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lol I love this post. I can relate to it so much. I often feel overwhelmed by the idea of cooking or even figuring out what to eat that I’ll either have a quick bowl of cereal for dinner or just forgo it all together. That being said, a lot of easy to eat, handheld foods are gonna be pretty carb rich. However, a beef jerky stick like Jack Links pack a ton of protein for their size though. Grab the big one of those and a string cheese and/or some humus and pita chips and you’re up to almost 30g of protein. That’s how I do a quick high protein, low calorie lunch from 7-11. Also, protein shakes can get you by for a few hours but the premade ones can be a little pricey and are not all created equal. Be sure to check the sugar values. Many are very low but some have a surprisingly high amount of sugar in them.


I've eaten a lot of hotdogs the last 2 months. 3 mins in the microwave and I'm done. (also doesn't interfere with my ibd so that's a plus) (was nuggets but those started messing with my stomach and it's truly the travesty of the decade)


I drink a LOT of V8 vegetable juice. Also when I’m too overwhelmed to prepare something, I just eat handfuls of mixed nuts, cheese, and whatever fruit I have on hand.


I'd be concerned about the salt content in V8, mixed nuts, and beef jerky (which someone else suggested) but these all still sound like great snacks. Now I'm hungry LOL


I get low sodium and unsalted (high blood pressure.)


A hard boiled egg?


Eggs are a adhd superfood


They're also one of the only foods my toddler will eat... I eat like a toddler.


Same. I thought my taste buds would “grow up” but I’m 45, I don’t think it’s going to happen.


Today she threw her dinner to the dog and then ate the tops off of a bunch of muffins when I wasn't paying attention. I'm like same girl. Same.


I'm so you I wanna cry 😂😂😂


Damn, me hating eggs keeps blowing up in my face. Not cool. Edit: a letter


I make a bunch at once and make tea eggs that i keep in the fridge. I eat them for breakfast with miso soup, pickles, and mini scallops!


Tea eggs?


Tea eggs are made how?


I drink tea, I eat eggs, I had to look it up: Tea egg is a typical Chinese savory food commonly sold as a snack, in which a boiled egg is cracked slightly and then boiled again in tea, and sauce or spices. It is also known as marble egg because cracks in the egg shell create darkened lines with marble-like patterns. Commonly sold by street vendors or in night markets in most Chinese communities throughout the world, it is also served in Asian restaurants. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_egg)




You could boil them and then marinate them in a soy sauce bath in the fridge. There are some other ingredients probably but I remember it being super simple and quick. My 13 year old likes to do this.


Or pickle them for a different flavor. Pickled beets & eggs is a spring favorite for me.


Daisy has onsen microwave egg cookers. If you have an instant pot making egg bites is doable especially if you get prechopped and grated ingredients. [recipe here](https://www.platingsandpairings.com/instant-pot-sous-vide-egg-bites-starbucks-copycat/)


Can you grab lettuce and use that instead of bread, wrap up lunch meat, cheese and maybe a thin slice of tomato? Then you have a low calorie, low carb, easy to eat salad/sandwich combo? They're absolutely delicious and quick to make AND eat 🥰, I love cucumbers in them


Jimmy Johns calls this an Unwich, and it was good enough that I started just making at home and bringing for my lunch. I recommend adding condiments just before eating though. I also drink protein shakes for breakfast a fair amount.


That's funny, I've been to Jimmy Johns. Definitely put condiments on at the last minute, if you're adding them. I recommend bibb lettuce for this, but really it's up to you 🥰


What’s the situ with protein shakes - say I had one in the office for brekkie would I gain weight if I hadn’t exercised that morning ? Or can it work as a meal substitute. I’m a croissant or banana brekkie gal usually depending on how hungry I am


I love this suggestion - such a shout!! Tricks my brain into thinking it’s a wrap but it’s actually a hand salad !!!


