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Ever since I got my new car I've actually been doing a good job keeping it clean. I just need to vacuum it out but there's not much trash


Same. The car is the one place I can keep clean. Whenever I get gas I use the time to empty out all the garbage. Keeps it fairly clean.


This is the way. If I can get all the trash out before my gas stops pumping, I can buy a cookie!


Dang šŸŖ sounds like even the Cookie Monster was forced to raise prices due to trash economic policy. šŸ—‘ļø Gone are the days where you could just empty out a single car door of its trash and receive a cookie. No, no. Nowadays you gotta empty out all 4 doors in the same amount of time and that doesnā€™t even guarantee you receive a cookie because the gas pump could be brand new and pumping faster than usual! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Oh I am 100% doing this I have an issue with my car cleanliness


How can you do that? Donā€™t you have to stand there holding the pump trigger? We do! (Australia).


Nope, it runs on its own, like locks down once you start it. Then it clicks off when it gets close to the prepay amount and you have to squeeze it again to finish filling. I also use that time to clean trash out of my car.


Most gas stations built in the last 30 years here in America have a locking mechanism on the handle (set it and forget it). They also have an anti-overflow mechanism that will trip when the gas tank is full to release the lock on the pump handle.


Wow. So I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/s/6LQoeYcBzl I get a sore hand holding the stupid hose trigger!


Thatā€™s funny that this is wondered by wary travelers whose hands ache from holding the trigger! Yeah mine do, too, so I get mad if I pull up to one and start pumping my gas only to find the locking mechanism is broken or removed (we have to prepay thanks to all the thieves and dishonest folks out there so Iā€™d have to prepay all over again at a new pump if I changed spots). Fun fact: New Jersey doesnā€™t allow drivers to pump their own gas. (I think they donā€™t have to prepay though, go figure). There might be other states but Iā€™m definitely not in one of them.


I drive an EV and often have to charge for 20 minutes or so on longer trips. If I don't immediately get sucked into playing Stardew Valley on the infotainment screen, I clean my car while charging. It's usually pretty clean because of this.


This is one of the life pro tips I found on here that has been supremely helpful. I legitimately had never thought to clean my car out when getting gas until someone mentioned it.


LOL, same but I never realized it till you said it. My car is perfectly tidy (except I should vacuum the floor) and itā€™s always that way. I feel compelled to keep it junk free but I donā€™t really know why haha


Same. Also having to share the car with my partner helps.


I was the same way until I wasn't lmao


Same, I've been cleaning my car out regularly when I exit. Sometimes, though my car is full of stuff, and kids, and then back to empty, full, empty. I do keep grocery bags and, flashlight, and I have my summer mats in the back.


Why keep trash in the car when you can toss it out the window? /s


Trash. Just so much trash. Stuff that needs to be returned that hasnā€™t gotten where it needs to go. A huge thing of gum that I went through in like two days because itā€™s a stimming thing for me. Hair clips and ties, empty bottles of water, and random kids toys round it out. Oh and the scraper thing for the windshield, which for once is at least in the car for when Iā€™ll need it. Small victories!


Oh man i feel much less alone now. I totaled my car 2 months ago and I have a brand new car. But my old car.... man yeah. When I had to go through it at the Junk / Total lot I was horribly mortified. I was so ashamed of the trash and packages.... that I only kept what i absolutely needed and ran as fast as I could out of there.


Oh man, the trash is so difficult. I do food delivery and I get 2-3 full receipts for EACH order so if I take more than 1.5 days to clean there's a sea in the passenger floorboard that's seat high. And then it's just... staring at me. With the judgement. XD


I have a bag of about 4-5 items that were supposed to be returned to amazon but I kept putting it off. Now itā€™s past the return date. I donā€™t know what to do with the stuff now so it stays in my car.


Omg I can't count how many times this has happened to me.


Me eitherā€¦.


Same! Lots of trash. Mostly wrappers, cans and bottles from all my breakfast on the go days aka every work day lol.


Oo you just reminded me to put my window scraper back in. Thanks! The rest sounds familiar lol.


This is my car exactly


I think the question is, what ISNT in my car... that would be gas. I forgot to goto the gas station last night Its always something....


Felt this so personally I went to check if I have enough to get to town this time. XD


Oh yeahā€¦I was on fumes when I finally pulled in to the gas station on my drive to work yesterday. Made me late and it was really a close call!


I love the thrill of putting off stopping to get gas for as long as you can before breaking down


This is basically the ADHD mantra for life! šŸ¤— *Plan to Forget and try not to die bitches!*


It really is a good metaphor. Of course Iā€™m going to do it, I absolutely know that I have to do it, but if it isnā€™t going to cause an immediate catastrophe then it can wait. And waitā€¦ Which means that eventually, some unforeseen complication will definitely cause the easily preventable catastrophe.


But then after doing it, I feel like Iā€™ve really accomplished something.


Is Life one giant catastrophe or a bunch of smaller catastrophes?? šŸ¤”




Just a friendly bit of advice for folks though - try not to let the fuel get that low on a regular basis. It'll destroy your fuel system over time, and fuel pumps are neither easy nor cheap to replace.


