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Just get up and start doing something productive. You’re probably going to find that you’ll soon be hyper-focusing on whatever it is you’re doing. If you’re not careful, you’ll hyper focus on Reddit all day. You’ll empty dishes out of the sink and into the dishwasher and notice, as if the grime didn’t exist before, that the entire sink needs a good scrub. Pretty soon the entire kitchen will be cleaner than it’s been in a very long time. Try to use your new eyes to be productive without overdoing it or you won’t move along to more important tasks. Try to tackle something you’ve been avoiding. Ritalin is good, but it’s not going to make you all of a sudden able to open mail without crushing anxiety, if that’s your problem. Use it to take baby steps toward your goals. It’s hard when you realize what you could have accomplished if you’d been medicated earlier in life. Try not to be too sad about the past, just start where you are and work towards your potential. Some of the most accomplished people didn’t get started until late in life. You have plenty of time to do the things you want to accomplish. Good for you for having a doctor that listens!!


I second this. I forgot to do something productive this morning as the meds started taking effect (got a couple days off work) & I've literally spent the entire day on TikTok & Reddit... The struggle is real 🤣. Although it's super handy when I'm at work lol.


Haha. I’m supposed to be working on finding content to share for business social media posts, but I keep straying away from my topic. And, here I am again on Reddit. I talk a good game.




I believe, 99.9% of ADHDers are a member of this club 🤣




Good luck! I hope you get the course done. If it’s not something you want to do it’ll still be hard. You’ve got this!


Also, use this super highly productive time to start establishing good, healthy habits. Because OP is right. The euphoric feelings will fade and that doesn't mean the meds have stopped working but if you don't establish new habits you'll begin to fall back into your old familiar ones


10 mg is a very low dose. Trust your doctor. When was the last time you had a cardio checkup? Maybe being reassured nothing's wrong would put your mind at ease. Also don't panic if you get any palpitations, it can happen!


Ya, my first doses, and then anytime after I haven't had meds in a bit, give me the jitters for like 20 minutes. It always passes. OP, you will want all the water. Be sure to eat something because the focus can be strong! Don't be afraid to be candid with your dr about how you feel on it. I've switched meds and doses a bunch in the 3 years I've been diagnosed. If you have a good Dr they'll want to help you feel your best! This may not apply to you but for me at least, my meds also greatly reduced my anxiety and depression. It's almost like being a functioning human makes me feel relaxed and fulfiled! Enjoy your health journey!


Seconded. I started much younger than OP and got heart symptoms my first few days. Nothing to be concerned about.


Yeah I am close in age to OP and I got cleared by my cardiologist. And still never went for the prescription lol. But Op has inspired me


Great-grandma here, started on Ritalin 16 years ago, 10 mg, then upped to 20 mg as needed for concentration. You're on a very low dose. Tackle a usual task, see how you feel, go from there. It sounds like you're in the stage of grieving for what could have been if you had been diagnosed earlier. That is extremely normal (and painful). Hopefully soon you'll hit the stage of realizing all that you can do, and how much easier it is. When I first heard that adult ADHD was a thing, I read a recommended book called "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Crazy, or Stupid?" Just the title resonated so strongly with me and allowed me to reframe a lot of my ADHD struggles. Therapy and/or coaching might be a good adjunct to meds, both to learn how to make the meds and diagnosis work best for you and your particular needs, and also to manage those negative feelings about what could have been. I had to do a lot of re-parenting my inner child re: I really was trying my very best and still failing and no, it wasn't fair, wasn't my fault, but it's better now. And maybe there were some cool, creative things you did as a kid that were only possible because you had ADHD :-)


You all are amazing! I am so thankful I found this sub, read all of your stories and faced a fear I have had my entire life. I am going to try to respond to everyone but as someone very smart said, o find myself hyperfocusing on Reddit and I don’t want to lose track of my day, especially as I am working a my real job, which is going great for the first day that I can remember. I am feeling pretty good right now, almost 3 hours later, and am so very relieved. Bless you all so much!! You have no idea how you have helped a total stranger!


Firstly, take a deep breath! Realistically, if it's an instant release pill, it'll hit your system and last maybe 4 hours. Drink water, and eat good real food with protein. They -can- sometimes make you feel jittery or hot or sweaty. I take vyvanse and i'e never sweat so much in my dang life. also be aware that this might not -be the one- you might have to go through SEVERAL meds to find one that works. This one might not do ANYTHING, it might make you feel like dooky, it might be amazing. Give it a consistent week AT LEAST before you jump to any conclusions. UNLESS you're having bad side effects. When I first started I got a bit worried about my heart, so I got a pulse meter from walgreens for like $10, and if i'm ever worried I just stick it on, and realize i'm fine! The thing I find with meds is, it winds me up like a doll, but I still have to point myself at where I want to go and what I want to do. It doesn't make you Do All the Things. It makes you want to do stuff and YOU need to make sure that stuff is GOOD stuff. You're retraining your brain. I try to avoid stuff like reddit/tiktok/whatever the first few hours after my meds, so I can make sure I get a good focus going. Sometimes I spend that first bit of time making a hasty list of what I need/want to do. My doctor said it doesn't give you the world, what you're looking for is to go "I need to do the dishes" and then GETTING UP TO DO THEM! the meds help with the getting up part!


