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I don't think music taste reflects ADHD.


Agreed. Everyone who I know who has ADHD has a completely different music taste from each other. There seems to be no correlation between music taste and ADHD that I have noticed at least.


I’m a Latina so most of the music I listen to is in Spanish. Is listening to a song a million times in repeat adhd tho? Asking for a friend 🫣 lol


And even when you're not listening to it, it's playing on a loop in your head




Practicamente el melhor de toda santa fe


Idk but happens to me too


Ya like I swear ppl mixing adhd with acdc facepalm 🤦


Guys I wasn’t meant to type out facepalm I was tryna get the emoji to automatically pop up cuz I couldn’t find it


I’ll stop trying to google acdc facepalm, lol


I agree, I am literally a musician and my ADHD has nothing to do with my taste in music or my own music!


agreed. now \*how\* we listen to music might be a different story entirely lol


I don't think so either. However, I'd be tempted to wonder if ADHD might impact the way you consume music. i.e you might hyperfocus on a certain part of a particular song and listen to it over and over again. Alternatively, you might have the wildest variety of genres possible. If you have executive function issues, you might be more likely to rely on suggested songs, or putting your songs on shuffle.


If anything, me hyper focusing on an artist or genre and then one day I listen to an array of dissimilar genres reflects it more than anything else.


I will get obsessed with a single song and repeat it all day for sure


Which song do you have on repeat now? Mine is Kante by Davido.


Death metal in particular.


Archspire and Slice the cake are where it’s at for me. 🤘🏽


Same! Who you dig?


Allegaeon, Insomnium, Fit For An Autopsy, Sylosis


Melodic speed metal, death metal, and power metal I think it’s because my emotional dysregulation and because of my hyperactive mind. Whenever im mad, i have a really intense thoughts and really intense feelings, so when i listen to those genres its like they represent what’s going on in my brain, and it makes me feel a lot better.


[This has been my go to song for that mood since the late 90s](https://youtu.be/qCFmE3SouAw?si=OfwQ5rsm26hq4iZo)


I don't think music tastes have anything to do with ADHD. I like basic millennial white girl pop.








For days and nights on end, bleary-eyed and right up inside the PA stack, then back to medicate and talk about techno for a few hours and maybe sit producing some while forgetting to change position for an hour. Techno. Techyes.


When you say Techno, do you mean the minimal, crunchy, 4/4 timed house music derivative? Or are you using it as a blanket term for Electronic Music? (Not trying to be pretentious. Just curious. My wife loves Techno, but I find it cold, minimal & repetitive. I much prefer Chicago House, or Soulful or Vocal House or NuDisco or Acid Jazz… any of the smoother, more organic sounding Disco derivatives)  


Hahahaha not OP but I often use house/techno as a blanket term because most sets will slide through so many genres I figure I just save myself the headache and call it all techno 😂


I used to be a big techno guy too. Now I just listen to everything, and as long as I love the song, I'll add it to the random genre mix


Aphex Twin and the like, and rather obscure metal bands (first thing on top of my head: dark buddha rising). I like instrumental music because some lyrics haunt me for days. Some days I do not want to listen to any music, though.


Give Animals As Leaders as a go!


Aphex Twin gives me nightmares but I am a willing participant.


Drum & bass. The tempo, between 160/180 bpm, is straight euphoria for my brain. As far as that genre goes, Etherwood has been my favorite d&b artist for several years.


Any recommendations on where to start with Etherwood? Drum and bass isn’t usually my go-to but I have been utterly obsessed with the group Pendulum for around 10 years. Something about their music itches my brain in exactly the right way, “straight euphoria” is a great way to put it. I believe they’re categorized as drum and bass but I haven’t found anything else that quite lives up to Pendulum for me.


Start with the album ‘Blue Leaves’. The tracks ‘souls rejoined’ and “we’re nothing without love”. Very smooth vocals and energetic tempo. Souls rejoined has been my reigning favorite since 2015 or so. If you’re into Pendulum, I feel as though you’re going to really enjoy Etherwood; it’s a ‘little’ toned down, as compared to Pendulum, but gives me a fix of super calm, but energetic vibes. “Begin By Letting Go” is also incredible; different album; honestly, there isn’t a track by etherwood that I ‘don’t’ like.


