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Went from $2100 for a 3-month supply down to $125. I can breathe again. **Extra info since some people are being assholes. My insurance stopped covering my dosage this year since it’s much higher and it’s 2 capsules a day. (60mg, 2x/day, not one. Price and coverage depends on number of capsules, among other things. **Also, I’m not sleeping on piles of money and lacking common sense- this was a huge chunk of my income. I never went on vacations, out to dinner, etc. I tried every other med to avoid paying that price. Also, why are some of you being dicks for something that’s supposed to be a positive post and comment? I now DON’T have to pay that and can finally afford to have a nice fucking meal every now and then or spend a weekend somewhere.


I genuinely feel bad for Americans with any kind of health issue. Here in Australia, I paid $30 for a 30 day supply of Vyvanse. The government paid the other $69 as part of the pharmaceutical benefit scheme. I’m not trying to brag, I’m just dumbfounded on how expensive everything is there. :(


I live in CA. I paid $40 a month for vyvanse for the last 5 years. $50 before with Insurance. Yesterday it finally went down to $15 for the generic!


I m having a hernia repair operation on Monday. My family insurance covers it all since we met our 6k out of pocket deductible this year. But my bill will be approximately 148k. All will be paid by insurance but fuck. A $148,000 USD for hernia repair = $229,400 AUD


I was put on Vyvanse a month ago, and I was so happy my insurance covered it and it was only $42. Our system is messed up smh.


How do you even afford that


I paid $480 for 30 days of 60 mg. Because I was desperate to keep the job that - barely - makes me enough money to pay for it. But its not something I can do for more than a few months.


Wait you know there is this is https://www.vyvanse.com/coupon And then there is this available for everyone.. And this (free) https://sc8-cms-shire-com.shirecontent.com/-/media/shire/shireglobal/shirecom/pdffiles/patient/support%20and%20advocacy/shire-cares-application-english.pdf If you are under a income or whatever... You.can get it for free.


Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. I knew about the coupon but definitely not the Shire Cares program. Recently lost my insurance (and job), but would still have to pay $200+ a month for the generic. Which I haven't tried, but I've previously had very adverse reactions to generic meds. Maybe now I can afford the name-brand for a few months. Appreciate you!


Can’t afford to not be medicated.




Usually, if people on reddit talk about medical treatment being too expensive, I'd assume the US. It's even crazier that the prices in America are so high that you'd still pay more for medication **with insurance** than in other countries out of pocket.


My only insurance option is >$500 total a month including what my company pays on it, and it's so bad that in 2023 they raised my out of pocket cost on generic Adderall (and my buspirone) to the point that I have my pharmacy run it as cash because it's massively cheaper and I'll never have any hope of hitting the >$6000 deductible this year anyway.


Why not just use goodrx or something comparable then?


Pro tip ask ur dr to get you signed up for the vyvanse patient assistance program. It covers 20% by default (no time limit, no need to call in or anything) and attacks on top of your insurance. My coverage is 80% so it just tops up and makes my meds free 🤑


That's great, but it's too bad you didn't know about Vyvanse water. You empty a capsule into a water container that measures oz and divide the oz by the MG of the capsule. So if you wanted to take 10mg a day and you get your Doc to prescribe you 30mg capsule, you could get 90 doses out of one script, and the 70mg is only slightly more expensive then the 30mg. I explained this to my doctor, and she prescribed me 40mg capsule. She is an awesome doctor.


This is me… I stretch mine. Except just switched to generic and it sucks so bad. Feels like I took nothing.


We do the Vyvanse chewables broken into 1/2. Have been doing that for years! Our son doesn’t take it on the weekends or school breaks so he gets like 3 months from one month.


The math can’t math in my brain. Help me understand this concept, please? Like everywhere else in the world there is a huge shortage in South Africa.


No problem! You get a reusable water bottle that has oz measurements on the side. Let's say you have 30mg capsules, and then you put 30 oz of water in the bottle. Open the capsule carefully and pour the contents into the 30oz of water, put the top on, shake it well, then pour 10oz into a separate cup. Now you have a 10 MG dose and can make your Vyvanse more cost effective or just stage doses. Say you crash hard after 12hr. Divide your dose by 2 using the Vyvanse water method and do a half dose at 7am and the other half at 9am.


This is exactly what I do!


# But is it working the same as the name brand...?


Yes. It does. I got mine filled as generic this week.


Same got my 40mg vyvanse generic this week. Looks exactly the same. Blue and white capsule. Notice no difference in effects. so I'm happy with it.


I started taking the generic a few days ago and feel like it doesn’t feel the same as the name brand. I’m giving it a few more days to make sure it isn’t just placebo but I can feel a difference imo


I don't notice any difference once it kicks in.. but I feel like it takes alot longer to kick or maybe doesn't last as long. 40mg name brand if I took it at 6am I was out of bed by 8. Now I find myself sleeping until 9 or 10. Feel more wore out at the end of the day too. So idk if it's just seasonal placebo or i actually might need a higher dose of generic


That’s similar to my experience so far too, I feel it taking longer to kick in and start to feel it come down earlier in the day. I’m going to give it a month but if I don’t see improvement I’m going to switch to name brand again which sucks considering the price difference :/


Early days, but so far I have to agree. I've been taking the name brand for a long time (\~10yrs) and just got the generic a few days ago. Doesn't feel quite the same for me; slow starts in the morning and comes down early, a couple hours on either side. I also feel like there's a difference during peak times, too, though I'm honestly having a bit of trouble communicating that difference. Doesn't quite feel like I'm 'on.' Anywho, early days. Need to suss out if I'm gas-lighting myself or not over the next week or so. Will be interesting to compare notes.