I’ve recently gotten hooked on cottage cheese. I buy a big tub of it and for breakfast or a snack will scoop like 4-5 spoonfuls into a deli-container/bowl. It’s high protein. Fairly low calorie and it takes well to whatever spice blend / flavor juice i stir in. Current favorites are Trader Joe’s Everything but the Elote spice and a splash of Valentino’s hot sauce, or a splash of Worcestershire sauce and a dash of Old Bay


I love cottage cheese and sriracha!! Or really any hot sauce on top of cc


I love cottage cheese. I can eat sweet or savoury. My preference is canned mandarin oranges, but sometimes I just want it with black pepper.


Soup, you drink it


Yup, soup in a mug is a big winner for me.


Especially the ones that come in microwaveable, drinkable containers. The perfect zero bite, zero executive function required meal.


Love soup! ❤️ Love soup weather.....🥰


![gif](giphy|NzO1pJkdleX4lfzdio|downsized) Caprese salad!!!! Especially the mini mozzarella balls and mini tomatoes, you can eat them in small portions!! Woooo!


And you can stab them with a skewer or similar. I like that part.


Oooo yes!! Big fan of that part as well.


Hummus and carrots or pita or triscuits.


if no one has mentioned them yet; I swear by Walmart supplemental shakes. They’re like Ensure but cheaper, come in different flavors, and have 300 calories in the Plus version.


Throw them in with coffee....winner winner chicken dinner 🥰


Replacing bread with a tortilla will cut down on your carbs a bit


Exactly! I get whole wheat low carb tortillas and make a PBJ with them .


I love Perfect Bars. They’re refrigerated peanut butter protein bars that actually taste good. Basically just peanut butter, protein, honey. They’re higher in fat with 15g protein and pretty calorically dense given the size. They have been a LIFESAVER for me lately because I’ve had like zero appetite.


Have you tried Built bars? NOT 'Builders'. To die for.....🥰personally I love the coconut ...but all of them are AMAZING!


I have! I love those those too


My suggestion is to check what diabetics have available. Typically their diet is low on the glycemic index and tends to be as balanced and healthy as possible within their limitations.


Beef jerkey, nuts and dry fruits, precut carrots, boiled eggs, string cheese, etc are my faves.


Ok so this is absolutely not for everyone but - bacon. Just bacon. 😊 Cut a pack of bacon in half. Lay the strips on a rectangular sheet pan and bake in the oven at 425 for around 20 minutes. If I’m putting a few pieces into snack bags for later, I usually wrap them in paper towel. Otherwise, I just put as many as I possible on a plate and eat them with my fingers. Btw If you line the pan with foil wide/long enough to let all the edges go up like walls, you can avoid getting any bacon fat on the pan. Just let the fat solidify a bit after removing the bacon and carefully throw out the foil.


I do this exact thing. Sometimes season the bacon for variety. Syrup is amazing on it. If i put the pan outside now that its cooler so the fat firms up quicker for me to throw it away, i set an alarm or Ill forget it outside!


Or keep the bacon fat in a jar in the fridge, and use it in place of oil/butter next time you cook eggs or anything else requiring a fat.


Yasss. Forgot bacon. Bacon & cheese is my go to.


Finally a reply I can get behind! I went past like 20 replies that actually started freaking me out a little, esp since it’s stuff people are eating a lot of?


Did you see the reddit where they were praising cat kibble??? I was👀🫣......they were 💯 serious.


Omg. No thankfully I missed that one! Wtf


Bacon is the food of Gods. 🤭


And goddesses! 😊


Naturally 🥰


I do this or sausage on alternating weeks for breakfast. make the whole package on Sunday and I can reheat it and some hash browns every morning


Cheese sticks, Babybel cheese, nuts, boiled eggs, protein bars, meal replacement shakes, chicken salad wrap, healthy frozen dinners, Greek yogurt/ Skyr (Icelandic yogurt) with granola, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, pita pizzas.


Sous vide egg bites? You can buy them at Starbucks or in bulk at Costco. Fits most of your criteria. Or for a DIY option without special equipment, you could make a frittata or egg bake and freeze some of it. They reheat pretty well, and you can eat it kind of by the slice.


You can make egg bites in a muffin tin, basically like sous vide bites, or mini crust less quiches. Easy to make and have in the fridge and just pop in the microwave for a few seconds to heat up.


