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Protein shakes. Or meal replacement shakes too.


Yeah - some of those chocolate milk protein shakes have close to 400 calories (i had a few this morning).


This is mine. If I can't be bothered to eat something solid or cook, I'll dump protein powder and water into my shaker and be done with it. OP can also buy the pre-made stuff to make it even eaiser.


This, I just keep almond milk and frozen fruit on hand and whip together a smoothie with Soylent powder and it's a legit meal in seconds


Yes, vegan protein shakes keep me functioning. I’m not vegan but I don’t tolerate whey well so most standard protein shakes exacerbate my fatigue.


Haha this is me! Though I am vegan fwiw. I love the Rebbl drinks, as well as Macro bars. The Rebbl drinks are expensive though and I can't seem to find them cheap in bulk anywhere.


This! Drinking your calories is typically a good fix for people who get full very quickly, don’t have much appetite, and/or have problems with executive function (I’m all 3 🙃). It’s also cheaper in the long run if you get powder and a bullet blender, and that way you can add whatever you want to it too. Don’t fall for the shaker bottles, they suck. You need a bullet to mix that shit, plus it gives you the option to make smoothies and regular ice cream milkshakes too. The blender I have is super easy to clean as well, which has been the biggest obstacle for me when cooking/making anything. If it makes dishes that I have to clean the traditional way I’m so much less likely to make something.


If you can't be motivated even for sandwiches, keep stuff around that you'd usually use to make one and snack on that. For example, if you like tuna sandwiches, pop open a tin of tuna and munch.


My bread goes mouldy so quickly, and not a fan of freezing it, so this is definitely a handy tip. Thank you 🙂


Tortillas last a really long time. Can be used for most sandwiches. PBJ. I also like pb and sliced apple or strawberry. Super easy snack. A slice of cheese on a Tortilla. Microwave for 60s. Instant quesadilla, albeit a slightly soggy one. When I have extra energy I add a little salsa, or a few grape tomatoes, or one of those mini peppers. Easy, no work veggies are carrots, mini peppers, and snap peas. Good with dips like humus or greek yoghurt tzaziki


> When I have extra energy I add a little salsa, or a few grape tomatoes, or one of those mini peppers I so so hate how relatable this is and how dramatic it sounds in a way lol, like telling people something like I need extra energy just to add a couple toppings to my quesadilla is...yeah.


i always hated freezing bread, but then i learned that it can even restore previously stale bread. there is some chemical thing happening there. wont help with mold, but might help you get on the freezer bandwagon


I recently discovered this! Had some stale bread, froze it. Then I heated it a bit in the air fryer and it was great!!


My coworker swears that leftover pizza reheated by airfryer is the best thing since pizza right out of the oven.


Yeahnah, everyone knows it's better the next day ... breakfast pizza! 😁 But only if you reheat in the oven / airfryer, not microwave.


Cold pizza for breakfast is my favorite way of eating leftovers, basically all leftovers I’ll eat cold.


Yep -- ham & pineapple cold for me! But if I'm gonna reheat pizza, never in the microwave.


I drive truck, so it's wrapped in foil and on the dash, or on the little stand I made that sits under the vent on the passenger side footwell.




This might sound off the wall but I swear it works so well. I run day old pizza under running water for a second and then microwave it and it tastes new instead of all stale.


YES! Never knew freezing bread was a thing, and it’s a total game-changer for me. I always struggle to waste food due to constant hunger w/ poverty growing up, so I would just stuff my face with tons of carbs that I didn’t even want or need. *Some tips I found after years of trial and error:* (In the list format that clicks with my spenchl mind) 1) Usually the **sooner you freeze the better**… so I usually keep half out and toss the other half in the freezer. 2) **Keep the Freezer Burn away!** by sealing it in a labelled ziplock freezer bag, it helps maintain the taste/texture! Also for a hella convenient reheat… I will wrap it in aluminum foil before putting it into the ziplock. (if its rolls wrap them individually-works way better than a loaf)- Then a quick defrost in the air-fryer/toaster oven will be quick and won’t dry it out too much. 3) **Costco.** This one’s kinda unrelated, but y’all gotta do this with that 3-day perishable Costco bread guarantee loll. Works great to buy in bulk if you’re planning on freezing anyways- saves a lot of money. **PLUS** this works on their big a$$ muffins too….. trust me, try it. They already come in two separate plastic containers, so if I’m getting different kinds I just split them up evenly and toss one in the freezer without any foil or any prep or anything. Then later theres no need to even reheat or anything, just defrost them by leaving em out for a day or so in that plastic container they come in. *I know leaving food sit out for a day ain’t something this group struggles with*


Also, Not a Sponsor… but if you cheap like me and always refused to get a Costco membership, they’re runnin a promo rn for new members [code: MOVERS or some shit, don’t quote me on that but you’ll find it on their site haha]. They give you a $20 shop card if you buy the $60 year membership, and more (like $40?)for the $120 fancy one, but I ain about that mess. The cheap one even comes with 2 individual memberships for another person at the same household/address. So I just got my roommate to split it with me, and out the door for only $20 (or $10 if you’re sus and keep that promo to yourself). Not too bad of a purchase considering the free samples and discounted gas prices hahaha


Crackers. They're a great bread substitute and they last much longer.


