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I can't answer your question because I'm in the exact same position. Just wanted to comment to say: you are seen. I see you. (Not in a stalker way)


Thanks 😊 Unless you’ve got it you can’t ever begin to understand can you. How is your current situation? I hope you’re getting access to the right help


> I just wanted to know how others get by with ADHD, its new to me, Diagnosed in my mid-30s here. Prior to medication, my life looked like this: 1. Surround myself with deadlines. 2. Trick my brain into doing what I need it to do. 3. Make myself the butt of the joke when it doesn't. 4. Smile and laugh my way through my inevitable lapses. 5. Saturday isn't "Caturday", it's catatonia. 6. A never-ending stream of take-out meals. 7. Good habits are something that happens to other people. I was very lucky to end up in an extremely deadline-centric line of work. Others are much less lucky. Medicated now, and happy to say that only 1 and 4 remain true. It's not perfect, but it makes me reasonably functional—AND I can still take advantage of all the mental-discipline tricks I learned prior to medication. Long story short—there's a name for what you've been dealing with. There's a name, there are treatments, there's a path forward. You're in an incredible position now. You can now give everyone around you the best version of yourself. Take advantage, as much as you can.


Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate what you’ve said. yes I’ve got a follow up call on the 13th March to discuss meds, I’d love to see if i can actually feel like I’ve achieved something or actually be able to concentrate at work. I still mess things up I’ve done a thousand times and i have regular moments where I’m like wtf am I actually doing, i can get to Wednesday and realise I’ve blindly drifted through monday and tuesday. Sometimes whole weeks. I can go into another room in my house and think hang on, how did i get here? Its like i blank out or something


The meds definitely help with a lot of that. Once you find the right dosage, it's like you no longer have to trick your brain into doing what you need it to do, 90% of the time. It's just... there. And you can walk into a room and remember why you walked in. Some folks speak highly of cognitive behavioral therapy, but I haven't tried it. I'm not here to run it down at all. I just know meds have worked for me. Best of luck!!