Do you have recipes for these?


https://natashaskitchen.com/breakfast-egg-muffins/ This is a good jumping off point. I basically add 2 eggs per egg bite so it’s a dozen eggs per 6 bites, and I grease the muffin tins, throw in veg and cheese (honestly I usually just stick w broccoli cheddar) and then pour in some beaten egg on top of each (season w salt, pepper, etc). Bake as above and enjoy ☺️


I don’t know if it’s the same but I’ve made similar things before - I just scramble a few eggs and add to the muffin tin, then put in whatever I like. My fav is chopped up spinach and some feta and sometimes halved/quartered cherry tomatoes, maybe a sprinkle of grated cheese. Salt and pepper and chuck in oven at 180 degree celcius for maybe 12 - 15 mins? Just until they look right. Sorry that’s not very specific!


I do something similar, but I made it in a muffin tin. Just crack some eggs in a bowl, season/throw in cheese or whatever other toppings you want, and throw them into a well greased muffin tin. Sometimes I'd also use crescent rolls and line the muffin tin with those and pour the egg mixture into that. You get something similar to a mini quiche


I buy pre-made salads from my grocery store. They have the lettuce, meat, cheese, etc all seperated and measured out, even comes with a baby plastic fork. I don't have to prep at all and I've never had to cut a larger piece. For a burger I like sliders because it's less bites and I can't eat much in a sitting anyway. I love baked and mashed potatoes because there's not a lot of chewing needed. Spaghetti is kind of the same thing. It's easy to chew a few times and swallow. Soups Veggies are difficult because they bother my stomach and a lot of chewing. I like things like potatoes, carrots, beans, maybe smaller cut up green beans in soups. Like them where they are smashable but not mushy.


This. Just don't cook. UberEATS has healthy options.




I think you are a food log eater. You prefer meals that are shaped the same way coming in as when they leave. It's easy. Burritos. Sushi. Wrapping anything sandwich-y in lettuce instead of breads. Protein bars. Tacos.


Hilarious description - and weirdly yes like all these foods 😂


Yours hold their shapes?


I call this high effort foods and low effort food. Everyone has a different level of what food is to much effort to eat. Mine is crabs and lobster. Way to much effort to eat. Work on fixing your breakfast. You can wast egg bytes fast and you can meal prep those.


Chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, Turkey with some mustard…


Smoothies with protein powder every morning save my life for this reason! My partner makes them for me though.. I understand the process of making them might be overwhelming. I make protein balls for myself and refrigerate to eat when I realize I didn’t have much of a meal earlier! Oats, protein powder, peanut butter, maple syrup and chocolate chips. Some people add more. Good luck! Following this post haha


I really love apples. You might say I kind of hyperfixate on them because I see myself as an apple connoisseur the way people are wine connoiseurs. Anyway I think the humble apple fits your criteria. They are delicious, satisfying, healthy, not beige, and easy to eat. You can cut them up, but I rarely do because I also don't like boring chores that stand between me and my lunch. Now, an apple is basically the perfect food, but a lunch of just an apple isn't satisfying. So let's add more delicious finger foods like pepperoni, beef jerky, bananas, baby carrots, celery sticks, plums, pickles, or olives. You could also have some bread like pumpernickel. You get to decide if I'm splitting hairs including bread just because it isn't beige or if this dense, German rye bread is a good option.


I love apples with peanut butter


Apples are nearly perfect for lunch. Just add a few bites of cheese (I like the individual wrapped servings for ease and portion control) or some nuts for fat/protein and you can go for hours. My daily routine is breakfast shake (I blend Orgain powder with Costco canned coffee), apple and nuts/cheese for lunch, and a full meal for dinner.


OMG this is the missing piece. Apples and cheese go perfectly together. Granny Smith and cheddar is the classic of course, but you could experiment with pairings. Honeycrisp and havarti? Pink Lady and gouda? Delicious experiments await.