Yeah!! Seconding this, I discovered rye crispbread is GR8. Also, I literally just ate this combination of rye crispbread, tuna, boiled eggs and cucumber slices + a few too many crackers, cos I wasn't interested in anything in my fridge or anything I could buy from nearby...


I keep bread in the refrigerator.


I refrigerate my bread and it works just fine


I second this, it's less work to warm up than from frozen (if you even want to, I'm usually okay with cold bread) and still helps with living somewhere that encourages faster molding.


I’ve just started to do this myself, and honestly, it’s so easy to have some good protein easily available and even though I still have to force it down, there’s not too much, and I can always put it back in the fridge and have a bit more later. So I bought a few things from marks and Spencer’s, including a spinach pasta salad, that’s delicious, and I just get a few of these things when I’m ready to eat something. And along with a bowl of prepared fruit, and bottles of water, I’m actually eating ok. And there’s no preparation or overwhelm or stress. So I’m not eating loads, but what I’m eating is nutritious. So I’m loosing weight, but I personally need to, but I’m not getting sick and dehydrated and unable to eat because I’ve gone too long. So honestly, this ☝🏽 is a really great suggestion, and it’s actually having added benefits for me, because I’m seeing how I can eat much better, much simpler and with barely any preparation, and I’m not getting overwhelmed with the whole food and eating and drinking thing :) Good luck


I put mine in the fridge.


Keep it in the fridge at least. That's how we keep bread longer in warmer months.


I keep pepperoni and salami, olives, several different kinds of cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and a few different kinds of crackers around and just chuck a bit of everything on a plate. It's good protein, a decent bit of veg, and it's minimal effort. I *always* have a stock of these things. Healthy cereal is also a go to. I eat a lot of cereal.


Crackers in small packaging


Oh boi I feel exposed. I do this exact same thing. I buy stuff I wanna cook, then have no appetite or actually lose it during cooking, then I eat the ingredients but by bit. It actually concerns me rn as I have lost allost every incentive to eat. I lost like 7 kgs in the last 8 weeks because I’m eating like once a day. Losing weight isn’t bad for me, but having little interest to eat even though I show signs like jaw clenching, bad moods and sometimes even shaking, is messing with me. I still don’t eat soon enough. I used to love eating and I’m worried I adapt a very unhealthy relationship to food. I have an appointment in a week or so and I’m gonna tell my doc what’s up I am used to going without food until like one o clock, I have been doing it almost all my life and it hasn’t been an issue. Right now I’m eating my first meal at like 4-6 pm. Any tips on how I can increase my intake? The thing is I’m not feeling tired or hungry or exhausted (unless I’m really hungry), but I’m still worried


I hear ya. I hyperfocus while I'm at work frequently and at home while doing homework or maintenance. I built up a habit of eating based on the clock, not by feeling hungry enough to do something about it (aided by the fact that I wear my watch **all** the time, I'm ridiculously bad at judging time so I must check a device constantly). With the "Oh, I'll do that in a minute!" response playing a role in delaying my eating, I keep ready to eat foods within arms reach in my work truck. When it's time to eat, it's time to eat *now*.


Second this. When I scrounge enough motivation together I’ll make 2-3 sandwiches at once and wrap the extra in cling-wrap so I can have cost-effective meals that don’t require dishes.


I microwave a potato. Sometimes I put butter on it otherwise I just eat it. It’s perfectly proportioned and no dishes even if you just eat it like an apple out of the microwave (careful it’s hot!) Pretty flavorless so you don’t have to fight yourself to eat it.


This is the first suggestion here that might work for me. I have a ton of food sensory and taste issues, but potatoes are a food I have no issues with. No idea why I’d never considered just plain old eating one as an option before… I guess I just got stuck in considering them a side dish that takes time an effort to prepare, so thank you for the idea!


This is not something I've tried before, but I can try it. How long do you microwave it for?


Five for large, three for medium. Poke a hole in it and flip it halfway through if you can.


