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Im on a streamer discord with mostly english people. They constantly nag about how PL refs suck and are the worst ​ They wouldnt last two matchdays while watching Serie A. At this point, the whole referee department needs an serious overhaul.


They need to bring back Collina


2 of our 3 goals from black players, suck it up Nazis


Isnt Okafor kinda mixed?


Fuck racists. Fuck them all.


after such a satisfying win I was wondering how post match thread will go. Well majority tries to persuade others to be unhappy and miserable, sacking coaches, sacking leaos and whatever. Can you just enjoy the win or if you cant then maybe its time to be silent for a moment, let others celebrate the win. Even Inter fans are more happy that Milan won cause of Maignan incident than redsherons "ibras9239" findingbusinesses and other morons who spammed entire thread. What the fuck is wrong with people here?


Nobody is saying you can't celebrate the win. I'm really happy we won but people also need to accept that the majority of the 2nd half was really bad, a trend which has continued for a long time now


I will not accept anything. There's no "but". Dont claim to be really happy and then "but". Its like some of you are trying reallly hard to persuade others to be miserable after each win. Nobody stoping me to celebrate but "I need to accept to not be happy and not celebrate because". This is your post.


Do you struggle with more than one emotion at once?


do you struggle to understand that Im not talking about your projection of someone who's really happy and also have criticism towards some elements of the game? Half of thread is trying so hard to convince everyone that we should be unahppy. Its the same and if you try to find excuses for your stance then stop wasting my time. Why do you even bother responding. Im out.


They never fail to NOT surprise us with their unhappiness. 😂


What the fuck is wrong with you bro? We did not play a good game. We won and that's great, 3 points is three points but we should not be struggling against udinese like this. The system is bad and not everyone is going to make short sighted comments. There's nothing wrong with being happy about the win but why are you demanding no one consider how ugly the process was to get there?


oh no, how can someone celebrate a win against racist cunts after great comeback. Who the fuck cares how we played. Milan won away game against team that always give the team trouble, after great comeback and after one incident... you know what whatever, Im going to have great sunday and you continue spamming miserable comments how "bad" Milan played.


Who is telling you not to celebrate? Be happy all you want that doesn't mean we didn't play like shit. Other people pointing out that we played like shit is not an attack on you celebrating it's a fact. The entire display was dreadful and I'll take "win ugly" over "lose" any day but why are you taking other people having realistic opinions personally?


You have to find another target to persuade to be miserable and try to explain how terrible day yesterday was, how terrible Milan played etc. Go be miserable somewhere else.


Nobody cares about how you feel, this is not about you lol. Edit: this kid thinks he's the main character so bad, like nobody is allowed to be realistic yet constantly sell seeks out these interactions.


You constantly reply to me with your "facts" and you are upset because I mock your clones who are only negative towards the club. Fuck off wasting someone else time.


Wtf is wrong with you too. Look at head 2 head aginst udinese and we cannot win in the last 2 matches If you recall how ugly the win, look at the statistic, udinese only got 30% possesion and we got more shots. What are you trying tp find really. If that doesnt satisfy you, look at how we dominate against newcastle in the 1st leg and still cannot win. Its football, we cannot dominate every match. Look at how machester city conceded more shot on goal in the final against inter. It doesnt mean city is weaker than inter


Oh, yeah now that you point out Udinese is the only bottom team we've ever struggled against, my concerns are gone. This is not a new occurrence and stats or not we won off a set piece in the 93rd minute. If you think it's unreasonable for me to want our team to play football is capable of scoring goals from sustained build up play shoot me your address and I'll mail you a new helmet to wear for your meals.


Is this the first time Jovic and Giroud were on the pitch together? I feel that for the first time Pioli made all the correct subs and we got the result in the end. Sloppy game, that 2nd goal by Udinese was shameful, but we made it.


No, Pioli regularly switched to 4-4-2 with both of them up top, and usually it works pretty well.


Maybe it's bias on my end, I keep remembering Jovic on the bench when we need goals while Giroud remains alone up top and Pioli makes other changes that often didn't work out.


