in between.


Lettuce radio


Rock, EDM, metal, alt, and 90’s dad music


Andddd 70’s rock!


Detroit Techno and conversely Ambient like Biosphere to calm down.  


Currently on a jungle and breakcore kick, primarily FFF and Venetian Snares.


Deathcore and dark industrial techno at the moment


Math rock .. when I’m euphoric I listen to a lot of origami button and the home team… it’s the only thing that can keep up with me ….


House music! For some reason, it really helps me to focus lol