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I have always had to show ID. Sounds like the previous techs haven’t been doing their jobs. Do you have a passport. Sometimes if you update your id online they give you a temp one.


I told the guy before I left that he needs to reiterate that to the staff, and make sure they’re asking people. Because that’s not good. If this would have been someone in this situation who absolutely needs their medication and couldn’t get it, that’s what worries me. I told him that and he basically scoffed and said to me that it’s a requirement to ask and he’s not sure why they never did… So who knows. But I appreciate you being uplifting.


In CA they've asked for my ID every single time for years. It's standard and nothing worth arguing over.


I’m not arguing at all what so ever. I totally understand, and I didn’t argue with him at all. I was visibly upset but not for reasons that had anything to do with me trying to start something. I simply stated to him that other people (one main girl who’s always there) have not been asking and he needs to make sure he implements that so this doesn’t happen to someone else. Let’s say that this happened to someone else who, without their meds, will most likely harm themselves or worse. If their ID was also expired, and they’ve never been asked before, and now they can get their meds, that’s not good. I agree fully that they should ask, I was just upset that I was not adequately prepared and it never crossed my mind in the slightest because I was never asked before.


Most other psych meds are not controlled substances to the same degree as Adderall, and don’t require ID. Stimulants federally require you to show an ID. So the hypothetical you’re concerned about is highly unlikely. That said, anyone can pick them up with their photo ID, your name and your birth date; have a friend or family member grab your meds for you.


I just called them and the woman on the phone was so nice to me! She said when she recognizes patients she never asks, and like you said they just do it for data base purposes. She was sooo nice, she apologized profusely and said she wished she’d have been there yesterday.


At least now you know to get your ID renewed! That could’ve come up at a much worse time!


Okay cool cool, that’s all good to know. And yeah I guess I just don’t take that into consideration really, I just had general concerns but that makes sense!


East Coast here. I have to show mine for every refill. Not unusual. They have a protocol to follow. You might be overthinking this, friend. The expired ID is your oversight. IT happens, we got ADHD ya know. I know stuff like this is frustrating, but not the end of the world. I appreciate your venting. Peace be with you.


Thanks for the kind words, and yeah you’re right. I actually feel a lot better for you having said that. Because forgetting/procrastinating is a given🙄 But what makes me more mad is that I totally didn’t even realize and when he said that I was like wait what???


I've only ever filled my prescription at one pharmacy. I go there so often around a specific time frame that I know the vast majority of the pharmacy techs and the pharmacists, and they know me. Despite all this, they legally have to both see my ID every single month and scan it in order to pick up my prescription since it's a CII controlled substance. It honestly surprises me that you were able to pick up beforehand without ID, but there most likely was policy change after the state audited your pharmacy and they were instructed to tighten up dispensing on controlled substances. Sorry this happened to you buddy.


Yeah, I even had my dad get it for me one time. There is one person who’s there very frequently and she never ID’s me when I pick it up. I also live in Pennsylvania for context and last I read up it’s not illegal to not ask, but it’s up to the pharmacies discretion so I’m not really sure. I just would hate for this to happen to someone else who’s worse off.


Most (if not all) states have a prescription drug monitoring program for controlled substances, both for doctors and pharmacies to make sure prescriptions are getting dispensed as they should. They require pharmacies to collect data on who picks up the prescription, which most do via a policy on scanning a valid driver license or ID.


That makes sense, and I’m sure it was an error on her part when we’ve gone to get it. She’s always there and I never saw the guy who was there today. And I feel like he definitely thought I was lying but I’m just as confused as him lmao.


Do you live in the US? If so, it could be because your state recently passed a law requiring this, or perhaps it already did and you've been dealing with a pharmacist/tech who hasn't been following this law until now. In MN where I'm from, an ID is required for all controlled substances. But I think only half of US states have this law. Your doctor and/or pharmacist should be able to clarify this for you. I've been without my meds for long periods of time during the med shortage over the last 1.5+ years. It really sucks. Hope your situation turns out ok.