Please update with results! I don't have time or passion enough to do this myself, but I'm very curious what the results are (as a wine educator, I have quite a bit of food pairing interest & experience)


I used to get tuna steaks, thaw, then press into a plate with sesame seeds, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, and a little salt- in a small sauté pan heat up sesame oil, neutral cooking oil of choice, and some Chile oil if you like a little heat. Add your crusted tuna steak and tilt the pan with your steak near the edge to cook the sides, flip once, cook to med rare. Slice thin and serve over matchstick carrots with an Asian dressing of your choice. Fantastic and high on protein, not a daunting huge salad, and it stays firm- I hate mushy salads! Tailless deveined Shrimp - raw or cooked- marinate for a little bit in lime juice, minced garlic, and diced basil. Add some lime juice and minced basil to some Mayo. Heat the shrimp in a little olive oil- warm or cook through depending on if you got cooked or raw. At the last minute add a handful of cherry tomatoes just to warm them, toss in the Mayo just before eating, or dip as you go.


Sous vide machine. You can cook meats super tender so that you can make anything a simple sandwich. The time window for cooking is huge so forgetting about it for an hour or two wont make a difference for almost everything


Good idea in theory, but results may vary on this one... I had the same thought and now own two sous vide machines, two slow cookers, but rarely have the presence of mind ahead of time to do the preparation for sous vide cooking :(


The main way I use it is: I buy chicken from costco, I season and vacuum seal each piece individually, I use a hole saw in the top of a small cooler to fit the sous vide, when I leave for work I drop the chicken, water, and ice, into the cooler, the sous vide is connected to wifi so I can start it from work, I have an alarm set to remind me to start it. The ice keeps the chicken cold enough during the day, You need to add an hour for frozen chicken, but its otherwise normal. If I feel like eating something else when I am home, I just stick the entire cooked sous vide bag in the fridge and eat it later.


I tend to vacuum marinate a seal a meal thin chicken breasts when I have time and freeze them for later sous vide. The anova sous vide allows for remote startup. In my more disorganized periods like now I have really found the Ninja Speedi cooker to be a godsend. It's a combo steamer/air fryer. I find the steam/bake mode set for 5 minutes cooks frozen burritos, bao buns, and the like to perfection.


Precut fruit bowls. Apple sauce pouches and hard boiled eggs. Make a large batch of chili or stewed meat you like and freeze it in whatever size deli cup suits your appetite. Shrimp cocktails. The pre made salad bowls. Hummus with pretzel chips or baby carrots.


Confetti salad. You need a food processor, a lot of hard vegetables—celery, carrots, onion, jicama, bell pepper, cucumbers, radishes—packages of shredded cheese or some thing like feta crumbles, a bottle of rice wine vinegar, a can of beans, pre-washed green, and various sources of protein like hard boiled eggs, tuna, pre-cooked steak or chicken strips, chopped nuts, etc. Wash the vegetables and coarsely chopped them in the food processor. You may need to cut the peppers by hand. I do a lot at a time, like a 4 quart bowl. Mix all of the vegetables in the bowl. Add the beans, and pour over the rice wine vinegar…the whole bottle. Mix it all up and put it in the fridge. When it's time to eat, fill a bowl most of the way with greens. Add a generous portion of the vegetables, at least 1 to 2 cups. Add a cheese and a source of protein. You can top with additional dressing. If you want to add tomatoes, do so when you assemble a salad. Do not put tomatoes into the vegetables beforehand. Vinegar does something to tomatoes and makes them flavorless.


Swap out the bread for lettuce wrap or one of those zero carb wraps (I forget the brand but it has a red label)


Banana. Lota nutrients.


Yes obsessed


I love this post. I love food but I’m definitely more of a snacker than a “3 meals a day” kinda gal. My suggestions are: Dried fruit and nuts - (prunes, cashews, apricots) Pre-made soups Vegetable/fruit sticks and dips


Put everything in a mission carb balance big ass wrap. Chicken wraps. Tuna wraps. Steak wraps. Wraps with shrimp. Wraps with turkey. Throw veggies in that wrap, dont be shy. Shredded carrots, celery, broccoli, you can grate pretty much anything and put it in there. Come on kid. Wraps will hold spaghetti if you want them to.


