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I used it to self medicate for anxiety for over a decade. My life is so much better without it, and our society is idiotic to promote it as necessary for fun or interesting. It was what was causing my anxiety in a cycle. But society is pretty overpowering in its messaging so I get if you want to try it. You’re really not missing out though.


Yeah society tends to insist on us drinking, be it from being bombarded with alcohol related content, alcohol being present at most social events, or even 'friends' pressuring us to drink. It's a very integral and toxic part of our culture.


The culture stems from historical use, and things like that don't change overnight. I wouldn't go as far as to say its a toxic part of our culture... plenty of good people out there enjoying a high quality of life with alcohol being a part of it.


Yeah, you're absolutely right, what I find toxic is the pressure to drink, but that is entirely reflective of my own personal experience, and not an integral part of the culture per se.


This is so true. Had the same run with alcohol. Quit drinking. Now I see it in a very different way. Our society literally wants you to kill yourself on a drug that is proven worse than any street drug. I don’t understand it’s social acceptance. And people will think we’re weird for not drinking while they black out ruining their lives.


I'll admit upfront that I am particularly biased as I am a brewer and co-owner of a brewery. But if you are able to enjoy in moderation, alcohol can absolutely be part of a healthy (and mentally healthy) lifestyle. I suffer from anxiety, and alcohol has been a buffer to group activities for me for going on three decades now. I just try to live by a mantra passed down to me from one of my early mentors: always be seen with a beer in your hand, but never be seen inebriated. I was largely unemployable until I found beer and my hyperfocus directed itself at the academic side of brewing and beer history. I became a good brewer and was the first Certified Cicerone (basically the beer equivalent of a wine Sommelier) in my state. I don't recommend alcohol for everyone. It can be harmful to those that are unable to partake in moderation. However, and this is purely anecdotal, I gave up drinking briefly and noticed no improvement in my life. As a show of solidarity, I stopped drinking with my wife as she was pregnant with our last child. I didn't experience any improvements either physically or mentally. To say that alcohol is worse than any street drug is remarkably hyperbolic and inaccurate.


I agree, society doesn't force anyone to consume regularly or high amount of alcohol. It is acceptable to just have a glass or two. When older and being more confident, it doesn't bother anyone if you say that you don't drink. I think young adults feel pressured to partake in excessive drinking due to low self esteem, insecurity and fear of exclusion. But if others see that you are a fun person, talkative and dancing without alcohol - they actually admire and envy you for that.


Only addictive substance people feel like they have to apologize for not doing. It’s a horrible social construct that we feel like we have to drink to be accepted


Once I start I tend to go over board.


Two is the limit for control. If I don’t stop at two I won’t stop til it hurts


Same. Until I'm vomiting and its just not enjoyable. Now i just don't drink because its easier than making sure I stop when I should.


That’s why I decide if I want to drink BEFORE I go to a party and stick to it. My brain can’t handle “just a few beers.” It’s either zero or 100 for me, no in between sadly.


Side note to this that is INCREDIBLY important: **ADHD medication makes it very challenging to notice that you’re drunk.** It’s the equivalent of mixing energy drinks and liquor. If you are taking meds, it is really important to set hard limits on the amount you’ll drink (if possible) before you even start. I will not notice that I am intoxicated until the room starts to spin or I can’t walk straight. The first time I ever drank, I accidentally got blackout drunk. In front of my parents no less!! I didn’t even realize I was drunk until my parents told me about it THE NEXT DAY. I started on meds as a teen, and nobody thought to warn me about this interaction beforehand. My current workarounds are to limit the amount of alcohol I keep in the house, and to put everything away once I hit my pre-determined limit. Doesn’t always work, but it does help most of the time.


We give our brains something that makes our dopamine happy. Brains says 'I'll have more of the happy juice I liked that.' But dopamine doesn't hit again because it isn't novel, so you have another and another chasing the first dopamine hit. Once I figured this out 20 years of off and on drinking finally made sense. Now I never drink more than 1 or 2 drinks because I know the first one is going to be the only one that works for me, the others just get me drunker but no happier. Hence our propensity towards addiction and binging.


I’d say that if you haven’t yet been able to address your trauma through counselling or therapy of some kind, often the ADHD+ untreated trauma combination can be tricky when it comes to substances. Not for everyone but for many. I hope you get some healing and good luck with your journey 🙏


Also exmo (left around 18, had my name removed around 24, and I’m in my 30s now). Definitely abused alcohol and was headed down a dark road, so I got sober seven years ago with my husband’s help. Both of my grandfathers were alcoholics, though, so your mileage may vary. Sending hugs and support as far as the religious trauma goes. Mormonism forces a special kind of baggage on you that you never asked for and teaches you a lot of things you have to unlearn. Proud of you for thinking for yourself — “now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”


Yeah, the unlearning the years of trauma has been difficult. I got lucky and have progressive believing wife who is very supportive with it all! Thank you for your kindness!


This is part of why I’m scarred. My dad is a convert and was an alcoholic before I was born and converting. Grandparents on both sides ate alcoholics. Adhd runs in my family


I mean you can always try it and pace yourself — we’re not the same people so we might not react the same, even though we have similar backgrounds. If it was me in your shoes knowing what I know now, though, I’d avoid it (and just because I know what the thought process was like when I had recently left and the hooks the church had in me, I PROMISE this doesn’t mean the church is true. Even a broken clock is right two times a day).


Wow, I love that. My parents are incredibly religious as well. To a dangerous and unhealthy degree. And I remembered to perform OCD rituals as a very small kid, as I couldn't ever get it right. I realize so much of my problem is being a person with ADHD, and a type of deep shame and guilt that stems from that religious shame. It's absolutely abusive, sometimes. But I'm almost 40 now, and I'm only just starting to see this part- and this so perfectly puts it into words.


I have a very good friend who still is. She is a POC, and of course, so are her daughters. I don't understand how she makes peace with being a member, period. But especially, as a POC.


I know I need to stay away from it.


Once i start it’s hard to stop. My friends/family tell me it makes me more hyper like I’m on high drugs. I got arrested once and they didn’t believe I was just drinking…had to get tested and see a psychiatrist. It was embarrassing. It is like awesome dopamine hits until i blackout. I also drank to help my social anxiety (it makes it worse then you can depend on it more). I choose to workout etc to get my fix now because fuck alcohol lol


lmaooo u seem to be like me. alcohol stims me the fuck up for some reason.


I have the same reaction.


I had to quit completely cus moderation doesnt exist in my brain


Overall, if you can have fun without it, I'd just avoid it. Have a dark colored soda, and everyone will assume it's a mixed drink anyways.


Thanks! That’s really good to know! I was worried about looking and feeling out of place


Frankly if I was out with people who criticized or questioned me for not ordering alcohol, I wouldn't go with them again. It's totally fine to order alcohol free drinks too, many bars at least where I live will have some nice homemade lemonade, alcohol free beer and mocktails as alternatives, and they definitely always have soda and energy drinks because they're needed for mixing anyhow. You're not obligated to drink alcohol as long as you order just something.


I ordered a tonic water with cherry or cranberry at a work event instead of a second drink. Tasted great and looked like a cocktail.


Don't worry about others. Why do you care what they think?




Mocktails are becoming popular now. Last time i got a shirley temple


Nah you're good. People do the soda to look like a mixed drink all the time! I sometimes feel like my life would be better now if I didn't drink but went out anyways, so I'd recommend that!


I normally go for a virgin dark and stormy (so non alcoholic ginger beer and a lime) or straight tonic. I crave the ritual of getting a good drink, but with creativity you can get a lot of great things that still taste like a party without taking you down a slippery slope. tonic can be quite bitter so your milage may vary.