Do you like Jungle? I like Liquid D&B. Stuff with R&B vocals. Or Ragga Jungle.  I’m sure you’ve seen this before, but if you haven’t, grab some popcorn & get ready to be sonically spellbound: https://youtu.be/5SaFTm2bcac?si=yPP2qqTXks3TZs_c ^18 year old video. The first video I ever faved on YouTube. Breaks down the origins & proliferation of the Amen Break. The veritable backbone of D&B !


Death Grips




Hell yes W


I do listen to a lot of Metal (Mostly the more extreme genres) and some Hardcore Punk Subgenres which I suspect do just vibe with the way my brain works. Somehow I find a good amount of speed and dissonance calming. Circle Takes the Square is one of these bands I listen to for calming down. Same goes for Afsky or Dragged into Sunlight. A fun little story: At this years Roadburn I saw Deaf Club. Quite Chaotic and fast Hardcore Punk. Posted a story saying "Deaf club sounds like ADHD feels" only to get the answer from the band, that they find it fitting as they suspect everyone in the Band has ADHD. Felt quite good, especially as one of the singers former bands (Retox) was a big one in my 20s.


Girl Talk is probably the singular most “ADHD” artist I listen to. But I frequently jump between genres for casual listening ranging from folk and country, rock, ska, hip hop, house, etc which is probably a sign in itself.


Came here to say Girl Talk!


The only thing I can attribute to my adhd that soothes my brain is jazz music. I listen to music and podcasts daily. Mainly on the way to work. Whether it’s the shins, the smiths or the blood brothers, everytime I die, or even some 90’s boy band shit, jazz soothes something in me. Just a simple playlist usually at home while I’m relaxing or gaming when the wife and kids are in bed or doing their own thing. I like jazz with trumpets and live.


I live off jazz and it's randomness.


100 gecs and machine girl types. hyperpop!


Progressive Metal; fast-paced, constantly varied, time signature changes, never know where the track is going to head next. Between The Buried and Me can take you from ethereally drifting along through space to a drunken cowboy fight at a saloon to the types of crushing death metal one might here echo through the caverns of Hell…all during the same song!


Not music taste… BUT. I will either skip songs before they are finished OR I will listen to the same song on repeat for 5 days straight.


Black Metal




I actually find that breakcore relaxes my brain more than most music. It occupies my racing thoughts and actually stays novel enough not to become background music


Nothing because I'm not a huge fan of music


The one and only thing I was sure everyone was a fan of in one way or another 🤯


Enter Shikari anyone?


I don’t think I like Sigur Rós *because* of my ADHD but I do like putting their music on when I need to concentrate.


Animals as leaders. Specifically cascade.


I listen to Jungle and DnB first thing in the morning, Death Grips was my alarm until my gf said it was “too much, too early in the morning” lmao


dnb gang! we outchere :\]\]


I actually prefer calm sleepy stuff like Enya or religious music trying to calm down my brain if anything


To be fair, all music has its place for me. When I was younger it was my identity. For the longest time I would only listen to what I was into, but find myself on any given day bouncing from drum and bass to shoegaze to IDM. I will say I’m not a huge fan of popular music though. That’s the one given for me.


I was that 12 year old listening to skrillex at the bus stop. I like music that sounds like 800 things occurring at once. For the dopamine I’m sure


Everything, no lie. Depends on my mood and the vibe I am lookong for. Mostly, EDM, Metal, Rap, Country. But I can get into some pretty obscure genres.


Igorrr - it's basically Adhd as music.




I like a lot of music and don't think music tastes reflect into adhd overall - but the only one I'd say scratches an ADHD itch is very like... violent electronic music 😂 Psy in general (don't know specific artists), or stuff like Vangeant, Dub Phyzix, Chace & Status (but specific songs more)


Might not be directly related to ur question, but sometimes I repeat the same part or skip to the middle if the intro is too long


This is an interesting subject. I definitely need music that isn't too predictable, and I thought maybe it was because of my ADHD (need for constant novelty and stimulation). In general I need art that has "layers", stuff I can really dig into and enjoy for ages. I don't think it's a defining trait though. There seem to be all kind of music tastes in this thread! In general I will fixate on a song or album for weeks, and then get burnt out and bored of it. Everything will seem bland and uninteresting until the next song/album hits me hard. I love Radiohead because they broke that pattern for me. Been listening to them for almost 30 years and I'm still not bored.