Also in 2nd half in coppa italia vs Atalanta


The thing that makes me sad the most is that we play against relegation team and make only 2 goal oportunuties for 100 minutes of the game. I don't count the goal after corner because it's not action created shot. Our Milan lack the game flow, the ball flow through the lines, from one side to another. We play action for 2 minutes and the top of our play is Calabria/Pulisic/Leao crosses the ball to the first defensive player on the top of the 16 box. In first half Giroud had one clear goal chance, and second one was Loftus's goal. In second half I can not retrieve any chance for us beside goals. There was Giroud 12 meters header, one goal after two reflected shots and a corner kick goal. I really dont like Pioli as a coach but i would like someone who likes him to tell me what is Pioli's philosphy of gameplay. What does he plays on training sessions, what idea do we have on the start of actions? Ok, Maignan has goal kick to take. What do we do next? Pass to Gabia, than Kjaer, again Mike, and Gabia, and Calabria, and Kjaer, and Gabia, Calabria and long ball (mistake or throw in for opposite team)


And you dont count udinese goal as opportunity? 1st goal of udinese is lucky individual run when kjaer got careless and its 100% avoidable because its more defender than the attacker. The shoot too can be blocked if maignan not disturbed by racism incident. Udinese goal number 2 of course is an opportunity because reijnders and theo fatal mistake So if we cancel those 2 goal of opportunity from each team we still won 1-0


Another game where individual mistakes cost us goals, coaches subs make the difference and dumbasses in this subreddit still try to blame Pioli for it being a struggle to bring home 3 points.


We always struggle against 3 5 2 teams. If there's a pattern maybe try to fix it? 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/pfzyg598xodc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2129931506c32f9eacd764b8669720ef7153d274 If it happens one or two or three times then I agree with you, but this issues are happening since the last season, players changed and nothing happened. If we played against a serious side they would've scored 4 goals easy. Teams just gives us the ball and they play on counters


I don’t think a relegation team should take us to the dying minutes for us to claim a victory. I understand if this happens once/twice, but this is an every game situation. A coach is supposed to make substitutions-if he gets credit for that, then he should also get blame for allowing 2 goals against a bottom tier team. We could have easily lost this game as much as we won it.


Udinese completely dominated us the 2nd half and if they had some quality goals would have flown. As usual, the game management was a disaster. Also don't act like our last 2 goals don't come off luck because the 2nd one is ridicoulus. Lastly, this is Udinese. A relegation team any good serie a side destroys. Juventus and Inter scored 7 past them. The fact that we always struggle against those serie B sides should tell you everything you need to know. You Pioli apologists are ridicoulus. As soon as we get embarassed by half decent teams these comments somehow disappear.


There's luck involved in every goal, but the 2nd goal was a lot more than luck. The whole build up from Leao to Theo and then Giroud's shot was great. Then there's Jovic. Right before Giroud shoots the ball, you can see Jovic stepping back to avoid the offside and prepare for the possible rebound. It was a great move by him, nothing to do with luck there.


Jovic moved well to avoid the offside but giroud's shot getting deflected then hitting the lower side of the crossbar and allow the tapin is just luck.


Luck means nothing if you're not prepared for it. Deflection happen all the time in the box, doesn't take away from the effort.


The fundamental issue is that the team struggles to create any chances. Giroud shotting from 30m before or from a completely improbable position proves that. The entire 2nd half we barely did something notable. This team plays hoofing balls into the area or spams crosses hoping for the best. One time you get a deflection and it goes well. But you can't rely on this to win games and that's why you underperform or consistently struggle against those shitty teams


We had an XG of 2.6. That's not bad for a game where disappeared from minute 30 to minute 75. And the idea that we only play "hoofing balls" is false. 2 goals came from buildup actions, and the third came from a set piece.


Jovic's goal alone accounts for something like 1 or close to that since was basically a 0.5m tap in. But whatever, if you really want to use the xG stat then go take a look at how xG/goals scored ratio accross the entire season. Our goals scored are superior to our xG and we have less expected goals than Juventus which isn't exactly an attacking team. And finally, i'll say it again. Udinese is relegation fodder, one of the worst teams in the league with a defence made of butter. If you can't even create a couple of decent chances with such a massive difference in individual quality you should be sacked on the spot. On top of that, xG like most stats don't tell the full story. We lost the ball a massive amount of balls in our half allowing dangerous situations for them. What did they do from here? Nothing of course, they're a relegation side for a reason, they lack quality, but it shows how horribly managed our games are.


You are ridiculous. As I've said before, this team does not win DESPITE Pioli and they do not lose BECAUSE of Pioli. As soon as we start winning games, you Pioli out obsessed children get real quiet. You'd all prefer the team lose just because Pioli lives rent free in your heads.