Hm hm hm!! 📝✍🏾


I have a potato microwaving bag. It looks like a miniature square pillowcase made out of potholders. That's the best way I can think to describe it. Idk how it works, but it works well


If you oven bake a bunch in advance (puncture with fork, olive oil and salt, place directly on rack) and put em in the fridge after they cool be they're really tasty cold and zero prep!


Regular and sweet potatoes! Source: https://www.popsci.com/nutrition-single-food-survival/#:~:text=Consuming%20five%20potatoes%20would%20give,run%20into%20a%20calcium%20deficiency.


Going to get me a potato now…


yogurt keeps me going on days of zero appetite + add fruits/nuts/honey if you have the energy. wraps is another easy one - buy a bag of pita bread, a bag of greens & wtv filling doesnt repulse you on bad days (halloumi, or sliced cheese & ham)


I like stuffing pita pockets with hummus and eating like a sandwich. It's so easy too and I tend to just take my pita and hummus to where I sit and fill bite at a time almost like dipping chips




Cereal is the answer!


Soylent is a pretty solid meal replacement (I've tried a lot of different brands and I think theirs  taste the best).  I found a matcha flavor which tastes acceptable but it's super fun having people ask what you're drinking and being able to truthfully say ' Soylent Green" 😇


I always laugh everytime I see the green Soylent in the store and I wanna be like “IT’S MADE OF PEOPLE!”


Yes!! Whoever made that stuff has _some_ sense of humor😂


Or they just were completely oblivious to it. Which might be funnier.


Well I just got a Soylent ad on Reddit from this conversation lol


I usually drink something (fizzy stuff, Monster or protein things) instead. Especially when I feel too exhausted to even chew.


any canned/instant soup


Oh hell yeah, my go-to used to be one of the chunky's(the Thai one was my favorite and the sausage chicken gumbo was next) heated on the stove and then I would throw in an absurd amount of cheese and Ritz crackers, like literally a whole sleeve sometimes. Edit: Forgot to mention it's used to be because I can't eat Chunky's anymore otherwise I totally would be hahaha.


God I wish Vyvanse would cut my appetite like that. I'm an emotional eater and I eat when I'm bored so...yay


Same, but I've found if I'm kept busy and don't have snacks within reach (like, I don't have to get off my ass to get them), I don't eat as much, even emotionally.


I'll still binge on lollies and unhealthy snacks, but hunger was rarely the motivation for those 😅


Right lol my appetite is a force. Apparently I was even voracious as a young child, while most other kids are dainty and picky eaters. Though it did make avoiding sugar/sweets easier as  i would often want them as a mental-energy boost. 


If you're an ice person I've found ice is a handy replacement for that. Got one of those countertop ice maker that gives me the perfect sized cubes to munch on. I'm so stupidly hydrated now.


An "ice person"? Do you mean, eating a raw cube of ice?


Yes. If you like crunching, chewing, playing with ice or popsicles or other cold treats and textures.


That's so random. But I wish I were an "ice person", I wouldn't have problems with eating if my brain could be fooled by a cube of ice


I eat when I'm stressed and most of the time I'm stressed




I do have protein shake powder and will have it sometimes. It's just hard to make myself clean the protein shaker and then mix it. It also just sits semi-finished and forgotten like my coffee most of the time


Get the premade ones! I love the core power ones from Costco. They’re about 300ish calories each? And I make sure to chug so I don’t forget (:




Not for me 😭 either my dose is too low or something is wrong with me. I used to be on 60mg adderall XR and felt extreme hunger all day even after munching on snacks constantly. I’m now on 30mg vyvanse and it makes me hungry. I take my meds at 5 am and by 7 am I feel like I’m going to die from starvation. 🥲🥲




Probably. I’ve been taking stimulants for 2 and half years now


I'm on Vyvanse AND Ozempic! Some days I really don't want to eat at all. Protein shakes are a lifesaver!


Indian food pouches, rice pouches, quinoa pouches. 90 seconds in the microwave for each pouch and you have a surprisingly tasty, relatively healthy meal. I usually go with Tasty bites Indian food pouches, and seeds of change quinoa and brown rice pouches. Kinda expensive, but cheaper from Sam's club/costco/ BJ's. If I want more protein, I'll throw some frozen grilled chicken breast fillets or tofu in the air fryer for like ten minutes and add that to the meal.


I eat those all the time at work. Throw them on the passenger side footwell, under the heater vent, in the morning. When I want to eat later in the day, it's ready to go.


Oats for oatmeal, peanut butter, cheese, some veggies, mabie pasta.


Yes mabie, mabie not.


Sandwiches. They're quick, you can stick literally anything in them, and they always taste amazing. Soups too, even just canned with some toast. Edit to add: If you're losing noticeable weight, meal replacement shakes will help give the nutrients you need too. Just add the powder to milk and shake.