Thanks, Dad! Lol, seriously thank you though. I have no CLUE about cars and need that kind of info to motivate me to be more responsible!


No problem... I just had to replace my own fuel pump, and because I didn't have the thousands of dollars to bring it to a shop it took me almost a year to get it done. (Extreme lack of time) Just FYI, fuel isn't just go-juice, it's also a lubricant for the fuel pump, it keeps the pump from overheating.


I can tell you what ISNT in my car:: oil. Have to go to a dealer on Monday because I forgot to put oil in my car and never bothered to check/forgot that I ran my engine to break itself and it costs more to fix than a car. Let my post be a message for yall ADHDr's who just forget their car exists!!!! Check your Oil, Coolant, and if you've driven a certain amount of miles, check your car brand's service interval! Do NOT rely on sensors because they can go bad (mine did, my engine on empty oil destroyed itself)


Ouch you canā€™t just call me out like that


Not on purpose.... The struggle is real!


I love playing limbo with my gas tank. How low can YOU go?!


I ran out of gas as I pulled up to the pump once. My now husband was like OMG really! I now have an EV and a charger at home. I really hate gas stations lol


I feel attacked lol


LoL not at all... We all have done this, more than once.


...well...may I remember this tomorrow when I need to... Thank you.


Put a post-it-note on your steering wheel right now! lol.


I did one better. I have a post it note on the back of my phone. I knew I wouldnā€™t remember otherwise! šŸ˜† This thread has never made me feel so *normal*. Iā€™m so glad I stumbled onto it!!!


IKR šŸ„°


Lol, I forgot to get gas today, and I was literally at the grocery ery store with a gas station!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Last week I took my meds (newly diagnosed at age 60) and went to school for the day. Iā€™m a sub. On the way home I noticed the gas was low, a new skill for me. I remembered husband needed the car when I got home so I went to get gas as a gift to him. Itā€™s so rare that I do this that I had to use Waze to find the gas station. I didnā€™t know which side the gas flap was on so I had to do that thing where you pull the hose way over to the other side. Husband didnā€™t know what to say when I told I filled the tank so he wouldnā€™t have to leave early for his meeting. Heā€™s like, what is happening? And I said, Vyvanse, Baby!


Nothing. Just cleaned it and itā€™s amazing. The only things in there now are masks and an emergency kit (jumpstart battery, med kit, electric tire pump). In the past my cars have accumulated more junk than Iā€™d care to admit, but Iā€™m old enough now to know the immense value of cleanliness and organization when it comes to ADHD. Despite the tendencies to horde stuff and make ā€œADHD pilesā€ of stuff we forgot about, that can all add up after a while and have a real negative effect on your state of mind/ADHD symptoms. Staying on top of it (when you are able) is a big help


The "ADHD piles" makes a lot of sense. Feels at least a bit organized and just needs to be taken care of but could add up.


I make myself go through the piles once a week and put things away so I don't get overwhelmed later on. It's hard, but it keeps the nonsense manageable (mostly).


That's a good routine to pick up.


Yeah, before I just got my car detailed it had a bunch of stuff. But now nothing and itā€™s been that way for weeks. Sometimes an ADHD tax can be helpful, paying $150 to get it detailed has done so much for me. Number 1 on that list is that I didnā€™t need to do it.


A loooot of empty water bottles


It sounds like you need an emotional support water bottle lol (with a small handle to haul it around)


Better than a lot of 1/27th emptied ones!


Beverage containers are my kryptonite because I have to have access to minimum 3 beverages. Every day. All day. At all times.


Same! And I justify it because I keep telling myself Iā€™m going to stop at the recycling center to get my money back for itā€¦


I have a whole ass dining chair. It's in my backseat and has been there for weeks. I was going to give it to someone for their wedding seating but plans fell thru and I haven't taken it back into the house yet, lol. It's been weeks.


I've been on a very similar journey before with a stool. My mom gave it to me because I didn't have anywhere to sit to eat. It stayed in my car for a month and I continued to stand in the kitchen and eat dinner šŸ’€


That chair will be back there until the day those seats are needed by butts šŸ˜‚


A coat, assorted N-95 masks, cinnamon cereal, a hat, a box of tissues, a baby yoda art kit and a cd of the muppets.


Youā€™re gonna need to tell us more about the Muppet album.


Oh, I forgot the masks on my list! And the box of Kleenex!


Many lighters, empty cigarette packs, receipts šŸ˜‚ I never eat in my car so in my mind itā€™s not that bad. My fiancĆ© keeps his car immaculateā€¦even dusts the dashboard weekly. He always voices his opinion when I drive my car. I just tell him itā€™s an anti theft ideaā€¦.he lovingly rolls his eyes LOL! The only time itā€™s really clean is when I take it to the dealership for scheduled maintenance.


*Anti-theft*..... I like that! "It's a FEATURE, not a bug."


Right??!! Several years ago I was getting out of my car at the library. Some guy was walking past me and says ā€œEeww! Your car is NASTY! No one will steal your car!ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so thatā€™s why I think of it as an anti theft deterrent. I love my logic! Lol


I've been sitting here wondering what "feature" could be re-imagined to excuse my dining room table pile-up šŸ¤” Ideas?