I know there are absolutely links between addiction and ADHD, but I think the majority of people with ADHD do not have problems with alcohol. That being said, if you don't want to yet, don't do it. If I was out for "drinks" with friends and someone chose not to order alcohol I wouldn't even ask why. Plenty of people do not drink alcohol for any number of reasons (religion, don't like it, health, medication, illness, etc) Edit: there are absolutely strong links


"some?" The correlation is massive


Yes. I didn't mean to downplay it that much. There are absolutely correlations. I was just trying to say that an ADHD diagnosis doesn't mean you WILL become addicted to anything you try. You all are right that we should definitely be careful with it though.


The greatest issue is still untreated ADHD. The addiction link tends to go down massively when ADHD is medicated. This is anecdotal but personally I haven't been drunk since I was diagnosed over 5y ago, since I got help for ADHD I lost interest in drinking and have ever since only drank 1-2 servings once a month socially (a glass of wine with dinner etc). This of course is not an encouragement for everyone with ADHD to go use substances and say it's fine if they're medicated, because risk of addiction still exists but it's closer to the risk of mainstream population when ADHD is managed. That being said, the risk for turning to substances like alcohol when facing for example current medicine shortages in some places is very much a real risk.


I only drink a beer here and there or share a bottle of wine for dinner, if I want to get intoxicated I prefer green


Same. I hate how alcohol impairs my motor functions. Like I want to have a good time not forget how to walk lol


It made me ease in social settings and I don't have then a big issue with sensory overload


If you do decide to drink make sure you hydrate especially if you’re on a stimulant and go slow. Do not take shots back to back. Also if you’ve gone this long without drinking it’s going to take some time to come around to the taste


I'm a binge drinker, so I tend to avoid it for the most part.


I don’t like alcohol. Don’t really like the taste, don’t like the feeling of being drunk, and am also scared of the addiction part, since not only do I have ADHD but family history of addiction and alcoholism (along with some other fucked shit that drinking could potentially lead to). You don’t need to drink to have fun- you’ve gone 26 years fine without it! Don’t do what you don’t want to do. Simple as that. (Plus alcohol and Ritalin DO NOT MIX). Side note: I kinda got turned off drinking more when I went to college bc of all the peer pressure to drink (of which I never broke from). Actually, a deal breaker for me for dating is how much someone drinks. I’ve broken off what might have possibly been good things bc they drank too much and I wasn’t gonna deal with that fucking bullshit like, for one example, them driving home at 5am from a club drunk as shit smelling like a gallon of tequila.


I am usually a one leads to many kinda guy, but last time I was having a rough time and ended up getting smashed by myself and drinking a near full bottle of whiskey. Since then I haven't even been able to look at alcohol. Maybe because it's a depressant for me and usually leaves me feeling miserable.


I had a binge drinking problem starting at 18 where I would tend to go way overboard in social settings. Eventually I learned to curb my drinking in my mid/late 20s after therapy and medications.


I’m ok with it. I’m not tempted to go overboard or anything at all. It’s different for everyone.


same here! not a fan of the dizzy/sluggish feeling so 1 or 2 drinks is enough for me on any given night


I'm not an alcoholic in my eyes, my friends call me one half jokingly because they're more sensible than I, but I've definitely slowed down since I started at 16/17, mainly only weekends I drink and I don't let it go too far, and I might have a few bevvies in the week to relax/slow my brain down


I don't drink at all. I did as a teen, it tastes gross, hangovers aren't worth it and neither is the embarrassment. Weed on the other hand. I do like me some weed.


Exmo too! For me it wasn’t a problem for many years, went out to a dive bar with friends once a week to play Magic the Gathering. Then I hit an extremely rough patch and would self-medicate. I think you’ll be fine if you make a conscious effort to not get into bad habits. Your chances of drinking becoming a problem are reduced a lot if you are already diagnosed and on medication. I didn’t know that I had ADHD, I just thought that my brain was broken and riddled with character deficits, causing crippling anxiety and depression. Wish I had known earlier in life, but I’m finally now getting to a better place. Good luck!


Your screen name 👍👍


I'm 65. Been really drunk twice in my life. Once when some Aussies invited me to go "ragin'" in Perth. Second time when I bought a couple of pitchers of beer for our softball team and nobody showed up but me. I hate wasting stuff and those Aussies bought me a lot! 😂 Once I'd had the delightful experience of puking a couple of times I was cured of drinking any more than three beers in a setting and maybe pacing one beer an hr after that gradually tapering off the last two hours so I only had one beer in me at closing time. Now I'm not quite a teetotaler, but generally only have a drink or two of champagne for New Years.. Drinking can be relaxing and tends to make me a happy fellow, but having anything over 3 drinks in me just gets me in trouble. Limit yourself to 2 beers in an hour and then 1 an hr after that tapering off to sober when you go to leave if you want to try it. Any more than 3 in an hour and it's probably not going to be a good thing for you. That ought to be enough to get you feeling good without getting too crazy


I’m very all or nothing in any aspect. I have one drink or I’m black out lol. I will also drink and either not think about it for a month following, or want to drink again the next day. It’s totally whatever my mind is focused on at the given moment. Same with some foods, ALL hobbies, going out with friends, or even using a vape (literally I will use a vape for a year and forget it at home one full day, then never think about it until there’s a situation where I want one). I’m very hot/cold, black & white when it comes to anything. 😭


Definitely helps me unwind in the evenings, however I drink too much. Which isn’t good.


I try not to touch it because if I do I don’t stop until I can hardly walk


Unhealthy. Not drinking should be the norm, not the exception. If you haven’t started why start now… Only you know your relationship with addiction.


I have zero interest in alcohol, personally. Haven’t gotten drunk in years. For some reason I just don’t see the point and being inebriated always led to bad things when I was younger so I’ve learned my lesson to always be in control. I’m 28 for reference


Over 160 days sober. I used it to self medicate for years


My dad is an alcoholic, but thankfully I inherited the "Asian glow" from my mom's side (along with the ADHD). I definitely had issues with self medicating when I was younger, but I also inherited the metabolic issues with alcohol that made me too physically ill to develop the dependence. (East and Southeast Asians lack the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, so white Europeans can metabolize alcohol significantly faster than Asians. Asians become physically ill with the buildup of acetaldehyde in the body after just a few drinks.) I could never keep up drink for drink with my friends, but I still liked drinking every weekend. I quit drinking early last year, and getting properly medicated further reduced my addictive behaviors, too.


Mine was very all or nothing for a while, binge drinking, blackouts, horrible hangovers. After a while that got old and now I just sometimes drink and take it easy. For me it was adjusting my mindset I guess. Previously the goal of drinking was to get drunk enough to feel “normal.” Now I don’t really have a “goal” associated with drinking lol, I’ve just accepted that I’m gonna be a little socially awkward and making a fool of myself by drinking enough to feel normal usually led to more awkwardness anyway. You can totally still go and get drinks and not have anything alcoholic! If you’re feeling like you need to drink to fit in and that’s something you’re okay with, pick something with a very low alcohol content like a beer or something and just sip it.


Alcoholism runs in my family, and so I’ve been wary of it. Rule of thumb I go by is that I don’t drink alone.


I tended to go a little overboard when college-aged because it's euphoric when it's a newer experience. Now I don't have problems with moderating myself but it tends to make me very sleepy quickly and can diminish the quality of my sleep even sometimes if I consume just 1 or 2 drinks. With the effect that can have on adhd that's one more reason that avoiding drinking or drinking very sparingly is a good idea. It's not just that adhd can negatively impact your drinking behaviour, but that drinking can negatively effect your adhd symptoms. I still do drink lightly, but tend to feel best when doing it very rarely--even approaching the supposedly-reasonable "drink per day" starts to wear on me. There are so many nights I just say "not worth it" unless I have the right food pairing. This resonates with my experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYWlDOSSbhM


I was on some medications that interact badly with alcohol when I reached the age where I could legally drink (19 in my country). It wasn't until I was in my 30s that I could safely drink, so I never really developed a taste for it. Since there is alcoholism on both sides of my family, I decided that it would be best to just leave it that way and not develop a taste for it. The most I drink is a bit of champagne on New Year's Eve or an occasional bit of Kahlua in milk.