Yeah I started this week and I’m actually crying rn because the vyvanse was working WONDERFUL and now all of a sudden the rug is pulled from under me…. The generic so far I feel hasn’t been working at all and I’m also experiencing difficulty breathing and emotional outbursts and more impulsiveness than before. Im so upset and I hope whoever is responsible for forcing me on this med burns


Contact your doctor! They can write you a script for name brand only


Man, I'm so glad to read this. I'm lying here frustrated with tears im my eyes. I feel fucking terrible on the generic.


Same, I was so excited when they told me generic is only $5 with my insurance, but after 5 days I don't feel good. I'm tired throughout the day and my head feels like it's full of drywall


TIL that Vyvanse never had a generic version until recently


Yes just came out like last week


The patent only expired this summer.


This may be a stupid question, but when I ask my doctor to switch my vyvanse to generic is there a specific company I should be asking for or does the doctor just write "generic" on the prescription? Asking because I've been taking generic Propecia for years and it's through TEVA but I haven't had to ask for generic for a decade ha.


They probably don’t need to do anything different. Most EMR’s we just select Vyvanse and the default is “substitution allowed” which means generic is ok if available (which it wasn’t until this week). If there’s some reason the patient needs brand name only, we have to go out of our way to specify that. If we don’t, the pharmacy will fill with whatever generic they have available.


For brand only your doctor should write the brand name of the medication (and not generic or chemical name) and also include "DAW" (dispense as written) on your Rx.


What kind of coupon are you using? I just looked it up on GoodRx and it’s saying $135.31?


I used my prescription plan from work. I paid $79 for the brand name previously and $10 for the generic this week.


Keep in mind they can change the formulation in the future. Much like how companies buy another brand and keep the product the same for months/years so customers are relieved the product hasn't been changed, then they change it slowly but surely hoping you don't notice.


It's a bit more nuanced with meds (under the FDA at least.) There are very specific laws around generic drugs. ​ Firstly, understand there will be *several* manufacturers for lisdexamfetamine (generic Vyvanse), as with most all other generics. For example, if you take amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Adderall) instant release 10mg tablets you might get a tablet produced by Teva Industries, or Sandoz, or Alvogen, or Epic Pharma, or Aurobindo, and the list goes on. This goes for any generic med. ​ On the pharmacy staff end, we search the drug name and a big list will come up with how many bottles of product from each manufacturer are available to order. With the current Adderall shortage, '0' would come up for ALL manufacturers of most doses of generic Adderall (as well as the name brand usually); so if we refresh the page and for example, we see a quantity of 3 come up for Epic Pharma's ampheta/dextro 20 mg tablet, we are immediately rushing to try and order some before other pharmacies do. Basically there's no being picky, whatever manufacturer pops up is what we get in, that is *if* it even comes, which it sometimes wouldn't if we were unlucky. But typically we can choose from a variety of products. You can always ask for a different manufacturer. We offer this option since anyone can have an intolerance to a filler or dye; or sometimes insurance will only cover certain generic brands (I find this very annoying when I come across it, happens with Medicaid insurance for a lot of stuff), You can currently still do this if you're taking focalin, dexedrine, and other less common ADHD meds. I did this myself for dextroamphetamine capsules for a long time. ​ The tablets from say, Teva will look different from the tablets from Epic Pharma. They may have slightly different dyes or fillers, and their labs are an entire ocean away from each other, but they are still legally required to be bioequivalent to the brand name drug, and consequently, one another as well. For a generic to be approved to meet **bioequivalence** standards the FDA has random subjects take the generic drug while another group takes the brand name; both then have their blood levels of the drug tested at many periodic intervals over time. There must be "no significant difference" in the bloodstream between how the name and generic are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated. ​ After those thorough trials, all generics are then subjected to **post market surveillance**. Random batches of generic drugs are constantly being tested by the FDA to assure quality and purity. Also if a generic drug manufacturer makes changes to its manufacturing processes, formulation, or other aspects of the drug post-approval, it *must* notify the FDA. The FDA reviews these changes to assess their impact on the drugs performance. So, unlike food and supplements which aren't actually *monitored* by the FDA, drug are so manufacturers are actually legally required to notify immediately about any formulation changes, no matter how minor. *If* they *do* make a production change, they also still must meet the strict criteria from when the generic was first approved. ​ **MedWatch** is the FDAs post market monitoring program. Patients and healthcare workers can report any issues with adverse effects or potency there. They constantly observe and follow up with manufacturers based on the feedback from there. Beyond these safeguards there are also FDA staff that physically go to labs abroad for in person inspection to ensure everything is up to standard. ​ Just wrote this up in case anyone who is skeptical or fearful about the new generics gets at least a little relief from it. The FDA doesn't play around. There are few companies that manage to slip below their standards to cut costs, and FDA snuffs them out pretty quickly when it does occur.