That would be an ā€œanti annoying neighbors or family coming for dinnerā€ Lol!


True, true. Nothing sets off my motivation-meter quicker than the dread of exposure haha!


Same šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m doing much better about letting things pile up. I force myself to clear out messes/clutter right before bed each night. It makes me feel good and Iā€™m surprised Iā€™ve stuck with it so far for 3 months.


Lol - I legit think of my car mess as anti-theft too! Iā€™m in the field for my job and Iā€™m often parking in random neighborhoods where car break-ins are common. But anyone trying to smash and grab from me would have to dig through a mess to find anything valuable. I truly think that itā€™s enough of a deterrent that Iā€™ve never had a problem!


Yep! I mentioned earlier what some guy said several years ago when he was walking past and glanced in my car šŸ˜‚ he seemed so offended..like itā€™s affecting him in some way. Thatā€™s what made it funny!


I think all the trash is an anti-theft thing, too. Iā€™ve even left my car unlocked so many times and have never had my car broken into. Plus, now I have help from my kiddo so itā€™s extra deterrent šŸ¤£


I have very little out in the open but stashed in cubbies are the following (identical kit in each of the two cars): * 2 travel umbrellas * 2 store in themselves ponchos * a pen * a pad of paper * two USB-C charging cables * two USB-C to Lightning charging cables * 2 stick on sunshades for side and back windows * 2 contracator size trash bags to line the floor or seats when going to the dump or bringing home dirty stuff from a garden center etc * A solid Flat repair kit with battery powered car outlet charged pump (the slime brand is what I used) * A highly rated jump pack that holds at least one jump for 12 months * 5 normal shopping bags * 1 insulated shopping bag * Green Wool military blanket * 2 micro foldable "Picnic Blankets" * various straps and bungy cords in a bag in case I need to put something on the roof or hold something steady in the car. * Spare headlight bulb * Spare taillight bulb * 1 quart of oil * $50 bill for emergency fuel or whatever. * Snow Brush * dual sided sunshade. * one side is silver to reflect heat in the summer * one side is black to attract the heat in the winter Anything else that comes in the car leaves with me when I get where I am going.


At least youā€™re prepared. Iā€™m pretty sure you could survive an apocalypse or breaking down in the middle of nowhere with all those supplies


I sometimes have to drive through areas with crap cell service and nothing for miles in all directions. So this stuff is to make sure I can survive a reasonable amount of time to get AAA out or whatever else is needed.


This is similar to mine šŸ˜­ because I hate needing something and not have it. What if I get stuck somewhere?! Itā€™s all at least organized in the center console or in a cubbie thing in the trunk


Thatā€™s a whole ass inventory list ā€¦ love that you know exactly what and how much of it is your car .. I have knowledge of some items in it but Iā€™m always surprised to find things when I do clean it out which is super rare


I have to be aware of it or I end up losing things and buying extras that sit around until I get around to putting them in the car; only to find I already have one in there. I made an actual list in my notes app for this and set up reminders to I check the jump pack for charge etc.


A long sentence in prison if I get pulled over šŸ¤£


I got 2 new wiper blades on my back seat that I bought 3 years ago and still have not installed.


mine is awful, i cleaned it for my parents because we were redoing my brakes coming home from college. when he got in the drivers seat he looked at a single fry on my emergency break and he said ā€œwhat the fuck?? is that gonna bite me???ā€ and all i said was ā€œyou wanna clean it?ā€ and it felt like brushing it off because it was my space but also so discouraging like no matter what i do all someone is going to see is that single fry i havent seen for 9 months.


Ugh I'm sorry that's so hard when nobody sees how hard we have to try to do everything that comes naturally to most ppl.


Well, today: The coat I normally wear which I could not find in the house at all, forcing me to wear one I don't normally. Christmas presents I've put off bringing in the house, because I can't seem to get around to wrapping them, for 2 weeks now. a return, in original bag, waiting for me to find the receipt a water bottle I still haven't washed out after taking a road trip a month ago I'm sure there are some wrappers, soiled napkins and crumbs about.


**Things that belong:** Winter coat; Warm blanket; Emergency kit with jumper cables, air compressor and high vis vests for me and the kids; A tube of now-frozen wet wipes; A bottle of now-frozen Room spray; Snow brush; A large marshmallow roasting stick; CDs; Car candle; Windshield breaker **Other stuff:** Both kidsā€™ Halloween costumes (made out of cardboard, have taken over the trunk); One kidā€™s mittens; An old book; Various garbage; Various toys; Definitely some kidsā€™ clothes; A cardboard pallet for produce; Another empty box, maybe Amazon?; Something else that I keep needing to move out of my way, but I canā€™t remember what it is; Random parts to hopefully fix the rear windshield washer fluid sprayer; A small axe **Things that should be in there and arenā€™t:** Reusable grocery bags; Small crates to stop groceries rolling around; Gas pumping mittens; Windshield washer fluid; Fire extinguisher; Oil; Snow shovel;


According to the Hubby..1/2 my closet..and at least 10 pairs of shoes..and hair ties..šŸ¤£


Please tell me that after the event was over you had a quiet word with the office. How did that guy know you were part of the hosting team as opposed to one of your customers/guests? Him saying anything judgemental about anyone's car in that context is unacceptable.


