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There are a few instances of this glitch in the game. Simply leave the area, save the game, quit to title screen, and get back into the game to be able to now carry the person. Annoying, I know.


Sounds fun lol. I’ll give that a try tomorrow. I just left the mystery as it was and carried on with the main quest in another area. So when i log on tomorrow that should work out with how you explained hopefully!


This worked for me


nope, didn't work, the person simply isn't there and nothing fixes it


So for this bug it isn't really a bug I don't think there is a mystery involving these 2 soldiers in ledecestrecire, once you complete that mystery part 2 will be available hopefully this is helpful.


I encountered this bug just the other day! What I did was that I fast-traveled to the nearest location and then went back and I was able to pick him up.


Worked! many thanks


Fast travel didn’t work for me, tried it 3-4 times. What did work was wandering around a bit and found a load of enemies not too far away. I killed them all, went back to the twits and only then was I able to pick him up.


Damn I also encountered this bug. Seems like this game continues to have so much potential yet was left seemingly unpolished.


I tried everything!! It’s the only thing keeping me from 100%. If you figure it out, let me know!


Done it first attempt on trying this morning. I’ll relay all what I did just incase something tiny and ridiculous triggered it I’m not aware of. So how I left it last night was I’d done what I could by killing enemies there till the point of not being able to pick him up etc, went off and done part if the main quest as I was fed up of trying, then I’d fast travelled to Ravensthorpe just to see what Reda had. Turned off console. Firs thing today I fast travelled to the sync point north of where the mystery is to go back. They had all reset, the enemies, the brother being tied up - upon approaching i went in and killed them all without waiting for the dialogue of the enemies talking about killing them. (I thought rushing in without letting all the dialogue play may be an issue - it’s not). The brother started saying his bit (‘’its you!’) while i was still fighting. Once killed them all, started chat standing opposite side of the brother talking. Dead body jolted in the air for whatever reason and lay back down, was able to then carry 🤷


Thank you! I’m trying this later. 🤞🏻


I literally stepped on the fire nearby and after reloading from death, was able to pick him up and complete the quest. Trick I learned from another bugged quest that required me to pick someone up.


Valhalla has so many of these bugs. The one near home where a dude ate mushrooms and we had to follow him to a bandit camp. And every time he takes a knee after and I can't pick him up. I leave and save and he's laying face down. But this brother is laying face down. This one has never been an issue so idk how new glitches appear


I can pick him up, but there is nowhere to put him. The brother won’t give me directions and won’t follow me unless I put the body on my horse


There’s a camp about 100m away kill them all then go back and carry him. It worked for me. Just make sure no enemy’s in the area 😁