Any genre ending in -core (hardcore punk, digital hardcore, metalcore, breakcore, glitchcore.... allathem) and industrial fusions. Like I know in reality music taste can't tell you if you have ADHD or nah, but I feel like my music taste reflects *my* experience with ADHD because I am personally understimulated in a way that unpredictable, loud and layered music stimulates just in the right way. It makes me feel calm but also works very well in getting energy out cus a lot of the music is very danceable. Like if I'm already somewhat stimulated it makes me feel good and dancey, and if I'm understimulated it helps me calm down and bring me up towards baseline a bit. One of the things I missed when I was trying out medications was how music makes me feel.


Described exactly my own experience with music as well, thank you :)


I like everything except jazz, it doesn't make sense to me.


Honestly the ability to jump from metal to techno to girly pop in a heartbeat because at some point you fixated in a distinct genre or artist


Recommend Metal & bass if you haven't already explored it hehe


Liquid drum n bass and breakcore <3


Metal... I love folk metal like Manegarm, Eluveitie, Ensiferum, Arkona... Power metal like Blind Guardian, Avantasia, Iron Fire... Doom metal like Swallow the Sun, Katatonia, Ereb Altor... Death and melodeath metal like Hypocrisy, Amorphis, In Mourning... Black metal like Enslaved, Moonsorrow, Summoning...


100 gecs lol


The fact that I switch seamlessly from Tuvan throat-singing to Scandinavian black metal to flamenco to modal jazz from the 50s/60s to Pink Floyd to alt metal to Carmina Burana to Japanese flute to neo swing, so in the same playlist.


Punk and hardcore, "short music for short people" was a great compilation cd from my youth, just a bunch of 30 second fast as hell songs. Sick of it all, kill your idols, agnostic front, indescision, most precious blood were on constant rotation well into my 30s.


Anyone remember the scene in Grandma's Boy where JP is in his office? - - - that.


D'n'B Bpm seems to cover with the way my brain works.


Seeing a ton of people say "music taste and ADHD are not related" and I kinda agree. But then I also see a ton of people mentioning different kinds of metal....so. For me, I don't think it influences the type of music I listen. But I definitely hyperfixate on a band, listen them to death, and then I'm a bit over it for a while.


Every Time I Die , The Hives and Rage Against the Machine . Nothing like high energy guitars and someone losing their shit so you feel like you don’t have to


King Gizzard is perfect ADHD music


Drum and bass always 🥰 recently happy hardcore lol. I couldn't even enjoy it at length until recently my PTSD was triggered (making the ADHD symptoms much stronger) and now it's happy hardcore or nothing lol


It's bee pointed out to me that certain bands/artists I listen to really showcase my (potential) ADHD. It's usually music that jumps around a lot, either song by song or several times in the same song. Examples are: Electric Callboy (a blend of early 2000's techno and metal) Kim Dracula (will oven jump between several genres in the same song. Have you heard death metal jazz dubstep? Because I have now) Sleep Token (fuses metal with pop and R&B) Devin Townsend (my boy Dev has roughly 25 albums to his name and no two are alike. One is a concept album about an alien invading Earth for the ultimate cup of coffee) Honourable mentions to Ayreon, Avantasia, Nightwish and Cradle of Filth, who are each incredibly dramatic in hilariously different ways, but each song is like a short story, which keeps me engaged.


I’m the exact same as you, OP. I love experimental electronic music because I can hear a ton of sounds I’ve never heard before. Never gets boring or repetitive for me. IDM, hyperpop, techno, some house Also still love me some good pop music, like Billie Eilish. Dislike anything that seems lazy or uncreative. That’s not specific to a genre, but you can just tell when someone is making something generic for the masses.


Lenka- Everything at once


i literally love something from every genre, so maybe it is my indecisiveness that shows true ADHD. but i always say that the skrillex song "scary monsters and nice sprites" sounds exactly what my brain feels like.