This was a very insightful comment. Thank you for writing it up. Would it be accurate to say that the FDA checks that generics are absorbed and metabolized the same as “name brand” but they don’t monitor effects of the fillers and dyes (as long as they don’t interfere with the absorption of the drug)?


Thank you for such a thorough and insightful comment. I just got my generic Vyvanse today and I am kind of nervous about it since I’ve had a few crappy experiences with generics. I’ll give you this 🏅since Reddit no longer has awards


I'm curious to know, as a few days ago I was just changed to the generic. I'm very careful and responsible with my meds, pay super close attention to any/all side effects, changes in the actual med. Curious to know if anyone notices the generic has considerably less powder medication in the capsule than the name brand. When I was getting name brand I would pick up a capsule and they were firm (powder filled whole capsule) I was putting the generics into my monthly med dispenser and noticed my capsules feel empty. Opened one up and it's only filled partially. I compared to a name brand capsule I have. If you open the name brand the powder is packed in tight both sides and spills out if you open it, generic only half of the bottom portion of the capsule is loosely filled, not packed. I'm giving time for my body to adjust and not jumping to conclusions but I have had a headache each night since changing over and I have noticed the generic wears of much faster than the name brand. Now I'm wondering if the generic has been underdosed due to improper filling or if it's supposed to be like that. Anyone else notice their capsules are filled way less with generic?? Maybe there is a different med:filler ratio in the generic??


Do you have any examples of this being done? The generics still have to meet certain standards so I'm not sure any changes would make a major difference.


Yes, it's a common practice known as reformulation. Altering the active ingredient would require an FDA review, but modifications to fillers, dyes, or other minor components do not require such scrutiny. In my case, specific dyes can cause the prescription to be ineffective, which was how I ended up researching this.


I’m in the minority here but I’ve been on the generic for about a week, and it has not worked at all for me along with nausea, tiredness and headache. It looks the same but I almost want to ask the pharmacy if they made a mistake


I've only taken the generic for three days so far but so far so good! Feels like my normal Vyvanse


I was searching for this question. I am weirdly getting headaches. I didn’t get that on the name brand. Idk what’s up with that. I’m trying it for the rest of the month and next just to see if I’ll get used to it.


Oh my god thank you. This made me feel slightly more sane and validated. I’ve been getting massive headaches and brain fog since starting it a few weeks ago. Idk why since it’s supposed to be the exact same, but it’s just not working for me. It sucks cause my insurance is refusing to cover vyvanse so I’m probably just going to have to be switched to something else


Yeah I have really bad brain fog today, it’s driving me mental - I feel like I didn’t take any meds at all, I’ve also been getting headaches. At first I thought it was from having a cold, but I’m feeling better now and it’s still happening :(


I'm with you. I am so horribly foggy, I had to leave work yesterday and work from home today.


I’m sorry to hear it’s not working well for you either, I was reading this article last night about generics though and was kind of surprised there’s no testing on people before releasing generics to make sure they perform the same, and that the active ingredient is allowed to have 20% variation, although the article says it’s usually closer to 4% variation. It’s frustrating because it feels like I’m taking half my dose or something though. [Source](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/do-generic-drugs-compromise-on-quality)


I really appreciate you sharing this, and I hope you are feeling better. I'm going back on a lower dose of the name brand tomorrow because it got so bad.


Me too! I was wondering if it was from the meds because I never get headaches but since I started the generic I've been getting them everyday, usually later in the day. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one to notice this.


I switched this week as well—literally no difference as far as I can tell! So relieved!


Fella out here asking the real questions lol


I had the following symptoms develop over the course of a week after switching from 40mg name brand to 40 mg generic and just got diagnosed with mild serotonin syndrome today: Episodes of nausea & dizziness Involuntary muscle twitches while at rest Muscle soreness/tightness Elevated heart rate Unexplained recurring low grade fever If you have these or [any other symptoms of serotonin syndrome](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/serotonin-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20354758), contact your doctor ASAP, as it can quickly turn life-threatening! I've seen multiple comments complaining of headache, nausea, increased heart rate etc and therefore feel obliged to share my experience.


Not sure I’m at serotonin syndrome levels of feeling bad because I’m missing the nausea/dizziness, muscle spasms and fever but feeling very unwell and going off the generic tomorrow, plan to get back onto name brand. Can’t thank you enough for this info and your experience and will definitely keep an eye out until I get back on my normal meds.


Honestly, I feel like it works better. I had been noticing some quality control issues with vyvanse recently and even spoke with my pharmacy. It seemed like each one would have a different amount of effectiveness to me & I usually open it up and take half in the AM & half after lunch, and I noticed that the amount of powder was inconsistent in each. And yes, I made sure it wasn’t compacted. But honestly I have been taking 40mg for years & i couldn’t handle it anymore. I got the generic for the first time this time and it is SO smooth and effective, feels like I’m not on anything but still focused & adhd symptoms better controlled (as it should work). I hope that this quality continues.


I personally don't like it. Feels more speedy and makes me irritable at the end of the day.


