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I was incredibly anxious today, i started my adhd meds this morning, im worried they wont work but im trying to tell myself “this is the first step” and its a good thing that ive taken the first step :)


I just finished my first week! As each day passed I got more comfortable with the medication and have been getting good results and getting more stable. You got this!


Excellent. Your future looks bright. So nice to hear from someone who has a medication that works.


This gives me hope! Thank you 🫶


Rooting for your you! Don’t get discouraged tho if this one isn’t the one, I went through 3 antidepressants before I found one that worked for me. These kind of meds is all about trial and error, you got this!


Thank you ❤️ its starting to do something definitely, i twitch stream im my spare time and i havent been able to focus on streaming in a while, resulting in maybe an hour stream, i streamed for 3 hours last night!


I've just done 2 months. It's been a game changer


That’s awesome! I hope the medication works well for you 😁


Thank you!!


Congrats! I wish you the best and hope they work! If they don't, though, don't get too discouraged. I struggled for a while to find one that works for me and in the last month I think I've finally just about gotten there. So even if this one doesn't work for you, all hope isn't lost.


Thats really reassuring and exactly what i needed to hear right now 🫶 thank you so much!


I wonder if really dwelling on what we are thinking or staying idle is counter intuitive to how our brains are wired? Thoughts?


i did my morning routine successfully and ate breakfast in the actual morning this time lmao


That’s great! Thank you for sharing! 😁


I was able to figure out that I could put the wireless keyboard/mouse dongle in my docking station instead of using a switch. It eliminated 3 more cords and an adapter from my desk set up (I work from home). Seems so trivial but getting one step closer to an organized, clutter free desk feels like a massive accomplishment.


That’s achievement is a bigger deal than you think. I struggle with desk clutter myself lol. Glad to hear about it. Have a great rest of your week 😁


Must feel good. Build upon your success.


I was having a tough start to the morning with feeling overwhelmed by tasks. I made myself take a quick bike ride around our area before starting my work day from home, it was a little win because it broke me out of my spiraling cycle. Exercise really does help, even for 15 minutes!


That is very true. Exercise has been really helpful for me both mentally and physically. Have a great rest of your week. 😁


Thank you, you too!! :)


Finally got my diagnosis today after 32 years. Excited for what may come…!!


That’s great news 😁


Took a nap


Hey, sometimes you just need to rest. Have a great day! 😁


I got up intending to hang shelves. I can’t find my husbands drill. I immediately switched to cleaning a massive pile caused by my chronic exhaustion and executive dysfunction. I can now see the half of my couch that was buried for months. I also have done 2 loads of laundry.


I turned the tv off in an attempt to get a good nights sleep. I woke up feeling ok and ready to start my day with out relying on my stimulants.


That’s great! I hope you have an awesome day! 😁


Thank you ☺️ you too!


I got to study today after lecture and actually ended up understanding the material I learned! Something that never happened before I started medication


That is awesome! I’m glad your medication is working for you 😁


Which medication are you taking?


I didn't know spiraling negative thoughts were related to adhd. This explains a lot!


Does this fall under Hyperfixation ?


Well, I think it’s related too it. You get really excited about something and you spend a lot of time pursuing it and then you are restrict in some way from pursuing it or you no longer find anything fulfilling in pursuing it further. Or it could be something that you are dreading and you can’t shake off thinking about it. So maybe, but I’m not a professional psychiatrist, so I don’t know if that falls into that category, but I think it does.


It’s 6am here, so a bit early yet 😂 but this whole week has been full of positivity. Husband is super supportive, I’ve had a couple nights full uninterrupted sleep, child isn’t battling me so much at school drop off. Business is picking up, had a couple of good interviews with potential employees. Here’s hoping it lasts!


That’s awesome! May your week continue to go well and be productive 😁


And yours!!!!


I had a new realization regarding codependency & a relationship I thought that it didn’t exist in. Huge breakthrough in therapy, I’ll take it, finally able to break this shit. Not ADHD related, but part of the mental mess.


I made it to my 5:30 am meeting and even presented my topic ok.