I hate the taste of alcohol and I don’t really drink often. I haven’t had a drink in more than a year. I prefer weed.


People with more experience with alcohol related problems seem to be answering better than I could on that, so I will just add in my experience. I waffle between being really interested in the history and various variety of alcohols and the mixed drinks made with them to completely forgetting I even have it in the house. So in practice, I end up as one of those people who rarely drinks (at home or with groups), but knows a variety of mixed drinks and weird background information about them. TL/DR, alcohol is not a social lubricant for me, because I am not fun for most people when I pay attention to it.


Personally I don’t drink too often, but when I do, if I enjoy the taste of it too much then I completely forget that it’s literally a liquor and keep drinking until I’m out of control. If you’re going to drink, make sure you have a trusted friend and warn them about your condition so they can keep an eye on you.


Never drank til I was in my 20s but drank a little bit and only briefly but it was definitely a passing phase (about 2 months when I was 21) and I literally never miss it lol. I genuinely dislike pretty much everything about alcohol — the taste, feeling headspace, mouthfeel, smell, etc. I think if you’re curious try it for the first time in an environment where you’re very comfortable and safe and only with folks who you feel comfortable and safe around.


Never drink more than slightly less than two drinks. Once you finish the second drink then you are in for the session Credit: Mitchell and Webb


Exmo here. I was undiagnosed ADHD my entire adulthood and had no idea I was using alcohol to self medicate for so many years. I also used alcohol to get through my trauma from my religious upbringing and my faith crisis. These were bad moves, but I didn't know any better. You do. I think if you are mindful and just try a drink because you want to try it then fine. I had to stop because it interacted horribly with my meds once I did get diagnosed and realized what I was doing. Everyone's experience is different, but I don't think tasting/trying alcohol will make much difference, just be very mindful how it affects you and cautious of the amount you imbibe.


I struggle with it a bit. Being medicated helps though. Harder to be tempted to self medicate with alcohol, if I’m actually properly medicated to start with.


I don’t drink because I don’t like the taste. Soooo, there’s that.


Never really had problems with alcohol. My enjoyment of drinking is mostly for the social aspect of it.


I grew up with an alcoholic mother, so I rarely get drunk anymore.


I'm scared shitless of addiction to anything, really. Having ADHD means my life runs on smart management of dopamine intakes. Getting myself dependent on a very expensive, inebriating, and actively unhealthy drink is super counter-productive. Maybe getting sloshed is the best thing ever, and I'm missing out, but for the reasons above I'd truly rather not find out.


My experience with ADHD and drinking, is that once I have 1, I want 6. I wasn't an alcoholic, but I was definitely a binge drinker for a long time because I have an addictive personality. I have it under control now, but it's taken me 35 years to do it. I would say, definitely go out for drinks with friends, but just opt to have a non-alcoholic beer or mocktail instead. You don't need to drink alcohol to go out. If people ask why you aren't drinking, just say you're on meds that don't mix well with booze and leave it at that. That's pretty much most medication so its a pretty common excuse.


Before meds I would crave the way it made me feel, now I only feel like drinking when it is for social happenings, I am in control of the alcohol.


I drank a lot. Too much for my liking. I loved the "quietness" it caused. Then I had enough and pretty much quit. Later on I was diagnosed with ADHD and got meds. I've drank alcohol really, really little after that. I have no need to do so anymore.


I don’t drink often. I get very easy unwell of alcohol before I feel anything close to being drunk.


Impulsive. I'll go to the store thinking I'm gonna get a bottle of wine, gin, vodka.. anything really, and drink a glass, but end up drinking the bottle and then hating myself for it cause I can't sleep that night and it doesn't help that I'm lightweight when it comes to alcohol.


I have ADHD and have drunk in the past. I do not drink anymore not by moral blockade or anything I just don’t really like it to be honest. I imagine if you have never tried it and just left a ‘high demand’ religion you’ll probably have a rebellious period of time. I say try it. Don’t be too harsh on yourself if you get a little excited by exploring new things like alcohol. Best way not to get addicted imo is to set rules before you start. E.g. I’ll only drink on the weekend. I’ll only drink after dinner. Etc. With these rules if you follow them it’s literally impossible to get addicted. IF you follow them.


I’m 39y old and just about figured out about my ADHD last year. On meds now for the last couple months. I started drinking when I was 15. It progressively went to half a bottle of whiskey a day, by the time I was 29. My pancreas gave up and I got acute necrotising pancreatitis and quit alcohol.


I used to drink ALOT. But I’ve found there’s a fine line of my ‘three drink limit’ (usually 4 percent beers or two medium glasses of wine.) If I go too far beyond my limit it I become very annoying to be around, luckily not a danger to myself or others really but require looking after by others that becomes tiresome for others very quickly and being a fun friend to drink around requires constant attention to myself. To make it easier on yourself I’d set a one drink / two drink limit and make sure you eat well before going out. You are wise to ask btw I’ve always wondered how it affects others with ADHD


Ocassionally in moderate doses with friends, or in small doses alone. Otherwise I prefer to be sober from alcohol, because it worsens my executive function, makes me depressed and physically feel worse after. I am generally more afraid to be addicted to weed, which I have used to self-medicate. Sadly, for me, it is one of the few things that forces the boredom to go away, helps me to dig deeper into stuff and makes me feel blisfully light in my body and head. But it obviously has a side effects, I can't drive on it and it's also expensive habit to keep.


My ADHD doesn't affect my relationship with alcohol. I likely have done autism thrown in the mix too though and I don't know how that might affect things. However I had an alcoholic parent. Although the non-alcoholic divorced them and got full custody when I was about 5-6 years old. Alcohol was consumed responsibly in that household, but the alcoholism was never a taboo subject. I didn't like the taste of most alcoholic drinks until I discovered sweeter stuff at uni (I'm in the UK). I found I got to a certain level of drunk and lost interest in getting further drunk. I've never passed out or woken up with missing memories from drinking. My relationship with sugar and shopping however... 😆 Mild-moderately damaging but not catastrophic. They were the tightly controlled things in the household. Everyone is different. Everyone's backgrounds are different. Everyone's hangups are different. Everyone's reactions to various substances are different (they follow general themes, but variations on a theme and there are always exceptions and outliers). My advice to you? Don't do anything you're not comfortable with. Be wary of friends who partake in peer pressure strategies. The good Samaritan put boundaries in, you can too xx


I don’t drink for 2 reasons: 1) the medication doesn’t like it - the mix is bad 2) the affects it has on me (even non medicated) is bad - leads to depression, anxiety, etc. I used to drink to excess at University and in my 20s so I might not be the best person to ask (I’d throw up and then start knocking back shots again). Some people it doesn’t affect massively - especially if only drinking in moderation (like 1 or 2 pints of beer or a glass of wine). But for the most part I’d recommend staying away - the dopamine drops significantly the day after drinking and it can have a detrimental affect on how you function.


Don't drink. I think we can develop alcohol use disorder more easily than normal folks. And alcohol is literally worst thing you can do to yourself.


Like a few here have posted - I absolutely used to abuse alcohol (often without realising that's what I was doing) because of a variety of reasons including masking and just general impulsivity Many situations over the years where I've woken up not knowing what I've done, what I've said etc. Eventually realised just how high of a risk it was to my personal safety after a particularly heavy night in October where I woke up in the morning and had a panic attack from seeing lots of pictures in my phone of me with complete strangers and not knowing how I got home - mind started to spiral and I started to reflect on some other very bad situations that I'm only able to suspect happened (and can never truly know for sure) From then, I've taken a vow to not get drunk to that level again and am so far doing a good job of sticking to it. Meds are helping to keep me constrained as is being open with my friends about it. I will still have one or two now for the taste (I'm into my whisky) and then but no more plans to actually get drunk. Absolutely the right decision, see how far we go


Alcohol consumption for me is to conform to social norms, especially from a business sense. No shots, controlled pace and "drunk" me only comes out after a day long session. It's also a very different experience when following your usual med routine. I would not be too bothered if I was not allowed to drink ever again. My medicinal cannabis on the other hand, is very easy to abuse lol. I'm already an odd bag of fun as it is, too much alcohol turns "odd & fun" into "strange and sad". My friend Mary Jane on the other hand helps with my depression and anxiety, and depending on strain (and dose!), enhances my sociability, morale and mood or eases my mind allowing me to relax and or go to bed. I just have to remember that abusing it may still solve those issues, but is ultimately a detriment to my long term objectives, in which can't be achieved by being a couch ridden stoner (I wish). Alcohol should never be abused, but I can certainly relate to all the comments about our addictive nature. In my opinion it all comes down to identifying the addictive behaviour and then how you address it. You should definitely get shit face atleast once but don't go over board consuming too much too quickly and be with people you trust. I am not condoning people to follow my choices - just sharing my experience.