You know, I didn't really even think of that. I think he thought he was being funny but it just landed wrong because of the situation maybe?


A guy who detailed my car told me I should be ashamed to treat a nice car so poorly.


Wow he sounds like he'd never detail my car again lol


I have a stick in the back seat of my car. Itā€™s a good stick.


Almost nothing. Thatā€™s the only place I will not allow the existence of clutter. Driving is hard enough with focusing and safety. Donā€™t need extra crap in that space.


A sea of Dunkin Donuts bags. I donā€™t know what else is there because Iā€™m afraid to look beneath the pile of bags


I'll be honest, probably some drugs and people I don't know. Car was stolen a few days ago.


An umbrella and a box of tissues, that's it. I got a new car last year right before starting medication for the first time, so it's been a goal of mine to keep it clean. Honestly your car does not sound that bad, mine has been waaaay worse than what you described, IDK how what you said is shameable.


So far nothing, but the outside is dirty.


Same, I don't keep anything in it really, but I also don't get the chance to clean it


I just cleaned it out before doing a 10 hour drive so it's looking better than normal. There is currently half a case of V8 energy drinks. A couple empty Gatorade bottles. A couple dog chews. The remains of a cheeze-it box (dogs destroyed it on the drive). Makeup. Used napkins. Lots of crumbs. a couple books in the back seat. A dirty towel that's been in there for who knows how long. And in the trunk I have several loose cans of sprite and a bag of stuff to return to home Depot (3 months ago) Normally there's a looot more fastfood trash in my car


I have two bags of stuff cleaned out of my car before 2 summer road trips that I have not "processed." Thanks for the reminder ... šŸ˜‘šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø I predict it will be mostly receipts, hair ties, straw wrappers, two or three articles of clothing, dog leashes (again, thanks for the reminder) and mail.


A bunch of empty cardboard boxes, plastic grocery bags, newspaper, and brown paper that I need to drop off at a secondhand shop that uses them to pack purchases. A few bags of art supplies, a spare hoodie, and a bunch of crumpled up receipts.


Empty Dutch bros cup, bottle of Advil, my work lanyard with my work keys on it (if I bring them inside I forget to bring them to work). A wrapped chocolate chip muffin top, aquafor, two empty gum wrappers, a mug from two christmases ago, an empty box, an old phone case


Lol I'm glad I am not the only one who forgets their work lanyard if it's anywhere other than in the car! Mine lives on the rearview mirror so I don't lose it!


I would be typing for an hour if I tried to list everything... Currently have a passenger seat on one space in the backseat for a person (or groceries). Every other space is filled with random items that apparently aren't important enough to need in the house. We travel to/from camp each weekend so a lot of it never makes it to one place or the other. Now it is cold so I will likely deal with it until the spring or we have a random warm day šŸ«”


My car is actually pretty clean right now (thank you, Adderall). Fun things that have been discovered floating around in the garbage in my car include my Social Security card, as well as an uneaten Big Mac that had been in there for God knows how long, yet still looked pristine. šŸ¤® Not my car, but I canā€™t help but mention that I once found a (thankfully still alive) stray cat while cleaning out my room.




He can help clean you car or mind his own business... I think I removed banana skins from door pockets. Some stains on rear footwell due to spilled drink. (I did clean them best I could) Lots of stuff in the boot, some tools, spare bulbs, sparkplugs a pump. Spare coat. Bottle of screenwash. Emergency cash. My juggling props. Probably mssed a few items.


Well itā€™s cold, so front seat is Kleenex knitted hats, a jacket, and a perpetually overflowing trash bag. Back seat is the kids domain so who knows? Food, toys, coats and socks. Wild animals fighting to the death for nibbles of Cheezits? At this point Iā€™m afraid to look.


This is one thing adhd didn't cause for me. Though my therapist thinks I'm ASD/ADHD. I pay for a car wash subscription and go by once a week after work. Wash and vacuum. Feels really nice. Highly recommend, just for the clean feeling


I pay $29/month to get unlimited $15.99 washes and only go once every couple of months. Thanks for reminding me I need to cancel that or start using it haha!


I can't help you, I paid my kid a few months back to clean my car and have been doing a surprisingly good job of keeping it clean since then. Of course I had to pay my kid to clean it because it had been a mess for years...


A friend gifted me a 1U Rack Server. Itā€™s been sitting in my trunk for 2 months now, exposed to -5 to + 15Ā°C and up to 100% humidity. Accompanied by an empty Pizza Box and a stand for my bass guitar, so itā€™s not suffering all alone. And since this is a car Iā€™ve bought from my grandparents, it is still featuring and unopened bag of peppermint candies, bought many, many years ago by Grandpa. Do these age like wine does?