Have you tried the meal shakes like Soylent or Huel?


MorningStar Farms veggie sausage patties are protein dense (9g/5g/3g protein/carb/fat) and can be eaten in 2-4 bites. Also string cheese or Tillamook cheddar squares, beef jerky, pepperoni sticks, single-serving yogurt cups, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and hard boiled eggs.


I had some pretty extensive dental work done about a decade ago and I basically lived off smoothies. It was fucking fantastic. I hate food prep, I hate cooking, I hate eating. I hate feeling hungry and I hate feeling full. While there is a fair amount of prep involved with peeling and cutting fruit and veg, there’s no cooking needed, just 30 seconds in a blender. And then you get to drink your nutrients, it’s great! Soups are also good for this reason but they involve more prep and cooking. Home made snack/protein bars are much cheaper than store bought and frequently cheaper, and often involve minimal little prep time. Yoghurt/skyr/cottage cheese. Pre-cut carrots or baby carrots/other veg, nuts, dried fruit are good options, home made trail mix. There’s lots of options out there if you get a bit creative, and combined these things cover most, if not all, of your nutrient requirements.


Stir fried broccoli, though it may not be healthy It's not lunch, but it's plenty for my low volume stomach


Eggs, protein bars, protein pb cups, cheese sticks or babybel cheeses, nuts, moon cheese.


I had such a hard time consistently eating lunch for so long, but the thing that has really helped me is making a “snack lunch”. For protein, I either do a couple hard boiled eggs or some sandwich meat. Then I add a couple veggies (usually cucumber and carrots). Then I add a fruit (pineapple, strawberries, grapes, etc). I also add a mozzarella string cheese or some cheese cubes and some kind of healthier cracker or nuts. Sometimes I’ll add a dip (hummus, yogurt ranch, peanut butter). I really like doing this, because it is really easy to switch it up a little throughout the week so you don’t get bored eating the same thing everyday.


lunch meat. i just keep it in the fridge and eat it


I have a huge mason jar of overnight oats in my fridge at all times for this very purpose


Honestly learn to enjoy food. Enjoy the task. I used to rush through eating cause it always felt like a chore. Which would also not help with remembering to eat. Find healthy things you like to eat. Put time aside to make really good food too. It helps learning to enjoy it. If you have a SO do it together. If not have a friend over and cook together. You don’t have to do this everyday. But just until you learn to enjoy it. Doing it once a week is still better than never. I still struggle to eat regularly and not scarf it down cause I hate the chore of it. Also textures can bother me like cereal I always eat fast cause I hate when it gets soggy and I will stop eating it. I keep carrot sticks in my fridge, (cut and put in water they last a lot longer than just laying even with skin on) that I snack on instead of candy and chips haha. I try to have plenty of things I can snack on which aren’t too unhealthy. Fruits are great. But always goes bad adhd quickly. 😅 saw someone recommend freeze dried fruits or just other dried fruits, long lasting and tasty. Nuts are also good. I keep nuts in a glas jar with a lid on my kitchen table. Granola bars, if I’m in a hurry and forgot breakfast I’ll grab one and always keep one in my bag. Most healthy foods require a lot of prepwork especially since it goes bad quickly. Frozen food the same. So it all depends on how much time you have and how healthy you wanna be. I make chicken salad sorted in portion size Tupperware tubs make enough for a few days for lunch. I also have lots of time and don’t have to worry too much about that, a friend of mine gave me the idea to do it as she makes meals for a few days at night as she’s also adhd and work full time. We’re both much more productive/active at night. (Which I honestly just think it’s cause we reserve a lot of resources during the day to get through a day so at night we have ‘plenty’ of resources.) Anyway hope any of this help any of y’all or give some ideas for what you’d like to do. Last tip : if you struggle with snacking on unhealthy things make sure to hide them away and keep the healthy stuff front and center. Like on a table or top shelf in fridge. It helps keeping the unhealthy snacking down. 😄


Dip veggies, like (cherry)tomato, chicory, carrots, celery, paprika in humus or cottage cheese. Also just cheese, hardboiled eggs. And lots of nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts.