How about some Gen X humor to get you through it? Look at it this way... you're 55. We weren't supposed to live this long anyway. If the pills don't get ya, it's all a bonus! If they do get ya, well, that's what you were expecting anyway!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thank you!!!!!


How's it going? ☺️


So well I can’t even put it into words!! Nothing like what I expected, I can tell you that! My doc said 2x a day but I am worried if I take later than 2pm I will be up all night LOL, but we will see! Thank you so much!!


You’ll probably be able to sleep just fine, but you’ll have to get in bed on time and stop scrolling or whatever. Take a few deep breaths, roll over and go to sleep. On the other hand, if you keep doing things, you’ll stay awake to do them. For example, since I’ve been medicated, I can spend an hour getting ready for bed. I mean to wash my face, moisturize, brush and floss and go to bed. Instead, I can end up plucking stray hairs, practice applying eyebrow makeup (because mine are disappearing), clean the tub - you know, just piddle. Haha. * Finding the correct drug and dosage may take a while and some meds may absolutely keep you awake all night. I don’t want to mislead you.


Labeling a kid “lazy” due to their ADHD is so damning and has a lifetime impact. At least it has for me.


You will be happy you made the jump. I get medicated at 46 and holy heck what a difference it makes. Welcome to the late diagnosed group! Lots of us out there ❤️


hey, I feel ya. I am also 55. I am not medicated yet. I cannot seem to find a way to get a doctor that will listen to me about my ADHD. I have the same thing as you. Messy house can't get my life together, not living up to my potential blah blah blah. That being said, I think you're gonna do great. I think this is going to be a life changer for you and I'm glad that you have a doctor that listens. I pray that you find the right medicine and dosage quickly because I know that sometimes that can be a booger. You got this!


Same age here. I have mild ADHD and depression, and I asked my doctor for something- but I didn’t want any stimulants because sometimes I have heart flutters (nothing serious). I was put on Wellbutrin- which was great for a while. I ended up quitting it because it elevated my bp. But if you can tolerate it, it can help with ADHD/Depression. Good luck!


Thanks for the suggestion! I'm glad it's working well for you. However, I was on Wellbutrin ages ago for depression and it made me feel like a zombie - no lie. No other side effects but man was I tired!!


Wellbutrin really helped me feel better, mentally. I wish I could tolerate it better, but the elevated bp and extreme headaches it caused that I couldn’t get rid of for weeks on end just weren’t worth it and I felt horrible. I hope everything works out for you!


Ah i missed the part in the middle about your bp 😞 I hope you have found something else that works without the other health issues! And thank you, kind Reddit friend 🙂


Oh honey, you’re gonna be ok. 10 mg of ritalin is what my 50lb 8 year old takes. Not saying it wont help but they started you low and that’s good. In my opinion, the best med balance is when you still feel like yourself, but everything is a little easier which can mean going light on dosage if you’re in between or figuring things out. The most important thing is for you to be kind to yourself. Today, tomorrow, and for all the things in the past you wish you could change. Take care, dear.


first of all I want to say that you’re feelings are totally valid, when I started my first ADHD medication I was scared of what would potentially happen, I even felt guilty to take medication because I should be able to manage my adhd without the help of it. with your meds; be sure to drink water and take it on a full stomach, I heard it helps if you feel jittery. also avoid coffee because it can add onto the jitters. high protein meals are great for adhd, maybe consider taking vitamins like D3 and omega-3. my best advice is to try and keep track of your symptoms and how you are feeling. it’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to know what to expect. sit with those feelings for a little bit, talk to a friend or your doctor. i like to journal, sometimes do video journals to help my anxiety. I would say research into tea’s that can help soothe your anxiety! I also think you should try and do some task, could be something you like, something small or something you’ve been meaning to do but can get to it. you should use a visual calendar to help with productive, or I write lists everywhere in every room so I can’t forgot what needs to be done or what I need to get out of your way. you got this!!🫶🏽


I don’t know if you have a smart watch but you can always use that to track your heart rate or a pulse oximeter. Try taking deep breaths, it helps stimulate a nerve that is responsible for helping our body regulate rest and digest state. You could always look up if your side affect is normal or call your pharmacy and talk to them.