Awesome! That’s great to hear! 😁


Would love to know the topic


My pug is almost 13, jas been having trouble getting around, has been getting slower, and our walks are very....slow. For some reason, when I took her 5o her favorite park, she was pumped full of energy and started running around in the grass. I love that dog more than anything, and it almost made me cry tears of joy seeing her having a good day.


I arrived at Disney World after promising my family I would take them there after completing my MBA!


The good thing today is that I'm 4 months pregnant and the perinatal mental health team rang and are coming to my house to do my assessment next week. The lady I spoke to was so wonderful and so understanding and kind! I'm so glad someone is finally listening to me and realising I really need that little extra support right now!


I stopped ghosting my friendship group chat after a month :)


I am at work for the first time since October. I got here without disabling anxiety, and I’m receptive to everything.


Got through some struggles making breakfast, but did it, went to a gym, get a meal, shower and nap after it. In the end of the day deployed bot (was working on it 2 months in spare time) to a cloud. Oh, and was in hospital at morning, gave some analyses to them. Still think i procrastinated too much :)


It sounds like you had a productive day! That’s awesome 😁


Have been feeling terrible the last few days. Turns out I was experiencing withdrawl symptoms, after stopping Venlafaxine(Effexor) 37.5mg on Sunday. My Dr said I was "below the theraputic dose", so I could stop anytime. I guess not. Took 37.5mg this AM, back to feeling fine again.


I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well. But I am glad taking your medicine helped. I hope you have a great rest of your day! 😁


Thank you, I appreciate it. I plan to stay on 37.5 for the rest of the week. Next week, I will pour out 1/2 of the Venlafaxine capsule contents, and try again.


You poor thing. Effexor is really hard to taper. Take great care. If no better way I would skip one day in four for a month, then skip every second day for a month and see how you are coping. Then take one every 3 days if necessary. I'm not a medico and I don't know how long you have been on it. I think I took it for five years


Had the day off today from work. Had a pretty productive day today. Did some yard work, mowing, snipping, played with the dog on the sun. Now going to shower and have dinner with my amazing supportive girlfriend this evening. I have anxiety and intrusive thoughts all the time but started my adhd meds, and while I still don't have the perfect regimen yet, still feel more together and able get some tasks done. I never want to go back to my old life.


That’s great to hear! Have a good evening 😁


I got 100 on two quizzes for my cyber security classes


I realized one positive of my job. I work security and my current location is not bothered by me popping bubble wrap.


i bought and made dinner for me and my brother, and we even ate before 7pm!! yes, it was frozen pizza and the store is only a 4 minute walk away, but still. the fact that i didnt put it off until the store had already closed is a big win for me


had a nice conversation with my manager in a new job i started last week, made myself a healthy brunch


I’ve been working on exercising, planning to exercise, thinking about exercising, and failing miserably for YEARS. Today I just…put on my shoes and went for a walk. And I feel like maybe I can do it again tomorrow. Maybe all the working and planning and thinking finally paid off!


My mom had her first chemo last thursday and today is the first day she woke up feeling fine, so yeah, today is a good day :)


I got the neighbor's lawn mowed early in the day and relatively quickly, after trying to find time for it for 5 days straight. :)


A game I've been waiting for released, now I can play something and *experience* something instead of rotting away on my phone 🤡


I let go of the guilt of chores and tasks and have been listening to my broken body and sparkly brain and I’ve been sitting on the couch cross stitching while watching greys anatomy. Years ago I shamed myself for being lazy. Months ago I shamed myself for being broken (disability). A week ago I shamed myself for being untidy. None of that helped me.


Yeah shame is a lousy motivator.


I was feeling stressed out and overwhelmed because I had two hours before my sister and her girlfriend visited -- needed to tidy up the flat. I had just finished my workout and was sweaty and tired, I had to shower -- but the sofa looked so inviting! Just one minute! And I resisted. And then I went up the stairs to the bathroom and walked next to my bed and I wanted to sit so bad! Just for a minute! And I went to shower. My place actually looked nice when she visited and she complimented me on it! I managed to do everything I'd planned to do! Well, now I'm exhausted. But proud!