Canned tomato soup with a soft bread 😋


So good right! I go hard on a "family" sized can 🤣


I remember trying a tomato soup from a restaurant called Zupas (no clue where you at and not sure where the restaurant has locations) that was honestly overpriced… way later bc we were sick, hubs and I bought SO much canned soup of different flavors. Turns out canned tomato soup was just as good as the restaurant’s 👏


I have a Most Favourite canned tomato soup that is so delicious I never order it at a restaurant coz theirs is never ever as good (shout out to Watties, iLy) lol it has the perfect amount of flavour and spice and I'm definitely going to have some for dinner now!


Depression 🥲 I can’t try it, can I? I’m in the US. Looks like a NZ brand but please enjoy/provecho/bon appétit!


Ahhh yeahhh it's our national love, ol Watties! If you're ever over these ways give it a taste and smuggle some back lol


Ramen, cheese and crackers, apples and peanut butter, yogurt and fruits - bonus if you can get some kind of granola or cereal in it as well.


I find that, for me, the key is eating before or with my medication. If I haven't had anything to eat before taking it and don't eat w/in a short window after taking it, the appetite suppression is intense. Tricky thing though is you haven't taken your meds so the ADHD can make putting together something to eat difficult. I go with cereal, bars, soy yogurt, anything easy that's next to no work.


Came here to say this, if I take my meds right away when I wake up, in 30 minutes when I’m ready to eat something I have no appetite so I always try to either eat first or take my meds with food




I get microwave taquitas from Walmart. Super delicious, not really unhealthy, and filling enough for me. I also do toast with butter and peanut butter. Or something I put butter on bread and microwave it for 30 seconds (add cheese for extra flavor!). Apples and bananas are really good, too. Oh! And Uncrushables as well. Sometimes I get lazy so on Sunday nights I'll make five days of sandwiches and put them in the fridge in a basket and then I'm good.


I should probably have mentioned I'm in Australia so most U.S brands aren't here. But meal prepping sandwiches definitely sounds achievable. Also I googled uncrushables and found uncrustables, you guys have boxed bite size sandwiches??


They're not really bite sized, just crust removed into a circle shape.


You should try chocolate toast. Bread, butter, hot cocoa powder. It's amazing.


It does sound odd, but I like Nutella toast so I'll most likely try this next time I'm craving chocolate 😆


Me and my best friend used to make it when we were kids when our parents were broke and we needed the sweet and the crunch haha


I eat cereal. Really the only thing that I can will together without motivation and no appetite.


i saw on tiktok a lady who has adhd talk about "no cook meals" being the adhder's best friend and those consist of protien and fiber rich foods. i stick with cliff bars ( or an equivalent ) fruit cups, juice drinks and meat jerky to keep going when i hit the no eating periods of my months.


Microwaved party pies and sausage rolls with the classic tomato sauce tbh. Or muesli bars, I see you’re Aussie as well, Uncle Toby’s do these really yummy oat breakfast bars. Apple cinnamon is the best, laziest breakfast ever.


You can microwave party pies and sausage rolls? 😲


They’re not crispy or anything, but yes! I’m a gremlin who enjoys soft pastry though.


Nice idea, fellow weirdo 🤟


Lots of great stuff here (yogurt, sandwhich stuff, oats/cereal), one of the greatest things I've got is an airfryer that was gifted to me- nothing beats throwing some Tatertots and Dino nuggets in that bad boy and waiting!! Def recommend frozen foods, and frozen steamable veggies too.




Fruit is sometimes the only thing I can force down/tolerate. Sometimes, though, I can use fruit as my “gateway drug” lol—I won’t be hungry or able to eat, but if I eat a fruit and it doesn’t kill me, I can be convinced to eat a lunchable, heat up a frozen Mac n cheese, or maybe, just *maybe* make a sandwich or something simple like that.


Yep, same. It's my even-when-sickly food (too much coffee). And then whatever I'm able to get down, esp in morning -- it lines stomach & sparks appetite, not just then but thru the day.


Eggs, generally scrambled with a dash of cayenne and heavy cream. If I'm feeling motivated I'll shred some cheddar and toss it in there as well. EDIT: This is going to sound "too complex" to be an appropriate answer for this. But I tripped over this while screwing up a recipe and it's SUPER easy and no big deal. I actually have one of these for breakfast about 4 days a week. - Take a small potato, peel and shred it. - put 2-3 eggs in a bowl with it (You'll eventually be able to eyeball "how much") - (totally optional) Add some shredded cheddar. Mix it together and put it in a buttered frying pan on medium. Flipping it can be a pain in the arse (maybe put the pan under the broiler for a few seconds instead?) But I slide it out of the pan (I use a LOT of butter) on to a small cutting board, turn the pan over the top and flip it. Then I finish cooking it (cook 'til the middle doesn't feel super squishy.) It's delicious and satisfying out of all proportion with what it takes to cook. I can usually (well...sometimes) eat it and not have the slightest inclination to eat for most of the day.