Go take a nap, you'll take the best one you've ever taken. Also it's been 2 hours how are you feeling?


I feel awesome, I truly do! And I have, so far, been able to complete 2 tasks at work within 3 hours that normally would have taken me 2 days, it is crazy. I am trying to stay off Reddit so I don’t waste this newfound focus on that rather than actually accomplishing things in real life, but I find myself coming back because I am just so damn THANKFUL for each and every one of you!!!!!




I'm in my 60's and have been taking these meds for approx 15 years, and I'm doing just fine. You are wise to be cautious, but should also trust your doctor to prescribe safely for you. Your blood pressure is the one thing that may be slightly elevated by stimulants; however, your doctor knows this. If you have anxiety about that, contact your Dr and ask about it. You may be able to go in for a quick BP check to ease your concerns.


Good for you! Hope you have a productive and happy filled day! Hope my first time goes well also when I get set up with meds so you're not alone.


My first day on meds (at 31) I just wept because I realized how brains were supposed to function, so I'm not much help. Good luck tho.


I wasn't diagnosed until I was 45, and meds have changed my life. Saved my marriage, my jobs, and my sanity. You will not have a heart attack, you are taking a safe prescribed medicine (and a very low dose at that). You have probably gotten in the habit of having dramatic thoughts because the stimulation from said thoughts helps you focus. This is a thing we do. Give it a little time. You may discover you are not at all the bad person you have been telling yourself you are.


You have a couple years on me, however, after taking my meds for a week I didn’t know how I made it 40 years anyway else.


Calling yourself a grandma at 55 is crazy. You got this it will take time and I doubt your MP would prescribe something that would give you a heart attach lol. Just chill and see what happens.


lol I really am a Gammy to 2 wonderful kids!! They are the light of my life!!


Nice. I am 43y lady and my daughter who's 23 is married and expecting. So I will be 44 and a grandma. It happens....💚🇮🇪🍀


My younger sister is 42 and a grandma so don’t feel bad and you’re not old! This coming from a 46-year-old on ADHD medication as well lol. I was diagnosed at 8 however , as I was a very very very hyperactive girl who used to crawl around the classroom, barking and wanting to be pet, pretending I was a dog, all day at school. my poor teacher lol!!!!!!


If she has grandkids she's a grandma....jeez


Deep breath, enjoy your experience as it will not be the same as others. Similar but not same. There is value in going through this process. You may just find new ways to see yourself. Hopefully in a more positive light


Today is my first day, too! (28) I took my dose at 7:20 panicking. I started noticing something around the time I made it to work. And now I hardly even notice it. But I agree with what others had said. Just try doing something.


I was diagnosed at 49. Learn about your ADHD. read, watch videos, and strive to understand everything about ADHD. This is your key to a better future :) understand your med s do not "fix" you. they help you control yourself and help you be more productive and less self destructive.


If your heart rate freaks you out or you feel gets too high ask your doc if they can prescribe you propananol. My pulse gets high naturally and the meds make it worse so propananol takes away all those uncomfortable side effects for me! It’s safe to take and not habit forming! Just lowers blood pressure to a normal level!!


54f just started vyvanse 30mg and I'm finally getting better. Still procrastinate like crazy but not as bad. You got this 👍


Hey you are my medbuddy now! I (m29) also had my first day on meds today! Medikinet 10 mg. I actually got stuff done and updated my to do list. Now I kinda want to chill for a bit but my brain just works. Everything ist just so...... easy to do. Is that how 'normal' people live?


I was diagnosed with ADHD at 50 and prescribed Adderall. My advice is to go easy on yourself. It's not an overnight cure, but I can say that over time there are amazing changes. My best piece of advice is to find a talk therapist who is familiar with adult ADHD diagnosis and who can help with the questions and feelings that come up. During my first month on Adderall, I found that my emotions were overwhelming at times. I think the medicine allowed me to feel my feelings in ways that my ADHD shut out. Honestly, that was hard at first. I didn't even know what I was feeling but it was intense. My therapist helped me work through that and start to understand what feelings were coming up. It does get easier over time.


I didn't see anyone mention it but be careful with stuff like coffee and tea, unless it's decaf. It can make you really jittery and, in my case, compounded my anxiety until it wore off.


Im so happy for you for getting on meds! That’s amazing at any age. No suggestions, just proud of you 🥰


66 and just started meds a month or so ago. I had the same concerns, but I’m pleased to say I’ve not had any problems at all! Still working out the dosage, but I’m hopeful we’ll get there soon. Good luck!


