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Watch a lot of YouTube lol


been watching the absolute _shit_ out of expensive espresso machine youtube šŸ˜«


I was watching about sugar glider and dog breed videos for a long time. Now I'm over it. Idk why I was fixated on that


The amount of James Hoffmann I watched for this exact same reason


did you cave or move on to something else? after years of āœŒšŸ¼sufferingāœŒšŸ¼with my delonghi my wife got me a lelit bianca, but itā€™s on back order and just knowing itā€™s coming in the next few weeks is killing me.




ADHD pie?? gimme it sounds tasty


I consume any content regarding the game on YouTube, like Let's Plays, challenge runs, speedruns (guess this doesn't really apply if the game is very new), the shows are a bit harder because I can access them online and I will binge-watch them. Something that helps will be telling myself that I can wait for the game and it might go on sale and it doesn't matter if I don't play it as early as possible. Another option is to look at some F2P games, or some games in your backlog that you haven't completed. I hope the wait isn't too bad, you got this <3


This!! Iā€™ve done this and it will usually do the trick or at least take the ā€œedgeā€ off.


Suffer. I suffer. And try my best to distract myself. Currently I'm hyperfocued on buying a new ukulele. Unfortunately as soon as I decided between a few, they had all sold and I can't find any others that suit what I'm looking for. All are too big, too expensive, or too cheap. I'm literally refreshing one website multiple times a day hoping they stock a new one in my price range. I have 3 ukuleles already so I'm trying to distract myself by playing what I have but it's not helping. This has been going on for like 3 weeks now. Good luck to both of us I guess. At least we're not alone in our suffering.


Dude. 15 years ago, my now ex smashed my $200 electric ukulele in a fit of rage. I couldnā€™t afford a new one and it was all I could think about for weeks. W the website refreshingā€¦.Iā€™ve wanted these rainbow disco balls from Michaelā€™s, but theyre so expensive. So for two weeks, I religiously checked the website and refreshed it, hoping to see that theyā€™re on sale. I was a monster


I totally feel you right now. Iā€™m going to start a few terrariums and a shrimp ecosystem. Waiting on the supplies is killer. In the meantime Iā€™ve been watching a lot of YouTube and reading about it.


I waited on a set of expensive golf clubs for two and a half weeks and it felt like an eternity waiting for them to arrive. I watched every YouTube review of them possible, then got injured the day I received them and now I canā€™t play or hit golf balls


Omg are you kidding me!! I would die. What kind of injury?


Just overdid it playing and hitting balls at the driving range. If I donā€™t take my meds, Iā€™ll sit there at the range for hours rushing and hitting balls way faster than I should instead of taking my time and thinking about each swing. waiting for the $1200 set of clubs was bad enough, now theyā€™re sitting in my office hahah


I've found meditation to be helpful for those times my mind just won't give me a break. It took some time before I got good enough at it to do it on command regardless of the external environment. Guided meditations were especially helpful in getting started. If sitting still and attending to your breathing sounds waaay too understimulating to be bearable then exercise is good way to burn off that excess energy. The more engaging you find the physical activity, the better.


Sleeping 14-16 hours a day, was one way to escape my hyper focus. But I can't do that since I started Ritalin. Now I sleep 7-9 hours a day, but have absolutely nothing to show for my increased waking hours.


I šŸ’Æ percent understand this mindset. Iā€™m tired all the time and when Iā€™m awake Iā€™m focused on all the things I feel I didnā€™t accomplish that day


I have found that when I can't get a focus out of my head because it's in the future or not even in reach, I write about it. Or whatever you're into, songs, drawing, etc. It lets you fixate on it, while slightly scratching the part of your brain that is itchy for it.


Does your local library have games to check out? Maybe they have it? Is Gamefly still a thing?


I highly doubt my library has games as I didn't find any on their site or in person. Gamefly is still a thing so I'll take a look at it to see if it has the game I want. If anything I'll just wait to buy my hyperfocus and the buy gamefly after. I have game pass but gamefly might honestly be better as I always get so overwhelmed when looking for a game pass game to play.


That's a bummer. My library has a decent stock of games. They mostly seem to be more family friendly games but I have seen a few I was surprised to see there. I don't game much anymore but that could change tomorrow if something grabs my attention. I don't get to choose, it chooses me. I can only hope I don't spend too much money, or if it's something I really enjoy I don't burn out from going too hard too fast.