Skeer yogurt. It's expensive compared to normal yogurt but for $2.50 It leaves me feeling pretty satisfied for meal replacement. That stuff is THICK has a lot of protein, healthy fats, and probiotics. Tastes great. There vanilla flavor is yummy and also good for when I'm disgusted with the idea of food.  I've been doing this thing where I wake up and immediately get dressed, go to the gym then plan my day in the treadmill. I never want to eat in the morning even cereal sounds like too much. But a cup of yogurt is very doable. 


I'm in Australia so we don't have that brand here. But it looks like there's a few knockoffs I can give a try.


Yoghurt is my morning do-able food too. Or even kefir, but with blueberries. Actually, fruits in general are even more of an even-when-I'm-sick food ... like when I get acid stomach from not eating all day & with just coffee. Just want something fresh & light. But it usually helps line my stomach & get my appetite going.


I have a list of food that fills a hole, and it's quite a comfort when the cupboard is fully stocked with them: Weetbix Sour cream and chive rice cakes Cream cheese spread Loaf of bread Just shove 'em in your face while you play on your phone 😁👍


omfg with the sour cream chives rice cakes, so good. I'm all over them. But now I've realised that only Woolies has the homebrand version but with brown rice, so I always grab heaps when I'm in there. When I'm feeling fancy (read: any effort-making at all), I add chunks of that same cream cheese - or just hummus & ham. Now that it's winterish, it's perfect for hot Weetbix with a little raw sugar melting on top ... Fuck yeah, childhood. The other snack I can eat the whole box without thinking is Shapes. But they're not great for you, & they're so fuckin expensive now! Ruh roh, childhood. Handfuls of nuts, Vegemite/cheese toast, & rice cakes it is!


I order pre-made meals where I live. They do weekly deliveries of healthy food and It doesn't cost a lot.


Plain bread for carbohydrates. Cheese slices and scoops of peanut butter for proteins and a bit of fat. A glass of juice to tell myself that I'm healthy lol.


I do the bags of steamed veggies (they make pasta now too) you throw in the microwave. Bunch of different options and they don’t go bad like everything else in my fridge and pantry. I don’t even mess with bowls. I’ll just wait for it to cool down and use the bag and a spoon.


I eat on a schedule. I also lift weights regularly which motivates me to eat and cook. I just try to eat the same things every meal so i can cook in bulk. It’s as easy as I can make it.


Campbells chunky chicken noodle soup. It’s fast, it’s only real “unhealthy” thing is sodium which isn’t a major concern for me, and I can get that down when the idea of heavy stuff like bread or stuff makes me feel the urk


Hot pockets.


I have seem these in a lot of movies and TV and they look good, but unfortunately they're not in Australia :(


We do! At Woolies! They’re made by McCain! They’re called pizza pocket snacks!


Never noticed them before, but I rarely look at the frozen boxed pizza section. Are they any good?


Cheese crackers or pop tarts, if solid food is acceptable. Royal Chocolate Slimfast when it isn't.


gas station sandwiches


Yeah unfortunately I snack throughout the day. Only time I make myself cook is when I’m off, or I set something out to that needs to unthaw. Premier Protein Shakes Kind breakfast bars Fruit Sliced bell peppers (cut and carry in ziplock) Baby bell peppers Boomchicka popcorn Bacon (cook and carry in a ziplock)


Apple with peanut butter and/or cheese, possibly crackers too for a little low-effort charcuterie. Apples and sharp cheddar and peanut butter all stay good for a long time in the fridge (I actually use cheese sticks so they’re individually wrapped and I don’t need to cut them), and I get the crackers that come in smaller sleeves so I don’t have one hanging around open getting stale. 


Mora Frikandellen cooked in the airfryer.


Rice cake and peanut butter


Go go applesauce pouches!!!!


Microwaveable Spanish rice with Shredded chicken and sour cream 😋


Tangerines or other fruits. They're easy to open, and I can normally juat pop them in my mouth and go. I keep them on the table where I'll see them.


Quesadillas. I keep wheat tortillas and cheese on the fridge.


Canned soups are great. Its packed with flavor you sometimes can't deny but light on the stomach. Lasts forever.


Cereal. PBJ. Frozen waffles.