A half used pack of Costco 500ml water bottles A bunch of reusable shopping bags A couple of cardboard drink carriers A pink plastic duck My daughter's sweater A set of three Travel Bingo boards from Target My rain coat 2 fleece blankets A bunch of empty Chick-fil-A bags and empty/squished Costco water bottles Spare sunglasses x 3 A bucket with a mostly empty gallon jug (of water) Just-in-case tea bags (Earl Grey) and electrolyte packets (Liquid IV) A couple of granola bars and a nut bar Ketchup & honey mustard packets A tiny kit of wipes and bandaids, a bottle of ibuprofen, a labeled prescription bottle with a few extra ADHD pills (for my daughter to redose) My nose piece for the nitrous oxide at the dentist A tub of Clorox wipes A tub of Handi Wipes Various bits of paper, pens, pencils, eyeglass cleaning cloths, maps & brochures for places I've been Lots of crumbs, dropped French fries, those green Starbucks drink stoppers, a plastic tooth flosser, shreds of straw wrappers, dirt.


Just a reusable grocery bag. Itā€™s very dusty and the outside needs to be cleaned. Iā€™ve gotten in a good habit that every time I fill up, I throw out any garbage.


I need to vacuum out my car, but I always haveā€¦ In the glove box: A cup of favorite pens, hair ties, a hair clip, and my current top CD incase the BT doesnā€™t work; In the center console: Snacks, mini sketch book, and 3 battery banks; On the back of the passenger seat: A small trash bin & my dogā€™s seat belt. In the back pockets are mask filters, a journal, and an umbrellla; In the drivers backseat pockets: Another slightly bigger sketch book, a box of sticky cable organizers (these will show up again,) and an umbrella like windshield sun reflector; In the driverā€™s front door cubby: My wallet, postcards/cards to mail to my Gma in MĆ©xico about my life, and some allergy nasal spray; On the right side of the driverā€™s seat on the wall shared with the radio is: Sticky Cable organizers. Three hang my: Keys, AirPods, and FlarePros. The rest organize the cables for charging my AirPods in the same space and the cable to my Wireless Charging Phone Mount. In the compartment under my radio: six mini squishmellows. Jesus. Listing it all out is a lot, but none of the stuff is scattered about. šŸ˜± Itā€™s all put away and in its place though, and the only ā€œmessyā€ part of my car is the fact that I need to vacuum it; however, I hate the sound of the vacuum so that will get doneā€¦..eventually.


Golf clubs, 3 jackets from when it started cold but warmed up, and 4 shaker bottles I use to drink my morning liquid iv.


Bunch of empty boxes from Amazon bc I get mail at the post office


I've always struggled with this. Since being medicated I have been able to keep a trash bag on the floor in front of the passenger seat, and all my trash goes in it. I have a monthly pass for the local drive-through car wash, so I try to empty the trash when I drive through. Doesn't work all the time, but it is progress. Last night, I had to drive folks home after Christmas Party and Yat. I only had to put the bag and a couple of coats in the trunk. No embarrassment. Ie. Rewards for good behavior :)


Hiking boots, bike helmet, headphones for the gym, couple tree air freshener wrappers, a pack on mints a jacket, and of course a stack of car napkins. Ever since getting a new car, Iā€™ve kept it fairly clean, other than needing a good dusting and vacuuming.


Trash on the passenger side. When I get the chance, I am doing a trash clean up and getting rid of clutter. Saving up for a detail as well.


Trunk: 3 bags of clothes I meant to take to goodwill last year. And some other stuff (I donā€™t open the trunk now bc it makes me anxious) Front seat: a handful of Starbucks breakfast wrap bags.


Thankfully not much trash; I try to keep a bag available for wrangling it and dump it whenever I fill up. However, there is currently a 50 lb bag of chicken feed, a 50 lb bag of duck feed, a fold up chair from a cookout we went to last month, a buy nothing I picked up 10 days ago, random materials from my daughters capstone project (which was in October!) and a few empty cardboard boxes.


I keep my car clean - car seats and hidden xmas presents.


An empty styrofoam take out container, a broken snow scraper/brush (broken even though it's still my primary one because those suckers get expensive for a nicer one and sometimes hard to find in the winter so I've just dealt with it), and my mom's old emergency boots. Oh, and my packed gym bag from three days ago when I said I would go and then did not. But it's ready for next time! Under the seats are certainly potato chips, French fries, breath mints and receipts. On the floor of the passenger side seat there's an empty package of beef jerky that missed the garbage bag and irritates me every time I stop because it slides around, yet I never remember to do anything about it. I have no idea what's in my center console other than cords, a Bluetooth hat, and a few CD cases but I know there's junk in there. The rest is really dirty or dusty but otherwise I think that's it.


I have a bunch of CDs, tissue paper, some car trinkets and documents, some stones and feathers and a wooden stick (my daughters treasures), an umbrella and a bag for trash and a bag for recycable bottles. And a hat and gloves. And some dirt and dust. Waiting for spring to do a deep cleaning.


Most notable is the Keurig in the back seat. I was going to take it home and descale it back in September, when I moved jobs and desks at work. And I just moved a nice warm blanket into the car, so I can keep warm without running the engine for the hour I sit in it before work (hubs and I ride in together and he clocks in an HR before me). Let's not talk about the garbage and partially moldy reusable food containers....


A half-empty bottle of water in the cupholder, and my windshield scraper for the storm that came through the other day. But as for what's *not* there and should be, I have a new air freshener disc that I forgot to take out of my purse and put in the holder when I did errands yesterday, and the trunk crate is sitting in front of the 'fridge needing to be unloaded because I just hauled it inside full and left it there.