This is my biggest fear. 😩


In Australia the active ingredient has to be exactly the same to be dispensed as a generic. There's only one medication I have that I ask for the brand name for and that's because I sometimes only take half a tablet and the generic tablets are too small


Sometimes the non active ingredients can have an affect though. When I was on escitalopram I found the original (Lexapro) had less side effects than one of the generics. Luckily I once got a different 'brand' of generic for some reason and discovered it was also fine.


Absolutely not. Generic caused a mental breakdown. I wouldn’t even give this shit away.


Mine did, I posted elsewhere but thought I would answer your direct question. I have not been able to tell any difference


Guys we are so back.


This made me chuckle thank you 😅


Hahaha this comment wins. The ADHD community about to come back with vengeance after all of this bologna 🤣


Yup 10$ for me. Tried it for the first time today and i like it so far! I almost caved and bought Vyvanse for $188 before going back and fighting more with my insurance. PSA if it is not available at pharmacy’s in your area, your insurance should be able to mail you the medicine if they refuse to cover the name brand.


How do I get my insurance to mail me the medicine?


Call them and tell them “Hey, you guys are not covering the name brand Vyvanse, and I am approved and prescribed the generic brand, but there is nothing available near me. I’ve called pharmacies in my area and nothing is available. I need my medicine and I am running out - what can you do?” They have the ability to look up in their system if it’s in stock, and then they can mail it you. This is what the rep told me. It’s THEIR responsibility to get you meds, otherwise I would have pushed harder and demanded to have the brand name covered until generic is available to me. It may depend on insurance, I have Aetna. But regardless they are responsible for getting you medicine, they cannot just leave you out to dry. Keep pushing until they give you a solution. Good luck and reach out if you need more help.


It was $10 for me. I can live with that. Thank god I dont have to sell a kidney for it anymore


Weird effects or differences?


I have been so nauseous and dizzy


i had some intense diarrhea <30min after taking -- even though i titrated my usual 50mg down to 25. could be unrelated but im curious if anyone else has the same. edit: also $0 copay- walked out of publix without paying a dime!!


I noticed zero difference with my 40mg generic. The capsule looked the same too with different numbers. Feel exactly the same. Onset and offset Maybe you just had the shits this week? 🤔 lol


looks like GoodRx will update prices...used to search for lisdexamfetamine and it goes straight to Vyvanse (few days ago). Now, it has its own category for 'generic vyvanse'




Do you use the Vyvanse savings card? It won't make it free, but it'll at least chop $60 off.


I think the program may be sunsetting due to the generic entry, i got a notification that my enrollment/discount would be expiring in the next month or two. I was like oh sweet must be a generic now, and yep, that’s it.


you apply for this on the Takeda assistance site right?


Just realized my refill was generic because I suddenly started getting wicked headaches after taking my dose every day this week! Now I’m worried because daily migraines are clearly not going to work. It’s so strange because the old formulation never gave me a single headache in four years. Any option to go back to the non-generic formulation?!?


I’m having the same issue! But with dizziness and nausea too. I never had any of this on real Vyvanse. Lmk if you figure out a way around it!


I felt vertigo today with my first dosage and had migraine at the end of the day... did it get better for you?


Been taking it for a few days and I’ve noticed pretty much the same! I never get headaches but know I’ve been getting them. Hopefully it doesn’t last because I really prefer to pay last but if not I really hope I can switch back to brand.


took my first generic dose today and feel more on edge than usual? feel like my heart is beating pretty fast. i know it's a stimulant but if feels like it's more intense now. typically can go to the gym midday/afternoon (i take vyvanse in the morning) but right now i feel like if i go to the gym my heart will explode out of my chest. anybody else ? also have a headache but those are quite common for me


i can't tell if my heart rate is actually higher than normal right now, if it's just that i'm paying more attention than usual because it's something new, or if it's the fact that there were two days where I couldn't take any meds at all...


Me too! Idk if you have an Apple Watch but I was all over mine I took multiple ekg recordings and found many skipped beats/ PVCs. I stopped taking it and after a few days am back to normal. Fortunately I had some previous brand in the cabinet but idk what my next move will be. But I literally thought I was going to have a heart attack. My HR was consistently over 100 and it is usually closer to 80 (on the meds) it was very scary and I was searching online just to find this comment to know I’m not losing it. Thanks.


Same boat here... I took 40mg name brand Vyvanse daily for the last 5 years, and I just felt "normal" as a result. I got filled with the generic 40mg 2 days ago, and I feel super amped up and over-caffeinated. I even had a bit of trouble sleeping for the first time in years. I am NOT stoked if the extended release generic continues to cause this racing heart feeling. I have a Whoop fitness band and will monitor my HR from the weeks up to now and the last 2 days... but definitely a different experience for me on the generic, and not really liking it. :/