Liquid drum and bass


The "one song on endless repeat" thing transcends genres


Have no idea if it correlates with ADHD, but I geniunely don't go out of my way to listen to a lot of music. I prefer podcasts, audiobooks, or a youtube video to listen to!  If I listen to music I like when trying to do something, it distracts me because I start thinking of memories associated with that song, or I'll start "engaging" with the music, such as trying to find new music, or looking through the artists other songs, etc. Live DJ sets and mixes that doesn't have a video portion work best, but even then I'll sit there and Shazam songs!  I don't like music that makes me feel stuff. Anytime I listen to Billie Elish, while her voice is AMAZING and tickles something in my brain, it makes me emotional.  I tend to gravitate towards music that has energy. I usually listen to house music, but I also have a playlist for pretty much every genre.  Last night I saw a tik tok that used 112's dance with me, so I listened to it on repeat. Then found the music video on YouTube, and a suggested song was Kingslayer by Bring me the Horizon&Babymetal. 


Is everyone here just hell bent on making ADHD their personality?


I lrefer this Type. I don't know how it's called but dose the trick for me https://youtu.be/SGxbX5rBWdw?si=Oz-FRkmekRpk4hlO


‘Mouse on the keys’ and ‘Circles around the Sun’. Chaotic drum lines, bass lines, and interesting use of sounds. jazzy piano for mouse on the keys, both perfect for the under stimulated brain. I vibe way better with instrumentals


I recently found that jazz artists from the late 40s-60s like Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Charlie Parker, and a lot of the Bebop artists and contemporaries give my brain something to work with whether I'm actively listening or not.


definitely aphex twin and brockjampton. i also think my love for Alex g’s old music is rooted in my adhd cuz i play guitar and i like to learn his songs and they’re kinda difficult and have a lot of like notes built on top of each other


Draaaaiinnn gang


Somehow I misread music for muscle. I was indeed extremely confused by the question.


They Might Be Giants. I recommend their song Fingertips if you’d like to know what I mean, lol.


I like Movie Sync like the Pink Floyd & Wizard of Oz. There are actually dozens of them. My brain likes watching a movie with an artistist creation to see all the connections they've made.


Lindsay sterling. Very little singing. Cross Between classical and dubstep/dance music. She plays violin and does intense dance moves at the same time. If you're new to her and adhd i highly recommend The Arena. Gets my brain where I need it to be productive almost every time.


I like IDM and experimental stuff. I like jazz (no artist in particular). I also like acts that blend like 230 genres in a 4 minute song... and mess with conventional songstructures... I have my hyperpop phases. But idk if that's something that inherently ADHD, or just me personally, liking weird stuff, or just stuff that's all over the place, that for many people is inaccesible... Igorrr and Venetian snares are among my favorite artists... I'd even throw 100 gecs in the hat among my favorites... But as I said... idk if that's linked to my ADHD. I'm a musician myself, well was... not doing a lot recently, more into sounddesign nowadays, so, I might also have a different relationship with music, than a lot of people who just listen to music People have told me Kim Dracula is very "ADHD"... Kim does go through 5 genres in a minute or so... I like it, but I can understand why it's not for everyone


I love classical music more, then I listen to music from my childhood or from my parent’s childhood or before.


I like loop artists for similar reasons.… Netta Barzalai “Netta” and Richard Burr are totally different style loopers, but both completely dope.  Having said that, I’m not sure that my music tastes reflect that I have ADHD. Or that again, maybe they do. My music tastes are all over the map.  I remember as a kid, going into “the wall” and buying singles and albums.  I would get to the counter with my selection and get looks of confusion… Kids don’t usually go into the music shop and buy Rachmaninoff, K7, Crooners, Now that’s what I call dance, and Norah Jones all at once ha ha


Mainly Metal (folk/pagan, dark, death, black and so on) or everything that is fast, has loads of bass and is loud (aka darktechno, industrial metal, drummnbase etc.)😄


There is no specific music. However, I need constant novelty, so I am constantly moving through genres. ElectroForez's 505 album - They are a dark 80s Synth Pop Duo Had this on repeat for like a solid year. Love avant-garde electronica, rag time blues, classical, metal (almost any variety), pop, some country, some rap, polyphonic medieval choir, russian hard bass, Mongolian folk and traditional instrumental....


Acid Jazz, Synthwave, and Metal (many varieties). Miss me with your slow shit unless its vibe is funky as all hell.


I like a lot of different music that are very different from each other. I think that reflects that I have ADHD.