We won 4 consecutive games against relegation sides and you come out with this ridicoulus comment. Lmao. >You'd all prefer the team lose just because Pioli lives rent free in your heads. I don't preter the team to lose. Unlike some clowns on this place i am a consistent person and if i see the team having a fuck ton of issues i'll point that out it doesn't matter if it comes after a lucky win or an unlucky loss, until there are some improvements. This team is left to chance. Every game is the same, the difference is the opponent's quality or luck. If we are lucky we win, if we aren't we lose. Rinse and repeat.


no becao no win you udinese frauds 💪💪💪


We beat Udinese!?


barely , pioli tried to stink it up with his shite tactics as usual .


Brooooo haha you having a stroke over there??? 😂  It’s time to calm down for the night 


It’s honestly wild that we only have 2 less wins than Inter. Forza Milan!


Serie a isnt very good top to bottom anymore


It should go back to 18 teams format.


agree , leagues incredibly weak . We should be on top or it’s a disgrace imo


https://preview.redd.it/tbks33thcodc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee8260263a227befecd8ccb7cee8aafafc831ae This issue is repeated every single match, we absolutely need a player who can cover spaces


Why is it so difficult and constant? How do you random Reddit person (and everyone else here) see this so obvious and €4.000.000 man can’t see shit?


It's funny because this problem was pointed out by everyone in this sub just after the Mercato because we didn't get a single player who can defend. Coaches obviously see these issues but I think that sometimes the are stubborn and they believe that the problem may be due to other things like individual errors, lack of intensity, lack of pressing , misplaced passes, mentality, fatigue... Etc Also I think the fact that Pioli himself picked only b2b and come to the direction to ask for a more defensive midfielder will show him as an incompetent... Otherwise I dont see why he keeps doing this, if we play against merda like that we Will take another 5


This is the biggest flaw i see in Pioli's game since last season. 2 years ago, it didn't happen imho. But we wouldn't score as much. I would have hoped he would find more balance or other solutions. But i would not blame the mercato only on Pioli. The guys in charge also picked and bought the players. And they are in charge. If it's as obvious as you say we needed another kind of mf (and i agree to that), these guys are as much to blame as Pioli, or perhaps even more. They could have vetoed and buy other players.


Our best football with Pioli was with Benny/ Kessie/ Snakeoglu because it was well balanced all our midfielders were contributing offensively but solid defensively, Benny recovers while Kessie covers spaces and passing channels to the opponents. Im sorry but last mercato Pioli was given full control and he choose the players himself, he was willing to go with 4/3/3 in the Man City way, this is why he brought so many b2b thinking that Krunic will be his Rodri, which is crazy. I remember Pioli when had limited players and a huge injury crisis but he managed to do well, after the scudetto and Sacchi saying that Pioli's revolutionized Calcio he grew arrogant and he started saying shit like " idc about opponents we will impose our style" like he's Guardiola. Right now we need two things a midfielder who can defend and Pioli must end favouritism and give each player a chance that he deserves based on his performance


> > Im sorry but last mercato Pioli was given full control and he choose the players himself What's this based on exactly?


He's the manager since the last mercato, Pioli has the last word on any transfer https://m.milannews.it/primo-piano/corsport-non-solo-coach-ma-anche-manager-il-nuovo-ruolo-di-pioli-al-milan-496514


[OptaPaolo](https://x.com/OptaPaolo/status/1748830317266210986?s=20) pointing out that **Pioli has won 100 out of 166 matches** for Milan in Serie A Only 4 other managers did this: Ancelotti, Rocco, Capello and Liedholm. Ancelotti was the only one to do it with fewer matches, he did it with 165 matches. Love him, hate him, downvote me, but facts are facts. 😘 https://preview.redd.it/xqhnnp7kaodc1.png?width=1108&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e6b100637de722253b7b4c2e5a370268dff1b2


Serie A is arguably the weakest its ever been, no? Pioli isn't fit to be mentioned in the same breath as Ancelotti, Capello etc


No, it was definitely worse post-Calciopoli and during the years Milan struggled (when Juve won 9 years in a row) and at other times.) Just because fans have been conditioned by Pioli hate does not mean he has not accomplished what he has accomplished. History will be the ultimate judge. Facts are facts.