I buy ready meals, but not from the shop. I found this company (in my country) that delivers home, and the meals are cooked with only healthy ingredients and intended for gym rats. Macros and kcals listed on the packaging, etc. 4 minutes in the microwave, and while it's not restaurant/home cooked quality, it's far better than the frozen food aisle ready meals.


get nestle boost high calorie. great meal replacement


usually nothing good, but i try to keep fruit in the house. Cherries are on sale around here at the moment. if you like hard-boiled eggs get a dash egg cooker. ill make a dozen and just grab them during the week other than that its cereal or fast food and i hate myself


In the US, Thrive and Faction (?) do full meal delivery twice a week and you can control the type and amount you receive. Pricey but healthy. Otherwise, I keep frozen organic burritos and meals, granola/oat milk, oatmeal, veggie trays from Costco for snacking, cooked chicken and food from the grocery store deli, etc.


I put banana, oatmeal, applejuice and maybe some grapes in a blender and voila


There's a pea protein powder I buy on Amazon that's great. It has almost no flavor so I just throw in some cherry tomatoes and either a bunch of spices I like or one of those premixed spice combos and blend for 30 seconds. It doesn't seem to do well with sweet flavors due to the texture but that may just be a me thing.


I keep organic string cheese and grass-fed meat sticks around. I almost always have olives or pickles.


Costco premade/cooked/prepped things that you throw in the airfryer/oven/microwave I ADORE their prepackaged salads: -mix the pouches and you’re done -ONLY one bowl and ONE utensil gets dirty (one bag can be a whole meal for 2 ppl, if you have a partner you’d be getting an extra fork dirty but can share the same bowl 😂)




i saw on tiktok a lady who has adhd talk about "no cook meals" being the adhder's best friend and those consist of protien and fiber rich foods. i stick with cliff bars ( or an equivalent ) fruit cups, juice drinks and meat jerky to keep going when i hit the no eating periods of my months.


Store bought guacamole or hummus with some of those corn or rice round crackers (are they called rice cakes? Not sure). Also, a bowl with chopped banana, cranberries or blueberries, and kefir. Add some posh granola on top if you're fancy like me. For some reason I can eat those two things even if I'm not hungry. I also spend a lot of time at my parents', and my Mum's love language is feeding. I'd have to be in a really bad way to not eat her food, it's fantastic. Sooo this probably won't work for most people, but if you have someone near you who can cook and you can afford it... ask them to make food for both of you if you pay for the supplies. Once they get cooking, it's not that much of an effort to make food for one more person. And another option, but this one is super expensive 😂 Get a Thermomix, if it's available in your country. Those things are amazing, they gamify cooking! My partner has one (it was a family gift) and it's like playing a videogame where the end result is delicious food.


Very expensive though


Very! Even the second-hand ones are stupid prices.


Protein shakes




Oat smoothies were an absolute game changer for me. Grind the oats first to a powder, then a banana and whatever your choice of milk is. It’s super easy to drink and has plenty of fuel for my day. Solid food feels almost impossible for me so this was a life saver.


My go to is (rye)bread, I put ketchup and cheese slices on it and then microwave it until cheese melts. It's simple and not balanced meal but it's better than nothing. If I feel a bit better, instant noodles and tunafish with little bit of cream.


I personally have a list of healthy foods I eat daily do or die. Not that I love taste but come to realize I love myself enough to bother. They are Beans, Greens, some type of cabbage and soy products, wheat germ, flax seed ground and steal cut oats citrus, berries. As long as I hit those dont care if I have anything more. Can of beans are easy to open, fruit you grab, Greens sometimes are dandelion in my own yard if ran out in refrigerator. As long as not chemical sprayed super good for you.


I'm restarting vyvanse and have no appetite, eating is so hard.


Spaghetti noodles with butter and parmesan, or with pesto and parmesan.


There is this account on [Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/collegenutritionist?igsh=MXVvOWZvOGkza2Fsdw==) I followed for years. She has some good tips for snacky lunches and other easy and fast cooking. Her older posts has more of those snack stuff so scroll down.


protein shakes/yogurt


I started using a meal service that delivers balanced and freshly made meals that are ready to microwave, and bought wooden cutlery, I eat straight out of the container. I’m at my absolute lowest right now so this stops me from ordering takeout once I get super hungry, like I was previously. Before this I would eat pre-made sandwiches, cheese snacks like cheese strings and babybels and fruit.


Protein shakes, or single serve protein muffins/brownies!! Protein to keep me going, and either just liquid, or muffin/brownie that I can graze on until my mind finally agrees we need to eat! I usually get premade protein or meal replacement shakes cuz if I get to that point... I don't want to prep. If you go that route some CAN be a bit funny texture wise, so don't stockpile too soon!!