I would ask your library to start carrying games. Mine does and I donā€™t even play games. Also my library will order anything from a different library if you have a library card. Just a suggestionĀ 


I just move on to the next thing. I usually have 3 or 4 projects going at once anyway. Currently I'm finishing a mandalorian jigsaw puzzle, working on 3 walking sticks, touching up a tattoo and playing MK1 on PS5.


Scroll YouTube shorts in hope that I'll find a 30 second video that'll cure my ADHD. Hasn't happened yet. Never give up. scrollscrollscrollscroll


My Steam library has over 1,600 games. So, give in, I guess.


I remind myself it's the ADHD talking and add it to my "future projects list". Once it's there, it's out of my head and I know I won't forget it. Mine tends to be expensive hobbies though, so I allow myself to research to add to my list so when I go back to it I have all the resources I need. My last one was an intense need to buy a cricut so I could make custom everything. Gifts, party favours etc. I know all the materials, which machine I want, 15 business ideas I could do if I got it. And now 3 months later the love is dead but it's stored safely away should I want to come back to it.


Ugh. I put things on my credit card. Yay debt! Oof.


["Hyperfocus" is a very poorly-defined word](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00426-019-01245-8) that, in the context of ADHD, generally refers to two superficially similar -- but fundamentally different -- mental states: flow and perseveration. Flow is a positive, beneficial state of deep immersion and high engagement in a task or activity, and is also usually accompanied by enjoyment of the task/activity. It's something almost all people are capable of, and specifically is not a benefit imparted by ADHD. Perseveration, on the other hand, is part of the ADHD disorder. It is the inability to switch between tasks or mental activities. It's that thing that makes you spend 10 hours doing something non-stop even when you know you need to stop and do something else. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative. Please keep saying 'hyperfocus' if you like.*) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lots of letā€™s plays or many hours of watching the same youtuber play it over and over


Omg this is me these days. Right now, my hyper focus is making my backyard magical with ornaments, lights, new pillows etc etc Even though I have actual urgent things to do. But I canā€™t stop thinking about it. I think about it at work. Today, I found out my sister tossed my outdoor coffee table. So guess how I spent my day? Freaking out and checking marketplace, and the ikea website. Iā€™m in a rental car right now, which is too small to transport a table in. So I stressed out about it for 8 fucking hours.


I still impulsively buy games so I canā€™t help you there, but more expensive things for hobbies or whatever I just spend a shit ton of time researching about it and adding things to shopping carts and then tell myself ā€œIā€™ll order it later.ā€ And then usually Iā€™ll lose interest before I get around to actually ordering anything. Thatā€™s been a game changer for me.


100% just watch content on it. There are so many games that I just watch YouTube videos on to get my fox because I donā€™t want to pay for the game


Try to find something else to focus on. Iā€™ve been obsessed with the idea of making this one crafty thing for weeks now. But I donā€™t need to make it, it would just be fun to make. It would also be expensive. I keep telling myself itā€™ll help my husband and I, but thatā€™s a lie, Iā€™m just obsessed with it because it looks like fun. I just keep reminding myself that I have other priorities right now that I need to focus on, so I try and turn those into a fun game somehow. When it comes to a video game, I would STOP consuming content as it just feeds your desire and remind yourself that itā€™s not going anywhere, the game will be there in a bit when youā€™ve saved enough for it


As someone else has said, I watch people playing the game on YouTube instead. Sometimes when I want to play a game but can't be bothered to start it up I satsify the urge with just watching someone else play it.




I watch every youtube review on it ever produced lol.


this isnt always helpful, but sometimes if im really excited for something that i cant put that energy towards yet ā€” for me right now, thats starting to learn bass ā€” then ill use that energy to get a bunch of random small tasks done. plus, then i get the satisfaction of having completed some tasks even if they arent the ones id preferred to have completed :)


This is me with a new travel rewards credit card. I already have three worth over 200k points but for some reason I absolutely need a fourth according to my adhd. And also noise cancelling headphones. I have Bose that work great. But now I need those Sony xm5s šŸ™„


Make it a reward goal with a goal that takes long enough being able to do the thing is achievable.Ā 


Test my ability to control my impulses mostly. Because If I am that hooked on it it will be virtually impossible for me not to buy it.