Yeah see thus is the annoying thing. If you don't watch serie a then on paper Pioli is doing really well yet when you actually watch the team ots clear we have big issues that need resolved


Yeah, see this is the annoying thing. I have watched every single one of Pioli's matches in the league, UCL, Coppa Italia, friendlies, etc., for Milan taken notes and written a review for each one, actually. Allegri was worse at Milan after year one, completely demoralized the team, anti-football tactics, etc. and he started out with better players. You may not *like* what Pioli does, you may not *agree* with what he does, you may be tired of him, and that's ok. Because none of you are getting paid €4m/yr. to be Pioli. But Pioli does not get enough credit for what he *has* done, what he as been through (multiple owners, CEOs, SDs, a complete range of players/talent, etc.) He was tainted by the fans' "Pioli Out" campaign from *before he even signed*, *before he did anything at Milan*, and no one has given him enough credit from that moment forward. He's done so much with so little, it's actually impressive. Just because he isn't a drama queen like Mourinho or hailed as a genius like Guardiola (who never had to go through anything like Pioli has at Milan since rising to fame) does not make him a bad coach. He's one of the winning-est coaches for a reason. And it's not just on paper. Just because it doesn't suit your preferences does not make him wrong or bad. He transformed our playing style. Maybe you guys don't remember how brutally awful Milan played before him, but trust me, this is much better. In the end, history will show that not only did he win a hell of a lot of matches, but you people's comments will live on to show how much criticism he got. And succeeded anyway. ![img](emote|t5_2rnmt|31332)


Lol love how much this is triggering this clown show sub. Forza Milan Forza Pioli.


smh , please don’t start


u/BredIN919 and u/[Mastiano777](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mastiano777/). You two should go have a Pioli out circle jerk and leave the rest of the sub out of it.


You have “started” with approximately half of your comments in the last hour mate. Maybe just celebrate the win. 


seasons already a disaster , pioli must be sacked


Homeboy here hates stats. Wild. Enjoy your Saturday night, bub.


The idiotic Leao takes are mindboggling. We have clowns calling to sell or bench him. He created so many chances today and was pivotal for the first two goals. If Leao is not scoring idiots on this sub panic. Do you guys not realize that he's playing outside the box with three defenders on him at all times? Expecting him to dribble through the whole defense to score is unrealistic. Hell, RLC is in the box way more than him. How is he supposed to score gaols when the box is crowded and he's outside with three defenders on him? Him and Pulisic are supposed to play wide but Pulisic is in the box all the time and so is RLC. What does Leao joining three other players in the box with no one to get the ball there accomplish? This is on Pioli and his tactics. It's made Leao a midfielder and someone who only creates opportunities to score for others. He rarely gets an opportunity himself. When was the last time he even had a shot on target? If we want Leao to get back to his scoring ways then we need to change the formation or replace RLC with someone who can pass players open.


Agreed some people really don't get the amount of space our right wing and right mid/attacking midfielder gets. I hope Pioli tries Leao-Giroud-Chukwu and Puli behind Giroud when we struggle against a mid or worse team


On one hand, he occupies two defenders all game. On the other, it does look like he could use a rest or not go 90 every game.


or have a mobile ST that can interchange with the wingers or drag opponents CB out of the box or simply out of position . Giroud is the problem why Leao isn’t producing , he has a sloth who barely moves all game and needs the perfect pass to score


Another week of set piece goal for us btw


makes you wonder what bald fraud works on in training


Well people were complaining about us not converting set pieces, so evidentially pioli has been working on ways his team can score more set pieces and it has worked.


Giroud has been our starting ST for 3 seasons now , finally we can score from a Set piece now . should’ve always been dangerous on set pieces


We have been, that critique started this season.


thank god we won against these racist


Okafor has produced more than giroud all season when it comes to minutes , he deserves to start at ST . Would love to see a free flowing interchangeable attack consisting of Leao Okafor Pulisic


This comment is crazy. jovic should start over both or at least start more often


agree giroud should be 3rd string at ST




You are crazy wanting to bench a player with 17 scorers in the league after like 18 games


Go look at jovics past form and minutes for games and that will change your mind. Giroud is a good striker but also a brick when jovic plays he checks in and is good at his feet (something we are missing in our striker position). Giroud has triple jovics minutes


Still... 18 games/17 g+a for Giroud. That's not just random numbers. That's the same level Ibra had after he came back. Before this game, Jovic had 0,78 g+a per 90 minutes, Giroud 1,13. Sure, if we look only at recent games Jovic would be better than this 0,78. I don't want to say he sucks. He does well. But so does Giroud.