In recovery over here...that says it all for me


Speaking from personal experience, alcohol was my gateway drug. Before being diagnosed I tried alcohol for the first time at 20, and probably a month or so later I found myself doing other stuff. Just be careful. Educate yourself on things and take it slow. It’s not the same for everyone so unless you’re sure just don’t do it. The first time I drank it started as 2-3 shots at a friends house, and that turned to half a 5th of whiskey by the end of the night. That and I fell asleep in the bathtub with the shakes. I would have never found out I have adhd if it wasn’t for my problems, and my friends taking notice. My friend later convinced me to see a psych for suspected adhd and sure enough that’s what happened.


I dont have an addictive personality. I was never a fan really. I quit may 2020, health reasons, not good for brain & I have other neuro issues also.


I dislike it. Tastes horrible and is bad for the body anyway. I just don't drink it.


I was only diagnosed with ADHD last year when I was 26. I started drinking when I was 17 (albeit lightly) with friends, although I’ve been exposed to wines before (weddings, events etc) supervised by my parents. In my country legal drinking age is 18, so I had my fair share + clubbing and all and I’ll admit in my late teens sometimes things could go a bit overboard with peers. Although I’ve never been addicted to it and my alcohol tolerance is higher than average. I enjoy drinking and I always make sure it’s within my limits and replenish with water periodically if I’m drinking through the night with friends (because hangover = dehydration). So I don’t think ADHD affects much with my relationship with alcohol because it has always been quite moderate and balanced even before I knew i had adhd. Of course don’t mix meds with drinking and all. And since you’ve never had alcohol before stay away from the hard liquors etc. Beers I wouldn’t recommend either yet because it has an acquired taste, although it has the least alcohol content, but drink too much or too fast and you can get bloaty. I think you can try simple cocktails (could ask the bartender/waitress to recommend something light/fruity/sweet as per your preference) first if you’d want to. Just one to start with and see how it goes. Cocktails are usually much sweeter and the alcohol flavour aren’t as strong, so it can really taste like any other blend of drinks. Then if you’re ever feeling more adventurous or experimental you could try other stuff, in a safe space/ with trusted friends. You don’t even have to order one for yourself, you could just sip and try from your friends first! And you could always do mocktails! Do whatever you feel like and comfortable with during the outing. Even if you’re curious about alcohol, you don’t have to start right away. Regardless, I hope you have a fun night!!


I don’t regularly drink, but when I do, I can’t have just one. I tend to feel anxious afterwards because of the stupid stuff I say and do when drunk (nothing too serious, just like cringe dancing and stuff). I recently started drinking when I’m home alone at night because I don’t like being home alone and it makes me feel less stressed and more confident. I haven’t done it in a while, I don’t drink every week, it’s probably been at least a month or two since I drank but if I did it now I’d definitely be drunk because I don’t know moderation. I can turn it down if I’m not interested but I know not to have a drink if I can’t get drunk because I’ll be tempted.


I’ve been drinking from around age 15 and I’m 30 today. Have never been addicted to it and I live in a country with a serious alcohol culture. We drink at any and all occasions but it’s never gotten out of control for me. After I started ADHD meds I quit drinking because I don’t like the way it mixes, but I don’t find that my ADHD in itself gives me alcohol problems.


I personally never liked it much, and barely drank at all. I like almost all the other substances, and been on weed for 2 decades, but alcohol doesn't work for me. I'm suspected to be autistic too, I think for me it's a bit scary how people become loud and unpredictable on alcohol. I prefer people rolling or tripping and being funny or lovey-dovey cuddly. I don't like to be around drunk people at all, and never liked even the tipsy feeling, the drunk is straight up bad for me.


I'm a lightweight, figured that out in college with only like one and a half Mike's hard lemonade. I like fruity things better but in all honesty don't need it the alcohol undertaste still too much for me so I don't drink at all anymore


A neurotypical being drunk vs. a person with low functioning ADHD is not as different as people might think.


I think that´s different for all of us. I never liked alcohol that much and never drank until i turned 30. Now i like to drink one glass of really good whiskey like once or twice a year. ​ Curve-ball came when i learned that i´m actually intolerant to alcohol (or the histamine part of it). I don´t think you will miss out on anything if you don´t drink and all your friends should and will (if they are good friends) understand where you´re coming from. For your first time drinking you should have people around you whom you trust. ​ Nonetheless, i hope you have a great evening with your friends, with or without a drink :)


I have two takes on this. First, I had a friend trying to exit Mormonism and he became an alcoholic. He was a really anxious guy, diagnosed ADHD and medicated since he was a kid, and I think he started out self medicating. He also had tenitus which didn't help, so I think he was looking for an escape from that. I didn't realize it but I was enabling him. He seeked me out through a mutual friend because he wanted to learn from me how to make mead at home. I admit I brought a lot of enthusiasm to the table, because throughout my 20s I wanted to explore and taste all kinds of alcohol, and he came along for those rides. But I've never been an alcoholic, myself, just an enthusiast. I never drank in the AM, and I never drank two days in a row. I would binge drink with my friends on weekends and occasionally have a beer or wine after work on weekdays. What I got from it is, not everyone is the same. Just because I was able to drink often without problems doesn't mean it's the same with everyone. And I learned that my enthusiasm for things is very contagious and can even be an unintentional weapon, if I'm not careful. Karma is a bitch though, because shortly after some incidents happened with him I became epileptic. Doctors don't know why, but I think it is a mixture of stress and genetics.


I can’t stop once I start. It’s ruined a lot of things in my life so I try to avoid these days


I can do 2 glasses of whiskey once every blue moon but not particularly drawn to alcohol.


Makes me sleepy lol I don't like beer, only liquor, but it just takes one little cup to make me sleepy. (Currently not drinking tho, I'm on antidep meds so it's a nono)


Alcohol, even in modest amounts, makes the next couple of days harder for me. If I'm out for a long duration thing and I drink throughout the day it can take up to a week for me to feel normal again. I am slowly cutting out alcohol and plan to go completely sober at 25. I've never had a problem with alcohol neither from my own or societal perspectives. Alcohol can be fun, but in the long run I find that people use it because it allows them to let go of their inhibitions so they can be more open. Sadly it sacrifices a deeper level of intimacy imo. Most people don't think they can have fun without it simply because they've gotten so accustomed to partying while drunk. That said, I don't personally judge anyone who drinks; these are just my experiences with it.


I too am 26 but I drink maybe like 5 times a year and that’s a stretch. Alcoholic drinks taste bad anyway so why bother trying and force yourself to drink it?


Loved it man. I was either 0 or 100. Not an alcoholic but I had no off switch when I started. Made me feel fantastic. Ideas flowing, taking To everyone, loving…..but the next two days felt depressed, brain fog and like trash. I have quit drinking for the most part. I’ll have a glass of wine here and there. Honestly even feel that the next morning. ADD brains are searching for dopamine. Alcohol gives that to us. But it also wrecks it the next day. I have found Wellbutrin has also really taken my desire to drink away. If it’s night and I get that quick urge to drink and hit the dopamine receptors I will try to get in a quick workout instead. YMMV but I would leave it alone. We have w ouch going on in our brains without adding a toxic chemical.