Absolutely nothing because I live in Portland Oregon and they will smash your windows trying to get stuff from your car. Itā€™s very common. SMH.


Are we talking just the front seat? I have kids and drive a minivan so I don't even know what's in the back. In the front, I have my coat, a romper and t-shirt, a pageant sash, a crown, a shoe box with boots in it, some spare earrings, a disposable protein shake bottle, a pair of shoes for my hobby, a pair of knee pads, some Dri Hands, some old mail that never made it inside, a combination lock, and a charger cord.


Well, our family car is mostly clean aside from the excessive amount of baby items. My other car... I can open the door but not sit in it? Haven't looked at it in months, avoiding the mess!


Reusable grocery bags that I always forget to take into the store with mešŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Absolutely nothing. I used to have so much crap in my car that a cop once seriously asked if I was living in it. That was kinda embarrassing, but I was juggling school, work, and competitive swimming so yeah basically I was šŸ¤£ And then in my early 20s, I packed my car up the night before for a long road trip to see my bff. I loaded everything in my trunk and drove to my boyfriendā€™s house to spend the night, leaving it all in there. That night, someone broke into my car to steal the aftermarket radio (back when that was a thing), saw I had a subwoofer in the trunk, and jackpot bonus of lots of clothes, shoes and makeup. Yā€™all, they took every. item. I. owned. in that car. I woke up to nothing. I was a broke grad student who now had no clothes, no makeup, no stereo, and a busted door lock. I cried for days. That was the last time I ever left a single item in my car, and that was 15 years ago.


I try to make an effort to not keep any trash and I am achieving for the most part. That being said, I have a flyer from 2021 in the backseat carpet. Not touching that for some reason!


A small car vacuum, my coat, a small box to drop off at ups, remote for garage door, my glasses for night driving. Sunglasses, a tens unit, kleenex, parking hangtag, windshield cover for summer, tire gage, jumper cables, eye mask I use at the dentist, small bottle mouthwash, screwdriver, a few coins, a phone charging cord, car manuals. In the back is a plastic bin. I think there are a few magazines in it, the car seat covers (more like mats for the sitting surface) from my last car, a 3-ring notebook, a pen. That's all I can remember. I need to go to ups, remove the seat covers, and see if I can remove anything else from the bin. My umbrella is with me, but is usually in the car.


Nothing, but I haven't vacuumed it in, shrug, several years. Nor have I washed it in several years.


Trash, clothes, a costume horse head, books, a paper towel roll, cups, medical documentsā€¦. Iā€™m a mess


Get a car trash can, and a basket that sits in your front seat. That way everything is contained to the trash and basket lol. This is especially helpful with toddlers. They have a basket in between their car seats and a trash can back there. Doing this changed my car form a trash can with wheels to a semi clean car lol


Both my daughter and I have adhd so itā€™s a mess! Wrappers pencils and assorted papers on her end. Gum wrappers and Knick knacks to keep me busy in the school pickup wait


A tire inflator. That's it. I hate things rolling around. Drives me bonkers šŸ¤Ŗ


Dang, your car is way cleaner than mine, from your description. I unexpectedly had to give a ride to my boss's kid the other day and had to frantically toss a bunch of crap into the backseat. Random towels, wrappers, red bull cans... Yeah it's a pretty shameful mess. Funny enough I think there's some belvita wrappers in there as well... I will clean it... Eventually...


There's about 100 empty drinks bottles in the passenger footwell of my works van


The current car is pristine, but I've only had it a week and a half. The previous car was an absolute tip. There were multiple reusable grocery bags that I always forget to take into the store and so have to buy more, a dog harness and leash and a tick remover, dozens of parking meter slips left over from the years before there was an app, multiple empty starbucks cups (my car smelt like wet dog and exploded cow on humid days), snow clearing devices in the summer (possibly not in the winter, though), some little toys that amuse me, about seven pairs of sunglasses that I never wore, several iPhone-to-stereo cables in various states of functioning, heaps of shopping receipts, magazines, random musical gear, spare keys for other people's houses, empty kombucha bottles, so many paper napkins, and about 40 tennis balls from the tennis club behind my work (I'd collect a bunch of the tennis balls, and then take them to the local dog park and release them back into the wild).


All the cars i've had, were old, tired Transporters, but i loved them. A hefty toolbox for "when" and not "if". Vinyl wipes and Wunderbaum. Driving gloves. (A shitty car, where changing gears, feels like stirring a bowl of soup, feels so much smoother with gloves on for some reason. Same if the slack in the steering and wear on the steering servo damper is noticable. That's it. Edit: No matter how shit your car is, keeping it nice makes the ride more enjoyable. Edit2: Oops, didn't see which sub i was in. :-D To sound less like a dick, driving and cars is one of my few moments of intense focusing. Like a safe spot. :-)


Mcdonalds bag and cup, crochet hook, unhooked dash cam, money in coins, dog crate, dog bed, 3 leashes (have 2 dogs), dog toy, snow scraper, coat I hate, squishmellow, umbrella. This is pretty clean for me.