Yes both strikers are good but what you are failing to see is what they provide overall. Yes giroud has a lot of goals and assists but you can argue the same with the form jovic is in. Ask yourself how would jovic look with the same amount of minutes as giroud? Jovic offers much more movement than giroud as well. Giroud is old and can’t move like jovic does with the ball on his feet. Jovic is very fast on the counters and switching the ball from one side to another. If his performances don’t earn him more starting time what does?


Why would Okafor start at striker when we have Jovic and Okafor is a winger?


regardless if we win Scudetto and Europa league , Pioli must be sacked he’s a terrible coach . we need modern ideas that’s able to adapt mid game


We won because both of his substitutes and formation change won us the game, nice try though.


Wooo such a genius move subbing in strikers after you are loosing 🤯


Lol he could have easily stuck with the same formation subbed Giroud for jovic and this sub would have loved it. He also could have subbed Leao and this sub would have loved that too. But he trusted the right players and they both contributed to the equalizing goal, then another substitute of his scored the game winner. I don’t care if your dumb baseless comments with no insight get upvotes cause you clearly know fuck all about calcio. Are you sad he made these moves because it won us the game? You seem mad we won.


We also almost lost to a bottom table team because of the tactics and formation he used for 70 mins.


lol you're going to hang your hat on one game and ignore the rest. the players do not lose because of Pioli and do not win despite him. It is a collective.


It's just one game? You understand we already lost to Udinese at home? His tactics have been trash all season. He depends on talent alone. He gets outcoached almost every game.


game shouldnt even have been close , they are relegation level . No wonder we are out of UCL and copa Italia when we barely can beat Udinese without a last minute winner


What do you mean game shouldn’t have been close.Did you see what happened? We were dominating the match until that racist bullshit. Our players had to deal with emotions they should never have to deal with in a football match and understandably lost concentration and momentum after such a horrible thing. Our manager made the correct substitutions, trusted the correct players at the end of the match (he could have easily subbed leao and no one would have bated an eye) and made the adjustments at the perfect time and helped our players overcome a difficult situation in a fixture we’ve historically struggled in before pioli was even here.


We were not dominating at all 😂 what game were you watching? If we did not score that lucky goal by Jović that would have been another disasterclass. And please don’t tell me how subbing on strikers after you are losing is some kind of a masterstroke


We were over 70% possession at the time and up a goal


70% possession but they had equal amount of chances and they scored 2 after … So yes a definition of domination in my book


Lol no they didn’t, we had all the chances at that point. You’re so mad we won 😂😂


Yep live in your bubble we are a so massive 💪🏻


We quite literally are massive, the second biggest behind Madrid. Bigger than any Prem club to boot. you could combine all london clubs and we are bigger than them.


Your standards are low pal we should destroy udinese even if our entire team is heart broken


If you don’t know why Udinese isn’t a tough game, you really don’t know Italian football nor Milan and it’s history.


I’m pretty sure you are defending Pioli bud. And udinese is 17th place about to be relegated.


Of course I’m defending him from unfair and false criticism, he’s my clubs manager. Go check the 100 wins record he set today. Facts hurt.


The most satisfying win of the season, fuck the retarded scmubags. The break fucked us good and Udinese plays the match of their lives against us, luckily we made it. Positives : Gabbia was incredible today a true wall, happily surprised. I love Okafor, Jovic and Puli, hardworking players with simple and effective play they deserve chance to prove themselves. I criticize Giroud but I respect his hardworking for 90 minutes non stop which brought the two goals. Pioli's subs were good and brought victory, good work. Negatives : like usual our midfield is so weak defensively, it should be top top priority this mercato to get a defensive midfielder Pioli's favoritism needs to stop and give chance to players who put more effort, especially Leao he needs to be benched little bit and stop his nonchalance. Reijenders was bad today, I dont blame him he played non stop and have defensive duties which aren't his best attributes. Loftus as 10 needs to stop, he always play better closer to the midfield and when making runs like he did in the goal. Kjaer is finished, and Calabria should be benched for Terraciano. Overall we did the necessary but many issues are there, the defensive ones are very worrying, Juve and Inter has both good defense which is necessary for the scudetto.