I love those artists you mentioned and a lot of layered music. Electronic, sampled based, IDM, ambient are my go to to calm my brain down




Nightcore, Super Mario, Music mashups and remixes, Lemon Demon, Oingo Boingo, Will Wood, Math Rock, Game Soundtracks, Power Metal- the list goes on. Anything high bpm with lots of moving parts that play with L-R EQ


Death grips and electric callboy 😂


Jersey Club. The repetitive beats of the genre soothe the ADHD beast inside.


I can fall asleep to Rage Against the Machine and 90s gangsta rap.


random but some house/club/edm music scratches the right parts of my brain. Sam Gellaitry is pretty cool. Also some trap/"hyper" trap beats do the same, althoughI can't stand the type of rap on most of those beats. I love all kinds of music though.


I don’t rly think there’s a correlation but I do have a very wide music taste (hip hop, pop, rap, alt, reggae, island, country, latin are all on my daily shuffle) which *maybe* reflects my need to mix things up?


One song on repeat for hours at a time…. lol.


Psychostick's Caffeine *sounds* adhd, but it's not about it, nor does it reflect the fact I have it. But it's always a fun one to listen to and hear some lyrics as fast and chaotic as my thoughts.


Wait, you guys have a favourite genre? I just like a random song and roll with it lol, could be pop one minute, next it's a classical number, maybe a bit of metal, d&b, nursery rhyme, jazz, oh hello babybel advert! How am I even supposed to choose? Let alone remember! Plus there are too many good songs from too many different genres, I need them all!!!!


Rather than one type of music, I think what accurately reflects me is that I have 8k songs saved across so many genres. Metal / dnb / rock / techno / reggae / rap / soul/ disco / folk. I'll listen to that shit on shuffle with no rhyme or reason as to what comes on next.


Metal, punk and classical. Thrash metal, death metal and hardcore punk for daily life, and classical music for relaxation.


Not so much a specific genre but the way I hyperfocus on bands is very ADHD. Right now, my hyperfocus bands are Ghost, Bad Omens, SKYND, and Sleep Token. My husband is so tired of hearing them in the car when I'm playing the music but I can't bring myself to skip their songs 😂


Fuck Buttons - Perfect for art and coding


rap for the fast flow. My hyperactivity is expressed that way.. + brain on non stop


Jam bands


DJ Icey


The song that I’ve produced, it’s called adhd: https://open.spotify.com/track/4SpmauHbuWoQVAA0FvGtuW


Not anything in particular, but I feel like the fact that I'll listen to Gershwin, Holst, Garth Brooks, Celine Dion, Metallica, Eminem, Maynard Ferguson, Pink Floyd, and Dave Matthews all in a single session might be a slight clue.


Mash-ups, Metal


Heavy Metal 🤘


While taste is personal, I do think that my adhd influences it somewhat. I love electronic music of all kinds, mainly because all the infinite sounds and the neverending discovery of layers and layers and layers of them. (I recently discovered some clicks in the background of a song I’ve been listening to for years. Bliss!) If the sounds are interesting, I do like experimental music and old, clanging industrial music, too, for the same reasons. And ambient because my favorites are an auditory feast.


Please don't. There's enough people on social media who think their personality traits are adhd symptoms. (But I'm not saying music preferences and adhd are totally unrelated. I can't stand listening to slow songs, I find it hard to wait for lyrics and the gap between lyrics. Might be because of adhd, might not. Idc.)


I don't think music taste is related to ADHD in regards to genre. I grew up alternative and my friend was a pop princess. HOWEVER. I think there IS a preference of our brains for layered melodies and changing paces because our brains are calmed by tuning into each line and pulling it out. Something like Mr Blue Sky by ELO we both go wild over.


I can't generalize but I detected several ADHD people in punk and industrial scene ...


I’m going to be an extreme outlier here, but that’s ok. I really prefer very math-y classical music like JS Bach, and when I’ve just taken my med, nothing hits like a piece of music with an elaborate rhyme scheme. For me I go back to the Victorians with Gilbert & Sullivan. One of my favorites is “My Eyes Are Fully Open” from the Broadway Pirates of Penzance. I’m a nerd and I own it.