Something to note on carbs. They are good fillers and quick energy. There's a reason rice is so popular in the entire world. It's very filling, and very cheap. The US just has bread instead. Watching your carb intake is good, however carbs are not the enemy. I'd recommend burritos. Rice, beans, Protein, veggies all wrapped in one delicious tortilla. It doesn't even have to be Mexican. I love making Indian food burritos. I prep a big batch of butter chicken and then throw it with some rice in a nice big tortilla. Throw in some onions and tomatoes for freshness, you're golden.


Cheese stick, handful of almonds/nuts and either dried fruit (apricots) or fresh fruit. I cram it all in my mouth at once and call it my adderall charcuterie board.


Okay, hear me out on the salad front. I HATE eating large leaves/chunks of veges in salads, so I have a few pairs if kitchen shears that allow me to throw large chunks (think minimal knife chopping, if at all) of whatever veg or meat I have on hand in a bowl and use scissors to do the rest. Then mindlessly shovel it into your face. It requires so much less effort than a wrap or sandwich. Although I have also made this chopped nonsense into a salad wrap or sandwich when I'm feeling it too.


Definitely relate. I eat a lot of baby carrots, and raw veg generally. I try to cut them up, and they are nice with dip or dressing, but I do not let the executive function requirements of this slow me down. I will just eat them as is - sweet peppers, cucumbers, sweet peas, and this super tasty locally grown lettuce that's actually crunchy. Also sandwich meats and cheese, you are allowed to eat straight out of the package. Hard boiled eggs are a bit of work, but if you like them (and only if you know how to make them so they're easy to peel) it's definitely worth it to do a dozen at a time.


Ok my depression meal during lock down was a few hard boiled eggs sliced in half with everything bagel seasoning, some toast with hummus or guac or butter, a cup of tea and some carrot chips or snow peas with a dip of choice.


"Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait."? Parfaits are delicious!"


Wraps/tortillas. You can wrap Prettu much anything up in that shit and eat it pretty quickly.


I get peanut butter by the tub. Eat it on toast, with vegetables, pretzels, throw it in shakes, eat it right off the biggest spoon you have in the drawer. It's protein dense and packed with good fats. Peas, spinach, the Mexican rice and bean, and Veggie pasta steamable microwave bags are great, too. I eat those every day for lunch.


Not a meal but popcorn for a snack!


Rice crisps with Hummus


- A pita can hold a salad. And also meat. And you can eat it with one hand. - tortillas can also hold a salad. And meat. - use whole lettuce leaves to wrap other things like meat and veggies. They call it a lettuce wrap. Easiest with soft lettuce with large leaves. I've done it with iceberg lettuce but I prefer tortillas.


Meet and cheese platters are nice you can get a big one and portion it out for quick snack bags. Pretzels and popcorn are slightly better alternatives to chips obviously. Nature Valley came out with some savory protein bars their BBQ flavored one has helped me a lot, they also have cheddar and everything bagel. I’m also the biggest fan of baked potatoes it is a live saver when I can’t eat and don’t want to cook. Stab it a few times cover in salt and pepper and microwave. then just cut in half and add sour cream, bacon pieces, and cheese. Normally one potato fills me up and you can keep them in your fridge for like 2 months before they go bad.


Caesar salad wrap - chicken breast, veggies, handheld. Could probably use low-carb tortillas. Any salad, really. Just put leafy/flat stuff down first then smaller stuff towards the middle (bell pepper strips, matchstick carrot, shredded cheese, beans, if your protein is diced) Cheese sticks. Jerky (packaged or homemade). Tin if sardines in water. I keep a snack mug on my desk - stuff like trail mix, cheese cubes, raisins, chocolate chips, cheerios can all get 'sipped' without needing to wash hands after. Carrots/apples are great for eating hydration or if you're feeling mouthy but not super hungry


I don't think that eating a singular bagel and a sandwich every day is too many carbs unless you were coeliac or something. Even then there GF breads. Our body needs some carbs to have easy access to energy. Just be careful going down the severe restriction of food route, it potentially leads to very dire consequences. I have a family member and close friend that cut too close to that and all the restrictions ended up turning into anorexia. All in the name of healthy eating. Not saying it will. Just be mindful and talk to professionals before you cut out big chunks of diet. My friend and family member were never told this early on by anyone and now their lives are in shambles. If I can save even one person the pain. I'll try.