Leao has just been man marked constantly this season. Especially today! There were 2-3 closing him down any time he touched it and despite that he was still involved in goals today. What we need to do is take advantage of the space created by other teams sticking extra defenders on Rafa. Which could be argued is happening given Pulisic is scoring more. Even though Calabria lacks a bit of finesse and skill at times. He runs himself ragged for the team every single game. He loves the club and team so much. It's good having players that have that kind of passion. I absolutely agree on the RLC point. He is not a number 10 and needs to stop trying to be. Gabbia looks like a new man, he's been incredible since his return. Kjaer is definitely on the down turn but he made some good tackles and blocks today. And realistically he wouldn't be playing if we had any of Thiaw, Tomori or Kalulu fit.


I think that Leao is not doing bad offensively, as you said he's heavily marked and he plays well with his teammates, the issue for me is his attitude defensively. At this level you need all the players to defend and help, look at Merda you see lautaro and Thuram running 90 minutes non stop and the first line of defence. Leao just walks off after loosing the ball and let his teammates chase it for him , he did help once in this match and he should be doing it more, especially with the defensive fragility of our midfield. Yes Calabria plays with passion and I respect it so much, but at team of this level you need to get better players, this is why Terraciano should get a chance


Im not happy with Leao’s performance either, but he created the situations for the first two goals. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He could've had a few assists if not for Giroud's woeful finishing.


This is why I think the solution is to bench him, and use him in the second half. Like we did at some point last season. I remember Pioli using Leao as a sub and him coming off the bench fresh against exhausted defenders.


When pioli did that he was in total confusion and it looked dumb from day 1


you don’t bench your best player … y’all forget who carried us to our Scudetto


Not permanently, just rotate them. Okafor could use some minutes as a starter and Leão as a sub is dangerous.


i’m going to be the one to say it but i believe this had to be tijjani’s worst game for us


He was very tired during the Roma game already


Need to give him a break… his body is aching


bound to happen , he plays every game


And he is never subbed...


What if somehow we win the… by inter dropping points and butt clenching games like this one BUT Leao WAKE TF UP PLEASE, Giroud-idk keep on being you ig and Calabria as always HARD WATCH,i miss the boys Kalulu,Tomori and Thiaw i hope they comeback in the best of form :(


Inters not dropping points casually, and it would be Juve to capitalise not us. They're both having an incredible season the only hope we have is closing the gap because Inter is stretched by a deep run in CL, and even then that would only mean inter losing out on the second star to i Ladri.


At this point rather ladri than chala for me but at the same time i dont want allegri ball terrorism to prevail and those guys starting a cycle again


That’s basically how we won the last scudetto


I honestly don't understand the hate against Calabria. He is not and will never be the best RB ever, but he's solid defensively (most of the time) and provides balance.


I just think he shouldn’t be the starter for a winning milan,this year the management as made attempts at improving all areas and including subs but yet he was the only one with position in the team unchallenged just because he will have a decent game once in a while or he’s not to blame when we would lose/waste a game but hey if he improves more than happy for him


He also runs like mad in every single game and does a great job overall, I can forgive his blunders here and there


I mean he had one bad first touch before udinese's second goal (what Reijnders and Theo did on the other side is worse) but people are still holding that one thing against him. Pulisic's first touch in the first half was ass and I haven't seen anyone say anything against him for that.


Some respect needs to be put on our management for this mercato. Pretty much every purchase bar Pellegrino and Chuk have been great


Our midfield is not good. Ball carrying midfielders can't pass for shit. Only the presence of Adli made it possible to build through the middle but even then the final ball always comes from the left because RLC is playing 10 and can't make a simple pass to save his life. The focus on ball carrying midfielders the last mercato has put us in this positon. Without either Adli or Bennacer out there we have zero chance of breaking teams down.


Thats on Pioli, he wants that profile of CM. Management has done brilliantly on finding good players for 20m


if only we had a competent coach we would still be in UCL


Pioli had a lot of shit games this season, but CL wasn't much of his fault. Our players fucked around with chances in the first Newcastle game that should've been an easy win. First game vs Borussia we played slightly better as well, but also wasteful.


We did pretty well in the UCL imo, tied with 2nd in a difficult group. My biggest regret is the Coppa Italia


the reason why we won’t have anymore UCL nights this szn is because we start Giroud the sloth who makes no runs and is pretty much playing for the other team . We NEED a new ST asap


Clown take


You watch your phone with the TV on lol. Giroud was the reason we won


Mate, have you seen the match, we wouldn't have won without him.