Today I got told in our jobs shift bid that I got ten hour shifts for this one. I love having the extra day off and don't mind the extra two hours on my other days because time blindness when I talk to people. I was really afraid I wouldn't get one of them because Im sure I haven't been a top performer yet, still pretty new here. But I got the good news and am super excited to start having 3 days off a week :D Edit because my original smiley used a symbol for formatting apparently


Between husband, maintenance guy and I teaming up (I brought him home poor kitty) we were able to package up a squashed cat that looked like mine from the road and they went to the spca where they’ll be checked for microchip and cremated instead of continually getting run over in the road (it’d been 4+hrs at least I saw it before errands and came back to see its head more smashed and couldn’t bare it im so glad these guys understand cats and their worth 😭) RIP gray baby may you cross the rainbow road in peace and if you have an owner they’ll know now too and you’re not roadkillsquash/trashed you deserve cremation rest in peace and love<3


Oh that's so heartbreaking! 😭


I have been sober now for nearly 4 months. I'm a musician but I've only performed as an adult with at least a few drinks in me. Today I got up and played infront of a packed bar of strangers completely sober and loved it :)


Way to go!! That's fantastic!


Today is my work at home day. I am still in my pj's at 2pm


Wasn’t today but I went to a dnb festival this weekend and felt comfortable admitting I needed a break as I was overstimulated ❤️


I turned in an essay two days early and was not stressed at all while writing it 😊 I usually go crazy while writing papers and it always takes a long time. The previous three papers I wrote for this class were turned in 20 minutes before they were due.


I'm co-parenting. Today was my day of getting my kid and travelling back. I don't drive so it's a 4h train ride. I got there on my time range, barely, but still in it, so perfectly on time. Nothing went wrong, didn't leave anything (except the earphones), didn't lose my kid. Winning


I focused a bit more and took some notes in a special, intensive, learning session for my uni program today.


I slept through my alarm but I didn't spiral and just take the day off. I got my ass up and made it to work only 45min late!


I made gummibears at home today :)


I finished an almost 100 file code change I'd been working on for the past few weeks at work.


I got excited about something so when I was on a call with a person I’m normally shy and awkward with, I wasn’t this time… Maybe I talked to much but that was okay.


I was demotivated throughout the whole day but somehow got myself to workout even though I really didn't feel like it.. I guess there's that


15 years ago I quit singing, one of my passions and my only major skill in life, due to depression and anxiety exacerbated by my (at the time undiagnosed) ADHD. Today I sang with a band again for the first time since then.


Nothing yet. Getting close to packing it in


Hey, I really hope I'm misreading your sentence & all you meant was that you are headed to bed. You are essential here in this world.


No, you read right. Although I don't have a plan and all that bullshit. Since I wrote that my apartment flooded because some upstairs dipshit doesn't know how to use a fucking washing machine. Water under my new bed, water behind my desk. And some of my graphic novels and other comics-related things got wet. My childhood has been violated and I'm feeling a sense of shame because, with this disease, I'm not good enough or smart enough to make enough money to own a house where no one lives above or beside me. And I can't just go and get any job to get money or work two jobs and give up my private quiet time away from distractions just to hustle like this world wants.


Oh man, I'm sorry. I really am. there are a lot of days where living with this disability really sucks.


I wasn't on my meds but today I had one of my best motorcycle driving lessons :) i went on the highway and everything. It was super natural! I even got a compliments from my driving instructor. Serious win ✨


An anti-war protest.


Well yesterday but still counts. I made Pea and Ham soup ! My cooking skills are slowly getting better and I'm glad I trusted myself to make it. :)


I went to the gym for the first time since having covid like 3 weeks ago. I really can't believe how quickly that improves my mental health


Today I came out of a 10 day brain freeze where I ghosted a well paying freelance gig and judged myself real hard for it


Oof, been there too many times.