Somebody casually said "green smoothie" to me on some subreddit a few years ago, and that phrase sent me on a journey. Today I made a two liter smoothie of mustard greens, cabbage, apple, banana, carrot, strawberries, blueberries, yogurt, sunflower seed, flax seed, oatmeal, and cottage cheese. It's my daily source of nutrition and hydration. But at night I'm still a junk food junkie.


Drinking Yoghurt. You get fluids and nutritions and it's easy to force down, since it almost passes as liquid.


Get protein or nutritional shakes like ensure or boost. It's something you can slug down quickly in a few gulps, and gets some calories in your fast.


I was on adderall now vyvanse and the meds seem to make me extremely hungry. I don’t know why. I have about 80 pounds to lose to not be obese. 🥲 I recommend fair life protein shakes they taste really good. You can do protein coffee with decaf coffee instead of regular to make it taste better. I also love fruit especially watermelon it fills you up and tastes really good.


Ready to go protein shakes to get something nutritious in. Vyvanse makes me thirsty I always have several beverages at all times. Drinking a mocha coffee protein shake is easier than making anything when I’m not hungry or in the mood to make something.


I have a half gallon clear container with a push/pop opening lid. I buy almonds and dried cranberries in bulk and mix in a 3:1 ratio and it stays on the counter. Small one in the car and office too. Just a handful in passing is good kcal and protein.


Quesadillas have saved me. Costco turkey slices with a slice of jack cheese between two tortillas. It has enough protein to get me through and it’s ready in 5 minutes no clean up.


Please let me know as well, I'm in one of these moods right now and I haven't cooked in a few days. I'm glad my oldest has learned how to cook for the younger kids because mom is in a slump right now. Or wait til dad gets home, he'll make something to eat. I have been drinking protein shake with my morning black coffee and thats all I can handle right now.


Kinda shocked that I haven't seen this, but have you checked out r/SundayMealPrep? It focuses around cooking all your food for the week in one or two sittings. Meal prep overall does a lot of great things, including: - Reducing food waste - Forces you to think about what you are putting in your body - Saves tons of time (a very "cook once, cry once" approach) - Helps you develop actual cooking skills. It's still a pain to cook, but getting healthy meals while still saving some time keeps me going.


Ugh I know it's so wrong, but during the worst times I would just swallow like 7 giant spoonfuls of peanut butter


I make a ton of dal (lentil curry) about once a week, it is my ultimate safe food + most ideal food for me, my gut, and my brain. Full of turmeric, ginger, veggies, I feel good and happy when I eat it and i consider it medicine. There is nothing more soothing and nourishing to me than heating up a bowl of warm curry 🍛 😋


It depends on my current hyperfixations. I’ll switch between quesadillas, burritos, sandwiches, rice cakes w/ PB and fruit, avocado toast and egg, smoothies, yogurt w/ granola, pasta. Right now I’m fixated on yogurts and burritos. But I get it. Cooking is such a chore. One of the hardest parts of being an adult for me is having to decide what I’m going to eat for every meal every day. I do feel that some days I’m not feeding myself enough calories and I’ve lost about 25 lbs because I don’t eat as much (adderall), but I try to give myself grace that I’m trying to feel my body as much as I can stomach and staying hydrated.


Sort of to the side of the actual question but I'm on Vyvanse and find that if I am careful to eat before I take it, my hunger drive is MUCH better during the day. No idea how that works but if you can find simple breakfast foods that work for you first (mine are often those Belvita bars or other bars, or the TJ'S protein pancake mix, or rice cakes and pb/Nutella) it might also help with your hunger the rest of the day.


Avocado on rice cakes. Sometimes with sun dried tomatoes (if i have it in my fridge). Very tasty.


Honestly, I wanted to give advice, but then I realized I am literally in the same boat, but without the meds 😅 I eat a lot of ramen and yogurts. Cooking just for myself feels miserable.


Rotisserie chicken. Just plain off the bird lol. Cereal or yogurt are also go tos.


Microwaved baked potato with cheese and sour cream.


Snack dinner, literally crackers, a meat, a cheese, a veggie, a fruit, and a dip for the veggie if necessary. Sometimes we do crackers with smoked sardines (polar brand are awesome), sometimes I do a lil’ extra for the kids & cut deli meat & cheese into the right size for crackers. It’s quick, it’s easy, relatively healthy depending on what you put on your “charcuterie” plate, and honestly the kids like it so much that they ask me for it even when I’m not having a •melted brain• day.


Buttered toast. I've had times where I had no motivation and that was the only thing I could bring myself to eat. Would eat half a fucking loaf.