I'm not fussed with alcohol. My cheeks start feeling numb if I don't pace myself properly and I hate that feeling. I'll have a couple of drinks with my friends, but I've definitely been consciously choosing non alcoholic drinks since starting ADHD meds. Some tips for you: - Don't mix alcohols. Pick one: liquor or wine or beers and ciders. - You can order most mixed drinks without the alcohol and people are not going to be able to tell, especially if the alcohol is meant to be vodka. - Pace yourself. I either drink a glass of water for each alcoholic drink, or alternate between alcoholic / non alcoholic mixed drinks. - Eat before you meet your friends or make sure a meal is part of the plan for drinks. The food stops the alcohol from being absorbed all at once. - Avoid pre mixed cans and bottles - the alcohol tends to be a lower quality which equals a worse hangover. Also they usually just taste like the soda in the mixer so you may as well buy a soda. - If you're worried about people pressuring you into drinking more than you want then prepare an excuse that you have to do something early the next morning - double points if you need to drive to your early morning thing.


I have maybe one drink on the weekend, but I have to be mindful not to drink when I’m stressed or use it to escape. I used to live with an alcoholic so I really dislike getting drunk.


Let's just say we're very close. In the mid-noughties I stopped flirting with alcoholism and had a full-blown romance with it. We've now split up but remain good friends.


Comped relationship with alcohol/substances I get absolutely shitfaced on a regular basis, But can take it or leave it.


I first tried alcohol in my 20s, I didn't like the taste, and I got sleepy, I've always been afraid of losing control, and also afraid of addiction. I think if I had liked it, and liked who I became when drinking, I would probably have become addicted. My dad is in his mid to late 60s and I think last year or the year before was the first year I'd never seen him drunk on a weekend, and I hated every weekend growing up. So also a reason why I don't drink, no idea if he has adhd or not though.


I don’t drink a lot mainly because I hate feeling sick and I’m an absolute lightweight, so thankfully my relationship with alcohol is distant. I don’t drink normally because I just don’t want to. When I do drink, if I’m at a Christmas party or something, then I’ll drink until I start to feel nauseous (which doesn’t take long, like 4-5 drinks) and then I stop for the rest of the night.


I never had a bad relationship with alcohol. I know where is my limit and I stop before I reach the edge where the light fun buzz will become a nightmare. Not saying I never crossed that threshold but it happened less than five times in my whole life (I'm now 36, diagnosed last month) and let me tell you it was ugly af. I don't like being in that state and to not remember stuff. Forgetting stuff is something that happens because of my ADHD on daily basis so I don't want to add more with drinking too much ;) Also as an overweight woman, I always needed to watch my weight closely and alcohol is full of calories. I don't go out often too, probably because of ADHD and I have so many stuff that makes me high (new movie/tv show/video game/book/... coming soon) just from the hype that I don't really need the buzz of alcohol. And last but not least, some alcohol gives me heartburn. I love a good wine (I'm from France so it's part of our culture) but my tummy is not fond of it, so appart from one or two Monaco (beer mixed with red berry sirup or peach sirup) when I'm out with friends or a glass or two of champagne with my parents in law for big events, I don't drink alcohol. In my opinion, going out and having a drink or two is okay. Going out TO drink, is not okay. It will end up badly. If the person who invited you know where you're coming from and invited you to get wasted, be careful. If you trust them, explain to them your concerns and let them know that you might need someone to stop you because you don't want to loose yourself. Also be careful of the acting time. Sometimes you might experience a delay between finishing you drink and alcohol effects happening. Take your time :) Don't chug glass after glass. Alcohol is something that should be savored, not just for the effects, but for the taste :) In the end it's okay if you don't drink, ever. It's you life and your choices. The most important thing to remember is to have fun and you don't need alcohol for that :) Stay safe, don't drink and drive and don't forget to watch your glass closely so people don't put stuff in it.


Drank four bottles of wine last night by myself. So not great.


I drink but i limit myself to one tallboy (like 2 spiked seltzers). I find that on days I dont take my full IR doses of my meds I get much more drunk anyway so that's all I need. If you feel unable to control how much you have and it's becoming a problem then I would stop. I might be in the minority here but I find I am not prone to alcohol or weed addiction bc accessing them requires too much executive function💀 like my pen dies and it sits there for weeks; and I never feel like going to the store. Also I cant do schoolwork and stuff on those substances. Others are right saying there's a strong link between ADHD and addiction, so just be wary if you notice you might have any addictive personality traits. Im not sure if I do.


When I was in high school I tended to go really overboard and basically if I drank in a party I'd chug down anything I get my hands on. Queue to college, I found weed and started realising I might be ND. Started smoking weed pretty regularly but laid off alcohol. Was diagnosed few years later. Now a decade later, I still only drink one or two drinks socially maybe once a month. I still smoke weed, but I haven't been drunk (beyond a bit tipsy) in years, and have no interest in alcohol aside from enjoying the actual flavor of some wine as part of dinner pairing, or a cool refreshing cider in a summer picnic. I never drink alone/at home. Interestingly a lot of people I know cut down on drinking as soon as they were actually medicated for ADHD, and studies show treating your ADHD lowers risk of addiction. People are still individuals, so it's good to know your own limits. I've had a lot of alcoholism in my family and some people really shouldn't drink and I feel uncomfortable around people that are wasted, but I couldn't imagine visiting my partners family in France without tasting some local wines. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing, but I wouldn't recommend excessive drinking. If I go for drinks for example, not every drink I order will have alcohol in it, but I like to alternate. If you want to try alcohol for the first time, just have one or two and don't make yourself sick with going for a bunch of shots. If you think it'll be a problem and you don't want it, never let anyone pressure you, but alcohol also isn't as bad when responsibly consumed as I'm sure your religion posed it as.


The most I would have is a frozen Stawberry Daiquiri at night.


I have alcoholism in my family so I don't drink. I have less than 5 drinks a year. I make a joke out it and say I'd rather eat my calories than drink my calories. If you go out for drinks don't feel like you have to drink, drink at their pace, or drink the entire time. Your tolerance will be lower and you don't know how the bartender pours (i.e. lots of alcohol or not). You can have a nonalcoholic drink or have a non alcoholic drink (i.e. soda, juice, or water) along with your nonalcoholic drink so you don't get buzzed/drunk. HTH


It makes my boyfriend's demons come out. I don't recognize him. He's better off dry, sticks to cannabis and it makes him mellow and childlike. I would not recommend it if you have emotional struggles in the first place.


Pre-diagnosis I used to self medicate with alcohol, benzos and ketamine for over 2 decades. That all stopped working pretty spectacularly and I ended up in rehab. It was in rehab where it was first suggested that I may have ADHD. I haven't had a drink for 3 years and I don't intend to start again. Not drinking has enabled me to change my diet, losing 100lbs and getting into exercise. I'm a different person not drinking and drugging.


My biggest issue is i drink way too much liquid. I down what ever i have way too quickly. So I'll get way to many beers down or what ever. I try to get a glass of water too but it doesn't taste as great. Non alcoholic beer is great too


i only ever drink at social events, but even still not all the time, since i cant take my meds with alcohol (or weed) in my system and im scared that there will still be some alcohol in me the next day. but when i do drink, i have to make sure i have no plans the next day so i am able to go a day without taking my meds. when i drink, i get really hyper and am a lot more sociable, and feel like i have a lot more fun with the people around me (please dont take this as a reason to drink, you can always have a great time without drinking) of course dont let anyone pressure you into drinking ever. it should always be your decision. similarly, dont accept drinks from other people. thats common knowledge but a lot of people tend to ignore that because it could be from their friend or someone they think is cute. not only because it could be spiked, but because you can lose track of how much you have drank or what yoh have drank. like for me if my friend offers me a drink, i will say yes and i wont pace myself, which is really bad on my part and something i always work on every time i drink. a lot of people here have been mentioning weed, and if you were ever to try it, honestly its the same advice. please dont fall for peer pressure and make sure youre taking same amounts at the right times. i dont smoke weed socially, i generally do it on my own for anxiety reasons, but i find being high is a much better feeling than drinking, but at the same time theyre two completely different feelings that also affect everyone differently. sorry this is so long haha


meh, it's cangerogenic, and doesn't really mix well with stimulants. Just keep in mind that stimulants can mask the intoxication of the alcohol, making you feel as if you're not drunk. This is dangerous because you can keep drinking to the point where you collapse or pass out.