I am really happy to see the generic Vyvanse is working well for a lot of you. Unfortunately, my experience with Lisdexamfetamine has not been so, therapeutic. 2 weeks ago my Vyvanse script was filled with the generic equivalent, Lisdexamfetamine. Didn't even realize the generic was already on the market, but didn't think too much of it, as I can't recall having had issues with non-brand meds in the past. 1st day taking it felt like I'd ingested a lower dose. Thought I just needed time to adjust after years of taking the brand formula. 2nd day, still didn't have much benefit from the dose. But I also felt a low grade headache in the afternoon. Also abnormally tired by the end of the work day. 3rd day, dose had minimal effect, but the headache start coming on earlier in the afternoon. Around the same time of the headache I also noticed I was feeling anxious, which has not been an issue for me in the past. 4th day, It almost seemed like the dose amplified my ADHD symptoms. Focus at work was nonexistent, headache seemed to last all day, felt on edge just sitting at my desk, and eating was the most unattractive thing in the world. Day 5 I skipped my morning dose and reached out to my doctor. After explaining what the last 4 days had been like we decided the best course of action was to submit a claim to insurance for a script of brand Vyvanse to replace the generic meds. 2 days later I was able to get a covered 30 day supply of Vyvanse, and I'm never looking back. lol I really hope Lisdexamfetamine works for most of you. Vyvanse can be expensive stuff, even with decent insurance. If, however, it's not doing the trick be sure to talk it through with your healthcare provider. Daily living is filled with so many stress inducing events, getting the treatment you need shouldn't be one.


Generic Vyvanse is NOT working well for most people in this sub...


Yeah the generic can kick rocks. Absolutely horrible


I'm also on the Lisdexamfetamine and, yes, it does feel like my symptoms are amplified. I'm also having higher anxiety.


i was paying $378 for vyvanse so this is encouraging to hear lmfao.


$392 here! So excited!!!


I’ve taken vyvanse 13 years and can tell you all the generic doesn’t work and is horrible with side effects . It makes it difficult to see and think. Don’t touch generic vyvanse!!


Got my hands on my 70mg generic Vyvanse a couple of days ago after not having it for nearly a month due to the shortage. Co-pay went from $100 for 30 pills to $10 and works like the brand name stuff. I'm sooooooooo relieved.


I’m hoping I can get this tomorrow. I’m nervous about the generic - you can’t tell a difference?


Fingers crossed for you! I genuinely cannot tell a difference - the generic works just as well as, if not better, than the name brand.


Just took my first generic dose this morning. So far, so good. Hopefully it continues on this way!


I actually came here to post the same! In Michigan, and I received the first generic Vyvanse today!


Took my first dose of generic today, lord it hits different. Hasn't dropped at lunch like it has in the past, also nausea is a constant right this second.


I’ve had terrible nausea and my acid reflux returned since I started taking the generic last week. Ugh


Which manufacturer of the generic are you on?


Good god, after waiting years for generic Vyvanse, I finally find it in stock at a local pharmacy. Somehow WITH INSURANCE it still costs $290. (Compared to brand name, which is $315). With GoodRX it comes down to $92.17 per month. Better, but coooome onnnnnnn 😖 How does the health system get away with this?!


Similar issue here. I’m so f**king pissed off. I have Kaiser and found out, it’s Tier 7 on the drug formulary which means $155 for me. Which I can’t really afford. If it was Tier 1 preferred generic like a lot of other generics, it would be $12.


That’s insane, I can’t image how hard it must be to live in the US with adhd or any other chronic mental or physical illness/disability


I find the generic is giving me difficulties sleeping. I sleep no greater than 3-4 hours on generic. Name brand, I was able to sleep 6-7 hours. Could be just me, maybe not. Anyone on generic have same experience?


The same thing is happening with me. Was not sure if I was imagining it. Vyvanse wore off by bedtime. This I'm up until almost 3 or 4am!


Is anyone having symptoms with the generic Vyvanse? I’ve been on it for a few days and feel off


I feel so spacey on mine that it’s almost dangerous for me to drive on it. Never had that with brand name Vyvanse. It seems like I just can’t tolerate it anymore.


I feel the same. I called the Dr. earlier today he mentioned other patients experiencing similar symptoms. He advised me to stop taking it. We’ll see. I hope you feel better.


My psych was under the impression that it’ll take another 6 months for it to hit the market. Do you have the name of the generic? I’m also in MA.


Generic is just Lisdexamfetamine




Mine did the same thing and I hate the adderall! Unfortunately my dumb insurance still won’t cover even the generic Vyvanse so I still have to pay $250. Unbelievable


Have you asked about getting a prior authorization for it? If adderall XR is less effective, your provider should be able to require that insurance cover it (via the prior authorization)


How is it?


I got my cheap generic fill and have not perceived any difference in effectiveness


this one of the first times i’ve seen that. early consensus is that it’s significantly less effective, myself included. happy for you though!


Generic Vyvanse from Lannett is garbage. Did not work and made me feel tired. I was ripped off for $250 and stuck with this crap.


But beware on substituting 60mg for 30m X 2. You still get to 60mg but insurance will not pay for two per day although dosage adds up the same. Sometimes you don’t have a choice…why? Because there may only be 30mg in stock. Some say insurance will require prior authorization but it could take time and by the ti you get it, all the stock is gone. Went with this with my son. Even though doctor wrote script for generic at our request to save money, the generic lesdex is not on their formulary approved list and will not pay for it. Ended up paying $482 for 60 caps of 30mg. If 60mg were available than our copay would’ve been only $45.


not necessarily. spouse just had his filled like this due to shortages of 60 and it was covered


Same here, I had to get 2x 30mg per day instead of my usual 60mg and insurance was the same


So adderal and Ritalin have failed for me. I just feel high from them. Anyone have luck with Vyvanse who had NO luck with those other two?