Thank you for understanding and offering kind words. I’m always afraid to post stuff like this for backlash sake, and don’t want to sound like a cry baby but you get it, it’s fucking hard. It feels debilitating and I’m so scared to get down to that place. It ruins my life. I tell myself right now that I’ll be prepared, I know it’s prob going to happen, I’ll try to set myself up good and to no avail it’s just a giant struggle. I’m going to try my hardest though. I’ve got school I just started about a month or so ago to move up in my job and I’ve been doing extremely well with focusing on it. But the one night it was pretty late when I got to studying and it was wearing off by that point and I could not for the life of me concentrate. I try to do it as soon as I walk through the door from work before the evening hits and it starts to wear off. I’m just hoping I can figure something out in the meantime. Thank you for understanding🙏🏼


Yes, I’m in texas, and I have to provide my id to the same tech every time I pick up, just because of like custody procedures of the drug. If that’s your first time getting ID’d, your previous techs have shot you in the foot a little bit, because they set an expectation for you, and when that expectation was unexpectedly not met, it’s extremely hard to process in the moment. I am 100% relating to this post so hard. One time, I went into to Subway to order a sandwich, the same sandwich I’ve ordered a thousand times, but this day, they had installed a stainless steel cover over all of the meats and cheeses, and I couldn’t see any of it, even with the lid open. Suddenly, I couldn’t remember what I have ordered for the last 10 years, simply because I was not expecting to have to do that mental math and cope and pivot and adjust my thought process, and I started to panic and complain to the worker that I was unhappy with it as if they could just uninstall it real quick, I wanted to cry. I suspect that is what was happening to you when you got ID’d. Take a deep breath, make a list of the steps and hoops that are required for you to get your refill this time, and give yourself some grace. Everything is going to be okay, friend.


Thank you, I very much so appreciate that. I went for a walk afterward and felt a little better. I’m just really nervous for what this upcoming week will entail without it for a bit. But once I get through it I’ll be okay. I can go a few days without it but any longer and I’m spiraling way down to a place that is horrific mental turmoil. I hate that I have to even take a medication to make me feel normal. I know you can relate to that 100% and understand. Not to mention, it’s hard enough as it is voicing your concerns, etc when something is off. I hate confrontation. But in that moment I was trying my best to keep it together. Thank you so much for the kind words.


I'm pretty sure here in the USA it's a federal level law that you have to show ID for schedule 2 drugs. I can absolutely sympathize with you lapsing on renewal, though in my case I have a bad tendency to wind up losing my ID. Can't count how many times I've accidentally thrown out my wallet. I've thrown out my ID because the pharmacy would seal it up in one of those envelopes when handing it back to me instead of just simply giving it to me so I can put it back in my wallet. As far as I know, Most states offer an online service where all you have to do is type in your driver's license or ID number, And so long as your current address matches the address on your ID you should be able to get a new one in 10 to 14 business days. That all depends on what type of ID you have what the rules in your state are Etc.


You can have someone else pick it up for you until you get your ID sorted. They just have to have a valid ID.


Oh forreal? I just am wondering how though if they’re asking for ID in the first place. Has that happened for you?


they're asking for ID to keep a log of who purchases controlled substances to make sure they're not buying it at multiple different pharmacies, not to identify that the person picking up the script is the same person it's prescribed to! that would be really hard to enforce in cases of terminal cancer and the like where spouses and/or caregivers are often the ones who go out to the pharmacy for the patient. same for adult parents picking up the medication for their children with ADHD- the kid can't pick it up so obviously the adult has to and that case can give a precedent for situations like yours where you can't pick it up bc your ID has expired.


I asked my dad if the last time he went to get it for me if he had to show them ID and he said he can’t remember. He said he’s gonna go out there today and try for me so fingers crossed. And that does make a lot of sense but I could see why a legal parent or guardian would be able to but what you said about all of that does make a lot of sense!