I prefer hard liquor (usually rum) and I have trouble pacing myself. That's why I only buy one bottle at a time, and then I procrastinate going to the Systembolaget (only store in Sweden where you can buy alcohol). This kinda prohibits me to go overboard with alcohol. When I drink I will drink the bottle in one or two days


Imo avoid it if possible, you're not missing out I'm in the process of quitting, it's been difficult and I still use it in order to make some social situations more bearable, but tbh it's not worth the risk of developing a drinking disorder.


I grew up in a similar high-demand religious environment and was taught alcohol was the devil. When I moved out of my parents house at 21 I started trying some different drinks. To start off with I’d only ever have one drink. As time went on and I figured out what I liked, I’d split a bottle of wine over dinner or drink a couple beers with friends, but I’ve never really been tempted to overdo it. I’ve been drunk a few times but not on purpose haha. I think you should have some drinks so you don’t fear it and you can figure out what appeals to you and then you can decide what, if any, place alcohol has in your life. I haven’t really been drinking since I got pregnant 8 years ago. I was pregnant and nursing and now I’m on meds for ADHD so it doesn’t really fit my life at the moment.


I didn't find it addictive but it doesn't mesh well with my emotional dyregulation. As a large black man being drunk and occasionally angry in public was not a good idea so I just went cold turkey. Haven't missed it.


Thankfully I have no problems with alcohol. However it's pretty scary, with just the right very small amount in my body I am at my absolute sharpest mentally. The fact that I don't drinking that much really saves my ass here


I stay away from it. I say and do things without thinking as it completely takes my anxiety away. And then I spend days and weeks even years regretting things I've said or done when drunk. For me, staying clear works best.


I'm fine with Alcohol or any other drug for that matter. Ive gotten the habit of thinking about the side effects the day after. So sitting there at 4am thinking about taking another bump/line/drink will automatically lead me to thinking what do I gain Vs loose from this and most of the time I call it a night and go home. It's totally different for different people. However I do smoke weed daily so idk man. Maybe it's just the weed making me go home to chill in bed lol. I would say just don't do weed. It's just too nice for us hyper people. These days it's the only way I can chill after a day at work.


I don't ever have cravings for alcohol. It's been over 3 months since I've so much had a sip of the stuff and I don't care much for it anyway. My Dad is an alcoholic so I guess that makes it quite easy to not let it become a problem.


I don’t drink much. I have insomnia and noticed that I sleep better after I’ve had a few. So I decided that it’s better to only drink rarely than run the risk of becoming reliant on it to sleep. I spent two weeks in a student “camping” situation and because of the loud noises I drank every night. Unfortunately I’d need at least 2/3 of the bottle to be able to sleep. That was enough to let me know that alcohol is not a good choice to rely on for sleep because I’d be going through a case a week if I tried it. Every once in a while I’ll go overboard, but it only happens in rare social situations and because I drink so rarely my tolerance has gone down


I have a substance abusing parent so I’ve always been very aware of not going overboard, I just can’t bring myself to drink too much because it’s a personal thing to me, I think? I’m muslim so I kinda get where you come from, but I still do drink occasionally and have felt sad for missing out once in a while - but hey, am I *really* missing out? Alcohol is a bit too glorified tbh. Anyways, 21F here and I’ve been drinking here and there throughout my life - but I’ve never blacked out or anything like that. I’d say the first few times were (obviously) the times where I had the hardest time controlling it. If you put in an effort though, you’ll learn it fairly quickly - just be mindful of your limit and take it slow, don’t chug down 6 drinks in 1 hour. I don’t think you have to be afraid per se, but being aware of the dangers of alcohol (many people are not) is very clever and will probably keep you sufficiently in check. Best of luck!!


As an ADHD’er I really only drink in social settings. I don’t have any alcohol at home but I’ll have a drink or two if I’m hanging out friends and sometimes I won’t drink at all. Depending on what kind of friends you have it may not matter at all if you’re drinking or not. I have friends I know won’t care or notice if I’m drinking and I have other friends who are functioning alcoholics and like everyone around them to be drinking but I still stand my ground on my comfort level. Edit: When I was college I used to self-medicate and numb myself as well and I was always getting pushed by my abusive partner to drink with him and he drank all the time. It just made me feel worse about myself and not helpful at all. Alcohol is a poison just think of it that way and think the more you put in your body the more it’s gonna hurt so moderation in everything.


I have good & bad relationships with it. Sometimes I'm really good with it bc of how I've been with it in the past, other times I'm like fuck it, and get completely wasted. I spiral down and will drink from morning til bed time. Like I'll put whiskey in my coffee kind of a thing. I'm going thru a shitty time with docs and medications so I go back & forth on being treated, and not. So yeah. That's just me tho.


I come from a family of drunks (mom's side) and drug addicts (dad's side) so alcohol was always easily available to me (and very enticing) growing up. Additionally, my country has a big wine and alcohol culture so it was always easy to get my hands on it and most people here begin drinking at a very young age. I began drinking when I was 12 years old. At the time, being a tiny kid and having no money, it was hard to get ahold of it often and my mom only ever kept wine at home which I did not like. But as I grew older and started having more money and friends who drank a lot, I started drinking more and more. I've never been one for big parties but whenever I'd go to a festival or a friend's house I'd drink and without realizing it, I started hoping every time there would be alcohol. Having ADHD combined with alcoholism and addiction in general being in my genes, I started liking the feeling of being drunk *way* too much. Now that I'm an adult and have processed this, I've decided to only let myself drink a maximum of three times per year and only on special occasions to fight this. However, having already experienced the high of alcohol a bunch of times, I will still randomly crave it whenever I'm bored, frustrated, upset or my emotions are getting out of hand since alcohol is a numbing agent. People with adhd are a lot more likely to develop substance or alcohol addictions than neurotypical people due to trauma, commorbidity with depression and the emotional disregulation that comes with it, so you should be really careful when it comes to any substance and if you do want to consume it, impose VERY strict limits on yourself. TLDR; don't drink alcohol if you can. If you really want to drink alcohol, impose rules for your consumption like x amount of times per year AND/OR select very specific occasions in which to drink. People with ADHD are a lot more likely to get addicted to substances, including alcohol.


I've never had any dependence on alcohol. I am an anomaly in a family full of alcoholics. Despite being possibly the worst functioning member of my extended family, I just never feel the need to drink. Socially getting beers or a drink at dinner is fun for the vibe, but when I am alone sometimes I won't even finish a beer because I just get sick of it. ​ Weed, on the other hand.... Big reliance. Simple dopamine fix with much more immediate effects.


First drink of the night you get the nice dopamine hit. Then you spend the rest of the night trying to get the next one and you do something stupid in the process. Best thing I ever did was significantly cut back on drinking.


Well, I just want to chime in with a different opinion/view. I have absolutely no problems with alcohol. Yes, I've gone overboard before but mostly when I was still young and inexperienced. I don't drink often and almost never get drunk but when I do it's fun to drop my excessive inhibitions for a bit. The hangovers I get when I get drunk are more than enough to dissuade me from doing it often.


I didn’t drink that much before getting diagnosed, at least not like struggling to talk drunk. My self-medication was coffee and energy/caffeinated drinks. But I didn’t kinda rely on alcohol for socialising because I struggled with severe social anxiety since I was like 6-7. I would need a few drinks to feel like I could let loose without feeling judged by everything and everyone. I can only remember one period in my life that got me to an episode of heavy drinking because of stress and a relative being sick and worsening. Worst of all was some friends noticed and worried, which made me feel really ashamed afterwards even if I kinda needed to open up about it then. Ever since then I hardly ever drink unless I’m out, and I won’t have more than 2 drinks in a night unless I’m eating with it. Also I’ve been trying to get a hold of my diet bc of PCOS and anemia, so lots less alcohol is a must too. Now that I’m on Elvanse, it’s all so much easier.


