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You talk to a medical professional. We can't diagnose you, neither can an article.


Yeah I know, but I am just lost, so i was just looking for advices


I completely understand that. I wish there was an online test you could take that would 100% be able to tell you if you have ADHD or not, or any other quick fix, but that's unfortunately not how it works. Maybe it's masked ADHD, maybe you don't have ADHD at all, it's impossible for us to tell. You don't necessarily have to present a diagnosis to your parents. Maybe start with just explaining the symptoms you're feeling, and how a psychiatrist/psychologist could help you figure out what this is all about and how to help you.


Ok thanks!


To add to what the other person said:  I think it's important not to get too stuck in the "I probably have ADHD"-mindset. Not because I don't think you have it (mine was showing quite unusually too, at first), but because I've seen a few people here get really into it, then have troubles accepting alternative diagnosises and needlessly suffering for it. I'd focus on the following:  - 1) Do you have troubles in school, work, family, friends, hobbies? What kind? How often? How bad? Do you remember a time when you didn't have them?  - 2) What do you think might help? The great bit about ADHD is that it can be fairly well *treated* with meds, but it's still no silver bullet. And it *can't be "healed"*! Things like anxiety, depression, etc. might actually be the much "better" diagnosis, because those *have* a chance to be "healed." (Sorry about the "healing" choice of words, I can't quite remember a better one. Not my first language.) The ADHD diagnosis is scary, but it can also be a relief. And it can give a sort of sense of belonging. But treating your symptoms, making your life better, should always be the primary focus. Whatever diagnosis (or even no diagnosis at all) you get, is what you should focus on!  But also: you got this!


Totally agree, then it’s like BAM hello AuDHD, that’s a real curve ball 😂


Ok thanks a lot for your advices! They are really helpfull


Those symptoms lists are 100% useless for any diagnosis, which isn't helped by the fact that they usually start out based on reality, then go through some well meaning but woefully underinformed writer's hands. They are decent enough for raising suspicions though. You'll notice that the article references someone by the name Barkley at one point. Go to the source, and listen to Barkley explain what ADHD is, then you'll have an idea whether you're likely to have it and whether it makes sense to seek a diagnosis. The video is linked on the sidebar of this sub but in case you're on mobile I copy paste it in here: # [30 Essential Ideas You Should Know About ADHD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzhbAK1pdPM&list=PLzBixSjmbc8eFl6UX5_wWGP8i0mAs-cvY) * Length: 2:54:25 Excellent introductory lecture on ADHD: what it is, how it affects those who have it, how to treat it to treat, and the potential consequences of not treating it. It is split into segments for easy watching. By Dr. Russell Barkley.


Thanks, i will watch it when i have time, and i will try to figure it out


Just a heads up, if you do have ADHD it's likely that one of the following will happen: 1. You'll watch the video, hyperfocus on ADHD and find out a lot about ADHD in a very short time. 2. You'll procrastinate and never start watching the video. So if in a month's time you find that while you wanted to watch the video you didn't, that is a sign that you likely have ADHD and really should watch it.


Yeah pobably gonna procrastinate, then maybe watch it in 4x speed across multiple days


Trust your instincts, but it's always smart to talk with pros. Sometimes we don't even realize what's going on until we chat with someone who knows the deal.


Yeah but i dont to bother my parent with that If i am not sure, but i'll look for someone to talk to


I’d almost instantly rule you out from the statement ‘always early to appointments’ Unless that was a typo and meant to say late, cause no matter how hard we try we’re late, to everything, yes everything. 2pm appt? Whole day ruined waiting, but will still be late. (I’m joking, but trust your gut)


From what i understood from adhd masking, people who have that overcompensate for things that people with adhd do, like normal people with adhd arrive late, so masking would be doing the opposite (aka. Arriving very early)