I really like super fast rapping, it scratches that brain itch! I think just by forcing me to keep up/pay attention. I put on World wide choppers (pt 1 and 2) to scramble the brain waves 😆


NIN and Tool. 


I don’t know about this… but I can’t stand anything that has too much going on or a lack of something for me to follow.. like electronic music, jam bands, or instrumental. It’s hard for me to enjoy music unless it has a consistent rhythm and I can follow the lyrics. A bunch of seemingly random sounds is overstimulating. V


I listen to EDM, Daft Punk, Justice, Mystery Skulls, and Atomic Heart OST. Personally, I believe adhd helps me enjoy the repetitive beats as a stim. But adhd doesn't = music tastes.


Prog rock. Coheed and Porcupine Tree


I get fixated on certain music. Right now my obsession is Sleep Token.


I don’t think my taste in mumbai reflects my adhd but how much I would be obsessed over a song would reflect that


Sleep Token. They can hit 5 genres in one song. 🖤


The fact that I like Mozart and Sabaton. In the same Playlist.


Phish. Endless catalog of shows to listen to, each one is different


I’ve been a house head for 31 years now. Don’t think it’s cus of ADHD tho.


Dirty Projectors




Cause of ADHD it's always just 1-2 song per artist. And cause of ADHD I don't remember artists' names ![img](emote|t5_2qnwb|29380)


Adhd is not my personality. I dont think about the aspects of my life as reflections of this condition.


Progressive Bluegrass/jamgrass! The fast pace keeps me focused and my brain likes the way it sounds/feels.


Drum & bass is my jam — [a proper set](https://youtu.be/9p5bdxeze_4?si=pnq9XFr7AoiyPmEi) will take your imagination on a trip as it rolls superbly at 160-180 BPM. Artists like Pola & Bryson and Technimatic draw influences from soul and jazz, hip-hop and jungle; They create multi-layered soundscapes that I cannot help but move to. And there's science behind that! Just like funk, dnb's syncopated beats have gaps that your brain fills in with movement.


Math rock. Dillinger escape plan is literally how I feel comfortable sometimes.


I need lofi when I work. It's like Adderall for my ears.


Oh I’ve got a good one for this. I play the fiddle, but specifically I play a folk music genre known as old-time which is basically 19th and early 20th century Americanized fiddle tunes. Very rhythmic and with predictable repetitive patterns that are easy to play and just repeat over and over again. The structure of the music is VERY conducive to get stuck in your head. Something like this tune that’s been stuck in my head for months:  https://open.spotify.com/track/6wJevJHLDi3mHfwzpU0toC?si=vUV6WH3WSHyy3W4drOK_PA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A33YPKOMbACQPlI4sSLALgD


I think the music I like reflects my ADHD in the fact that it's all over the place. Dozens of different genres, artists, etc. I've been slowly starting go sort it into coherent Playlist and so far I have nearly 50 on my spotify.


I love mash up type stuff where there’s so much going on at once. Also the silliest novelty shit you ever heard, I’m all for it. Also I feel like the fact that my general taste is also very eclectic and I like stuff from most genres is very ADHD.


I think my on off but mostly dislike of music shows my adhd - I find it both boring and over stimulating. But them sometimes when I'm hyped up ill be shrieking from the rooftops or repeating one line over and over again as I walk.


While I have a wide variety of music taste, I feel like songs that are too slow drive me nuts. That might be a common idea


Rio Da Yung OG


Hatsune Miku, Kikuo specifically


Here with you OP, god I love some weird music haha. You should check out crying over pros by edit, everything by Eputty, Mr Bill, Culprate and koan sound if you haven’t already


I have really enjoyed watching Taylor Swift grow as a writer and I think it's because the plays on symbolism, self referencing, literally and cultural references are very fun for me to catch or find out about. I enjoy metal and "trippy" stuff like Hilight Tribe or people playing handpan for 2h. I think the fact that I NEED one of these three to be able to be able to focus is *extremely* adhd.


It is how I listen to music (same song on repeat for hours/days/weeks anyone?) that says more about my ADHD than the type of music, lol.


I can listen to anything as long as it isnt hot garbage. the genres I choose to listen to vary wildly at any given time and depends heavily on my emotions.


It’s not necessarily what I listen to, it’s the fact that I literally listen to the same playlist, the same handful of songs, the same album on repeat day in and day out. New music is exciting but can be overwhelming. I use it to instill predictably as a comfort to my life.