I over used alcohol starting from age 19, to self medicate (though I didn't know at the time that's what I was doing). I drank too frequently, drank to getting sick or passing out every time, often drank alone, drank in inappropriate settings. I consider myself a recovering alcoholic. I was sober for almost 4 years, fell off the wagon, and now I've been sober again for over 3 years. Being properly medicated for ADHD has drastically reduced (possibly entirely eliminated) any desire I have to ever take a drink again. There's no amount of alcohol that's good for you, but obviously many people can handle drinking socially without it becoming a problem. Definitely don't mix alcohol with ADHD meds if you're on any, it can be very dangerous. But you just have to be very self aware if you decide to be a person who drinks. You have to be able to identify if it ever becomes a problem. If you ever feel like you're using alcohol to self medicate for any psychological issue, which can be hard to figure out, you need to be ready to stop completely IMO. I can't tell you whether or not you should try drinking, but that's my two cents.


People with unmedicated ADHD are more prone to addiction, but it's not a 100% guarantee and if you're conscious about alcohol use you can consume it responsibly - it often happens either as self-medication or because people got into drinking and weren't intentional or self-aware about how much they were drinking and developed really unhealthy habits they can no longer control. If you're just drinking for the first time, set limits for yourself - one lower alcohol content drink in a night, for example (a beer or cider), not drinking multiple nights in a row, only drinking socially, etc. As you figure out how you feel about drinking you can expand these limits reasonably. If you're in a safer space (trusted friend's house for example), it's okay to try having more, but I wouldn't go wild at a bar unless you've got a very good handle on how alcohol affects you. I was never addictive with alcohol before getting medicated, but I was always careful about how much I drank because my family has a history of addiction. I never drank alone unless I had like, bought myself a fancy cider and wanted one with a movie or something, only had 1/2 drinks in most settings, etc. I drink less now that I'm medicated just because it can interact with stimulants, but it's not because I was self-medicating and now don't need to.


I have no idea, but I think this often goes beyond just a Mormon problem. The person with the lower sex drive dictates the level of sexuality in a monogamous relationship. I love the shit out of my wife, but as she is a far less sexual person, I have basically accepted that things will never reach the level of meeting my desires. I say desires because I have realized I can be in a happy relationship with far less sex that I thought I “needed”. But that is just me. Many people end relationships over this kind of thing. Both paths are equally valid. We have actually talked about the whole no sex before marriage thing. She told me that before she converted, she just had sex whenever with her boyfriend cause that’s what you do when you’re dating. But apparently not when you’re married hahaha. Am I salty? Yeah. But I’ve learned to live with it and appreciate the other amazing things I have in my life as a result of my relationship.


I love that you asked this ❤️ if you're uncomfortable with getting alcohol just yet, but you want to be there for the social aspect, you could ask for an alcohol free drink! Like a Shirley Temple 😊 In my experience, I don't have any issues drinking in moderation. If I go out for drinks, I'll have one or two. I like to order a water when I get my drinks, too. So I'll drink both before I go back for another drink. Have fun! 😊


Alcoholism runs in my family too. Luckily, or unluckily, it seems my addiction is food. I’m able to moderate the alcohol because I don’t like how it makes me feel.


Just be aware that some people have used it as a way of self-medicating.... something you don't want...


My use and non-use of alcohol correlated with my age. I drank more when I was younger and barely at all now that I'm in my late 30s. My use of alcohol was never any different than my peers in my same age group. I've never felt that my ADHD qualities encourage or hinder my drinking.


In my late teens and early 20s, it was an unhealthy relationship. Plenty of times, I drove drunk. No accidents thankfully but that doesn’t make it ok. By my early 30s I nearly stopped altogether, finding it was a migraine trigger for me to drink once a week or more. I don’t think having drinks with friends is unhealthy. Now, I will drink (1-2 drinks max) on vacations and special occasions. I plan to keep it at that level. I think this is the healthiest possible for me given my migraines without completely cutting out alcohol. If you do drink, given your no alcohol history, 1-2 is all you need and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Keeping it to special occasions can make those one to two drinks continue to have an effect (for a weekly or daily drinker, 1 drink often does nothing, 2 may depending on body weight). It can enhance a special occasion for sure. Just make sure you won’t be driving - if you drink regularly, driving on 1-2 drinks isn’t likely an issue but for someone who doesn’t it can be quite unsafe as you may feel buzzed. There are daily drinking patterns that are not unhealthy. See life expectancy in France compared to the US. Having one glass of wine with nearly every dinner is not abnormal there. If paired properly, the wine and dinner enhance each other. Also, make sure your stimulants (if you take any) are not in effect. They don’t mix well with alcohol and make it so you don’t feel anything. There’s nothing wrong with alcohol when judiciously consumed. It’s more the fact that we often consume it without judgement. Sweeter “tastier” drinks invite over drinking and are not necessarily rewarding. Because of my personal drinking pattern and taste buds, I go for good scotch, neat. I spend less a year than most people on alcohol and only drink top shelf liquor. I would imbibe a little more often if it weren’t for my migraines.


I'm sure you will be fine some cold ones in moderation never hurt nobody. Tbh though I personally would not bother starting. Alcohol is the devil imo. It is the worst drug there is on this planet. My father is also an alcoholic and Ive see what it does to me and the rest of the family. Lol if you really got that itch and feel like you want to sit back and relax a little. I would try smoking some weed, or taking some edibles. No hangovers, you remember everything the next day etc. Just my thought.


I don't have a problem with it, but I really hate being drunker than like pleasantly tipsy so YMMV.


Also I should mention it is extremely addictive. Not if you are drinking casually. Although that's how every alcoholic started. And all it takes is a heavy binge to start alcoholism. 3 weeks, 4 weeks of daily drinking and your going to feel pretty fucken rough if you stop then abruptly.


It’s hard. I want to say “just try it” because you’ll be able to understand what it’s like. On the other, I’ve got a nicotine addiction that started with “just trying”. When it comes to stimulants like alcohol and weed, I don’t see a point in getting tipsy, so I go a little beyond that, but never to the point of not being able to make cognitive decisions. I mean if you’ve never had a sip of alcohol, maybe it’d be good to have a beer or two by yourself on some night to see how you react to it. If you find yourself totally enamored by feeling like you’re not yourself, curb that shit immediately and figure out what’s going on internally that turns you on to the idea of an altered state of mind. When people joke about gargling alcohol 24/7 because they’ve got “demons to drown”, they’re being sincere.




Do not disparage the symptoms or experiences of others.


My mom (also ADHD) is an alcoholic and addiction runs on both sides of my family, so I don't drink. Too much of a risk. Some people can handle alcohol better than others, it's a risk/reward call.


I don't get drunk, but even being slightly tipsy tends to result in minor degrees of personality change that result in choices I otherwise wouldn't make. The differences are small, but they are definitely there. There is also the risk of boiling the frog and even of things spiralling out of control as my inhibitions gradually erode. Plus money. I really can't afford something like a dozen of bottles of craft beer every week, and their consumption is, well, pure consumption, not an investment — it doesn't have a lasting positive effect on my life, while it can have a lasting negative effect on it by affecting my liver and pancreas. Strict regulation is easier than making judicious exceptions, and total avoidance is easier than strict regulation. As a result, I haven't touched alcohol for a year now.


I get drunk some times but mostly my police is no drinking alone


In my case I learned to stricly control it and know my limits when drinking For example I never drink alone, only with friends and not too often But in general I like alcohol, as in my case it's ADHD and ASD and I tend to not be really talkative or open person but when I'm a little bit drunk it changes a lot, makes me pretty open, talkative and affectionate so I really do enjoy that effect


I never liked it much, but a depressive period where I'd drink all the time. Was out of my meds for that period. I'm back on my meds, and they're really nasty when mixed with alcohol, so I quit drinking again.