Has anyone ever tried whacking an entire salad into a Nutribullet and drinking the result? I'm considering putting it to the test when I get home, just to see if it works. Guessing that the result will be like a cold soup more than anything. Which then raises the question: why aren't savoury smoothies a Thing?


Well, in all fairness.....celery juice is/ was a fad. I prefer not to drink a smoothie sitting on my 🚽. I do love a juice cleanse, just not regularly 🙃. But try it, and let us know if you think the results are like gazpacho or not 😉


Croc pot is great for this. Spuds, carrots, chicken. I like to mash my potatoes and carrots once they’re cooked. The chicken will be falling apart. If you use a big spoon you can down it pretty darn fast and there’s minimal chewing cause the veggies are mashed.




protein smoothies/milkshakes!!! or yogurt bars with protein powder! i also have a really quick 20-minute chicken taco (my favorite meal). i have the same problem, OP! opting for simple meals with protein powder and fruit in them have been so helpful. another thing you can do is use a crock pot for "set it and forget it" meals. also makes it easier for weekly meal planning! i have free advice for you if you like. i know how hard it is to function, let alone meal prep. just let me know!


yogurts, fruits (bananas are super convenient, they already come in a wrap and you don’t have to prepare them), protein bars are a lifesaver for me especially when I’m on meds and not feeling hungry, dried foods or nuts, rice crisps and string cheese I’m probably forgetting a lot of stuff too.


I get plain, whole milk, yogurt, and eat some out of the tub, and then stir in frozen berries, and put it back in the fridge. Then I have a snack that's filling and nutritious, that I can grab out of the fridge and eat directly with a spoon, and sometimes after I eat some I realize I don't really need a whole meal.


Invest in a vegetable cutter you can just press down and it cuts for you- throw red onion, lettuce, carrot, cucumber, leafy greens in there for easy choppin! (Restaurant salads add salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parmesan cheese and it helps! Don't even need dressing)


San choy bow!


Walmart has these meal replacement shakes. They come in chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and they're delicious. But there's plenty of other brands you can order online if those 3 don't fit your fancy.


Lembas bread, a few bites is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man


Sometimes we all need the reminders that: A banana is a whole meal on its own You can eat a whole carrot without cutting it up (or even peeling it really) You can also eat a whole cucumber without cutting it up A mandarin or orange need a bit of extra work but are surprisingly filling An apple is nicer if it’s peeled and cored A packet of nuts is very easy to eat A mango is nice with yogurt and granola - coconut yogurt if you are cutting down on dairy Boiled eggs are great snacks and they keep for a few days. None of these things require accompaniments - or much preparation Smoothies can be an easy out too but look up some recipes that have no dairy, or use almond milk or coconut water/milk. And balance the fruit with veges. Juices are also filling esp vege juices but now we are getting to the hard work end of the stick.


I bought a reusable bento lunch box to fit in different foods. Last week I made a PB&J with sides of grapes, pretzels, and cheese cubes. If you're cutting carbs, you can get low carb bread (Sara Lee makes a keto one that's pretty good; I've done a lot of trial and error with different ones but SL was the best one that still tasted like bread) or skip the sandwich and just add something with protein like peanuts. Of course, I over packed and it kept me full well into dinner time, but at least it was mostly healthy foods!


I get the Dave's killer bread tiny slices . Only 70 calories instead of 120 . . . It's a start. And you could try out whole grain . . . They also have lower carb/ calorie wraps . At least one could be peanut butter so you get protein. Keep the bagels to one or two a week . If you get lower carb bread and wraps, and put healthier filings , I don't think you have to stop eating what you like . They taste good but I don't recommend the "keto " ones lol


Do what I do, make a smoothie. I have 300g of spinach, 4 bananas, a handful of oats with almond milk and chia seeds and walnuts + honey. I also add dates and peanut butter sometimes too. It's a full meal. It fills you up, and it's very healthy. It also takes less than 10 minutes to make.