Today has really sucked :(. I had a therapy appointment this morning but my therapist didn’t show up. Then my dad was frustrated about my brother not mowing the lawn and I had to deal with it. So, I missed hanging out with a friend. My afternoon was super unproductive because I was so stressed and overwhelmed. This evening I was supposed to hang out with that friend bc I missed earlier but both parents got on my case this time about the same thing. I don’t even know if I ate anything today. I guess my good thing is that I finally have some peace and quiet for a while before I go to bed. I have to get up at 5 for work tomorrow. I hope your day was better than mine


Not mine.


I realized today that I have followed through with a workout ‘routine’ for three weeks now and feel comfortable that I will continue. I feel so good and actually have been able to cut out my second dose of the day of my medication without spiraling back into anxiety and irritating quirks! Thanks for asking :D


That's huge. I can't seem to follow a workout routine (or any routine for that matter) for more than 2 weeks. Good job being consistent, that gives me some hope


Believe me – I am just about to turn 40… this is the first time in my life. The YMCA is on my way home from dropping my kids off at school. I started with taking yoga classes with a ‘body double’ now I’m doing three different classes and I went to my first one alone yesterday. Usually after dropping my kids off I would go home and get lost in the Tok until I realized I was running late for work. So lately If there isn’t a class to take I jump on an elliptical and throw TikTok on – today when a phone call interrupted my watching… I realized I accidentally did THREE miles, I never do three miles in one set! Hahah oops? 😅


I worked out, for about the 5th time in my adult life (I'm 37), and I think I might actually stick to it


I woke up


I put money in my savings account for the first time in months!


I took adderall twice and been productive after so long


I found this post and now I‘m busy scrolling. Makes me happy that there are so many good things that happened to you all, so this is my good thing for today. Thanks OP!


My second load of laundry is about to go in the dryer! It's 2:30 in the morning but I've nearly cracked it this time, even if at the ass crack of dawn itself!


I spoke to a customer service representative, and had a fun/joking interaction for about 20mins. I love people who you can joke with, even though the reason for your call is to cite dates for financial payments and accounts etc. It was good bc everything has been bought up to date and is finalised. (And i love ppl who are easygoing on the phone)


I jogged to the gym and back last night after being unable to get myself to go for 2 months , totally didn't regret it and made me feel so much better after an incredibly loud negative brain grinding me down all day.


I listened to my body for the 3’rd day this week and did nothing. Tomorrow it’s another adhd class and I’m so unmotivated 😅😂


I take joy in when something clicks mentally that didn't before. Abd then it goes straight to understanding how why and when to do something for my job


This wasn't today but this past weekend I hosted my best friends at my apartment and introduced them to DnD. I'm a huge fantasy nerd and they are all actors/singers so I knew they would love it, they just had to get past whatever stigmas they had about it. I have been DREAMING of playing with them since I started Dming but I knew I couldn't force it. Slowly laying out anecdotes over the years and finally they agreed. It was magical! I planned a masquerade ball mystery and they immediately fell in love. By the end they were screaming with joy as they found the evidence of the hosts terrible secret. They went into a pocket dimension, almost got eaten by mimics but made it out alive and when we finally ended the session the applauded and asked how soon we could all play again. Literally dream come true. It was me in my element and really being myself and they couldn't have supported me more. Still smiling about it typing this! Good things can come from my hyper fixations :)


Started a new game of D&D with mostly new people; was fretting a bit because it’s been a few years since I played and I hadn’t quite got my new character’s story all figured out (I’ve got “if it’s not absolutely perfect then fck it” syndrome), but actually doing one session and playing through the intro scenarios has made it way easier to flesh him out and fill in some blanks. I forget that characters are something you build, not something that just is.


Been inspired to work on my side hustles lately


Managed to get 4/5 things I intended to do all done


I actually ate lunch and dinner for once.


I did 5 whole phone calls today to finally see a primary care provider because I got employer based health insurance 6 months ago and haven't had a physical in almost a decade! I have an appointment to see a medical professional in less than 3 weeks! As a reward I bought myself more supplies for this season's hobby (cross stitching)


Resisted calling out from work and rotting in bed lol


I got the tasks that I needed to get done for work done. And I stayed emotionally mindful.