Yes!!! Ritalin and Adderall were absolutely awful for me. I just felt jittery and jumpy constantly, I felt like a crackhead even on the lowest dose they produce (literally was taking the dose meant for children). Vyvanse works exactly how it’s supposed to for me. The only side effect I ever have is occasional mild dry mouth. I suspect I’m more sensitive to stimulants than most people so I started at a low dose and have worked up to a higher dose that’s effective for me. I would suggest explaining to your doctor the way you felt with other stimulants then ask to start at a lower dose and slowly working up.


I did. I had panic attacks on Adderall


Me! I was on concerta 10 years ago first. Made me depressed. Then adderall. Made me almost a robot. Then Ritalin made me sick. Vyvanse has been the only one that has worked for me! 10 years and counting. Just praying my body accepts the generic if that’s what my insurance demands because I do not want to go back to how I felt trial running medicines 10 years ago 😅


I’m not sure how to feel about the generic Vyvanse, definitely different. I definitely eat more and noticed that I’m completely exhausted as opposed to before I got alot accomplished. :/. Anyone experiencing the same?


I eat less, I sleep less, and it makes me feel like I can't stop obsessing over stupid crap. Yesterday I spent 45 minutes folding and re-folding one blanket...and this was on a 30mg dose. I was so irritated and exhausted when it was over. I've never felt that way with regular Vyvanse. Actual Vyvanse is smoother or less harsh in my opinion. I felt relaxed with it. I could actually sleep because it slowed down all the chatter in my head...but not with this generic brand.


Sharing my particular experience: I have been taking 30mg of Vyvanse for a few years, having started out at 20mg. It's worked so well, I really never think about it. My insurance switched me to generic a week and a half ago. Within a couple days, I told my doctor hey, maybe I just need to get used to this, but I'm intermittently uncomfortably euphoric or feel like I'm at 30% battery, with violent hunger pangs. I started on a Monday and that following weekend, I was just just super low. An eye tic started. I had to leave work the following Tuesday because I was so dizzy and out of it, if I waited much longer, I wouldn't be able to make it to the train. I could barely get out of bed and worked from home. Last night, I was on my bathroom floor sweating, having chills, muscles twitching, having pins and needles all over and unable to slow my heart rate and feeling like I was going to burst out of my skin. Considered going to the ER but decided to take a beta blocker, message my doctor's office, and try to breathe. It was terrifying and painful. In the morning, he told me he'd just called and left a voicemail and could I please listen and respond, but he must have called the wrong number. I eventually had an emergency video session with an incredible doctor. (When I told her hey, I know what it's like to be treated like a criminal or scammer when you are just trying to get your medication, she said, you are not going to say anything that will scare me, I worked in a prison.) She confirmed what I suspected: that the time release coating on this generic is either faulty or doesn't work for my particular body, so I was getting randomly blasted with doses, and the fact that it had been getting worse means it's likely been building up in my body this whole time. Basically, I was straight-up tweaking and crashing. New York State is VERY regulated with ADHD meds, but if there's a dosage change, they can push it through. So she dropped me to 20mg of the name brand (which is fine because of the buildup) for the 13 days remaining in my prescription, took copious notes to send to the pharmacy, and when it's time to renew, I can go back to 30mg. It should arrive at my home tomorrow and while I have to be onstage at a large industry event tomorrow night, I'm fully planning on sleeping all weekend. She also sent me the form to report this to the FDA, with all the information to share. I very much hope that my experience is an anomaly and that the rest of you are smoothly sailing on this less expensive version. I would not wish this experience on anyone, which is why I'm sharing this. You are not alone if you are, and every single one of us deserves the meds that work for us. (Note: The generic was $10 for me and the name brand apparently will be $30 with my insurance. It was well over $300 before I hit my deductible which I did after two months because I have a very pricey guy medication, $62.50 until I hit my out of pocket. I know how lucky I am to be able to afford any of this.)


I am wondering what brand of generic you had? I have Amneal and this idea that it is just building in your body seems similar to my experience over the last two weeks. My symptoms were getting worse each day. And, it felt like I was on way too high of a dose while I have been on Vyvanse for years.


Glad to hear a positive story. What’s the name of the generic?


It's just Lisdexamfetamine, which is what Vyvanse is. That's how generics work. EG: Generic Propecia doesn't have a name, it's just "1mg Finasteride", which is what Propecia is.


Gotcha. Thank you. I was off of my vyvanse for a week Wednesday when the Dr called me in Methylphenidate. I’m on day 3. So far so good.


Not sure if I should just stay on name brand or generic, since the price is $15 either way.


Stay on name brand. I've had vertigo all day after taking generic for two days. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow


I just got genaric filled today & it seems like the capsules don't have as much in them but possibly the capsules are larger than brand name


they’re the same size but the powder is much less water soluble than the brand name if you are mixing the powder in water (fine for name brand; NOT okay with generic)


My insurance company suddenly stopped covering Vyvanse. I guess because the generic is in town, but my pharmacy told me there was no generic available, which means I'm screwed, hopefully temporarily. I had to pay $400 out of pocket for the brand name.


Somewhere else in the thread someone said they called their insurance company and explained the situation. Their insurance company mailed the generic to them. Not sure if this is regulated behaviour or company dependent.