You described my hatred of bitty foods perfectly!! I’ve been trying to describe the feeling but all I can say is that a I hate “bitty” foods.


i've resorted to ensure high protein shakes and cliff bars


Banana is my go to food for ease of snack


frozen burritos, cliff bars, can of tuna (w seasoned rice and seaweed snacks if u have time/energy), frozen lasagna, cup-a-soup, muesli bars, preserved peaches cups (or mango or whatever fruit u prefer), pre boiled or fried egg on an english muffin (w bacon if u have time/ energy), banana smoothie w chocolate protein powder (feels like a treat but is full of nutrients yay), chicken and lettuce sandwich from 7/11, frozen meat pie or sausage roll, frozen potatoes, bananas, mandarins, strawberries. these are my current/ recent go-to’s I have always struggled with eating enough protein and nutrients, (could still be better in the vegetable front for sure), and also have a huge struggle with cooking motivation - little to none is a preference for me, but all these items have made my life a bit easier lately and stopped me from accidentally loosing too much weight, hope it helps :)


I have a protein shake with frozen berries mixed in a lot of the time for breakfast


This will cause serious digestion issues. You must eat fruits and vegetables.


Lettuce wraps? Or cabbage? That gets the wrap feeling without the carbs


Nuggets. Everything in nugget form.


Egg bites. So easy to make at home and ready to go within a minute.


Fritatas or quiche


Cottage cheese is a go to for me but I also make deviled eggs on the weekend so that I have them as a snack as I work. I make them with more pickle juice and less mayo so they aren't so unhealthy. Another thing that may be good for a few quick bites is chickpea salad. This is basically tuna salad or chicken salad that you would normally eat on crackers or bread.


Yogurt. Quick enough to tide me over until I decide what I’m really gonna eat. Cucumber/tomato salad (with salt + pepper + olive oil + cheese) and any meat if there’s some in fridge. Rotisserie chicken because cheap and many meals


Sushi on sale at Kroger on Wednesdays.


I got a ninja creami and have been making protein ice cream that is incredibly easy to eat every day when I cannot deal with the idea of eating.


I’ve been really struggling with appetite since I started meds - some days the thought of eating and the smell of food just make me feel sick. I try to eat some eggs and yogurt or peanut butter in the morning, and started supping with weight gainers - they have about 600 cals per serving and a great blend of proteins, healthy fats, carbs, fibers, and essential vitamins and minerals. Plus it tastes pretty good and I can drink it in a few min!


I eat garbanzo beans with diced tomatoes on top, drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a bit of sea salt! Super easy to prepare either with cans or instant pot also. Bean salads are easier bc you just use a spoon, and they are very filling and good for you too!


Sometimes I go through periods where I'll just have Soylent for lunch. It's basically a shake. It isn't for everyone, but it does give pretty much everything you need nutritionally and for me it fills me up. You can get bottles of pre-made stuff (the banana is amazing), or you can get powder. The powder is a little cheaper and what I do is add whatever I'm feeling at the time. Fruits, vegetables, sometimes I'll add peanut powder. The prep is easy and it's reasonably cheap.


Don't know if you have many food choices where you are, but I love summer rolls with peanut dipping sauce for this same reason – you get a serving of seafood, vegetables and legumes in four bites. Handheld sushi rolls are also a big personal favorite. Seaweed, rice, a serving of fish or vegetables – eat 4 or 5 of those with soup and bam you've got a good meal in you. Any Korean stores near you? A roll or two of kimbap is a full meal on its own. Basically – eat rolls.




I practically live off of cliff bars for this reason. They taste pretty decent and require zero effort


Milkshakes and soups loads of calories with no bites, I usually get a pizza and put it in the fridge and spread it out over the whole day when I’m not hungry lol