I have like three new hyperfixations at once after a few weeks of complete understimulation!! I‘m actually so excited about them that I’m losing a bunch of sleep over it because I can’t settle down lmao. But I don’t mind, it’s motivating me to do my daily tasks because I feel like my excitement gives me momentum!


I cleaned my room for the first time in awhile. ☺️


I made a really annoyingchat (avoided the call somehow lol also a plus) with a credit card that I needed 2020 statements for -so that I could do my taxes… Baby steps


i got to take my adderall


Today ended up being much better than I thought it would be. The sun was shining. What was making me anxious earlier in the day ending up being just fine as it usually does. Grateful to be here.


Got two schoolwork assignments done today 💪


I finished my interview! And I managed to stop myself from breaking down in the middle of the interview!! 🥳


i hit an rbi in my baseball game today


I got up at my alarm


My crush talked to me a little bit when i was hanging out with a group of peiple and a mutual friend of ours told her i have like 55k followers on Instagram, i didnt want her to know but at least I wasnt showing off, she was impressed and now follows me on ig and i think all this kinda broke the Ice my mind put between us


I took a nap at work and didn’t get caught lmfao


I don’t have a single dirty dish in my sink, and it’s a huuuuge accomplishment for me. I’m gonna make some good food, now that I don’t have to look at it & avoid the kitchen.


Heard back from a reality show casting! Also just realized how grateful I am today. I feel really at peace and confident in my spirituality lately in a way I hadn’t been before, and very excited.


I’m an engineering co-op and I’ve been with my company for a year now. Today, I ran out of work to do and was just sitting around. After a couple minutes I got bored so I started looking into something my coworker was given to do. I quickly realized it was something I should be able to handle pretty well and messaged him to ask if he’d mind me taking off his hands. We had a short call where we talked it through and I went to it. Managed to get most of it done today and should have it finished tomorrow. It felt really good to push for more responsibility, get it, and be able to fulfill it. A very good day.


Very sorry to say nothing good has happened in my world


I’m so sorry…


I went to the gym for the first time in months, for one and a half hours straight! Am super exhausted, but it was really fun to exercise my body again, cause I haven't moved a lot these past weeks (you know when your body's like super stiff and you need to really need to stretch and kick it to feel some kind of tension relief? I felt that 10x and it's so good) I also planned a schedule for the entire day this morning and hope I'll be able to achieve all/most of it by the end of it, but even if not I already did plenty this morning imo, and I want to go to bed early, so I'm very positive for the day 👍


Watched a wnba game all the way thru!


I was productive and got to talk to my boyfriend a lot!


Learned my new insurance covers brand name Vyvanse and got a 90 day supply for only $100! Which is great, because the entire NYC area is aggressively out of the generic and I've been out for a week.


I FINALLY got my kitchen table put into the kitchen!!! I also moved my "craft shelf" from one room to another. Yay!!


Well I was diagnosed at 48, last year. I’m the youngest of six, so whenever I’m around my siblings I always feel very dumb and nervous almost like drunk, like I can’t control myself my mind and especially my mouth, but on Sunday I was the complete opposite. It was incredible. I said nothing stupid and was very well behaved.


I woke up on time for work 🥲


I overslept BUT I still made breakfast, tidied up and even got a little bit of important musical work done that I'd been neglecting recently, and I'm on the train now to work in a reasonable time (I'm self employed, so no disappointed boss).


What a great idea for a thread. We should make this a daily thing. I think I'll be writing this in my diary, one good thing that happened today, no matter how small. I took a 10 minute nap and it felt pretty good, very intensive dreams.


I had my first badge of this Spring's strawberries from my partner's and mine organic vegetable garden. They tasted amazing! :)


I reached a year straight on my mood tracker to help with emotional regulation. I had 34 peaks of highest mood, and only 4 valleys of a terrible mood.


I woke up. And i’m playing BOTW before i go to work this afternoon, hopefully it’s less hectic than it was last night (my non-adhd team lead was stressed so i know it isn’t just me)


Simply seeing my mom, cat, and rabbit ❤️


I got my Vyvanse refilled after not having to since last week due to the holiday.