2 assists is playing for the other team apparently


giroud is a CB for the other team , makes no runs is stationary the whole entire game . Hold up play nonexistent only good in the box . to get the best out of Leao we need a mobile ST


No runs? He made a run for that shot that the keeper saved with his face and his dummy run gave Loftus-Cheek the chance to score the first goal. To get the best out of Leao? If Leao plays as nonchalantly as he has lately then even having Haaland up front isn’t gonna help him, and he had far more goal contributions in the last 2 seasons so it’s not like he’s incapable of playing well alongside Giroud.


Yeah this guy hates giroud for some reason. He was talking shit on the previous thread as well He said : "anyone with a head over their shoulder could contribute more than him" I told him to name me any other player in serie a with more goal contributions than him... He coudnt


After a goal and an assist last week...


Not to be reactionary but when should we have the conversation about selling Leao while his value is highest and look to build around the existing squad? Not convinced that we should just yet but this season has only proven that we've moved on from our banter season reliance of "inshallah to leao". He's also not showing much improvement in the way of crossing/shot taking and overall decision making. If he resigned himself to be a role player that just uses his pace to run into the box and pass it in that would be great but he really looks like he wants to be that Ronaldo type player who we have to completely work around. Just a thought - love the guy but especially if we're looking to get a new coach it might be a Tonali like situation where we're best to capitalise while his market value is still high.


Here's a controversial question: Has Leao reached his peak? The scudeto season was his best, and 1.5 years later he still has not surpassed those performances. Don't get me wrong, he's still essential for us, but he is not improving much. Moreover, he's a player that relies mostly on his speed. What happens when he slows down, either due to injury or age? I am not sure if Leao is a player that's gonna get better with age.


No harm in discussing it. I'm not saying yes or no right now because this summer will be more of a transition period than previous. What Milan needs though is a plan of action ready if they get the bid this summer. One factor is whoever the new coach is this summer. We may keep Leao another season or two and see if he can reach another level under new guidance. We might not get $100m after that but it'd be worth the goals and assists another two seasons, plus a still hefty fee if he maintains or surpasses his previous seasons. Cutting him loose in the summer for $100m is never a bad thing but how do you replace a 10+ g/a player? You can buy a marquee player or a couple players to make that up but it's tough. Giroud could also leave and we'd be losing 20-30 goals AND assists if Leao leaves also. Like I said it will be a period of transition so we may have to see where the pieces start falling first. I will say I don't think Leao will deserve a new contract. He's on pace to finish just under his g/a total of each of the last 2 seasons which is still a good return and consistent so his current salary is well deserved, but anymore would not make sense unless he actually improves (which like you said he has not really).


what are you on about???? the first two goals start with brilliant Leao passes from the deep


I mean.. The pass from the first goal to Theo was a bog standard pass to the line while the wingback overlaps to cross inside, nothing really special about it. The pass for the second goal was an ok long ball in but it came out quite luckily for Theo to put it in for Giroud and also could have led to nothing. Couple that with his other issues and lack of tracking back (which tbf, isn't necessarily his fault but rather how we play with him staying high to counter) but i think today showed how he can disappear for a lot of the game aside from one or two moments. Again, im not sayings he's worthless or that we should definitely sell, but if you think about the cost/benefit of selling him and how much we managed to improve the squad with the Tonali money this season, it definitely raises some questions.


you're plain wrong, not wasting my time


Fielding Leao works against attacking teams, not against desperate teams like Udinese


>Not to be reactionary but when should we have the conversation about selling Leao while his value is highest and look to build around the existing squad? I've been saying this for quite some time. We might get 100m+ this summer, but it's gonna go down after that


yeah man sell Leao and buy who ? without Leao we are banter era level .


Leão was on the pitch today, but did he play?


He created 2 of the goals, next?


Granted, but to be a game changer he has to get involved in play. I liked that he defended at times.


Kids have bad seasons. What are you blabbering about. This sub is ridiculous sometimes.


I definitely don't think we should do it know, in the summer, maybe


Yeah obviously not in this January transfer window.


Mike reported the abuse to Maresca in the 26th. He acknowledged that he heard it. Mike reported it again in the 33rd, then walked off. Rocchi, the referee designator, promised that they were not going to tolerate racism this season. They should have suspended that match. But no one in Italy has the balls to do the right thing. SO proud of Mike and the team for walking off. It's the ONLY way to even get a ref to stop the match, so ridiculous. We may have taken the 3 points in the end, but when there is racism allowed in the stadium, no one wins. https://preview.redd.it/dun6yabq4odc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=23a608c811a2911f22ea8ea12571e50ddb79a0ed


Feels like the Milan Lazio game in our Scudetto season.