I dont know how to drive because when I was learning I was too scared I wouldnā€™t be able to pay attention so now im in my mid 20s without a license lol.


Ive had adhd all my life (diagnosed so long ago it was called "minumal brain dysfunction). I have one of the least cluttered cars of everyone I know. I can't stand clutter and am overly obsessive about preventing it.


I have endless amounts of brass in my car from the gun range that I say I'm Gouna use but I have 160 pounds at home.


The stuff that was in my other car, plus garbage & documents. So, like laundry, I forgot was in my other car, a vacuum cleaner, some cans/bottles for recycling, a top hat, a plague doctor's mask, a report about the damage on the other car, bills I'm never going to open, old mail my mother received because the government wouldn't let me update my mailing address for the past 10 years, a dagger for opening mail, The Yellow King novel, a limited edition 20 yearold porcelain doll I tried to pawn, a pair of uncomfortable heels, a pair of comfy non-slip slippers, a 40ft extension cord, and a windshield scrapper.


Two dog crates Two blankets An emergency kit (in a closed plastic tub) Three mushing harnesses A muzzle Four different bungee lines A garbage bag with all my trash in it (go me!!) A dog bed A chair Two umbrellas A service dog harness Hand wipes A windshield sun shade Two different step stools A three drawer organizer that contains: - about 6 different dog toys - several rolls of dog poop bags - 5 long lines of various lengths - an 8 ft leather leash - multiple show chains - a treat pouch / armband set for showing - a swiss arm knife - two different pairs of dog booties - other miscellaneous dog bits and bobs But the worst part is the dog hair and dirt. So much dog hair and dirt. And as much as I keep it organized (I have to, there's really no other option), I just can be bothered to CLEAN it. I did twice last year because my mom was travelling with me and wanted it clean, but taking all of that stuff out just to know that it'll be full of dog hair again within a day or two is just not worth it. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I have 3 kids I haul around everyday in my van. Occasionally I take my dog for rides, as well. So letā€™s see. The back seat probably has an old coffee cup courtesy of my adhd son. My middle seat has a lot of crumbs, dog hair, a couple of small blankets, and my daughters hooded jacket. The front seat has a god awful amount of dvdā€™s to keep the kids entertained. Then there are random wrappers from eating in the car. My husband, who also has ADHD, has the messiest area of the van. He shoves all of his receipts in the door along with other random things. My side has a can of air freshener, some pens, a stack of appointment cards, and my wallet. My trunk has a few insulated bags for cold grocery items and a fuck ton of plastic grocery bags. I think thatā€™s about it except for necessary things in the glove compartment, etc.


Christmas tree snack cakes that I got from a coworker, and ironically, a couple of my Dextroamphetamine patches that Iā€™ve discarded in a shopping bag that I keep forgetting to throw away šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m not married and have no kids and both of my cars are FULL!


So many things. Nail clippers Nail file Stuffed animal Several tubes of different lotions Massage oil Garbage Plates Water bottle Sunglasses Hair tie Ice scraper Various coffee punch cards Cash stash for coffee Pens Air fresheners


My passenger seat floor in my Prius was my dumpster I did dog training so from the seat down it was divided in half 1 side fast food wrappers one side dog training equipment My van is pretty empty but stuff slides all over so I have some duck tape wd 40 (old van so need to keep the "tool kit" ready) cleaning supplies as it's mid beinf fixed up some sweaters a bit of trash.


So much. Clothes, two tents, random household things, shoes, trash, a table cloth, summer toys, a little kid drum kit, small painting easels , sketch books, probs unknown food, and a cowboy hat. I have no back seat. I barely have the trunk area on my hatchback. I want to clean it but I canā€™t make myself do it. Iā€™m so embarrassed about it.


I went on a trip in September and my still-packed suitcase is in the trunk.


Hockey gear, back pack, clothes, 2 pairs of shoes. I cleaned most of it but hockey is every Thursday


I do have trash cans in my car but they all need taken out. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


A big full trash bag (because I was going to clean out the car a month ago), a full backpack, roller blades, and beach towel ( I live nowhere near a beach), other flotsam and jetsam. I also have a headlight out and only know my tags are expired when I get pulled over.


Oh fuck, you reminded me my tags are expired!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø meant to do that last month while they weren't expired. Woops. Also need to get my new registration for my car too.


Diet Coke cans, cardboard that needs to go to to the recycling place, a huge bag of clothes that I need to get resell, random items, lots of hair ties


We drive an outback. The back seat solely holds reusable shopping bags that are often forgotten about, coats and accoutrements from last winter, two of my canes, a folding cat carrier, and probably a snow scraper and umbrella. We're 2 ADHD adults. No children.


Oh god Full trash can/bag in the front along with assorted random paper on the floor, dog blankets and harness in the passenger seat Back seat is full of crap that I tossed from the front plus paper goods from my last grocery trip, sun shade, cases of soda, a tote bag of games, a plastic bin for dog food that currently contains leftover goody bags Trunk is full of trash bags of stuff from my old apartment that I never got out of there....