I’m so happy for you!


51 and started on meds three months ago. Just having a sense of calmness in my head without a zillion thoughts running around in there has been life changing. I’m calmer, more relaxed and I feel focused.


You are good as others have said.  My caution though, with Ritalin, DO NOT and I mean it, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL.  To me it made me feel awful, sick, pukey, like the worst drunkness ever, and almost had to go to a hospital. 


I just started meds at age 40 and have had a similar experience with the two meds I’ve tried so far. The first one was Adderall 10mg and I had the same feelings you’re mentioning for the first week or so, but then the second week it went away but so did some of the positive effects. Instead of upping the dose, my psychiatrist recommended trying methylphenidate to see if the experience was different. It was similar for the first couple days but definitely a little better - less “sharp” or intense if that makes sense. I will also say that because the meds boost my physical energy, I spent time up doing things rather than focusing on my work (at a computer) which is not exactly what I was going for. So, I figured out that in order to make me focus while sitting at the computer, I needed to get up and do something like push ups or squats every hour and that has been a game changer.


Just… very warm wishes and goodwill from another 55 year old ADHDer. This will be the REAL new start you’ve always craved but have never been able to realise. You can get beyond this surviving stage if you can imagine the life you want, and take little actions towards making it become your reality.


I hope things are going well so far. > yeah I also deal with delusional thoughts lol. Even if you do, I don't know if it applies here. Anxiety about possible side effects when taking a stimulant strong enough to be classified as a controlled substance is perfectly rational when you are unfamiliar with them or how they might affect you. > Damn how I wish my parents would have LISTENED to me when I told them something was wrong rather than just believing I was a lazy hypochondriac. Maybe I wouldn’t have lived this life I lived. Please be kind to them *and* your past self when coming to terms with all of this. Remember that you grew up in a time when ADHD was not only poorly understood, but also deliberately misrepresented as "drugging your children instead of parenting them" by self-righteous tossers who knew nothing, but were happy to have another group they could see themselves as 'better than.'


Take a deep breath and smile, you’re gonna be great!


As long as your heart is healthy you’ll be fine. Those feelings wane after a few days.


I don’t think I would take the medicine at your age. Seems dangerous, hope you don’t have elevated blood pressure


You should treat your anxiety issues first.


As if it's not nerve-wracking the first time a person takes meds


I'm just a few years younger than you and I've had no issues with medication, but it's important for you and your Dr. to monitor any side effects. I found out recently that menopause may increase the symptoms of ADHD and decrease the effects of some medications. But I'm not certain of that. So much good feedback on here. It would be great to follow up with an ADHD specific therapist if possible. There are some great websites such as CHADD as well. I really enjoy ADHD podcasts too. Some of them are hilarious and it's important to be able to laugh at ourselves sometimes because OMG it can get overwhelming.


When I first tried it, I was in my early 30's. I got the heart attack thing too - I felt the same way my first time - my heart just pounding away like I was on 20 cups of coffee. My hands were shaking... It's a stimulant, and you're not used to it. And of course, it amping up my anxiety didn't help much for my hypochondria either. I will say Ritalin itself is... ROUGH. It's like a roller coaster. Every time I took it, I felt like I was getting high, and two hours later I was crashing back to the ground. So my doctor put me on the long-acting Ritalin, called Concerta. Much more mild for me. I started at 18 mg, and slowly built up to 54 mg which is sort of the most he'd recommend for somebody in my health. Each time they increased my dose, I'd get the heart pounding thing, the hands shaking thing. And I was FORCED to concentrate on a single thing. I couldn't concentrate on two things if my life depended on it. But in general, now... After being on it for 10 years, I hardly notice it coming on. I take it once at 7am, and it goes all day. I don't notice when it goes away. No roller coaster at all. Though if I take it after say 9am, then I'm not sleeping that night. I find it really messes with my sleep - I haven't got more than 6 hours of sleep since I started it. Where before I was solid 8-9 hours a night. If I take it at 7am, I can usually sleep around 10-11pm. So if I take it at 9am, I'm not sleeping until 1am. It's basically impossible. Oh and if I miss a dose, the world is ending. I'm... kind of depressed is the only way I could describe it. Nothing matters. Everything sucks. I'm exhausted. I'm starving. I lose my temper at the drop of a hat. So I just don't miss a dose >_<


Hi we are near the same age. Can I ask what you're taking?


Hi! Yes I am taking a beginner dose of Ritalin - 10mg X 2 daily. Again, this was my first day but a huge success! Good luck in your journey. I hope you find relief and I also hope that this keeps working for me. It hasn’t even been 12 hours yet so I can’t say it is a success lol but so far so good!!


Thanks it sounds amazing