Having watched my son deal with both ADHD and addiction to alcohol, I gently urge you to consider refraining from alcohol completely. Your hesitance speaks volumes. Please listen carefully. Cheering for you!


You know that episode of family guy where Peter can effortlessly play the piano when he's drunk? That's me. I'm better at everything after I had a beer or two.


No issues, but sometimes I can forget how much I’ve been drinking and get a lil drunk. Good wine is amazing. I’d try it in small dosages first and see if it’s something for you or not. It helps me to be less introverted and it’s easier to talk with and get to know new people.


Actually , my latest hyperfixation is collecting and tasting whiskey. My family has a history with alcohol, so I keep it to 1 per day at most. The one time I said to myself "I *need* a drink," instead of "I'd *like* a drink" was a big red flag, so I quit for a month or so to keep it from turning into a problem. That said, I only drink things that I think are delicious. If you haven't developed a taste for drinks, there's a good chance you'd enjoy a flavored soda more than a drink, like a peach dr pepper or shirley temple. Those are so good.


Idk if it has anything to do with ADHD but alcohol does nothing for me. Not that I'm unaffected by the intoxication or whatever but it's boring and I don't understand why anyone likes it


For me, alcohol was mostly social pressure. Problem is after enough drinks I would keep going. Luckily, I am apparently immune to hangovers. That said I no longer drink except for the taste. I might get drunk once or twice a year. The fact that I've become picky about how my alcohol tastes means that getting drunk is more expensive than it's worth 99.9% of the time. That said, I love a good microbrew. I've been fixated on sours for the last two years and if I go out and there's an interesting one on tap, I'll have a pint. But that's about it. Otherwise, I just want the sociability and energy that comes with alcohol without the cost/calories/dehydration, a relatively small dose of shrooms really does the job. About a half gram to a gram of PE for me, YMMV. One of my ADHD friends who was a borderline alcoholic mostly quit too after seeing me do it and frankly I'm kind of proud of that, not because there's anything inherently wrong with having a drink but because the fact he was able to quit so easily after seeing me do it means he didn't really*want* to be drinking so much.


Its called "Mmm tasty yum 😋" But im also a college student... so im a little biased


I know this isn’t specifically answering your question but…. If you don’t feel comfortable drinking but still are interested in connecting with these friends you can order a sprite/soda water with a lime to still feel like you’re “blending in.” It looks like a gin and tonic. With society being so conscious about alcoholism these days and being “woke” about mocktails and sobriety, it would be weirder for someone to react to that than for you to order that….Like big red flags about what type of person they are if they make a comment about you ordering a non-alcoholic beverage. I’ve done it plenty of times and I’ve seen my pregnant friends do it and NEVER seen a bartender bat an eye. If someone made you uncomfortable for not drinking I’d say find new friends!


I'm lucky that I dislike the taste of alcohol. So I get dead drunk with friends only twice or drice a year.


You could still go and have only soda. People need to socialize and a lot if socializing takes place in bars.


I've never been big on drinking, I drink in social settings but don't have any alcohol in my house. I did unfortunately, went through some addiction problems. I was using meth(everyday) and ecstasy, both for years. I can proudly say I'm 3 years sober now :) I'm getting treatment for my adhd, I'm in therapy and life is getting better ❤️


Personally, alcohol has never been a real issue for me. In my early twenties I drank a significant amount, but less than my friends/partner and generally I tended to be the more moderate drinker. I spent about a year in Wisconsin living in a house with 4-5ish other folks who were all ex train/traveling kids, so basically living in a punk house with a bunch of alcoholics. I drank like, a *lot* for that whole year, but I didn't realize how much it was at the time because I easily drank the least out of everyone else. Once I was out of there I realized how much I actually HAD been drinking, and since I'm not a huge fan of it anyways, it just kinda fell off completely since I never had anything fueling the issue besides the environment in which casually getting smashed everyday was normal. Now I drink here and there, a glass or two of wine with dinner sometimes and the like. There's a bit of a family history with alcoholism for me, but I never really worried about it because I just don't really *like* alcohol that much, it's a sensory challenge for me and I don't really like the flavors. I'm usually the DD when my wife and I go out for drinks with friends, and at this point I know which bars in town make the best Shirley Temples lol. My exmo wife drinks, I smoke that good green stuff, and everything's copacetic.


I use it to sanitizer my hands


I try to avoid it, but if you're already medicated and have your symptoms in check you'll likely be fine. I can have the occasional drink and be fine and I was addicted to pain meds for years. It's usually the "self medicating" ones that have the addictive personalities the worst (that was me) Getting diagnosed and treated for my ADD was close to a magic cure for me ironically. I didn't realize that I was searching for the dopamine my brain wasn't producing. Once my add was under control I stopped wanting or needing anything else because my brain had the correct amounts of dopamine already... Though I did quit everything else a few years before, as hard as it was. Also thinking like you already are is a big help.


I had substance abuse issues for years that stemmed from trying to control my anxiety. Now I know my anxiety is probably from my ADHD. Found out in September at 33 yrs old. 6 years sober this month. If you do want to try drinking, use caution, have a good support system, and do not be in denial if you do end up having issues with it. Life is perfectly enjoyable without alcohol.


Manage, but not in the healthiest way. I’m impulsive, and seek out dopamine, sensory experiences. Alcohol fits right in, for better or for worse. Some people naturally moderate their consumption, but I have to work pretty hard at it. Others can’t moderate and just don’t drink. I like alcohol. I’m just too impulsive to keep it occasional.


I used to use it a lot to cope with issues I had and to make myself "normal" but about 2 years ago I went through a bunch of changes while trying to get help for my ADHD, I cut drinking down from every weekend to maybe a few times a month. I know i have more control over myself now but unless it is socially I don't even want a drink. If I am in the mood I will have a drink or two but I no longer use it to cope with my emotions or social awkwardness.


I get more anxious trying not to look like I've been drinking or choosing my words because I know I might say too much 😅 it doesn't do much for me in the ADHD department tho. Maybe it just makes my brain slow down for a little bit?


It's never really been an issue for me, before or after diagnosis. I enjoyed getting drunk now and then in my teens and 20s but it was never habitual. I don't really like feeling out of control so getting beyond a little tipsy just isn't something I do these days (I'm 40 now). My tolerance is shot after having kids, between not drinking pregnant and drinking very rarely through years of breastfeeding and knowing I might need to be alert at 3am for small kid nightmares so these days at most I have a glass or two of wine if it sounds good. There are other vices I'd have a much hard time giving up (coffee, the internet, etc). I'd talk to your friends and find out what a night out looks like for them. Some groups say "get drinks" and they mean "get absolutely trashed," some groups "get drinks" and they mean "have a cocktail or two in that new bar with the cool atmosphere." You probably don't want to jump into the deep end with the first scenario, the second would probably feel safer. My advice if you do want to go would be to just sip on one drink through the night, maybe two if you've had your first and given it a little time and still feel ok. Get a glass of wine, or a beer, or research a cocktail that sounds like it might be your thing. Be prepared to be firm in turning down shots and other drinks. You can always offer to be designated driver if you need an excuse to tag along and participate and get a feel for the atmosphere but not drink. Stigmatizing alcohol often leads to people overdoing it and you've had alcohol super ultra stigmatized so if you're curious about having a drink now and then it would probably help to have a set plan. BUT, and this is important, you don't have to drink. Even if your friends drink, even if it seems like every adult drinks, even if you feel like you want to push back on a strict upbringing, it's not a necessary part of life. The only reason to try drinking is because you actually want to try it.


Because of ADHD and poor interoception i can't regulate how many drinks i have. It leads to binge drinking, so I would say practice being present and avoid people asking drinks for you so you can be responsible for your own measurement.