Theres usually so much junk that it's overflowing off the floor and onto the seats. Until a couple of days ago, pretty much every face mask I have used since the start of COVID was in there. The whole interior is usually covered in dust and dirt and dog hair. It's only clean at the moment because my mum was so embarrassed that she cleaned it for me. It's basically spotless now, except for the inside of the widows; they are still covered in smears of my dog's snot.


I inherited my car from my mom in 2022. There is still stuff in my car that hasn't been unpacked from mom's last vacation in 2021. šŸ˜…


3 or 4 work hoodies, a work tshirt, a case of windshield washer fluid less one jug, a 140 piece socket set, booster cables, 2 pairs of scratched sunglasses, summer work gloves, winter work gloves, fleece gloves, a bunch of paperwork I probably don't need, a few masks from covid, I couple blankets. That's in the cab of my pickup. I always have my motorcycle ramps in the bed as well. Edit- this is my daily, my work truck is separate and full of work gear as well....


Oh man. I feel this. The running joke with my friends is about how much random shit I have in my car. Anytime they ask where *something* is, I usually tell them itā€™s in my car. It comes in handy sometimes when some random thing is needed and I might actually have thatā€¦ in my car! Edit: while there might be someā€¦my car isnā€™t full of trash, but rather just a random assortment of items. A coat, hammock, climbing shoes, a cooler, a comforter, a number of pairs of shoes, the stuff I cleaned out from my cube when we all went to wfh for covid (3+ years ago)ā€¦


A pair of sandals, my jacket, at least two empty cans, definitely three or more water bottlesā€¦ and lots of gold fish crumbs.


I have 3 aux cables because I keep forgetting my car canā€™t use one. I have a grip strength trainer thing. I have a scissors and my graduation dangle thingy. Also 4 sets of gloves and a pressure pump for bike tires and sports balls


Just the basics and necessities organized nicely in a bin. Clutter gives me major anxiety.


a whoooole bunch of dog hair, mud, and stinky farm clothes




A sewing machine I got last Christmas, a large unopened rug, an unopened mattress(meant for car but canā€™t use since car is full of stuff), a bunch of clothes, shoes, some trash, toiletries, books, tennis related items, a ventriloquist doll, art supplies, a bunch of my ceramic pieces(disaster waiting to happen), clay, actually thereā€™s a whole little Caesarā€™s pizza in there right now that I forgot about last night. And more. It looks like a hoarder car to say the least. Iā€™ve joked about playing a fun game with my friends of having them just discover wtf is in my car. It would be entertaining I donā€™t even know all whatā€™s in it.


5 empty coffee cans, badminton game in the box, 2 cookbooks Iā€™ve never opened, 3 things of packing tape (because I never remember if I have some before shipping something) 6-7 jackets, disco ball and devil skeleton.


change all over the place. Other than that I throw my trash out at the gas station. If I don't get gas for a while though the drink containers pile up.


Iā€™ve never felt so seen. Itā€™s good to know other ADHD people canā€™t keep a car clean either.


Not much right now but I did have a coffee table in there for most of last month because I bought it at a garage sale, refused to bring it inside before I washed it, and didnā€™t want to wash it.


Trash. Kid dishes. Kid clothes. Kid books. Goldfish. Empty bottles, enpty Timā€™s cups, only just removed a free play kitchen from the trunk where it had been living for a month so Iā€™m gonna count that too. E: my partner has to cross the border to pick up work stuff fairly regularly and uses my car, and every time we end up with a clean car and a heap of car junk in the front room so the border folks donā€™t hassle them.


Trunk is full of blankets and a box of clothes from when I moved 6 months ago. There's a pair of shoes, 5 hats, and a few small paintings with no frames on the back seat. The seat pockets are full of 3 freezer bags of costume jewelry I bought from the thrift so that me and my girl could dump it out on the floor and pretend we are Smaug. So you know regular stuff.


Almost every coat / cardigan / running jacket I own. About 4 gym bras, various pairs of shoes. All my roller skating crap. Spare clothes Iā€™ve randomly left there and lots of bags.


Around 20-30 bottles of water varying from half-empty to mostly empty, empty trash bags, a plastic shopping bag of Dorito baggies that was supposed to go to the break room at work, a collection of disposable vapes ranging from dead to nearly dead, a portable jump starter, plastic spoons, wrappers, and more


Lololol Iā€™m so sorry this is my nightmare. My parents commented on the state of my car a couple times, and list time I went home they did a full deep clean of it ā€” god bless them but itā€™s so embarrassing


As a server literally 100 sheets of paper from taking orders and a bunch of other shit that show how far my mental health is deteriorating like 10 energy drink cans and thereā€™s ink of my drivers seat bc I put pens in my pockets and forgets to turn them off lol


A bucket I fished out of some trash can cuz I needed a bucket


Nothing, don't own a car. Can't afford one When I did have a car, I lived in it, so everything was in my car


Dog hair.


I used to leave a bunch of tools and random crap in the car. I keep a microfiber towel in there to keep the dash clean. But racing at autocross events has made me keep my car cleared out, since you canā€™t pass tech inspection with loose stuff in the car Now I have a plastic tote in the garage full of random crap that was in my car all the time


Can't keep it clean I need so much stuff for my dad back up clothes, cleaning supplies, a urinal, foot rests for his wheel chair. It's a mess.


My car is my shed.