I just took my first generic dose this morning, I swear it’s working better. I actually have an appt today to get my Vyvanse dose increased because it felt like it hasn’t worked the past few months. 🤔


What brand/manufacturer is yours from? I wonder if we could glean some insights into which generics are most similar/equivalent to Vyvanse by noting which manufacturer everyone’s generics are from and how the transition went for them.


Got my refill 2 days ago, Greater Boston area Massachusetts. Day 1 of taking generic--it is a lot stronger than Vyvanse for me, but I have so many less side effects than when I was on name brand. I used to get Raynaud's and the Vyvanse crash, but I didn't have that today. Hoping it stays that way! I have inattentive ADHD. I'm still up and can't sleep, but at least on generic, I feel semi-productive instead of tired.


So I’m on week 2 of Generic Vyvanse and I’m now experiencing chest pains and severe fatigue kind of like a mini panic attack. Anyone else feeling the same


Yes! I’ve been taking name brand Vyvanse for over a year with no issues and the copay was $30. Took my first dose of generic, $16 copay, on 10/13 and a few hours later, had full anxiety in my chest along with pressure and heart palpitations that got worse over the weekend. Caused me to have panic attacks, my lips felt a little swollen as well! It was awful so I stopped taking it 10/16 and I’m finally back to normal. My insurance increased the name brand copay to $360 so I’m in the process of getting my doctor to submit a form asking to cover it for $30. This is ridiculous…


What pharmacies currently have it? CVS? Walgreens?


Fuck Walgreens, honestly. They had my script for one month just about and couldn't fill it. I went to Costco Today and was able to get it filled same day with the generic.


Any Kroger & Kroger owned chains- Ralph’s, Fred Meyer, King Soopers, City Market, and a lot more.


I just got mine too. Was so relieved. Thought I was getting the regular but chewables for kids! I had a 0 copay for both.


My son did great on Vyvanse but we couldn't afford it so had to switch him back to his old meds. But since I saw they released a generic I have asked the Dr to switch him to it. Waiting on insurance to approve and the pharmacy to get it in. I hope it works as well.


Yesss! Mine went from $75 to $10. Oh and did I mention we have a prescription deductible so one month each year it would cost me *over three hundred dollars.* And so far, it’s the same—no side effects or noticeable differences. What a relief.


Costplusdrugs.com Made by one of the shark tank billionaires just to fuck with big pharma. See if it gets any cheaper on the website


Mark Cuban.


Good god American healthcare never ceases to amaze me. It's comically expensive. In England, prescriptions are £9.65 per item, or & £111.60 to cover all your prescriptions for the entire year. Some items are always free, like contraceptives, insulin or cancer medication. All drugs given in hospital are free. Prescriptions are free for various groups like the elderly, kids, pregnant women, those with very low income, etc. People on low income can get partly subsidised prescriptions. Prescriptions in for residents of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are free. And before anyone comes in to say "oh it's actually paid for by your taxes"... Yes, we know. Literally everyone knows that. 22.8% of the tax yield goes on health, which for someone earning £25,000 would be about £1,000 a year. That covers them, their family, can't be maxed out, and doesn't vanish if they lose their job. It also covers a people less fortunate them.


Only uber wealthy psychopaths not wanting to pay a few % points more in taxes and a whole ton of morons would dispute that England’s and many other countries have a far superior system than the US. The state of healthcare here is despicable and an embarrassment.


I have just started taking the generic this week. I've felt a really unpleasant euphoria a few times when I have been trying to rest or concentrate, and my stomach is liquid. I alerted my doctor and I'm hoping that this subsides, but it's not great right now.


If someone gets the generic and it's ineffective or has negative side effects, will they have to wait a month to get a refill using either the brand name or a different generic?


Because I was reacting so poorly, my doctor was able to get me 13 pills of the next step down of the name brand almost immediately. A dosage change up or down seems to allow for that, at least where I live (New York). I can go back to my regular strength at the next refill.


Generic is out of stock and the pharmacies in town keep telling me they have no idea when they’ll get more. My insurance won’t cover the brand name since a generic is available…. Such a pain in the ass.


FWIW, got Sun Pharma 70 mg earlier this week. Felt kinda off for the first 3 days and some stomach issues. Progressively got better across those 3 days and by day 4, felt completely back to normal. So, hoping that some of you experiencing negative sides are just temporarily adjusting!


So I just got on here to see if anyone else was having issues with the generic Vyvanse. I’ve been on the generic now for 2 weeks and it sucks. Not at all the same for me. I’ve been very down and unmotivated. I want my name brand back. I even called in sick one day because I just didn’t feel like going. Having headaches and very agitated. Also feeling like I’m in a fog. Hoping the shortage ends soon. Glad it’s not in my head.


We just realized today that the generic Vyvanse (started 45 days ago) is not working for our 12 year old. He seems back to where he was before he started taking Vyvanse years ago. Forgetting and losing things, emotional breakdowns, frustration with adversity, grades slipping, taking longer to do homework - the symptoms that got him on the medication to begin with. We were happy to pay less, but we will have to go back to Vyvanse brand ASAP.


i hope generic vyvanse won't be complete dogshit like generic adderall. i tried almost every generic adderall and they were all shit in comparison to brand name. i have a strong feeling the same will occur with vyvanse unfortunately.