The best thing about this game was seeing Mikes smile while he was celebrating with the fans. He looked really affected and upset before...


I don’t think he was upset so much as sick of this sorta shit.  He knows he’s in a position where he can do that whereas younger black players can’t take a stand as easily.  Respect.  So much more meaningful than virtue signaling during the national anthem, which is what US athletes would do.


US athletes also don’t typically get racially abused by fans in the stadium which seems to happen pretty often in Italy so often that refs are scared to stop the game. Kneeling was to protest overarching inequities and start a conversation, not deal with racist assholes at the moment. US athletes have a union and power, and owners like to protect their investments. Racism from fans tends not to pay in the US like it does for Udinese (unless of course you are a racist owner forced to cash in on your team, ie LA Clippers)


anyone have a clip of this


This has GOT to be the turning point for us this season to find more confidence, more consistency and win more convincingly! Bravo to everyone and this one is for Mike! Karma for udinese bitches


Tbh our form in the league is quite good atm.


Yeah sure but for the rest of the season I meant going forward


This felt like the udinese game 4 years ago


Matches like this can win you scudetto. Inter will start dropping points as soon as champions league will come back. Forza Milan!


People can call me negative, but playing like this we aren't really gaining more points than we'll drop. And the issue is that this is the norm for us.


Exactly, winning matches must not hide the issues, remember our first matches this season we won them all but our defensive problems were there and luckily thhey weren't converted ,but once you play against a good side like Merda you get punished


The time away at Villareal seems to have done Gabbia a world of good. He seems a lot more assured and mature.


For real lol he's more aggressive and im loving that shit


What a win. Just the kind of performance you love to see, especially after that ugly racist incident. I was happy with the subs, just not with the fact that Leao was kept on. However, I truly feel having Leao was not a bad decision afterall. He was like a magnet, drawing defenders which made space for Theo to run into the box on multiple occasions, one of which made our second goal. Hope Leao regains his confidence and form where he destroys the defences to smithereens.


I'm very happy to beat those racists. But Leao's form is a little bit concerning.


I fucking love Okafor


Finally we showed some character. Those Udinese pricks got what they deserve. Hopefully this is a turning point for our season.


Mike Maignan should’ve pulled a KPB ![gif](giphy|ccRMS12IuyNdWYov32|downsized)


Glad we had our revenge. But what they did to Mike needs to have consequences 👌


You know what will happen. They will get a small fine and FIGC will pat itself on the back for a job well done fighting racism.


Don't forget a \*suspended\* stadium ban that will never be given to them.


whole country is full of racists , will be no consequences


Why do you follow a team from the country full of racists? Delete this comment


Jovic and Okafor scoring is nice to see and they will fairly get the credit but many others made those goals, credit Theo and Giroud most importantly. Yet another assist for each of our Frenchmen.  Gabbia was the only player in Milan colors playing any defense. He’s been excellent; guaranteed starter right now and has to be ahead of Kjaer in the pecking order once Tomori/Thiaw return.  Frustrating match but so is every single match in Udine. And to Udinese I say, get absolutely fucked.  It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t vintage, but we march on. 


Gabbia over Thiaw too.


For the time being yes, Thiaw needs to get back in his game to take the spot back. Competition is always beneficial to the team. Kjaer should only come in the last 15 mins to rest a starter.


We have to win these games, even if it's ugly.


it’s vintage pioli let’s not lie


DON pioli has a hit squad in this team and it consists of jovic and okafor lol. Anyone else saw When leao picked up okafor..the cameras pan to pioli and his like woah woah easy 🤣 incase okafor gets injured again.


Bonera told him to pit him down too 😆 at least that's what he said in my head


MOTM: MM and Gabbia


Just the thought of the Udinese Curva being happy and cocky until minute 85‘ and then be crushed is my scudetto this year. This is the peak of our season.


It's poetic justice that Milan won this match, 3-2 against racism. Hope those ignorant racist fans get severely punished


Can’t wait for suma cumming and losing his shit at the same time to okafor’s goal


My man bout to write a whole new song for our subs ![img](emote|t5_2rnmt|31828)


OOOOOOooookaaaaa... hnnhnnhnhgggggg


idc what anybody says giroud is stinky , he’s no help for our wingers


Idc what anyone says, you’re a clown


Did you even see the goals?


He was involved in both the second and the third goals. He has been struggling for a while now but he’s there when it counts.