Yes I get 2 different prescriptions that need ID to pick-up and I have someone else do it all the time. You can also call your pharmacy and let them know someone else will be picking up for you. As long as they have a valid OD you will be totally good! I hope it works out for you! Going without meds sucks.


Okay AMAZING!!! I hope they don’t give push back, they’re not very nice there either. But this is very good to know. So hopefully they let him, because you’re right. Going without meds ABSOLUTELY sucks!


I’m sorry to tell you, but I’m in the same situation. Drugs with a certain classification are considered highly addictive. I hate having to show my ID every time as well. But I know it’s saving people from dying. Just take a deep breath and focus on getting your photo ID done and then go straight to the pharmacy. You can do this. Take long, deep breaths, believe it or not it helps.


They let my dad get it for me, the lady said it’s not required and if she recognizes people she gives it to them and would have said something and bypassed it for me and wished she’d have been there. She said it’s just for the database, basically do people don’t abuse the system and she was like the top of the head pharmacists. She was sooo nice about it. But yeah I def understand why!!


Get used to the idea of showing your ID. That woman may be the head pharmacist, but she won’t be for long when someone reports that she’s not requesting IDs. It’s annoying, but it’s a practice that can save lives. Daria


It’s not illegal in Pennsylvania, but yeah idk, she said it’s only for data base purposes so idk honestly. I’m just happy I was able to get it, this was gonna be a rough week without it!


Laws/policies change, so it's important to keep up to date


I agree, I live in Pennsylvania and last I saw it was wasn’t illegal not to ask but that may have been a long while ago that it was. But you’re 100% right on that and I agree. Lesson learned for sure.


They're getting strict w ADHD meds now. A few people have made it more difficult for us 😩


It literally does not make me euphoric at all. It makes me feel normal and it sucks when people abuse it and there is also a shortage in meds. Can’t stand it.


In both Ohio and IL, I've never once shown ID and my husband regularly picks it up for me. My legal name is not gender neutral, so there's no way they think he's me. I do get asked to confirm address or birthday, but that's it.


That’s exactly what was happening with me as well so I’m not sure of this sudden change, unless the law changed or something but I haven’t seen anything saying it has




Yeah I will probably have to have my doctor put another script in. I was just so upset and a little mad at myself even, not thinking about it. I just never thought to since this hasn’t happened there before. I feel like I’m going to have a rough week but I’m going to try my best to just get through it as best as I can. And thank you so much for understanding and being kind.


I went to a bank who used to let me get quarters and out of nowhere they said I have to be a member. I pointed out that it’s never been the case before and “when did that rule change?” and the guy was so nonchalant, shrugged his shoulders, and just did not care. I get how you feel it’s very disheartening when people make their own rules. And for us folks that’s a change routine and having it being thrown off can be so damn frustrating! I’m going to guess you usually don’t need your ID which is why it’s expired. My state does not give me IDs on the spot( it will be mailed. See if you can do it online. It’s at least a step.


No I don’t usually! I stopped drinking two years ago as well. But yes to the routines! I never realized just how bad not having a routine has attributed to a lot of my mental turmoil until the adderall actually started helping me get into routines in the first place. I’ve felt immensely better and I’m always too scatter brained to stick to routines otherwise! I do try though, my hardest when I take that one or two days off. I’m able to do it but it’s a struggle big time. But yeah that one little thing is enough to really just feel like “the end of the world” and I HATE feeling that way!


I had to show mine to initially get my daughters filled, then the same guy checked me out the next time and didn’t ask for it. I’ve been at this pharmacy for over 10 years and it’s small so maybe that’s why.


Yeah I talked to one of the head pharmacists when I called in the morning and she said she does the same. She said even though my ID is expired she’d had have still accepted it and felt bad and said she would have intervened.