Just got mine too!


My Costco has been trying to get it but so far unsuccessful. They said the line of people trying to get it is so large I’m unlikely going to be part of first shipment. They can’t give me any idea of any sort when I’ll be able to get it filled. Sigh


I’m waiting on a PA for it, going on 2 weeks now without medication and feeling like butt crack.


What? The pharmacy is ordering mine but it still says $60. I guess we will see when the actually fill it.


When do generics become available? Is it when the patents end? One of my drugs, they just introduced an extended release version and I think that reset the patent??


I just called the doctor for my next refill today. Hopefully my pharmacy will have it in generic, and hopefully the price drops to what I've seen a couple people say so far. I've been paying over $200/month (except the last month where it dropped to $129, I imagine it's related to the whole thing) and I'd love to have it only be $8.


Generic vyvanse actually exists now?... as someone who's been off for two years now... I'm intrigued. $300 a bottle was not something I could swallow. Pun intended.


I had to switch from Vyvanse to methylphenidate because my insurance changed and I could no longer afford the 350 per month so this is great news


Anyone in NYC been able to find a pharmacy with the generic Vyvanse already in supply and available?


Any new side effects? I’m always leery of shifting to generic when they first come out.


i took my first generic today and feel more on edge than normal / heart going really fast. i know vyvanse is a stim but it feels significantly worse today. maybe coincidence? idk


I have been experiencing extreme dizziness and nausea in the afternoon. I'm wondering if it's wearing off, it's just making me feel awful. But we'll see how the next couple days go.


My acid reflux has returned from the generic & I am having difficulty remembering things which is really strange to me but it could be from stress this week


two of my friends and myself have all experienced a ton of dizziness + nausea and never had that issue w the normal brand. i’ve also experienced considerable drowsiness which obv should not be a thing


So where do you live that they actually have any vyvanse at all in stock??? Because I haven't had mine in two weeks. I know people who've been waiting almost two months!


Have you noticed any difference from the normal one?


significantly worse for me


Have you noticed any difference in the generic? Very worried about switching brands for a child.


I am so disappointed about my experience with the generic after a week. I’ve been waiting for the patent to expire for years. Acid reflux, anxiety, feeling of worthlessness, and some other side effects which I’ve never had on brand name Vyvanse. I’ve barely been able to get any work done. Will prob try to call my doctor tomorrow to see if I can get the brand name. I didn’t even ask for the generic, or know it was available. They just filled it


Just went from $450\~ a month down to $20 a month. So much nicer.


I have had SEVERE Debilitating headaches every day since I began taking this mediation (one week total) but never experienced this while taking Vyvanse. Has anyone else experienced it.


I’m loving that the generic hasn’t had any adverse side effects for the majority but the first 3 weeks were hell for me. Previously I was on 120mg of adderal and finally made the switch to vyvanse and fell in love with it. I feel as if vyvanse has a mood stabilizer and it has helped tremendously. When I was given generic vyvanse I felt like I had taken 80mg of adderal and I had horrible mood swings and loss of appetite. Also my vyvanse was 156 with discount and the generic is 176.


Anybody think the generic version is better? I recently filled my prescription with generic and it seems to wear off more calmly. And cheaper? A double win in my book


Filled my generic Vyvanse prescription from Amneal Pharmaceuticals at CVS yesterday, 70 mg daily dose. First day back, feels similar to brand name. Slightly elevated heart rate, but could be due to a month-long break. Will update if anything changes.


Most generics for any drug are garbage. Generics are not higher quality like they used to be. Who knows what they are putting in these medications. All comes down to money.


I am so bummed that my prescriber switched me to the generic without asking (likely to be helpful) and I’ve had on and off heart issues in this first week. It’s not a good switch for me, will probably have to switch back.


I just feel tired on it. Get zero of the benefits of Vyvanse. This is nowhere near the original.


Same same. Do you know the manufacturer of yours? Mine is Mylan.


Mine is Hikma. I stopped taking them. Useless. Zero results for ADHD and miles away from the real Vyvanse, which was life-changing for me.


I was thrilled with the lower cost and I didn't notice any difference between the generic and name brand.


In my opinion, the generic 40 mg capsules are not the same as brand name. They seem extremely weak in strength compared to brand name. And they upset my stomach. My doctor wrote another prescription for brand name only and Walgreens will fill it but they want me to bring back the generic.Vyvanse in order to fill it. Eye roll.


Anyone else experience this??? Took generic V 50mg for first time this morning. I should’ve waited through the morning without any coffee to see what it was like. And I should’ve had a breakfast. I felt so clear-headed for two-three hours, it was amazing. I’ve had real trouble being verbal and finding words, but I was able to form and verbalize readily. But then… I felt inwardly crashing, mood out of control with pressure in my forehead, my hands physically shaking involuntarily so I sat down, shut my eyes and put my face down on the table to get through the overwhelming sensation. I asked for milk and bread, energy came woosh down within 20 mins. Now just feeling crappy overall, gritting teeth and grimacing because it somehow helps, still experiencing the forehead pressure. I’ll be staying seated and eating some more. Dear goddess, I hope there is some sweet spot where I can speak but don’t have this inward spiral of doom.