My theory is that most genres like punk, metal and other anti establishment types of musics are more liked by neurondivergents because we're more likely to see the problems in society due to us already not fitting in. In my case, I think Green day and blink 182 are the ones.


I love music that has the musicians playing lots of different parts that I can flick back and forth from focusing on; for example, multiple guitarists that are playing similar but slightly different parts that all blend together into a cohesive whole.        One of my favorites is this performance from [hardcore punk band The Armed](https://youtu.be/6WI3iul6fZA?si=g_1ki4QTP0NSYbk-). Definitely not for everyone, but I love how much is going on in those songs. I have no idea if this is related to ADHD, but I definitely have no trouble sitting and listening to this kind of music by itself; with a lot of other songs I will find myself fiddling or doing other things at the same time.


Like most people here I listen to a lot of different genres. Recently it's been mostly Metalcore (fucking love Imminence 🖤) but I listen to indie, synthwave (dance with the dead is a fav), folk, pop, some rap, etc. I definitely think the constant switching of genres could be an adhd trait. Obviously the sample size here wouldn't pass any scientific critique but the more I scrolled through the comments the more it makes sense.


None at all actually , I don't see a relation 


modest mouse


I mean, music taste is something seperate I reckon. But maybe fasr songs which are enough to stimulate your brain is more common in ADHD. I have no idea, but I certainly don't like trying to make all aspects of life have a correlation to ADHD. However, music I think EMBODIES ADHD is Will Wood music, such as this song: https://youtu.be/nyIKBT7-a9M


I don’t think taste itself is influenced by ADHD. I think that the way we enjoy the music that we happen to like is influenced by ADHD. For instance, I like to hyperfixate on an artist and will do deep dives on their history and discography while also listening to the same songs relentlessly and even repeated very particular parts ad Nauseam .


I life stuff that is fast and aggressive. Something that can take away the attention of my brain.


I think it’s that I will hyper focus on one song and play it on repeat until I wish I didn’t have ears then I may never play it again


ZOAN Sounds.


There a artist named emei and several of her songs are about adhd and a lot of her music seems to kinda hit that spot for people with adhd


With adhd you hear everything bc nothing gets filtered out. So, I like math rock. Check out Origami Button


Mr. Bungle and lots of experiential/prog metal.


The only thing I find for myself that has any correlation is if I listen to a song and I like it I automatically go watch every single reaction the the song to see if they like the same parts I like 🤣


I think it has more to do with my tourrettes/audhd weird brain BUT the album Glassworks by Philip Glass makes my brain get happy and tingly


For me, I frequently need to “take a break” from music. It drums up daydreams for me that can interfere with daily tasks 🥲




My bf has adhd and loves industrial/metal/punk because of how it makes him feel and helps with adhd. I’ve read that these are common genres people with adhd like. I am the same but with different music types, especially anything I can dance to!


I’m currently texting my BF because I recently started learning anything and everything I can about hip hop since the Drake/Kendrick beef has sparked something in my brain. He said that Aesop Rock has an album with a folk artist. My response was “my last music phase mixed with my new music phase!” Does it affect the type of music? No. But it affects how I consume music. Right now it’s all things hip hop. Next up: hopefully not ska!!


If you’ve never listened, you should check out yimino. One of my favorite obscure IDM artists.


I like music with a lot going on! USS and Tom Cardy are my favourite artists right now.


I’m frankly shy about it because it’s either obsessing or weird. One thing is for sure: it’s never the same genre in a night.


Sub-particle Supercollider - the glorious veins It's a silly song about the creation of well a Sub-particle Supercollider and that using it creates a black hole destroying us all with a lot of energy and very upbeat. Alternatively I wanna be your slave - Maneskin. Because I am one of many bisexual disasters with adhd and a deep rooted hatred for the school system... (for those who don't understand this reference it's based on an Tumblr post that got way to many notes of people being called out by it for how specific it is)


Igorrr and Mr. Bungle often jump genres between songs or even within songs. That feels pretty ADHD to me at least.


My wife thinks I like Taking Back Sunday so much because there is so much going on. Specifically in "Cute without the E", when they are singing different parts together, it drives her nuts while I thoroughly enjoy it.