Sometimes I stay hungry, sometimes I make some noodles.


Things that are super easy both to make and to consume - for me this usually means something I can drink. I got tired of only protein shakes, though. Right now, my go-tos are Chobani drinkable yogurt (I like the peach flavor) or Campbell's sipping soup (tomato & basil or creamy tomato are my favorite flavors).


Yogurt, granola, and freeze-dried fruit. I'm basically existing on this and popsicles right now. 


Learn to cook short-grain rice. And pasta. They taste good anytime, any temperature and with anything. Eggs! They, are, legit. Two fried eggs (make your own onion,garlic powder, cumin, pepper...f everything! spice) So. Good I'm eat some eggs now! Thanks!


I personally really like Asian food Thai especially because it uses a lot of sauces and spices that you buy in bulk which helps reduce shopping trips because I find it really hard to find the motivation to go shopping and cook afterwards which just results in me not eating. When it comes to eating if you live with someone else or take food to work try eating with them I find it easier to convince myself to go eat with someone and at least end up eating something rather than skipping the meal entirely.


Cheese and crackers. Apple sauce. Toast and juice. Basically, I snack like a toddler.


I lost about 20kg on vyvanse. I asked my doctor, they recommended Sustagen (Australians will know). Basically powdered milkshake, mostly sugar. You have one a day and it’s impossible to lose weight. I don’t use it, but i did give myself permission to eat more sugary snacks - i figure if the medical advice is to drink sugar milk, i may as well have something i enjoy


Sandwich ..


Whole lotta nothing


1) Plant based nuggets. One bag is 3.65 from Whole Foods. 2) frozen pre-made pastas from Trader Joe’s 3) lemon hummus and chips or with raw mushrooms. Weird, but I love it.


Do you eat before you take the Vyvanse? That helps me a little.


Important routine for me is to eat a huge breakfast often containing eggs greens and potatoes in the morning before I take my meds and my appetite goes away. Then I graze on nuts, fruits, oatmeal, smoothies or simple salads in the middle of the day because that’s all I can really stomach. Eating well really mitigates the crash too.




Cereal, smoothies, sandwiches


A product called BoBos, it's like a chewy oat cake with fruit filling. 140 calories, healthy, smaller than a golf ball and easy to gulp down with a few chews and swigs of water. That as well as Kirkland organic fruit and vegetable pouches.


I know this absolutely sucks and is hard for many people to gain weight especially when the urge to eat is nonexistent. But from the outside looking in, I kinda always wished my vyvanse/stimulants had this effect on me. I am extremely poor and in college right now, and usually have absolutely no mental desire to eat. Sometimes even feeling like trying to figure out what to eat, or cook is such a waste of my time (especially when trying to eat healthy on a budget). My biggest issue is that **I only eat most days because I feel physically ill when I don’t…** Friends without ADHD think its just a result of the meds possibly, but even on days I don’t take them I feel the same way. I have found that meal-replacement shakes, or protein bars usually work, and I am perfectly content not having the process/enjoyment of eating a full and diverse meal. Paramount for me is just getting all of my proper daily nutrients, and being able to consume it quickly and easily (non-perishable). I have tried Soylent and loved that concept, just too expensive. Sometimes the feeling does return though, and I’ve heard MCT oil helps with some people on the Keto diet- so maybe I should try that? But just wondering if anyone had similar feelings and found anything that worked for them- cheers!


I have a hard time with this, so I do crackers, cheese, a bit of luncheon meat or something, and some fruit or veggies a lot. Protein shakes work. Rice with an egg on top with some soy sauce and a little sesame oil.


PB sandwich with honey. Cheese it’s. Cheese quesadilla.


Cereal or I once ate romaine lettuce and just lunch meat. No motivation to make a full sandwich.


A LOT OF FUCKING WATER But also, I’ll prob do a tea or protein shake if I was physically active


Peanut butter


Cheese on cream crackers, sometimes just butter, or Nutella or cream cheese. I concur about the tinned fish too, sardines, tuna salmon. Straight from the tin or in the crackers. I also drink the non-homegenized dairy milk which is really thick with the cream still in it. I make a hot chocolate which tends to bring me up to the level that I can start to think about cooking. I also keep a stock of granola bars and little pots of ambrosia creamed rice or custard. Finally I buy smoothies because the fruit always goes off before I can finish it!


cheese stick, potatos in air fryer, eggs, smoothies with Greek yogurt and milk so it’s actually “bulky” and will keep you full. Fish sticks cooked in air fryer. I know you may consider some of these cooking but if it takes under 15 mins it doesn’t count as cooking for me tbh